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Before the Honourable District and Session Judge Gilgit

Misc. application No.

Mir Hussain s/o Mir Thannat r/o Chhashi Gupis
…… Appellant
Zamidaran chhashi through Mirza Aman shah, etc.
……. Respondent
RE: -Revenue second appeal against the judgement dated 10-08-1985, passed by
the collector Gilgit whereby the first appeal of the appellant has been dismissed
by upholding the judgement of Assistant commissioner Gupis setting aside the
judgment of both the learned lower courts by accepting this appeal. __________

Application under order 13 rule 10 of cpc read with section 151 cpc for
direction to secretary Law /deputy secretary law Gilgit Baltistan to provide the
finial judgement passed by the Revenue commissioner Gilgit Baltistan 26-10-1989
along with complete case file for proceeding and inspection the same. ________
Respected sir: -
1. That a case had been filed by the petitioner Mir Hussain etc ,against the
Zamindaran chhashi dated 13 august 2012 before the civil judge Gupis,yasin
and the civil judge Gupis after proper trial dismissed the case of petitioner
dated 23-11-2015 due to merit list.
2. That the above petitioner submitted First appeal before the District court
Ghizer dated 18 -01 -2016 and the respondent file an application under
section 24 cpc before chief court Gilgit Baltistan and the honourable chief
court transfer the above appeal to district court Gilgit.
3. That the above disputed land had already been decided by the Assistant
collector Gupis, Collector Gilgit, and final appeal judgement ,passed by the
revenue commissioner Gilgit Baltistan dated 26 -10 -1989.
4. That the above mention case file is present in the record room of Revenue
commissioner Gilgit Baltistan.
5. That the disputed land Hami-Thing is already decided by the lower court and
appellant court and now the petitioner again file the same case with same
cause and grounds.
6. That the affidavit is also enclosed here with the petition.
It is therefore Humbly prayed that this honourable court may kindly be direct to
secretary law /deputy secretary law to submit the complete case file for
proceeding and inspection.
Attorney through counsels
Manzoor Ahmad Advocate Haji Daulat Karim Advocate
Supreme Appellant Court High court
Verification: -
Solemnly affirms and declare on oath that the contains of above
applications are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and
information nothing has been concealed from this honourable court.

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