B Tech 3 Year Cse Even Semester

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS-601 Subject Name: Computer Networks

1. Understand the organizational structure and select the most

appropriate networking architecture and technology

2. Specify and identify deficiencies in existing protocols, and

then go onto formulate new better protocols

3. Apply knowledge of mathematics, probability, and statistics

to model and analyze some networking protocols

4. Have a working knowledge of datagram and internet socket

Course Outcomes: programming

5. Apply the concepts and theories of networking and apply

them to various situations, classifying networks, analyzing
performance and implementing new technologies.

6. Explain the concepts of confidentiality, availability and

integrity in Information Assurance, including physical,
software, devices, policies and people. Analyze these factors in
an existing system and design implementations

Syllabus: As per AKTU

Unit 1 Introduction Concepts: Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and
architecture, The OSI reference model, services, Network Topology Design – Delay
Analysis, Back Bone Design, Local Access Network Design, Physical Layer
Transmission Media, Switching methods, ISDN, Terminal Handling.
Unit 2 Medium Access sub layer: Medium Access sub layer - Channel Allocations, LAN
protocols - ALOHA protocols - Overview of IEEE standards - FDDI. Data Link
Layer -Elementary Data Link Protocols, Sliding Window protocols, Error Handling.
Unit 3 Network Layer: Network Layer - Point - to Pont Networks, routing, Congestion
control Internetworking -TCP / IP, IP packet, IP address, IPv6.
Unit 4 Transport Layer: Transport Layer - Design issues, connection management, session
Layer-Design issues, remote procedure call. Presentation Layer-Design issues, Data
compression techniques, cryptography - TCP - Window Management.
Unit 5 Application Layer: Application Layer: File Transfer, Access and Management,
Electronic mail, Virtual Terminals, Other application. Example Networks - Internet
and Public Networks.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 602 Subject Name: Software Engineering
1. To understand the basic concept of Software Engineering and
life cycle of software development process and to apply new
software models, techniques and technologies to bring out
innovative and novelistic solutions.

2. To identify and analysis the requirements for the software

development process and various types of Software Engineering
Applications to perform the documentation and design.

3. To Design, implement, and evaluate software-based systems,

Course Outcomes: components, or programs of varying complexity that meet
desired needs, satisfy realistic constraints, and demonstrate
accepted design and development principles.

4. Apply software testing plan and its related activities.

5. Use current techniques, skills, and tools RECessary for
professional practice to manage software configuration process.

6. Understand ability to engage in life-long maintenance and

continuing Software development.

Syllabus: As per AKTU

Unit 1 Introduction:Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Components, Software
Characteristics, Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and
Differences from Conventional Engineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes.
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype
Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement
Unit 2 Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) Requirement Engineering Process:
Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs,
Feasibility Study, Information Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship
Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS.
Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA
Plans, Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.
Unit 3 Software Design:Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low
Level Design: Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts,
Coupling and Cohesion Measures, Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design,
Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design. Software Measurement
and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: Halestead’s Software Science, Function
Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs.
Unit 4 Software Testing:Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance
Testing, Regression Testing, Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural
Testing (White Box Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit
Preparation, Alpha and Beta Testing of Products.Static Testing Strategies: Formal
Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through, Code Inspection, Compliance
with Design and Coding Standards.
Unit 5 Software Maintenance and Software Project Management Software as an
Evolutionary Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance: Preventive,
Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-
Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities,
Change Control Process, Software Version Control, An Overview of CASE Tools.
Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost, Efforts, Schedule/Duration,
Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO), Resource Allocation Models, Software Risk
Analysis and Management.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 603 Subject Name: Compiler Design

1. To understand the fundamentals of Compilation Process.

2. To describe and understanding the parsing Techniques to

parse the given string.

3. To understanding the Syntax directed translation techniques

and the role of symbol table manager.
Course Outcomes:
4. To identify the different types of errors in compilation

5. To understand the concept of loop optimization.

6. To describe a global data flow analysis.

Syllabus: As per AKTU

Unit 1 Introduction to Compiler, Phases and passes, Bootstrapping, Finite state machines
and regular expressions and their applications to lexical analysis, Optimization of
DFA-Based Pattern Matchers implementation of lexical analyzers, lexical-analyzer
generator, LEXcompiler, Formal grammars and their application to syntax analysis,
BNF notation, ambiguity, YACC. The syntactic specification of programming
languages: Context free grammars, derivation and parse trees, capabilities of CFG.
Unit 2 Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift reduce parsing, operator precedence
parsing, top down parsing, predictive parsers Automatic Construction of efficient
Parsers: LR parsers, the canonical Collection of LR(0) items, constructing SLR
parsing tables, constructing Canonical LR parsing tables, Constructing LALR parsing
tables, using ambiguous grammars, an automatic parser generator, implementation of
LR parsing tables.
Unit 3 Syntax-directed Translation: Syntax-directed Translation schemes,
Implementation of Syntax-directed Translators, Intermediate code, postfix notation,
Parse trees & syntax trees, three address code, quadruple & triples, translation of
assignment statements, Boolean expressions, statements that alter the flow of control,
postfix translation, translation with a top down parser. More about translation: Array
references in arithmetic expressions, procedures call, declarations and case
Unit 4 Symbol Tables: Data structure for symbols tables, representing scope information.
Run-Time Administration: Implementation of simple stack allocation scheme,
storage allocation in block structured language. Error Detection & Recovery: Lexical
Phase errors, syntactic phase errors semantic errors.
Unit 5 Code Generation: Design Issues, the Target Language. Addresses in the Target Code,
Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, Code Generator. Code
optimization: Machine-Independent Optimizations, Loop optimization, DAG
representation of basic blocks, value numbers and
algebraic laws, Global Data-Flow analysis.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 063 Subject Name: PARALLEL ALGORITHM
1. Analyze the requirements for programming parallel systems
and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of parallel
programming models.

2. They can be used to facilitate the programming of concurrent


3. Discuss the difference between the major classes of parallel

processing systems
Course Outcomes:
4. Design software solutions for a number of parallel processing

5. Design and implement a SIMD and MIMD parallel

processing solution

6. Analyze the efficiency of a parallel processing system and

evaluate the types of application for which parallel
programming is useful

Syllabus: As per AKTU

Unit 1 Sequential model, need of alternative model, parallel computational 8
models such as PRAM, LMCC, Hypercube, Cube Connected Cycle,
Butterfly, Perfect Shuffle Computers, Tree model, Pyramid model,
Fully Connected model, PRAM-CREW, EREW models, simulation
of one model from another one.
Unit 2 Performance Measures of Parallel Algorithms, speed-up and 8
efficiency of PA, Cost- optimality, An example of illustrate Costoptimal
algorithms- such as summation, Min/Max on various models.
Unit 3 Parallel Sorting Networks, Parallel Merging Algorithms on On CREW/EREW/MCC,
Parallel Sorting Networks CREW/EREW/MCC/, linear array.
Unit 4 Parallel Searching Algorithm, Kth element, Kth element in X+Y on PRAM, Parallel
Matrix Transportation and Multiplication Algorithm
on PRAM, MCC, Vector-Matrix Multiplication, Solution of Linear
Equation, Root finding.
Unit 5 Graph Algorithms - Connected Graphs, search and traversal, Combinatorial
Algorithms-Permutation, Combinations,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS-066 Subject Name: Data warehousing and mining

1. Identify the scope and RECessity of Data Mining &

Warehousing for the society.

2. Describe the design of data warehousing so that it can be able

to solve the root problem.
3. To understand various tools of Data Mining and their
techniques to solve the real time problems.
Course Outcomes: 4. To develop ability to design various algorithms based on data
mining tools.

5. To develop further interest in research and design of new

Data Mining
6. To prepare the students for career in cyber security
Syllabus: As per AKTU
Unit 1 Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Data Warehousing Components, Building
a Data Warehouse, Warehouse Database, Mapping the Data Warehouse to a
Multiprocessor Architecture, Difference between Database System and Data
Warehouse, Multi Dimensional Data Model, Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact
Constellations, Concept hierarchy, Process Architecture, 3 Tier Architecture, Data
Unit 2 Data Warehouse Process and Technology: Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse
/management and Support Processes, Warehouse Planning and Implementation,
Hardware and Operating Systems for Data Warehousing, Client/Server Computing
Model & Data Warehousing. Parallel Processors & Cluster
Systems, Distributed DBMS implementations, Warehousing Software,
Warehouse Schema Design, Data Extraction, Cleanup & Transformation Tools,
Warehouse Metadata
Unit 3 Data Mining: Overview, Motivation, Definition & Functionalities, Data Processing,
Form of Data Preprocessing, Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data,(Binning,
Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human inspection),Inconsistent Data, Data
Integration and Transformation. Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation,
Dimensionality reduction, Data Compression, Numerosity Reduction, Discretization
and Concept hierarchy generation, Decision Tree.
Unit 4 Classification: Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization, Analysis
of attribute relevance, Mining Class comparisons, Statistical measures in large
Databases, Statistical-Based Algorithms, Distance-Based Algorithms, Decision Tree-
Based Algorithms. Clustering: Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures,
Hierarchical and Partitional Algorithms. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and
Chameleon. Density Based Methods-DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based Methods-
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Method –Statistical Approach, Association rules:

Introduction, Large Itemsets, Basic Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms,
Neural Network approach.
Unit 5 Data Visualization and Overall Perspective: Aggregation, Historical information,
Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers, ROLAP, MOLAP,
HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery, Tuning Data
Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse. Warehousing applications and Recent Trends:
Types of Warehousing Applications, Web Mining, Spatial Mining and Temporal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NHU 601 Subject Name: Industrial management

1. Understand the basic principles, scope and the applications of

industrial management
2. Conduct work study to develop standard time and method for
3. Apply scientific principles to manage inventory.
Course Outcomes:
4. Understand the concept of Supply chain management system.
5. Apply scientific principles to manage inventory.
6. Understand and implement statistical techniques for process
and product control.
Syllabus: As per AKTU
Unit 1 Introduction: Concept, Development, application and scope of Industrial
Management. Productivity: Definition, measurement, productivity index, types of
production system, Industrial Ownership.
Unit 2 Management Function: Principle of Management – Time and motion study, work
simplification – process charts and flow diagrams, Production Planning.
Unit 3 Inventory Control: Inventory, Cost, Deterministic Models, Introduction to supply
chain management.
Unit 4 Quality Control: Process control, SQC, Control charts, Single, Double and
Sequential Sampling, Introduction to TQM.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 651 Subject Name: Computer Networks Lab

1. Understand and analyze different networking architecture

and programming approaches.

2. Understand and remember the existing protocols, and then

Course Outcomes: go onto formulate the algorithms to implement these

3. Demonstration of these networking algorithms and execute.

Syllabus: As per AKTU

1. Programs using TCP Sockets (like date and time server & client, echo server & client,
2. Programs using UDP Sockets (like simple DNS)
3. Programs using Raw sockets (like packet capturing and filtering)
4. Programs using RPC
5. Simulation of sliding window protocols
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 652 Subject Name: Software Engineering Lab

1. Understand and remember fundamentals of computer

programming approach.

Course Outcomes: 2. To analyze and evaluate the process of software


3. To implement a new software engineering project.

Syllabus: As per AKTU

For any given case/ problem statement do the following;
1. Prepare a SRS document in line with the IEEE recommended standards.
2. Draw the use case diagram and specify the role of each of the actors. Also
state the precondition, post condition and function of each use case.
3. Draw the activity diagram.
4. Identify the classes. Classify them as weak and strong classes and draw
the class diagram.
5. Draw the sequence diagram for any two scenarios.
6. Draw the collaboration diagram.
7. Draw the state chart diagram.
8. Draw the component diagram.
9. Perform forward engineering in java.(Model to code conversion)
10. Perform reverse engineering in java.(Code to Model conversion)
11. Draw the deployment diagram.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 653 Subject Name: Compiler Design Lab

1. To understand the fundamentals of Compilation Process.

2. To describe and understanding the parsing Techniques to

Course Outcomes: parse the given string.

3.To understanding the Syntax directed translation techniques

and the role of symbol table manager.

Syllabus: As per AKTU

1. Implementation of LEXICAL ANALYZER for IF STATEMENT
3. Construction of NFA from REGULAR EXPRESSION
4. Construction of DFA from NFA
9. Implementation of CODE GENERATOR
Department of Computer Science and Engineering GCET

Branch: Computer Science Year: III Semester: Even

and Engineering
Subject Code: NCS 654 Subject Name: SEMINAR

1. To identify and understand the latest technology and research fields

2. To develop efficient presentation skills and effective communication

Course Outcomes:
3. To understand and promote the use of ICT and develop document
preparing skills

Guideline to Students

Evaluation done through Presentations on latest technology and research fields, Quality of Seminar
Report and Viva-voce.

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