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Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Legal notice ................................................................................................................................................2
1.3 PDF viewing notes .....................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Document change log ...............................................................................................................................2

Device installation .............................................................................................................................................3

2.1 Device .........................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Antenna.......................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 FM device firmware and configurator ....................................................................................................3
2.4 Connections to the Power supply, GND and Ignition wires ................................................................3

Connection and configuration for CANbus data reading .............................................................................4

3.1 EasyCAN adapters .....................................................................................................................................4
3.2 CANbus data reading from LCV vehicles................................................................................................4
3.2.1 Installation instructions for LCV vehicles .......................................................................................4
3.2.2 Supported vehicles lists ....................................................................................................................5
3.2.3 Default installation method for LCV vehicles.................................................................................5
3.3 CANbus data reading from HCV vehicles ...............................................................................................6
3.3.1 Installation instructions for HCV vehicles ......................................................................................6
3.3.2 Supported vehicles lists ....................................................................................................................6
3.3.3 Connection to the FMS via standard FMS connector ...................................................................6
3.3.4 Connection to the FMS via other CANbus line ..............................................................................7
3.3.5 Connection to the J1708 ..................................................................................................................7
3.3.6 Connection to the “HCV profile” J1939 CANbus line ....................................................................7
3.3.7 Connection to the J1708 and J1939 CANbus lines .......................................................................8
3.3.8 Tachograph data reading ...............................................................................................................11

Connection and configuration for OBD DTC reading .................................................................................12

1 Preface
1.1 Introduction
This document describes how to properly install Ruptela FM devices to the vehicles in order to prepare
them for CANbus data and OBD DTC reading.

1.2 Legal notice

Copyright © 2017 Ruptela. All rights reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of parts or
all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Ruptela is
prohibited. Other products and company names mentioned in this document are trademarks or trade
names of their respective owners.

1.3 PDF viewing notes

Some PDF readers are not able to display contents of this document properly. If you notice distorted
fonts or inconsistent formatting, this is most likely a compatibility issue. To solve this problem try
updating your PDF reader or choose and alternative PDF viewing method.

1.4 Document change log

Date Version Change details
2016-05-12 1.0 Initial draft
2016-09-13 1.1 Parameters form J1708 and J1939 CANbus lines.
2016-10-13 1.2 HCV mode
2017-09-11 1.3 Added notes regarding LCV+OBD and FMS+OBD configuration.
2 Device installation
2.1 Device
When installing device into a vehicle please obey these instructions, otherwise your device may not
work properly.
Device should not be seen or easily reached.
Device should be firmly fixed to a flat surface. Please
avoid mounting it near the metal surfaces or cables.
Device cannot be fixed to heat emitting or moving parts.
Device has a built in accelerometer, therefore it is
sensitive to movement. It is recommended to choose a
stable installation position, where it is not subjected to
vibrations and/or oscillations.
Device can be fitted with double sided stick tape or zip-
Wrong device mounting may cause malfunction.
SIM card should be inserted in the device while the
connector is plugged off (while device has no power).

2.2 Antenna

It is recommended to place GPS/GLONASS antenna behind the dashboard as close to the window as

2.3 FM device firmware and configurator

We recommend to use only the most recent FM device firmware and Configurator versions. You can
download them from here:

2.4 Connections to the Power supply, GND and Ignition wires

These connections are always made directly to the wires or directly to the specific connector pins.
Therefore it is crucial to ensure that all connections are properly insulated. We recommend using
specialized insulation methods that ensure reliable long term performance under harsh field conditions.
Heat shrink connectors, crimp or solder wire connectors, insulating tape and similar materials can be
3 Connection and configuration for CANbus data reading
3.1 EasyCAN adapters
For some installations it is mandatory to use EasyCAN adapters. Two adapter versions are available.
One for the connection to the J1939 CAN line and another for connection to the J1708 line.
EasyCAN - J1939 EasyCAN Volvo - J1708

Adapters allow to read data from vehicle`s system without physically connecting to the CANbus wires. It
is a safe, reliable and quick way to connect.
Installation instruction, supported vehicle list or other information source provided by Ruptela will specify
when to use these adapters. Some of these cases will be discussed below.

3.2 CANbus data reading from LCV vehicles

LCV vehicle in this case is any vehicle that requires an LCV mode set in the FM device's configuration.

Usually this includes light vehicles and vans. However, there might also be some exceptions.

3.2.1 Installation instructions for LCV vehicles

Before installation please refer to our installation instructions for more information. These can be
acquired from our support team upon request. Instruction itself usually contains all the necessary
information such as:
Connection location – descriptions and illustrations, which will help you to locate CANbus wires.
Connector and connection method – a variety of different connects could be used to access
CANbus wires. In most cases you will need an EasyCAN adapter for the connection. In other
cases you might need to connect directly to the wires or pins. An appropriate connection method
will be specified in the instruction.
Configuration description – this usually includes description on LCV Group and Sub group
configuration and explanations, when it is necessary to set CAN interface into the “Active” mode.
3.2.2 Supported vehicles lists
When installation instructions are not available you could also use data provided in the supported
vehicles list:
It contains summarized information, which will help you to connect and configure your FM device. If
there are any exceptions, this will be also mentioned.
“Group” column contains recommendations for LCV group configuration. By default, with the
LCV configuration, CAN “Active” should never be used. There are few exceptions to this rule and
these are marked in the table with the line “(Active)”. This also means that a direct connection
to the wires is required.

“Connection” column contains recommendations for physical connection type. By default an

EasyCAN adapter must be used. Every exception will be marked in the table with this line:
"Direct connection to the wires".

3.2.3 Default installation method for LCV vehicles

When you do not have access to the previously mentioned data sources or when provided information
is not clear enough, you should follow our basic rules listed below. These rules will help you to complete
installation safely without damaging your vehicle:
When installing FM devices and preparing them to read CANbus data always use an EasyCAN
adapter for J1939 CAN line. Connect it to the CAN interface on the FM device.
Locate CANbus wires in the vehicle. Place these wires in the EasyCAN.
Set CAN interface into LCV mode.

Choose preferred LCV Group and Sub group combination manually or use “?” button and select
your vehicle by Make, Model and Manufacture year.

In the FM device configuration always set configured interface into the "silent" mode (check box
Active is NOT enabled).
3.3 CANbus data reading from HCV vehicles
HCV vehicle in this case is any vehicle that requires FMS, J1708 or HCV mode set in the FM device's
configuration. FMS mode can be set on one of the CAN interfaces, it would looks something like this:

J1708 mode can be set on RS485 interface, it would looks something like this:

HCV mode is in many cases very similar to the LCV mode. It is used to read CANbus parameters from
the Heavy Commercial Vehicles. In configurator it would looks something like this:

HCV vehicles usually covers trucks, buses and specialized construction vehicles. However, there are also
a few vans that fall under this definition.

3.3.1 Installation instructions for HCV vehicles

Just as before, prior to the installation please refer to our installation instructions for more information.
These can be acquired from our support team upon request. Instruction itself usually contains all the
necessary information.

3.3.2 Supported vehicles lists

Supported lists for trucks, buses and other vehicles in this case can be used to determine recommended
CANbus data source. This can be J1939 CANbus, J1708 lines or CANbus line, where HCV mode is

3.3.3 Connection to the FMS via standard FMS connector

The majority of modern trucks provide an interface for third party devices, which enables them to read
truck data via FMS standard. Installation instructions by Ruptela usually describes where to find this
interface, how to connect to it and what configuration to use. If there are some exceptions, this will be
also mentioned.
If this information is not available or provided description is not clear enough, you should follow our
basic rules listed below. These rules will help you to complete installation safely without damaging your
Locate a standard FMS connector, which is usually placed somewhere in the truck's cabin.
Connect FM device's CAN interface wires directly to the CAN pins in the FMS connector.
In the device configuration, set CAN interface into the FMS mode, select 250 baud rate and
check "Active" check box.
3.3.4 Connection to the FMS via other CANbus line
There are trucks that do not have FMS connector in their standard equipment. Connection and CANbus
data reading in these trucks is more complicated. As a rule some other CANbus line where data is being
transmitted in FMS standard has to be used. Always use the EasyCAN for J1939 CAN for such
connections. Installation instructions by Ruptela usually describes where to find CANbus wires, how to
connect to them and what configuration to use. If there are some exceptions, this will be also
If this information is not available or provided description is not clear enough, you should follow our
basic rules listed below. These rules will help you to complete installation safely without damaging your
Connect EasyCAN for J1939 CAN line to the CAN interface on the FM device.
Locate CANbus wires where data is being transmitted in FMS standard. Place these wires in the
In the device configuration, set CAN interface into the FMS mode, select 250 baud rate and
leave interface in the “silent” mode (check box "Active" NOT checked).

3.3.5 Connection to the J1708

Trucks and specialized construction vehicles manufactured in the USA, also some older trucks
manufactured in Europe use J1708 standard to transmit data. In order to connect and read truck’s data
from such vehicles a different version of an EasyCAN adapter is required. EasyCAN Volvo is specially
designed for connections to the J1708 lines. Unlike the ordinary EasyCAN for the J1939, this adapter
has to be connected to the FM device’s PortC (RS485) port. This means that a different configuration
has to be used. Installation instructions by Ruptela usually describes where to find these J1708 wires,
how to connect to them and what configuration to use. If there are some exceptions, this will be also
If this information is not available or provided description is not clear enough, you should follow our
basic rules listed below. These rules will help you to complete installation safely without damaging your
In this case it is mandatory to complete FM device configuration first. For that set PortC interface
into the J1708 mode.

Only after device configuration you can begin device installation. Connect EasyCAN Volvo to the
RS485 serial interface on the FM device.
Locate J1708 wires in the vehicle. Place these wires in the EasyCAN Volvo.

3.3.6 Connection to the “HCV profile” J1939 CANbus line

Some trucks, busses and construction vehicles use custom standards (no FMS) to transmit vehicle’s data
in its internal CANbus lines. To read this data you will need to configure your FM device accordingly and
set a HCV mode. Always use the EasyCAN for J1939 CAN for such connections. Installation instructions
by Ruptela usually describes where to find CANbus wires, how to connect to it and what configuration
to use. If there are some exceptions, this will be also mentioned.
If this information is not available or provided description is not clear enough, you should follow our
basic rules listed below. These rules will help you to complete installation safely without damaging your
When installing FM devices and preparing them to read CANbus data always use an EasyCAN
adapter for J1939 CAN line. Connect it to the CAN interface on the FM device.
Locate CANbus wires in the vehicle. Place these wires in the EasyCAN.
Set CAN interface into HCV mode.

Choose preferred HCV Group and Sub group combination manually or use “?” button and select
your vehicle by Make, Model and Manufacture year.

In the FM device configuration always set configured interface into the "silent" mode (check box
Active is NOT enabled).

3.3.7 Connection to the J1708 and J1939 CANbus lines

In some special cases both standards J1708 and J1939 are used in one vehicle. Use two EasyCANs.
EasyCAN Volvo for J1708 and EasyCAN for J1939 CAN lines. Installation instructions by Ruptela usually
describes where to find wires both lines, how to connect to them and what configuration to use. If there
are some exceptions, this will be also mentioned.
If this information is not available or provided description is not clear enough, you should follow our
basic rules listed below. These rules will help you to complete installation safely without damaging your
It is mandatory to complete FM device configuration first. For that set PortC (RS485) interface
into the J1708 mode.
Set CAN interface into the FMS mode, select 250 baud rate and leave interface in the “silent”
mode (check box "Active" NOT checked).

If this truck requires a HCV mode, then set CAN interface into HCV mode.
Choose preferred HCV Group and Sub group combination manually or use “?” button and
select your vehicle by Make, Model and Manufacture year. Check box "Active" NOT
Connect EasyCAN Volvo to the PortC (RS485) serial interface on the FM device.
Connect EasyCAN for J1939 CAN line to the CAN interface on the FM device.
Locate J1708 and J1939 CANbus wires in the vehicle. Place J1708 wires in the EasyCAN Volvo.
J1939 wires go into the ordinary EasyCAN.

J1708 and J1939 CANbus lines: CAN parameters and their values
In this case FM device’s configuration pays an important role. Values for CAN parameters can be
obtained from both CAN lines. Three common cases are described below.
Configuration case 1
PortC on FM device: J1708
PortC on FM device: J1708
- or - CAN/CAN2 interface on FM device: HCV
CAN/CAN2 interface on FM device: FMS
HCV Group: Tractor; HCV Subgroup: Tractor1
Parameter Source Description
FM device can obtain parameter values via
both interfaces, however J1939 interface
has a higher priority. Device checks both
CAN engine speed interfaces. If parameter values from both
sources are valid, than data from J1939
CAN Actual engine percent load
CAN line will be used.
CAN fuel level1 Dynamic
If there is no data form J1939 or parameter
CAN engine hours values are invalid, then data from J1708
CAN high resolution total vehicle distance will be used.
If there is no data form J1708 or parameter
values are invalid, then data from J1939
will be used.
When J1708 interface is enabled in the
CAN fuel rate
configuration, FM device will use data from
CAN engine total fuel used J1708 this source to calculate parameter values.
This is true even when data from the J1708
CAN high resolution engine total fuel used
CAN line is not available.
Values for the remaining CAN parameters
are always obtained from the J1939 line.
Remaining CAN parameters J1939
This is true even when data from the J1939
CAN line is not available.
Configuration case 2
PortC on FM device: J1708
CAN/CAN2 interface on FM device: HCV
HCV Group: Volvo; HCV Subgroup: Volvo6
Parameter Source Description
FM device can obtain parameter values via
both interfaces, however J1939 interface has
a higher priority. Device checks both
interfaces. If parameter values from both
sources are valid, than data from J1939 CAN
CAN engine speed line will be used.
CAN fuel level1 If there is no data form J1939 or parameter
values are invalid, then data from J1708 will
be used.
If there is no data form J1708 or parameter
values are invalid, then data from J1939 will
be used.
CAN fuel rate When J1708 interface is enabled in the
CAN engine total fuel used configuration, FM device will use data from
J1708 this source to calculate parameter values.
CAN high resolution engine total fuel used This is true even when data from the J1708
CAN engine hours CAN line is not available.

Values for the remaining CAN parameters

are always obtained from the J1939 line.
Remaining CAN parameters J1939
This is true even when data from the J1939
CAN line is not available.

Configuration case 3
PortC on FM device: J1708 PortC on FM device: J1708
CAN/CAN2 interface on FM device: HCV - or - CAN/CAN2 interface on FM device: LCV
HCV Group: Any; HCV Subgroup: Any LCV Group: Any; LCV Subgroup: Any
Parameter Source Description
FM device can obtain parameter values form
both CAN lines. Some parameters in records
All CAN parameters and
can have values form J1939 data, other from
3.3.8 Tachograph data reading
Detailed descriptions about tachograph data reading, FM device connection and configuration can be
found at Before any action regarding tachograph connection refer to this instruction first:
FM-Tco4 HCV + Ruptela Tachograph Solution
Below you will find just a few key points that are important to mention considering CANbus data
An interface for third party devices, which enables them to read truck data via FMS standard,
sometimes allows tachograph data reading. This is possible when truck supports such a feature.
Connection in this case should be made directly to the FMS connector pins. Also CAN interface
on the FM device must be set in “Active” mode.

In all other cases, where truck does not support such feature, standard FMS connector is not
available or when EasyCANs are used (direct connection to the wires is not allowed), tachograph
data cannot be obtained via same CANbus line. Then, to read tachograph you will be required to
make a second connection directly to the tachograph. For that a second CAN port on the FM
device can be used. It also have to be configured accordingly. A likely configuration example for
such case is showed below. Here connection was made to the CANbus line, where data is
transmitted in FMS standard.

If this truck requires a HCV mode, then configuration would look like this:
4 Connection and configuration for OBD DTC reading

It is possible to configure OBD on one CAN interface and LCV or FMS on the other. If LCV+OBD or
FMS+OBD is configured, it is important that the OBD interface works properly! If the OBD is not
receiving information (no communication), then the other interface (FMS or LCV) will not work.
Additionally if OBD+LCV or OBD+FMS is used, both CAN interfaces cannot be connected to the same
spot! (This may occur if LCV or FMS is connected via the OBD connector PIN 6 & PIN14. In this case the
OBD connecter should be connected as intended, while LCV or FMS should be connected to the wires
using a EasyCAN adapter).

OBD Diagnostic Trouble Code reading is a different functionality based on other principles than
previously discussed CANbus data reading. To read the codes, you will have to connect/plug the device
into the 16-pin OBD II diagnostic connector, which is usually located under the dash near the steering
column. For OBD DTC reading EasyCAN adapters are not needed.
OBD DTC reading functionality is supported by:
FM-Tco4 HCV & FM-Tco4 LCV
FM-Tco3 (special firmware version needed)
All these devices support the following OBD II signal protocols:
ISO 9141-2 / ISO 14230-4
ISO 15765-4

Recommendations for FM-Plug4+ configuration and connection

FM-Plug4 and FM-Plug4+ are meant to be connected to the OBD II (SAE J1962) socket. Other types of
OBD sockets, that conform to different standards (OBD-I; OBD-1.5; etc.) are not supported.
Only FM-Plug4+ can read OBD DTC. For some vehicles OBD DTC can be obtained through the OBD CAN
interface, for others through the OBD K-line. During device configuration, when preparing it to read the
OBD DTC, you can choose what interface to enable. Refer to supported OBD vehicle list. In its 4th
column named "Connection” you will find recommendations:
If a vehicle from this list in "Connection" column has K-line listed as recommended interface,
then during FM-Plug4+ configuration it is also recommended to enable K-line interface.

If a vehicle from this list in "Connection" column has CAN listed as a recommended interface,
then during FM-Plug4+ configuration it is also recommended to enable CAN interface.
Recommendations for other FM devices
Other FM devices are connected directly to the OBD CAN or OBD K-line interfaces via wires. Connection
instructions available at Similarly, during device configuration, when preparing to read
the OBD DTC, you can choose what interface to enable. Again, refer to supported OBD vehicle list for
the recommendations.

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