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Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference

December 22-24,2013, Roorkee



Raskar-Phule, R*., Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
(IIT) Bombay,
Choudhury, D., Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay,

ABSTRACT: Majority of liquefaction related studies concentrated on relatively clean sands believing that only
“clean sandy soils” with few amount of fines do liquefy and cohesive soils were non liquefiable because of its
resistance to cyclic loading due to shear strength. However, a few major earthquakes showed that even cohesive
soils, like silts and clays may exhibit soil liquefaction response. This accelerated research studies on liquefaction
susceptibility of fine grained soils. The paper presents an overview of previous and recent studies on the assessment
of liquefaction susceptibility giving brief information about the development and discrepancies found in the

INTRODUCTION in fine grained soils after Haichen (1975) and

Majority of liquefaction related studies Tangshan (1976) earthquakes in China. According
concentrated on relatively clean sands believing to these criteria, the liquefiable fine grained soils
that only “clean sandy soils” with few amounts of were having clay content less than 15 % (5 μm or
fines do liquefy and cohesive soils were non less), liquid limit (LL) between 21 and 35,
liquefiable because of its resistance to cyclic plasticity index (PI) between 4 and 14, and natural
loading due to shear strength. However, a few water content (wc) of 90% or above LL. The
major earthquakes showed that even cohesive soils, criterion for the measure of the clay content of the
like silts and clays may exhibit soil liquefaction soil eliminates the medium to high plastic soils.
response. This accelerated research studies on The LL criterion of a soil is an indirect measure of
liquefaction susceptibility of fine grained soils. The wc or void ratio (e) that corresponds to specified
paper presents an overview of previous and current undrained shear strength of 2 to 2.5 kPa. The next
studies on the assessment of liquefaction two criteria identify the sensitivity of fine grained
susceptibility giving brief information about the soils. A few researchers have shown that [2] differ
development and discrepancies found in the from the ASTM procedures followed in USA and
literature. some other countries.
[3] reported that soils with fines up to 90% and
An Overview of Liquefaction Susceptibility clay content of 18 % exhibited liquefaction during
Criteria for Fine Grained Soils Tokachi –Oki earthquake of 1968.
[4] had suggested that low plasticity fines (PI< 4)
[1] reported liquefaction of soils with up to 70% do not influence the liquefaction potential.
fines and 10% clay fraction during Mino-Owar, Chinese criteria was modified and revised by [5] as
Tohankai and Fukui earthquakes. This led to study “Modified Chinese Criteria” to fit the universal
of liquefaction and cyclic mobility of fine grained guidelines. According to these criteria, fine
soils. (cohesive) soils that plot below the line as shown
The criteria to assess liquefaction susceptibility of in Fig. 1 are considered to be susceptible to
fine soils begin with Chinese criteria published by liquefaction if, percent clay fines (clay size less
[2] and recommended by Chinese code for than 0.005mm) are less than 15% , LL limits to
Aseismic Design of hydraulic Structures. It was 35% , and the in-situ wc is or above 0.9 times LL.
based on the observed failures due to liquefaction
Raskar-Phule,R. & Choudhury, D.

determined by means of the Casagrande percussion

device. Hence [8] recommended a slight reduction
of the LL condition of the Chinese criteria before
using it as a screening tool when the Casagrande
method has been used.
[7], [9] and [10] also suggested some adjustments
of the index properties as determined using the US
standards, prior to applying the Chinese criteria as
shown in Fig.3. According to this criteria, the soils
that fall below the line having wc = 0.87(LL) and
LL as 33.5 will be considered as susceptible to

Fig.1 Modified Chinese criteria [5]

[6] suggested that if the fines in sand are less than

5%, their effect on liquefaction susceptibility may
be neglected and suggested use of charts in Fig.2
for sands as well for soils with fines.

Fig.3 Chinese criteria adapted to ASTM definitions

of Soil Properties [10]

[11] mentioned that in soils in which the fines

content is sufficient to separate the coarser
particles, the nature of the fines controls the
behavior. . Low plasticity or non-plastic silts and
silty sands may be highly susceptible to
liquefaction. This will be the case when PI is less
than about 10. For soils with moderately plastic
fines ( fines content more than about 15 % and 8 ≤
PI ≤ 15 ), the liquefaction behavior may be
uncertain and may need further investigation.
Fig.2 Relationship between CSR and (N1)60 values After the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, [12, 13]
for silty sand for Mw = 7.5 [6] noted that a deposit of clayey soil might have
contributed to the surface deformations observed at
[7] made an observation about the effect of fines in the Moss Landing site. They concluded that
sand in developing equivalent clean sand behavior. indiscriminate use of the Chinese criteria as a
If the void ratio of silty sand and clean sand is the substitute for detailed laboratory and in situ testing
same the liquefaction resistance decreases. should be avoided.
[8] noted that the determination of LL by means of [14] recommends the Chinese criteria as a
the fall cone used in China produced values that generally conservative predictive tool.
are about four points higher than those values Additionally, he follows a series of assumptions to
A Critical Review of Liquefaction Susceptibility Criteria for Fine grained Soils Subjected to Earthquake Loading

state that natural soil deposits that have a "C" 10 < PI < 12 fall into an "uncertain range".
descriptor (e.g. CH, CL, SC, and GC) are screened Undisturbed samples of soils that plot in that
as non-liquefiable. Possibly liquefiable fine- region of the plasticity chart should be obtained for
grained soils should have LL < 35 and plot below laboratory testing (Bray and Sancio, 2006).
the A-line or have PI < 7 (Bray and Sancio, 2006).
[15] proposed a criterion according to soil type Table 1 Liquefaction susceptibility of silty soils
behavior index (Ic) which can be determined using [18]
CPT parameters: normalized tip resistance, Q, and Clay Content Liquid Limit Liquid Limit
friction ratio, FR. Authors suggest that soils with Ic < 32 ≥ 32
> 2.6 are considered to be non-liquefiable; whereas < 10% Susceptible Further
soils with Ic < 2.6 and FR< = 1.0% are considered studies
to be very sensitive and vulnerable to liquefaction. Required
After the 1994 Northridge earthquake, [16] found (considering
that liquefaction of silty soils caused “widespread plastic non-clay
sized grains –
permanent ground deformation” on gently sloping such as mica)
Holocene, alluvial fan surfaces in the affected ≥ 10% Further Non-
region. They state, “The conclusion that permanent studies Susceptible
ground deformation during the 1994 earthquake required
was caused by liquefaction of very silty sands is (considering
consistent with the experience from the 1971 San non-plastic clay
Fernando earthquake.” The dynamic resistance of sized grains –
low plasticity silty and clayey soils, which led to such as mine
and quarry
significant ground failure and damage, e.g., Balboa
Boulevard, during the 1994 Northridge earthquake,
warrants additional study [20] used a wider range of the plasticity chart, and
[17] found a threshold value of PI at around 4-5 at according to his criteria, soils with LL < 25 and PI
which silt-clay mixtures have highest susceptibility < 7 is liquefiable. Soils that have 25 < LL < 35 and
of liquefaction. They gave an approximate 7 < PI < 10 are potentially liquefiable, and finally
correlation between cyclic stress ratio (CSR) for soils with 35 <LL < 50 and 10 < PI < 15 are
initial liquefaction and PI, initial void ratio (e0) susceptible to cyclic mobility (Bray and Sancio,
and number of cycles (N) based on statistical 2006).
analysis. They showed that an increase in PI lowers [21] developed and recommended revised
the cyclic stress ratio for liquefaction in low approximate corrections to better fit the empirical
plasticity range upto a critical point after which the database as shown in Fig. 3 for Fines Content (FC):
liquefaction resistance increases with increase in i) FC < = 5%, ii) 5%< FC<35% and iii) FC>=35%
PI. In [22] and [23] fundamental aspects of monotonic
[18] reinforced, refined and promoted the criteria and cyclic liquefaction of silty sands were
for silty soils outlined in [5] as shown in Table 1. explored. The steady-state line for silty soils
They presented several case histories and theory to appeared to be non-unique, and as opposed to clean
promote a simple criterion based on two „key‟ soil sands, sands with high silt content exhibit
parameters; clay content (percent of fines by increasing dilatancy with increasing confining
weight smaller than 0.002mm) and LL (determined pressure. Importantly, sands with high silt contents
by Casagrande-type percussion apparatus) not only were found to be highly contractive and clearly
to partition liquefiable and non-liquefiable soils but liquefied in these carefully performed cyclic
also to address cases where clay sized grains are triaxial tests.
non-plastic and non-clay sized grains are plastic. The proposed cut-off value of Ic by [15] was
[19] indicate that soils that have LL < 30 and PI < criticized by [24]. They stated that 2.6 is too
10 are liquefiable, and those with 30 < LL <40 and conservative and this boundary should be lowered.
Raskar-Phule,R. & Choudhury, D.

Later [21] lowered Ic value to 2.4 and stated that

soils with Ic > 2.4 should be further tested while
soils with Ic < 2.4 are considered to be liquefiable.
[25] defined the threshold and limit fines content
(FCth and FCl) to discriminate between cases when
the coarser grains interact and influence response
and when there are sufficient fines (FC>FCl) such
that the coarse particles are essentially “floating” in
a matrix of fine silt-size particles. In the latter case,
the void ratio of the fine fraction (ef; or if FCth<FC
<FCl, the equivalent inter-fine void ratio) is the key
descriptor of density because the fine fraction
governs the response of the mixed soil.
Based on this field and laboratory performance, Fig.4 Recommended liquefaction susceptibility
[26] recommended that the Modified Chinese boundaries for fine-grained soils by [26]
Criteria be relegated to history as the „percent clay
fines‟ is less important than overall contribution of [29] further developed the criteria proposed by
fines to plasticity. The authors represented Bray et al. (2004) as shown in Fig. 6 proposing that
recommendations regarding “liquefiability” of soils soils with wc/LL > 0.85 and (ii) PI < 12 are
with significant fines contents as shown in the Fig. vulnerable to liquefaction, soils having (i) wc /LL >
4. The classification was done based on soil index 0.80 and (ii) 12 < PI < 18 are moderately
parameters. Soils having PI < = 12, LL < = 37 and susceptible to liquefaction and they propose further
wc > 0.8(LL) are considered in Zone A and are laboratory testing for fine-grained soils located in
considered potentially susceptible to “classic” this range; whereas, soils having PI > 18 are
cyclically induced liquefaction. Soils with PI < = considered to be non-liquefiable under low
20, LL < = 47 and wc > = 0.85(LL) comes in Zone effective stress levels due to their high clay
B which may be liquefiable and soils lying out of content.
these boundaries, termed as Zone C soils are not [30] found that the liquefaction potential of clayey
considered to be susceptible to “classic cyclic soils that do not have high ion concentrations in
liquefaction but to be checked for potential their pore-water can be related to PI with
sensitivity. liquefaction potential decreasing as PI increases.
[27] criticized the [2] and the criteria proposed by They state that “soil with PI >15 is non-
[18] and recommended laboratory testing as the liquefiable.”
best way to evaluate liquefaction susceptibility of [31], [32] and [33] have investigated the
cohesive soils. Based on the results of their study, liquefaction of soils with fines and shown that fine
[17] proposed the following criteria as shown in grained soils with more than 50 % passing US
Fig. 5. Soils are susceptible to liquefaction or sieve # 200 can be reasonably grouped either into
cyclic mobility if, wc /LL≥0.85 and PI≤12. Soils soils that exhibit sand-like stress-strain behavior or
are moderately susceptible to liquefaction or cyclic soils that exhibit clay like stress-strain behavior
mobility if, wc /LL≥0.85 and 12<PI<20. Soils with during monotonic and cyclic undrained shear
PI>20 are non- liquefiable due to high clay content. loading. They presented new liquefaction
[28] found that Fraser River Delta silt (PI=5) and susceptibility criteria for saturated silts and clays
fine-grained mine tailings (0< = PI< = 12), subjected to earthquake loading. Fig.7 provides a
respectively, underwent liquefaction even though schematic illustration of the transition behavior of
some of the criteria cited above indicated that some fine grained soils with increasing PI.
of the soils tested were not susceptible to The criterion is based on PI and according to
liquefaction. authors; fine-grained soils having PI < 3 are named
as “sand-like” and they can exhibit “cyclic
A Critical Review of Liquefaction Susceptibility Criteria for Fine grained Soils Subjected to Earthquake Loading

liquefaction” type response; whereas, for fine- observed in Iran due to an earthquake of magnitude
grained soils having PI > 7 are named as “clay- 6.4. The soil had a LL of 38 %, PI=18 %, and fine
like” and they are expected to exhibit “cyclic fraction (finer than 75 microns) of 44%. They
mobility” type response. In between these PI performed cyclic triaxial tests. The analysis of data
ranges, i.e. 3 to 7, a transition is expected from indicated that the clayey sand deposit likely
sand-like behavior to clay-like behavior. developed high residual excess pore water
pressures and significant shear strains during the

Fig.5 Liquefaction susceptibility margins [27]

Fig.7 Transition from sand-like to clay-like

behavior with increasing PI [32]

[37] based on the data suggested that the soils with

low plasticity (PI < about 7) may liquefy or
develop large deformations under cyclic loading.
[38] gave insights into the influential role of clay
mineralogy on the cyclic behavior of silt–clay
mixtures. They stated that there are some aspects
of clay mineralogy that the PI cannot quite capture
(e.g., differences in clay mineral coating, water-
orienting ability). The effects of clay mineralogy
may actually explain the different limiting PI
Fig.6 Liquefaction susceptibility margins [29] After the 2009 Olancha M5.2 earthquake, [39]
reported that the liquefaction occurred in fine-
[35] investigated the liquefaction susceptibility of grained sand to silty sand from 0.9 to 1.4 m having
saturated loess (silty soil) and fine sand obtained Fines content(less than 0.075mm) as high as
from an airport site near Lanzhou, China. This 15±8%.
loess had PI varying from 7.2 to 9. Their studies [40] gave critical silt contents for different
indicated that this loess was more susceptible to accelrations upto which the liquefaction resistance
liquefaction than fine sand. increases. Further, the authors also stated that the
[36] Investigated liquefaction behavior of clayey effect of silt content is very much dependent on
sand from a site where large sand boiling, relative density.
softening and large deformations had been
Raskar-Phule,R. & Choudhury, D.

[41]) studied the effect of plastic fines on sand and But if the silt particles are located between the sand
concluded that increase in fines leads to an increase grains so as to separate the sand grains, then the
in the instability, followed by a decrease with a structure is much weaker.
further increase in fines content. [47] demonstrated the comparison of phase concept
[42] assessed the liquefaction potential area of for liquefaction in both sandy and clayey soils as
southwest Christchurch following the 2010 darfield shown in Table 2.
earthquake and observed that the liquefaction
ejecta throughout Christchurch were consistently Table 2 Phase concept for both sandy and clayey
grey fine silty sand. soils [47]
[43] characterized the different regimes of fine- Soils Sand; clayey sand Clay; silty clay
grained soil behavior under earthquake load by a content
Wn PL; Wn; LL
(η, LI5) stability diagram as shown in Fig.8 that Cyc Cyc
Force Type Impact Impact Static
captures the effect of soil plasticity through lic lic
Liquidity Index (LI) and used it to analyze the Influence Water
Excess Pore Water Pressure
Factor Content
potential for liquefaction in fine grained soils.
[44] stated that liquefaction resistance increases Effective Stress
with increase in fines up to about 10–15% and then Mechanism
starts to decline for a higher increase in fines >0 =0
content and that the effect of non-plastic fines on Full or 100
strain energy based liquefaction resistance shows a Behavior
% pore
Mud Land
more complicated behavior. pressure Flow slide
[45] carried out Cyclic triaxial tests for remodeled Limited
saturated clayey sands with varying clay Content Limited
Deformation Unlimited flow Strain Flow
Flow strain
and found that the lowest liquefaction resistance in strain
mixtures occurs when clay contents is 15%.

Discrepancies / Limitations of the Liquefaction

Susceptibility Criteria

Although the performances of widely used

liquefaction susceptibility criteria for fine grained
soils helps to better understand the soil response,
they also suffer from some limitations which are
discussed here.
The use of both [2] and [5] is questionable for
sites exhibiting significant different characters than
the specified grain soils and for different
earthquake conditions, i.e. different level and
duration of shaking.
The suggestions of [6] are not based on
experimental or field data.
Fig.8 Stability diagram [43]
[4] did not consider the effect of the void ratio in
their analysis.
[46] pointed out that location of silts in the soils
[7] stated that if the void ratio of silty sand and
structure is a primary factor for silt contents below
clean sand is the same the liquefaction resistance
approximately 30%. If the silt particles are located
decreases. If the comparison is made at the same
in the voids between the larger sand grains, the
(N1)60, the effect of fines is to increase the
effect of the silt is to increase the strength and
liquefaction resistance. But, if comparison is made
decrease the liquefaction potential of the structure.
A Critical Review of Liquefaction Susceptibility Criteria for Fine grained Soils Subjected to Earthquake Loading

using the “the same void ratio in sand skeleton” as 35% were found to be moderately susceptible to
the criteria, then there is no effect on the cyclic liquefaction.
strength provided the fines can be accommodated As shown in Fig. 5, only the upper limit of PI
in the sand voids. given by [27] is modified for moderately
[11] mentioned that for soils with moderately liquefiable soils from 20 to 18. Also the authors
plastic fines ( fines content more than about 15 % suggest that the proposed criteria should be applied
and 8 ≤ PI ≤ 15 ), the liquefaction behavior may be with engineering judgments as there may be cases
uncertain and may need further investigation. It is where sensitive soils with PI > 18 may undergo
obvious that it is still not possible to evaluate the sever strength loss as a result of earthquake
likelihood of liquefaction of silts or silty clays with induced straining.
the same confidence as for clean sands without [16] recommends additional study for the dynamic
additional investigations. resistance of low plasticity silty and clayey soils
The main limitation of the criteria proposed by [18] and is supported by [17], who state that for the
is that the criteria did not take into account the wc commonly occurring low plasticity silts and silty
to LL ratio as a screening tool for the assessment of clays in the central United States, “Their
liquefaction susceptibility. Also, for the use of liquefaction behavior is not properly understood at
Table 1 the clay refers to fraction finer than 0.002 present and is often confused with that of sand-silt
mm and LL should be determined using mixtures.”
Casagrande type equipment.
[19] observed that there is significant controversy CONCLUSIONS
and confusion regarding the liquefaction potential Although researchers had made efforts on
of silty soils (and silty /clayey soils), and also identification of the susceptible soil type on
coarser, gravelly soils and rockfills. liquefaction for fine grained soils based on both
[17] states that more detailed and comprehensive empirical and theoretical conduct, there is still no
study is warranted to prove that the lowest level of qualitative and quantitative parameter, no definite
liquefaction resistance is at PI = 4.They guidelines in geotechnical field that could be used
recommends that more research to understand as an evaluation tool on liquefaction susceptibility.
seismic behavior of fined grained soils is essential. The controversy and confusion of the fines grained
The CRR curves developed by [21] are valid only soils behavior after disturbed by cyclic load is
for magnitude 7.5 earthquakes and are to be complex. Hence, review on fine grained soils
adjusted to other magnitudes using scaling factors. which are vulnerable to liquefaction must be
The only limitation of [26] criteria is that it was studied and more related research on this needs to
based on a summary of field observations and be done to have a good understanding of the
experimental researches and hence do not address liquefaction behavior of fine grained soils.
on how the criteria was developed.
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