Criminal Research On Robert Pickton

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Criminal Research on Robert Pickton

By:Miguel Loreto
Robert Pickton Robert Pickton grew up on a family run farm in
Port Coquitlam, BC.Pickton living in a trailer home
Overview on the farm exhibited strange behaviors.Pickton
got accustomed to the the streets of Vancouver
and noticed the numbers of prostitutes and would
entice them into his vehicle. Starting in 1995 and
ending in 2007 Pickton started kidnapping and
murdering prostitutes in downtown Vancouver
chopping them up and feeding them to the pigs on
his farm.
Case R. v. Pickton

Robert William Pickton(appellant) v.

Her Majesty The Queen(Respondent)

McLachlin, Beverley; Binnie, William Ian Corneil;
LeBel, Louis; Deschamps, Marie; Fish, Morris J.;
Abella, Rosalie Silberman; Charron, Louise;
Rothstein, Marshall; Cromwell, Thomas Albert

Took place in British Columbia

Date 2010-07-30
Case pt.2 Verdict: max imprisonment with no
chance at parole for 25 years

Jury cannot be found due to court

publication ban

6 accounts of second degree murder

Challenges: he was only convicted of 6

murders while he was accused in the
upper 40’s should he be accused of the
other 40 murders?
Major Timeline

Birth of Robert Pickton Initial Arrest Charges

A truck driver employed by Pickton Robert pickton was charged with 6
Oct 24th birthdate of Robert Pickton. came to the police alerting them of accounts of second degree murders
illegal weapons on the Pickton grounds with life imprisonment with no change
with the police finding evidence of the of parole until 25 years served
missing women
1978-2001 2003 2010

1949 2002 2007

Disappearance of women Preliminary hearing Discontinue

Aug 4th Prosecutors announce that
At least 65 women disappeared from January-July preliminary hearing they will not charge him with the other
downtown vancouver. murders as he has max imprisonment
and to not further bother the affected
families and lower resource costs
Convicted murder
Police play an important role in society as they
maintain order, ensure public safety and enforce the
Police Officer laws and regulations set out by the government.

Costs Diploma
2 years
Must have highschool diploma
Year One And average of 65 with a mark no lower than 50 in ELA
Books/Supplies/Instruments 30 -1 or -2 and Social 30-1 or -2 and one subject from
A,B,C or D
$1,500.00Year One
Mandatory Fees All applicants must meet an acceptable level of English
$1,131.00Year One language proficiency. We will require official documents
such as one of the following:

● High school transcripts

● Post-secondary transcripts
● Proof of successful completion of standardized
language evaluation.


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