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Design of a Single Seater Racing Car

Suspension System
Andrew Deakin, Andrew Shovlin,
Peter Brooks and David Crolla
The University of Leeds, UK

Reprinted From: 1998 Motorsports Engineering Conference Proceedings

Volume 2: Engines and Drivetrains

Motorsports Engineering
Conference and Exposition
Dearborn, Michigan
November 16-19, 1998

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Design of a Single Seater Racing Car Suspension System

Andrew Deakin, Andrew Shovlin, Peter Brooks and David Crolla

The University of Leeds, UK

Copyright © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT terms of their handling ability, ride quality being generally

sacrificed. Springs are therefore made stiff which when
This paper describes the integration of a selection of coupled to a low centre of gravity give highly controlled
techniques which can be used to design complex body motions with damping rates set to optimise transient
mechanical systems such as racing car suspensions. It vehicle response and dynamic tyre load. Vehicle dynam-
covers aspects of their dynamic and static design with ics can be used to select appropriate spring and damper
particular reference to system analysis, the theory of rates as seen at the wheel, which promote the required
which is described within. Furthermore, the designs are vehicle dynamic properties.
evaluated using sophisticated data logging and kinemat-
Once the desired wheel rates in terms of stiffness and
ics and compliance rig tests to assess the manufactured
damping are established, a suspension system has to be
design’s performance. The optimisation of racetrack
designed to exhibit those rates. Kinematics and compli-
behaviour is then described using vehicle dynamics sim-
ance analysis allows the movement of suspension com-
ulation to predict how performance improvements can be
ponents to be studied so that actual wheel rates, effective
achieved quickly. The examples given relate to on going
spring and damper rates and suspension geometry can
work on the University of Leeds Formula SAE Racing
be determined [5]. Accurate control of the suspension
can provide significant performance benefits and an
understanding of how individual wheels move relative to
INTRODUCTION the vehicle body.

Engineers design mechanical systems using a variety of Comparing the dynamic and static analysis with physical
techniques. Each technique can be shown to have cer- vehicle tests allows validation of the design to be con-
tain qualities, which assist in the process. Actual suspen- ducted. The vehicle dynamic analysis can be validated
sion systems are complicated mechanisms, which through the application of data logging [6]. Following val-
require engineering compromise to be made in the selec- idation, the vehicle dynamics can subsequently be used
tion of their performance attributes. The performance of to assist in the development of the vehicle’s performance
a suspension can generally be defined in terms of its ride on the track. It enables quick assessment of the effect of
and handling. Several techniques are used by different suspension setting changes on the vehicles ability to
authors in the selection of the compromise, namely negotiate handling manoeuvres. The data logging itself
dynamic and static simulation and physical test. In prac- can also be used to improve the vehicles performance by
tice, many engineers combine these techniques. The accurately observing events and subsequently making
integration of them to optimise a dynamic system’s intelligent changes to promote improvements in vehicle
design with maximum efficiency is rarely described in the behaviour [7].
literature. Similar validation of the kinematics and compliance anal-
Vehicle dynamics is extensively used in the development ysis can be performed using pseudo static tests that eval-
of vehicle suspensions from cars, and trucks to off-road uate how the suspension moves on a real vehicle [8].
vehicles and Formula 1 racing cars [1,2,3,4]. The desired Not only does it produce information on suspension
characteristics of each vehicle type depend upon its rates, and vehicle geometry but hysteresis and slack in
operating requirements. For a passenger car, comfort systems can be identified. This allows aspects of the
and therefore vehicle ride will be the priority, as long as suspension, which exhibit poor characteristics to be
the vehicle is stable and exhibits at least adequate han- improved.
dling performance. It can be shown that such designs Bringing together all of these aspects of suspension
require suspensions incorporating springs that promote design enables a comprehensive understanding of the
reasonably controlled roll and pitch angles with dampers role played by the suspension system, with the tech-
selected to minimise whole body motions. Racing cars niques complementing each other and providing sub-
on the other hand need only exhibit high performance in stantial information about a design. One technique alone

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does not allow all aspects of a design to be assessed resenting the suspension arms, body and upright as the
however integration of several methods goes some way wheel moves through its range of travel. There is also a
towards this. steering rod joining the body to the upright and the rota-
tional motion of the upright is calculated concurrently.
THEORY This is achieved through the application of trigonometry
to one wheel station at a time. Subsequently the push-
VEHICLE DYNAMICS – Early predictions of vehicle han- rods motion, suspension cam and spring deflections are
dling behaviour are an important aspect of the design calculated. This information allows suspension charac-
process. This necessitates a model that can reliably sim- teristics such as bump steer, scrub, roll centre height and
ulate vehicle responses, while only requiring a limited wheel rates to be analysed.
quantity of data [9].
A suspension can then be designed so that all its charac-
The model used in the analysis, consists of eight degrees teristics fall within specified limits, giving desirable rates
of freedom and was developed using the VDAS toolkit and motions. An example of the type of output, the
[10]. These include vehicle roll, yaw and lateral motions, amount of lateral tyre motion or scrub as the wheel
steering compliance and tyre vertical compliance. moves up and down is shown in figure 2.
For the analysis of passenger vehicles, it is often
Tyre scrub due to vertical wheel movement
assumed that the vehicle operates within the linear
regime (< 0.3g lateral acceleration). A racing car how-
ever, will be driven at the limits of its performance, mak-
ing such assumptions invalid. This requires that non-

Wheel displacement, mm
linear components, such as tyres, are accurately repre- 10

sented. To enable this, a multi-variable tyre model was 5

developed where lateral force is a function of slip angle, 0

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
camber angle and vertical load. -5

To simulate manoeuvres, the vehicle model is run at a
constant forward velocity, and a handwheel angle input
as a function of time. Figure 1 describes such an input -20

and the lateral acceleration response. By changing the -25

Scrub, mm
appropriate parameters within the model, it is possible to
predict the effect of changes in the vehicle’s kinematics Figure 2. Predicted suspension scrub rate.
and compliance properties.
Presently a full vehicle kinematics and compliance tool is
J-Turn manouvre, steering input against modelled latacc response
being developed. This new package will facilitate full
2.00 vehicle analysis.



1.20 OBJECTIVE VEHICLE TESTING – Standard tests are

latacc, g
steer, rad
used by the automobile industry to evaluate vehicle han-
0.80 dling performance, these are documented in ISO and BS
0.60 standards [12,13,14,15]. The tests are generally applica-
0.40 ble to passenger car assessment, however adaptation of
0.20 them allowed the racing car to be evaluated using
0.00 manoeuvres similar to those experienced in competition.
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60
Time, sec The lane change test is a manoeuvre where the vehicle is
driven so that it moves from one lane to another parallel
Figure 1. Simulated vehicle J-turn response
lane, similar to negotiating a chicane on the racetrack.
The test was performed at constant speed; the steering
wheel input being approximately sinusoidal was made as
MODELLING – Understanding the kinematics and com-
quickly as possible and performed in a similar manner to
pliance of a suspension is crucial to producing an effec-
tive design with the desired characteristics. These that described in [12].
characteristics can be analysed through the application The J-turn test is a manoeuvre where the vehicle is ini-
of kinematics and compliance modelling. tially travelling in a straight line, a steering input is then
A tool to analyse double wishbone suspensions was suddenly put into the steering wheel, the input being
recently developed at the University of Leeds [11]. This maintained until steady state conditions are reached.
tool calculates the displacement of a four bar linkage rep- Essentially this is a step input and was performed as in
[12]. This would be similar to entering a long corner fol-

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lowing a long straight on the racing track, however the MIRA’s K&C rig shown in figure 5, is a suitable machine
racecar driver would generally try to execute the to carry out tests to evaluate the kinematics and compli-
manoeuvre as smoothly as possible. The test was again ance of a vehicle. This machine can move the body in
performed at constant speed. bounce, pitch and roll whilst being able to move and force
each tyre contact patch in a horizontal plane.
The steady state test requires the vehicle to be driven
round a constant radius circle whilst the speed is gradu-
ally increased. The test is described in [13] which gener-
ally suggests a minimum radius of 30m. A 30m radius
corner is bigger than the largest corner likely to be
encountered at the Formula SAE competition therefore, it
was decided to adapt the standards and use a circle with
approximately a 10m radius.
In order to measure the vehicles response to the
manoeuvres, the racing car was equipped with a Pi
Research System 1. data logger. This was used to
record among other things, speed, lateral and longitudi-
nal acceleration and steering position. Some of the mea-
surements for lateral acceleration for the different
manoeuvres are shown in figures 3 & 4.
Figure 5. MIRA K&C Rig Schematic & Axis System
The suspension can be analysed in several ways as the
0.8 wheels are moved. When moving the body vertically, the
motion derivatives of bump steer, scrub, and camber can
0.4 be measured. Similarly, the forces exerted at the tyre
contact patch can be measured to give spring rates and
Latacc, g

0 stiffnesses of motions. Hysteresis in the plot indicates

38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 how much friction is present in the system.


Time, sec

Figure 3. Lane change manoeuvre lateral acceleration



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure 6. Measured vertical rate of front wheel
Latacc, g


-0.4 Figure 6 shows a typical result that can be derived from

the rig tests. This result was obtained from testing of the
-0.6 Formula SAE racing car. The graph is produced by mov-
ing the vehicle in the vertical direction and recording the
resulting tyre contact forces. As can be seen, the effec-
tive wheel rate can be measured, the hysteresis in the
Time, sec suspension is clearly evident and the slack between the
point where the friction acts and the spring starts to be
Figure 4. J-turn manoeuvre lateral acceleration, g compressed can be measured. Such detail of results can
rapidly point to design changes that can improve suspen-
KINEMATICS AND COMPLIANCE TESTING – By mov- sion properties, and can assess whether the design stiff-
ing a vehicles wheels relative to the body and measuring nesses where achieved in the realisation.
the forces and displacements in each direction, the rates
and derivatives of each component of motion can be

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J-Turn, predicted lateral acceleration against measured

the developed vehicle model and the recorded vehicle 1.00
speed and steering input, a comparison can be made
between the recorded test results and simulation. In this 0.80

Lateral accn, g
respect, the three dynamic tests performed where com-
pared to vehicle simulation. measured

Figures 7, 8 & 9 show a comparison of the simulated and 0.40

measured test results. Looking at the steady state

results, although there is some noise in the measured
results, the average appears to be very similar to the sim- 0.00
ulated results. With the sinusoidal response or lane 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time, sec
change results, the magnitude of actual response is simi-
lar to that simulated, however there is a slight difference Figure 9. Correlation of J-turn lateral acceleration
in phase. Good correlation is also obtained with the com-
parison of the j-turn manoeuvre. This time however, KINEMATICS ANALYSIS/K&C RIG TEST – The results
there appears to be no lag between the responses. from both the rig testing and the computational analysis
were brought together for validation. An example of this
Steady state lateral acceleration, predicted against actual can be seen in figure 10 where the derived and experi-
1.40 mental wheel rates are compared.

Wheel force against deflection for calculated and measured results

Lateral accn, g

0.80 1.6
measured 1.4
Wheel force, kN


0.20 0.8

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time, sec

Figure 7. Correlation of steady state lateral acceleration. 0

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Wheel deflecton, mm
Lane change manouvre, predicted against actual
Figure 10. Comparison of rig and computationally
derived K&C results
It can clearly be seen that the gradient of the graphs is
0.50 very similar, however there is a difference in the two plots
Lateral accn, g

due to the levels of friction present in the actual design.

latacc pred
latacc act
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 From such comparisons, flaws in the design can be
-0.50 readily seen and in this case, it was identified that low
friction suspension cams were required to improve the
-1.00 suspension response. Similar correlations, such as with
the graph showing tyre scrub figure 2, were found
between calculated and measured characteristics, it was
time, sec
therefore assumed that the suspension analysis tool was
Figure 8. Correlation of lane change manoeuvre lateral an accurate method of predicting performance.
The results appear to correlate well, and it was therefore SIMULATION
assumed that simulated results would be representative
of what would happen to the actual vehicle. Similar Validation of the correlation between simulation and
results were obtained for the same manoeuvres with dif- objective results allows vehicle dynamics to be used to
ferent speeds and suspension roll rates. rapidly improve a vehicle’s suspension performance by

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analysing the effect of changes in suspension parame- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

MIRA - Use of their K&C test rig
Figure 11 shows the change in vehicle roll response with
different levels of damping in the vehicle suspension. It PI Research - Use of System 1. Datalogger
can be seen that the vehicle with the low damping rate
exhibits some overshoot in the vehicle roll response. REFERENCES
Conversely, the highly damped vehicle exhibits what
appears to be an over-damped response. The medium 1. MacAdam, C.C.: ‘The Interaction of Aerodynamic Proper-
damped vehicle appears to exhibit the best response in ties and Steering System Characteristics of a Passenger
transient roll. Car’ IAVSD, Aug 26-30 1991, pp.26-30.
2. Bevan, B.G.: ‘The Development and Application of a Novel
If similar results are produced with respect to other Hydropneumatic Suspension for Commercial Vehicles’
attributes of vehicle response then a better vehicle set up Smart Vehicles. pub. Swets & Zeitlinger, 1995.
3. Quirt, R.C.; Anderson, R.J.: ‘Comparison of a Linear with a
can be identified. As correlation with actual results
Non-Linear Multibody Simulation of an Off-Road Vehicle’
exists, simulation of new set ups is a method by which IAVSD, Aug 21-25 1989, pp 391-404.
new configurations can quickly be developed without 4. Milliken, W.F.; Milliken, D.L.: ‘Race Car Vehicle Dynamics’
extensive on track testing. pub. SAE
5. Sohn, H.; Shin, H.; Lee, H.: ‘The Improvement of Handling
Performance Through the Sensitivity Analysis Validated by
Body roll angle with different suspension damping
the K&C Test’ SAE 980898
1.0 6. Chen, D.: ‘Subjective and Objective Vehicle Handling
Behaviour’ Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Leeds, Sept.
Soft 1997.
0.5 7. Fey, B.: ‘Data Power: Using Race Car Data Acquisition’
Towery Publishing inc 1993.
Roll angle, deg

8. Best, T.; ‘Design and Operation of a New Vehicle

Suspension Kinematics and Compliance Facility’ SAE
0 1 2 3 4 5 970096
9. Anderson, R.J.; Hanna, D.M.: ‘Comparison of Three Vehi-
cle Simulation Methodologies’ IAVSD, Aug 21-23 1989, pp.
10. Horton, D.N.L.: ‘Vehicle Dynamics Analysis Software’ Ver-
sion 3.4, The University of Leeds, Feb 1992.
-1.0 11. King, R.: ‘Design and Analysis of a Racing Car Suspeni-
Time, sec son’ MSc project, The University of Leeds, 1996
12. Anon: ‘Road Vehicles - Lateral - Transient Response Test
Figure 11. Using vehicle dynamics to improve response Methods’ ISO 7401, First edition 1988-05-01.
13. Anon: ‘Road Vehicles - Steady State Circular Test Proce-
CONCLUSIONS dure’ ISO 4138 - 1982(E)
14. Anon: ‘Road Vehicles - Test Procedure for a Severe Lane-
Change Manoeuvre’ ISO 3888, 1975-09-01.
Vehicle dynamics has been successfully used to produce 15. Anon: ‘Road Vehicles - Transient Open-Loop Response
a suspension design through parametric analysis of Test Method with Pseudo-Random Steering Input’ ISO
design parameters. 8726 : 1988 (E)

Kinematics analysis has subsequently been used to

achieve the desired suspension design parameters.
Both the vehicle dynamics and kinematics analysis have
been validated through the use of objective testing and
kinematics rig testing.
It has been shown that vehicle dynamic analysis can be
used as a development tool when optimising a vehicles

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