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FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Med. Foundation Inc. v.


FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation Inc., petitioner, vs. Hon. Cresenciano Trajano and Ricardo
C. Castro, FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation Inc. Alliance of Filipino Workers (AFW),

Date: July 31, 1987

Ponente: Paras, J.

• Petitioner has a work force of about 350 rank and file employees, majority of whom are members
of private respondent AFW.
• Feb. 13, 1986 – AFW filed a Petition for Consent and/or Certification Election with Ministry of
Labor and Employment. Petitioner opposed on the ground that a similar petition involving the same
issues and the same parties is pending resolution before SC.
• As early as May 10, 1976, private respondent filed a similar petition for certification election but
the petition was denied by the MED Arbiter and Secretary of Labor on appeal, on the ground that
petitioner was a non-stock, non-profit medical institution; thus, its employees may not form, join or
organize a union pursuant to LC Art. 244. Also, it filed a petition for certiorari with SC assailing the
constitutionality of Art. 244. Pending resolution of the said petition (May 1, 1980), BP 70 was
enacted amending Art. 244, thus granting even employees of non-stock, non-profit institutions the
right to form, join and organize labor unions of their choice; and that in the exercise of such right,
AFW filed another petition for certification.
• April 17, 1986 – Med Arbiter issued an Order granting the petition, declaring that a certification
election be conducted to determine the exclusive bargaining representative of all rank and file
employees of petitioner.
• Respondent Director affirmed: rendered moot and academic by virtue of amendatory BP 70
which allows employees of non-profit medical institutions to unionize.

Issue: W/N respondent Director gravely abused his discretion in granting the petition for certification
election, despite the pendency of a similar petition before SC

Held: NO.

• At the time private respondent filed its petition on Feb. 13, Art. 244 was already amended by BP
70: medical… institutions whether operating for profit or not
• Rank and file employees of non-profit medical institutions are now permitted to form, organize or
join labor unions of their choice for purposes of collective bargaining.
• Since private respondent had complied with the requisites provided by law calling for
certification election, it was incumbent upon respondent Director to conduct such election.
• Any judgment which may be rendered in the petition for certiorari pending before SC will not
constitute res judicata in the present petition for certification election, for in the former, private
respondent questioned the constitutionality of Art. 244 before its amendment while in the latter,
private respondent invokes the same article as already amended.

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