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Scene 1

(Servants from the Capulet and Montague household quarrel and fight with swords)

Benvolio: Disgrace! Part you fools!

(Enters Tybalt)

Tybalt: What are you doing Benvolio?

Benvolio: It’s none of your business Tybalt, Im trying to keep peace

Tybalt: Peace? There will never be peace among the Capulet and

Montagues. I hate all Montagues. Cowards!

(Tybalt and Benvolio fights)

(Lord Capulet and lady Capulet enters)

Lord Capulet: What is this commotion? Hand me my sword!

Lady Capulet: A sword, for what?

(The Montagues enter)

Lord Montague: My rival, Capulet. Let me go!

Lady Montague: one should not seek war

(Prince Escalus enters)

Prince: Enemies to peace, stop this nonsense. If you shall

Forfeit peace. Your lives will serve as payment for breaking the law.

You shall depart old men. Capulet, I’d like to have a word. Montague, meet me this afternoon.

(Everyone exits except for the Montagues and Benvolio)

Lord Montague: What happened?

Benvolio: Our servants fought.

Lady Montague: May I ask, where is Romeo?

Benvolio: I hadn't seen him maam

(Romeo enters)

Benvolio: There he is (points a finger at romeo)

(Montagues exit)

Benvolio: goodmorning cousin?

Romeo: Oh, it’s still early? I haven't noticed. Sad hours do seem long.

Was that my father? What happened?

Benvolio: Long story, may I ask? What saddens the great Romeo?

Romeo: Love I guess. Being in love but out of her favour

Benvolio: oh love, does marvellous things to us humans. Tell me, who is it you love?

Romeo: I'd rather not. She is rich in beauty and too fair, too wise

Benvolio: Hmm, Forget her

Romeo: Ay, teach me how.

Benvolio: Look for other women that can satisfy your taste

Romeo: My dear cousin. Help me.

Scene 2: Meanwhile in the Capulet household

Lord Capulet: Oh that old Montague.

Lady Capulet: (hugs lord Capulet) now dear you should stop thinking about that and start to rest

Lord Capulet: bring me Paris

Lady Capulet: Why do you ask for Paris dear?

Lord Capulet: Juliet is already 14 and we aren't getting any younger.

Lady Capulet: Are you implying that Paris and Juliet…

Lord Capulet: (interrupts her) Yes! Juliet is already old enough to be a bride. Go and fetch her and tell her about this

Lady Capulet: anything for you, my love.


Lady Capulet: Nurse, where's my daughter Can you please ask her to come immediately?

Nurse: Your wish is my command

(Juliet in the garden watching the fountain)

Nurse: Juliet! (Sees Juliet) Oh Juliet, your mother asks for you.

(Runs inside)

Juliet: Mother, you asked for me?

Lady Capulet: yes. Um nurse leave us be

Juliet: what is it mother?

Lady Capulet: Juliet, you're 14 and, well. Tell me, what do you think of you getting married?

Juliet: well it is an honour that I do not dream of.

Lady Capulet: think of marriage now my daughter, the valiant Paris seeks for your love.

Juliet: yes mother.

Scene 3-5
Peter: I need to find someone educated, who can read

(Makikita Sila Romeo) Excuse me, can you read

Romeo: Yes, I can read my fate because of the sadness I have

Peter: But can you read by sight

Benvolio: Yes, if I recognize the letters and language

Peter: Forget it but thanks anyway

Romeo: Wait, We're just joking, I can read (Binasa yung hawak ni Peter)

Signior Martino, his wife and daughters, Count Anselme

Mercutio. Mercutio's on the list. Hmmm

Mercutio: My uncle Capulet, his wife and daughters, My Beautiful niece Rosaline. Lot of people on that list, what's this for?

Peter: A party

Romeo: Where?

Peter: At my Master's house, the great rich Capulet. All is invited except for a Montague. Thanks (Aalis)

Benvolio: Rosaline will be there!!! (Titingin kay Romeo) Let's go to the party and I'll show you that other girls are more beautiful than
your fair Rosaline.

Romeo: More beautiful than her? That's impossible. She is the only woman born with that great beauty

Benvolio: Psh, You will see. You should compare her to other girls. I bet they can put Rosaline in a shade

Romeo: Fine, I'll go. But not because I think other girls are better than her. I'm going so that I can see her.

{At the party}

Romeo; Are we going in, and make an excuse for not being invited or let's wait for what will happen

(Nakatayo at nanood sa mga taong pumapasok sa mansion ng mga Capulet)

Benvolio: We'll just go in, too bad if they don't like us

(Horatio, tatango-tango)

Romeo: Ok, Horatio give me the torch. I'm not going to dance

Mercutio: but you should dance

Benvolio: come on, it's getting late

Mercutio: hand me a mask, Benvolio. Let's go

Romeo: I have a feeling that something's gonna happen tonight, and it will end with me having to repay a debt in life
(Mercutio and Benvolio iiling- iling)

[Pumasok na Sila tas si Capulet nakipag kamay sa Kanila na parang Hindi sya kilala]

(Separate ways, pumunta si Romeo sa table at may servant na nagserve ng wine nya sa glass. Kinuha ni Romeo tas dadaan so Juliet.
Nahulog ni Romeo and baso, nilinisan nung servant)

Romeo: Who is that girl?

Servant: I don't know sir (tas umalis ng mabilis)

(Juliet sumasayaw with an unknown man, nagbow sila sa isa't Isa Juliet paalis, nakalagay Ang kamay sa likod, hiniwakan ni Romeo
kamay nya sa likod, Juliet di pa humaharap)

Romeo: Are my hands rough? I still have lips that are soft enough to soothe you

Juliet: No (humarap nagmeet Yung palms, Basta Yun) are hands are actually kissing. See?

(Lumapit si Romeo)

Romeo: Yes, but we also have lips

Juliet: But lips are for praying

Romeo: Like the hands, so why don't you let our lips do the same as our hands. I'm praying you will kiss me. If you don't I'll die.

Juliet: I can't grant that prayer. There is a saint statue in the chapel, and it grants prayers even though it doesn't move

Romeo: Don't move then, for you are my saint, you're the only one who can answer my prayer

(Kiss ni Romeo at Juliet)

Romeo: You've heard my prayers, and take my sins with that kiss.

Juliet: then my lips are full of sin now

Romeo: Let me take it back

(Kiss ulit)

{Dadating nurse, Aalis Juliet}

Romeo: Who is she?

Nurse: She's the Master's daughter

[Umalis nurse]

Romeo: If she's the daughter of the master of this house, and the party is host by Capulet. Then I fall in love with my enemy?!

Benvolio: Romeo, let's go

(Naglalakad sila sa unahan si Romeo)

Horatio: Romeo, hey Romeo

Mercutio: Romeo!

Benvolio: Cousin

(Papalapit sila tas nagtago si Romeo)

Mercutio: He run off home to avoid us, maybe his sleeping already

Benvolio: No, he was here a moment ago. I bet he climbed over this orchard

Mercutio: he disappeared like a ghost

Horatio: he is hiding in the orchard let us leave him. Love is blind so it's fine if he is in the dark

Mercutio: Oh well, good night Romeo, I need my bed. Shall we go without him?

Benvolio: yes, we can never find someone who doesn't want to be found

(Lalabas si Juliet)

Juliet: I can’t believe I’m falling in love with a Montague. Well, I can’t blame him for his flattering words still whispers through my ears
and that kiss…. Romeo. Those eyes filled with passion and that smile totally capturing my pounding heart. Oh, Romeo.

Romeo: Just call me “love”

Juliet: (magugulat) who are you?

Romeo: I have no name, because you don't like my name

Juliet: You are Romeo? A Montague??

Romeo: No, you dislike both of my names

Juliet: Why are you here? (Unexpected kiss) If they see you they'll kill you

Romeo: I'd rather be caught than live without you

Juliet: then I’d rather risk my life than see my love suffer for my heart belongs to you, Romeo. May I ask, does yours belong to me?

Romeo: Of course it does. I love you, Juliet. My dear love, these walls can’t stop me, neither your kings men, from expressing my
undying love for you, Juliet. How your beauty is as beautiful as the night sky your eyes shines like the stars above and that beautiful
smile as the moon pierces through the wonder of the night a song not needed, for the music is your graceful voice. All these, my hearts
beats forever for you, calm my heart with beats return. I love you so much, Juliet. [hug si Juliet pero itutulak si Romeo}

Juliet: If you really love me and you want to marry me p, send me a message tomorrow. I'll send someone to you. Let me know where
and what time you've arranged a wedding and I'll come then we can be together

Nurse: Juliet!

Juliet: I'm coming! I'll send a messenger tommorow


Romeo: (Aalis na sana)

Juliet: Romeo! What time shall I send someone?

Romeo: nine in the morning

Juliet: I'll make sure of that. You must leave now, it's so hard to say goodbye. I want to say goodnight until tomorrow. (Kiss sa cheeks
tas Umalis)

[Romeo Umalis, pupunta kay Friar Lawrence]

Romeo: Good morning father

Friar Lawrence: Visiting me so early in the morning? Is there something wrong? You are worried about something, if not you'd be in
bed, fast asleep. And I can tell youve not even in been in bed tonight.

Romeo: yes

Friar Lawrence: What? Have you been with Rosaline?

Romeo: Rosaline? Who? I don't remember her

Friar Lawrence: But where have you been?

Romeo: I'll tell you in your way to the chapel. I feast with my enemies when one of them wounded me and I wounded her too. But you're
the one who can heal us both

Friar Lawrence: I don't understand

Romeo: I've fallen in love with Capulet's daughter and her with me. So you must marry us, an must agree to Mary us today

Friar Lawrence: WHAT! Have you forgotten Rosaline? Do really young men love will their eyes and not their hearts? You cried so much
for Rosaline and now it's all change

Romeo: You told me to bury love

Friar Lawrence: Not to dig another one up

Romeo: Please, The one I love now finally loves me in return, the other didn't.

Friar Lawrence: because you didn't mean it. (Nagisip) come on then, I can help you in this and maybe this will be the answer to turn
your house holds hatred into love

[Bumalik na si Romeo. Nakita nya sila Mercutio at Benvolio]

Benvolio: Where have you been?

Romeo: Good morning. I had important business. I'm sorry

[Dadating Nurse]

Nurse: good morning gentlemen

Mercutio: Good afternoon, fair gentlewoman

Nurse: is it afternoon?

Mercutio: oh yes, the rude hand is on the prick of noon

Nurse: Disgusting. (Uupo sa fountain) Gentlemen, can you tell me where I can find young Romeo

Romeo: I am Romeo

Nurse: I'd like a word with you Romeo. My young lady told me to find you. But first, if you're planning to double cross her then it's a thing
to do to any young woman.
Romeo: Tell her to find some way of going to confession this afternoon and there at Friar Lawrence chapel she'll be given absolution
and married, all the same time. (Binigyan ng bag Mula sa pocket nya) My servant will bring you a rope as a ladder so that I'll be able to
get to Juliet's room tonight. Goodbye. Give your mistress my love.

Nurse: Peter let's go

[Pumunta nurse Kay Juliet]

Juliet: What did he say??

Nurse: Have you had your dinner?

Juliet: No. What did Romeo say about us getting married?

Nurse: have you got permission to go to confession today?

Juliet: I have

Nurse: Then get yourself to Friar Lawrence cell as fast as you can. There's a husband waiting there to make you a wife. Hurry. I have to
get a rope ladder so that your lover can climb up to your love nest as soon as it's dark. Off with you. I'm going to have my dinner. Go on

[Juliet pumunta sa chapel, nagyakapan sila ni Romeo. Pinaghiwalay ni Friar Lawrence]

Friar Lawrence: come on come on, enough with this nonsense let's get on with it. Follow me

Scene 6-7
[When they reached the fountain Mercutio bent over towards it and splashed water at the others.]

Benvolio: Come on now, Mercutio. Let's go! It's very hot now and we’re right outside Capulet‘s house: if we should bump into any of
them there’s bound to be trouble. Tempers are short in this heat.

[Mercutio laughed]

Mercutio: Look who’s talking. You’re the biggest troublemaker of all. You’re like the fellow who goes into a pub, slams his sword down
on the counter and cries: “I hope I won’t need you” (IMITATES BENVOLIO) and then, after his second drink, challenges the landlord for
no reason at all.’

Benvolio: ‘Who, me?

[all pointing at him and laughing]

Mercutio: Come on now, what’s this innocent act? You’re as hot a fellow as any in Italy.’

[winking at others--> Thumping Benvolio on the back, jeering]

Mercutio: ‘Didn’t you once fall out with a tailor for wearing his new waistcoat before Easter? And someone else for tying his new shoes
with old laces? And you lecture me on quarrels?’

Benvolio: Huh! ‘If I were as quick to quarrel as you no-one on earth would bet on my life lasting longer than an hour and a quarter.’

Mercutio: Oh what...
[Benvolio interrupted him]
[group of young men coming out of the Capulet mansion.]

Benvolio: Careful, here come the capulets

[Mercutio carried on pouring water over his head.]

Mercutio: So what!
[Men walked towards them. Mercutio whistling]

Tybalt: Stay close behind me (to his companions) I’ll do the talking. Gentlemen, good afternoon. I’d like a word with one of you

Mercutio: Is that all? Just one word with just one of us?
[whistles again pretended to wash his armpits]
‘Let’s have a bit more than just one word. Add something to it: make it a word and a blow.’

Tybalt: ‘You’ll find me ready for that, Sir, if you give me any reason

Mercutio: Couldn’t you find some reason?

[others laughed]

Tybalt: Mercutio, you consort with Romeo

Mercutio: Consort? What, are you making musicians of us? (Looking at Tybalt for the first time) If you make musicians of us don’t
expect anything but discords
[Mercutio drew his sword]

Here’s my fiddle bow. Here’s the thing that will make you dance. God almighty! Consorts!

[Tybalt surprised and stepped back]

Mercutio: ‘Look here,’ ‘This is a public place. Either discuss it rationally or let’s go somewhere private. Or better still, let’s just go home.
Everyone’s looking at us.’

[Tybalt drew his sword]

Tybalt: ‘Men’s eyes were made for looking I won’t budge for anyone.’

[Mercutio looked as though he was going to make an opening move but instead of engaging with Tybalt he lowered the point of his
rapier and buried it in the ground. Then he leant on it and began whistling again. Everyone clapped. Tybalt smiled]

[Romeo running]

Romeo: Benvolio! Mercutio!

Tybalt: Well never mind. Here comes my man.

Mercutio: I don’t see him wearing your uniform, If you think he’s your man then you’ll find out how right you are. Lead on to the duelling
field and you’ll discover that he’s your man alright.

[He leant over the fountain and drank deeply.]

Tybalt: Romeo

[Romeo turned and smiled. His face was dripping water.]

Tybalt: There’s only one thing I have to say to you. You are a scoundrel

Romeo: Tybalt! I have good reasons for excusing this behaviour of yours. But don’t call me a scoundrel. I’ll say goodbye now. It‘s best
to ignore you if you‘re going to be like this.


Tybalt: Boy, This won’t excuse your insult to me. So turn and draw

Romeo: Come on now, ‘I’ve never insulted you: I love you more than you can imagine.’

[Tybalt ignored Romeo's extended hand]

Romeo: You’ll know the reason for my love very soon, and so, dear Capulet, whose name I respect as highly as my own, be patient till

Mercutio: How can you let him push you around like that? Submit to him if you like but I won’t. Hey Tybalt, you rat-catcher!’ You’re not
leaving! Are you?’

Tybalt: Why? What do you want?

[Mercutio drew his rapier]

Mercutio: My dear king of cats, only one of your nine lives. I intend taking it from you and, depending on how you behave after that,
beat the other eight with a stick.’ [He bowed] Will you be so kind as to draw your sword out of its scabbard by its ears? Hurry, if you
please, or mine will be around your ears before you know it.
Tybalt: Well Sir. (He drew his sword) I am for you.’

Romeo: No! Please, please, Mercutio. Put your rapier away.

Help me, Benvolio. Draw, Benvolio. Beat down their weapons

[Benvolio laughing]

Romeo: ‘Mercutio! Stop it.’ ‘Please stop. Stop. The Prince has forbidden this in Verona. Don’t you remember? Oh please, stop, both of

[Crowd laughing. Tybalt began walking

Romeo embraced Mercutio]

Mercutio: I'm hurt. Curse both your houses I’ve had it.

Benvolio: What? Are you hurt?

Mercutio: Just a scratch. But it’s enough. ‘Where’s my page? Tell him to go and get a doctor.

[Romeo noticed a blood stain]

Romeo: Come on, Mercutio. The wound can’t be that bad?’

Mercutio: No! It’s not as deep as a well, nor as wide as a church door. But it’s enough: it will do.

[Crowd clapping
Mercutio dropped back on the ground
Romeo knelt down and Mercutio gripped his hand]

Mercutio: I’ve had it! Romeo. Curse both your houses. Why did you keep coming between us? He got me under your arm.

Romeo: I was only trying to help.

Mercutio: Benvolio! Help me into the house or I’ll pass out.

[Romeo and Benvolio lifted him up, leaving Romeo behind]

[Romeo alone]
Romeo: Mercutio, my friend, he got a wound on my behalf. I should have anwsered Tybalt's challenge.

[Benvolio running]

Benvolio: Romeo.....Mercutio's dead

Romeo: No! This is not true! I-it couldn't be. There's going to be more of this. I can feel it. This is only the beginning.

[Tybalt came out of the Capulet house]

Benvolio: There's Tybalt again.

Romeo: Tybalt! You called me a scoundrel. Take it back! Mercutio’s dead and one of us will go with him.

Tybalt: You wretched boy, you’ll be the one to go with him.

[Romeo waved the sword]

Romeo: This will decide that.

[fight using rapiers

both lost their rapiers during exchange---> physical strength (punch scratch kick)
Romeo came close to suffocation at one point as Tybalt got him round the neck and tried to squeeze the life out of him. But he
struggled out of it and backed away.]

Romeo was exhausted but he summoned up all his stamina and as soon as he saw his chance he took it – his rapier pierced Tybalt
through the chest. He felt the weapon give as it passed through Tvbalt’s body and he saw Tybalt’s shirt begin to turn red. Then time
seemed to stop: it was as though nothing moved. He pulled his rapier out and Tybalt fell. The fiery Capulet was dead before he touched
the ground.

Benvolio: Run, Romeo! Don’t stand staring. It’s death if they catch you. Get going!

Romeo: Oh, fate has destroyed me.

Benvolio: What are you waiting for?

[Guards approached Benvolio]

Guard: Where's the man who killed Mercutio? Where did Tybalt go?

Benvolio: There he is!

[Points the dead body]
Prince: Where are those who started this quarrel?

Benvolio: Noble Prince, I can tell you everything. (He pointed to Tybalt’s body.) There he is, killed by young Romeo for killing your
cousin Mercutio.

[Lady Capulet kissed Tybalt's face, while crying]

Lady Capulet: Oh my brother’s child! Oh Prince, the blood of my nephew has been spilt. I want revenge. I want the Montague’s blood.
She lay her head on Tybalt’s chest. ‘Oh nephew, nephew.

Prince: Benvolio! Who started this?

Benvolio: Romeo gently spoke to Tybalt, he said he hadn't wanted to fight and Tybalt turned on Mercutio who, just as angry, started
quarrelling until it came to blows. Romeo tried to stop them and Mercutio had been wounded under his arm. It was only then, once
Mercutio had been killed, and Romeo had attacked Tybalt.

Lady Capulet: He’s a Montague. Naturally he’s biased. And he’s lying. it wasn’t just the two of them fighting – there were at least
twenty. All fighting. I want justice and you must give it to me, Prince. Romeo murdered Tybalt. Romeo must die.’
Prince: Romeo killed Tybalt and Tybalt killed Mercutio. Who should pay the price for Tybalt’s death?’

Montague: Not Romeo. Not Romeo, Prince. He was Mercutio’s friend. He only did what the law should have done.’

Prince: And for that we must exile him.

[Pointing at the Capulet and then the Montague]
You’ve dragged me into your hatred now. My own cousin lies there bleeding. I’m going to fine you so heavily that you’ll be sorry for it. I’ll
be deaf to all pleas and excuses so don’t even try. I’m sick and tired of this. If I’m too lenient there’ll only be more killing. Let Romeo go
immediately, else when he’s found that hour will be his last.

Scene 8-9
Friar Lawrence: Oh Juliet, I already know what happened. I hear you have to marry the Count on Thursday.

Juliet: Don’t give me the whole story, just tell me what to do. If you can’t help me then I’ll help myself. [naglabas ng kutsilyo] With this.
God joined my heart and Romeo’s and you joined our hands. Before this hand does anything else I’ll use it to kill myself. So you’d
better either give me some advice or watch me die. Speak up. I’m longing to die, and will if you don’t give me another solution.

Friar Lawrence: [kinuha ang kutsilyo kay Juliet] I think there’s a ray of hope. It needs a desperate remedy – as desperate as the
situation you’re in. If you really would sooner kill yourself than marry Paris then I think you’d be prepared to take this on. You’d have to
go through something like death, though. If you dare then I’ll give you the remedy.

Juliet: Oh you can tell me to do anything rather than marry Paris. Tell me to jump from the battlements of any tower, or go out and steal.
Or tell me to go into a new grave and snuggle up to a dead man in his shroud – things that would make anyone shudder. And I will do it
without hesitation if it means I’ll be able to live a pure and faithful wife to my love.

Friar Lawrence: Alright then, I’m convinced. Here’s the plan. Go home, put on a happy face. Agree to marry Paris. Tomorrow is
Wednesday. Now look here. Make sure that when you go to bed you’re alone in your room. Don’t let your nurse in. Here. [binigay yung
bottle] When you’re in bed drink the liquid. In a little while your body fluids will grow cold and you will have no pulse. There’ll be no
warmth and no breath to show that you’re alive. The colour in your face will go and your eyes will close as though in death. Your limbs
will be stiff and cold like a corpse’s. Then, when the bridegroom arrives to wake you up on your wedding day, there you’ll be: dead!
After forty-two hours you’ll wake up as though from a pleasant sleep. They’ll dress you in your best clothes and take you to the ancient
tomb where all the Capulets are laid to rest. In the meantime, while I’m waiting for you to wake up, I’ll send a letter to Romeo and he’ll
come here. And he and I will watch you wake up and that very night he’ll take you off to Mantua. That is the solution if you have the
courage to go through with it.

Juliet: Give me, give me. Don’t talk to me about fear.

Friar Lawrence: Here. Go now. Be strong and don’t weaken. I’ll send a friar to Mantua immediately, with a letter to Romeo.

Juliet: thank you so much

[Umalis si Juliet]

Lady Capulet; Hello, little Miss Headstrong, and where have you been gadding about?

Juliet; Where I’ve learnt to repent of the sin of disobedience. Friar Lawrence made me promise to fall down at your feet and beg your
pardon. Pardon, I beg of you. From now on I’ll do as I’m told.’

Lady Capulet; then will you get ready for your wedding. Nurse help her

[lumapit nurse tas nagsukat ng dress si Juliet]

Lady Capulet; You’ve been busy. Are you all ready or do you need my help?

Juliet; No thanks, we’ve done everything. Please let me be alone now. And take Nurse with you – she can stay up and help you: I ‘m
sure you all have your hands full with everything that has to be done before tomorrow. [umalis sila. Humiga sa bed si Juliet] Romeo!
Romeo! Romeo! [binuksan yung bottle] I drink to you! [ininom]

Nurse; Mistress. Wake up… Juliet? ‘Juliet! Hello lamb. Lady. Shame on you, you lazybones.’ Still nothing. She’d try the soft approach.
‘Lo-ove. Madam. Sweetheart. Hey bride! Nothing to say? Get your money’s worth of sleep for a week. Because I’ll bet Paris has no
intention of letting you sleep tonight. Oh no. ‘Help.’ ‘Help! My lady’s dead. Hurry! My Lord! My Lady!’

Lady Capulet: What’s all the noise? What’s the matter? Juliet … Juliet … my child. My only life. Wake up please, please, wake up, or I’ll
die with you. Get help. Quickly!

Lord Capulet: What’s going on? Come on! Bring Juliet down. Her husband’s arrived.

Nurse; she’s dead…. She’s dead, she’s dead

Lord Capulet; She’s cold. Her blood’s stopped flowing and she’s stiff. She’s been dead for hours. How pitiful to see her. So young.
Death has taken her like frost takes a beautiful flower.

Friar Lawrence; All ready to go to church?

Capulet; Death has beaten you to it. He slept with her last night. Death is my son-in-law: Death is my heir: he has married my daughter.
I will die now and leave him everything. Everything belongs to Death now.
Friar Lawrence: She wasn’t yours entirely: you shared her with heaven. And now heaven’s got everything. But she’s better off for it. You
could never have kept your share of her from Death but heaven can give her eternal life. You wanted to do well by her and now you’re
crying when she‘s gone to heaven. You don’t love your child very much if you go mad when you see how well she is. And in any case,
long marriages are never happy: it’s just as well to die young. Dry your tears and put rosemary on this beautiful corpse. Dress her in her
best clothes and take her to church. It’s natural to cry but not sensible since she’s gone to heaven.

Lady Capulet; Everything that we’ve prepared for her wedding will mark her funeral now. Our musical instruments will be changed to
mournful bells, our celebration to a wake, our hymns to funeral dirges, our bridal flowers to a wreath – everything has become its

Romeo; Balthazar. Have you got a letter from the Friar? How’s my wife? And my father? Is he alright? How’s my Juliet? I’m asking that
because if she’s well then everything is wonderful.

Balthazar; She’s well. So nothing can be wrong. Her body’s sleeping in Capulet’s tomb and her soul’s among the angels. I watched
them putting her in their family vault.

Romeo; It can’t be! The stars are against us. But I won’t give in to them! Go and get me some paper and ink and hire us some horses.

Balthazar; Sir be careful you’re upset and I’m worried that something bad is going to happen.’

Romeo; Just do as I tell you. Haven’t you got a letter from the Friar?

Balthasar; No.

Romeo; Apothecary!

Scene 10
Paris: (to the page) give me your torch. I mean, put out the fire, I'd rather not be seen. Go far away, put your ear near the ground and
whistle to me if you hear footsteps. Buy me some flowers too.

Page: Im afraid but I’ll do my best.

(naglakad out of the scene)

Paris: Juliet, sweet flower. Every night I will sprinkle flowers in your bridal bed. And sprinkle perfume and own tears distilled from my

(Page wistle)

Paris: the boy wistle. Someone is coming. Who could it be?

(paris exit)

(romeo and balthasar enters)

Romeo: Take this letter. Make sure you deliver it to my father early in the morning. Don’t follow me no matter what you hear or see.
Don’t interrupt me in my business. If you come back to pry into what I’m doing, I swear by heaven that I’ll rip you apart and spread your
limbs around this churchyard.

Balthasar: I will not bother you sir.

Romeo: Live on, be prosperous and farewell.

Balthasar: All the same, (to the audience) I’ll hide here. I’m afraid for him and I doubt he’ll do what he threatened.

Romeo: You, entrance to the tomb, are like the hated mouth of an animal. You’ve eaten the sweetest thing in the world, my Juliet, and
she’s made you sick with her sweetness.

Paris: That exiled Montague, who murdered my love’s cousin. Everyone supposes that the murder caused her to die of grief. I’ll
apprehend him. Stop this unholy work, you vile Montague! Are you trying to get vengeance on these people beyond death? I will arrest
you. Obey and go with me, for you must die.

Romeo: I must indeed, and that’s what I came here for. Gentle young man, don’t tempt someone as desperate as me in violence.

Paris: I challenge your disgusting behaviour.

Romeo: Well then, fight me!

Page: Oh my! They are fighting. I must call the watchman.

Paris: I’ve been stabbed! Open the tomb and lay me beside Juliet.

Romeo: Indeed I will. You, seem to be written down on fate’s list of the unlucky! I’ll bury you where there is light, poor slaughtered
youth. For here lies Juliet, and her radiant beauty makes this dark crypt full of light.

(papasok sa tomb)

Romeo: Oh my love! My wife! Death, which has taken away your sweet breath, has not yet taken away your beauty. Ah dear Juliet,
why are you still so beautiful? Is invisible death in love with you? I’ll stay here with you, and I’ll never leave this palace of dim night
again. Oh, here I’ll set up my everlasting rest, and I’ll shake off the burden of my unlucky fate from my weary body. Arms, take your last
embrace! And lips, with this virtuous kiss seal a contract with death that has no end or limit! Here’s to my love! [Drinks] Oh you were a
true apothecary! Your drugs work quickly. I’ll die with a kiss.

Friar Lawrence: Who’s there?

Balthasar: It’s me sir.

Friar Lawrence: Tell me, what's that torch over there?

Balthasar: My master is there. Someone you are really fond of.

Friar Lawrence: who is it?

Balthasar: Romeo

Friar Lawrence: how long has he been there?

Balthasar: half an hour

Friar Lawrence: come with me

Balthasar: I choose not to sir. He thinks I left and he threatened to kill me if I watched what he is doing.

Friar Lawrence: Then I’ll go alone.

Friar Lawrence: Romeo! Oh no, oh no, who’s blood is this that’s all over the entrance to the crypt? Romeo! Oh, you are pale! Who
else? What, Paris too? And Paris is all bloodied? Ah, what an evil time made this tragic accident occur! Juliet is waking up.

Juliet: Oh my comforting friar! Where is my husband? I remembered where I was going to wake up, and here I am. Where is my

Friar Lawrence: I hear a noise. Lady, come out of this place of death. Come on, come away. Your husband next to you lies dead, and
Paris is lying here as well. Come on, I’ll hide you in a convent of holy nuns. Don’t stay here to question me, for the night’s watch is
coming. Come on, good Juliet, let’s go. I don’t dare stay here any longer.

Juliet: Go, get away from here, I won’t move. I won’t leave my husband. What’s this? A cup in my true love’s hand? I see that poison
has been his untimely end. Oh you’re so selfish! You drank it all, and didn’t leave any to help me follow you? How can you be so
selfish? Leaving me behind this cruel world? Do you even know that it’s hard to leave without you by my side? Do you know the pain
I’ve suffered when you left Verona? Do you even know? And now you really left me behind! Romeo, what should I do now? I don’t know
what to do anymore. Will I follow you? Should I follow you? You drank all the poison, and I presume maybe there is still a little bit poison
on your lips.

Watchman (1): Lead us, which way did they go?

Juliet: someone is coming! What a lucky dagger, Let my body be your sheath. Rust there forever, and let me die.

Page: this is the place.

Watchman (1): There’s blood on the ground, search the churchyard. Go, arrest whomever you find. Go, tell the Prince. Run to the
Capulets. Go get the Montagues. We need some others to search.

Watchman (2): here is Romeo's servant.

Watchman (1): hold him until the Prince gets here.

Watchman (2): Here's a friar!

Watchman (1): keep the friar too

Prince: What calamity happened so early in the morning?

Lord Capulet: What’s going on that’s making everyone so distraught?

Lady Capulet: Some people in the street cried Romeo’s name, some cried Juliet’s, some cried Paris’, and all of them were running in
the direction of our mausoleum

Watchman (1): Your highness, here lies Count Paris, killed, and Romeo, dead. And Juliet, who we thought had died before, is warm
and seems to have been newly killed. There’s a friar here, and Romeo’s dead servant.

Lord Capulet: Oh heavens! Look how our daughter is bleeding! This dagger has the Montague crest on it, and yet it rests in our
daughter’s heart!

Lady Capulet: Oh no! This is a terrible sight of death

Prince: Come forward, Montague, you’ve woken up to see your son brought down.

Montague: Oh you boy! What kind of thanks is this, to go to your grave before your father?

Prince: Quiet your outrage for a while, until we can clear up the confusion and figure out how all this started and how it occurred. Bring
forth the suspects.

Friar Laurence: I am the most suspected, although I was able to do the least. The timing and the place where I was found make it seem
like I was responsible for this terrible murder. Romeo, who lies dead there, was Juliet’s husband, I married them, and their wedding
day, was the day Tybalt was killed. That caused Romeo, to flee the city. Juliet was grieving. You tried to alleviate her grief by forcing
her to marry Count Paris. She came to me totally desperate, asking me for some way to get her out of this marriage. I gave her a
sleeping potion, I wrote to Romeo, and told him he should return on this night to help take her from her borrowed grave, as by that time,
the potion would no longer be in effect. But the person who carried my letter, Friar John, was held up accidentally and gave that letter
back to me tonight. I came all alone. But when I got here barely a minute before Juliet was to wake up, I saw that the noble Paris and
Romeo were dead. Juliet woke up, and I begged her to come out of the tomb and handle her grief with patience. She, wouldn’t come
with me. It seems she killed herself.
Balthasar: I brought Romeo news of Juliet’s death. And then he came right away from Mantua to this exact place and this exact
mausoleum. He told me to give this letter to his father, and he threatened to kill me if I followed him into the crypt. I didn’t follow him, but
I didn’t leave, either.

Prince: Where is the count’s page, who called the night’s watch?

Page: He came to put flowers on Juliet’s grave, and told me not to approach, so I didn’t. Someone came soon after with a light, and
then my master drew his sword to fight him. That’s when I ran away to call the watch.

Capulet: Oh brother Montague, give me your hand. This gesture of reconciliation all I can ask of you.

Montague: But I can give you more. I’ll erect a statue for her from pure gold, and as long as Verona exists there will be no figure more
admired than true and faithful Juliet.

Capulet: I’ll make one of equal richness for Romeo, to place beside his lady’s. Oh these poor children sacrificed to our hatred!

Prince: This is a sad peace that the morning has brought. Indeed, even the sun won’t show his face today. Let’s go from here to talk
more about these tragic events. Some people will be pardoned, others punished. For there was never a sadder story than this one of
Juliet and Romeo.

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