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Logic Model - J.


What steps need to be taken in order to design, share, implement, and monitor instructional expectations at Alston Ridge Middle School?

Outputs Intended Results

Activities Participation Short-Term Outcomes Long-Term Impacts

Human Resources Instructional Needs Input All classroom teachers engage Teachers and administrators Instructional needs will be an
● Instructional Facilitator Session in a protocol to provide input will have a shared intentional focus and frequent
● PLTs regarding instructional understanding of baseline discussion piece within the
● Administrators buckets instructional expectations that building for administrators
● Classroom Teachers should be occurring within the and teachers
● SIP Team Development of the Instructional Facilitator and building at all times
● Instructional Leadership “Instructional Floor” for Administrative Team
Team remainder of 2019-2020 disaggregate teacher input to Preliminary discussions Our school will be able to raise
school year develop this resource (and around instructional shortages the bar on instructional
Financial Resources share with staff) and needs, as well as student expectations over time by
● Professional surveys, will drive professional utilizing instructional rounds
Development (future) Instructional Leadership Team Instructional Facilitator, development and the school with PLTs and supporting
(ILT) formed Intervention Coordinator, AIG improvement plan teachers in reaching the bar
Organizational Resources Teacher, ALC Teacher, SIP through professional learning
● Instructional Floor Chair, Administrators can be networks based on needs
Document included
● Walk-through Tool Knowing the instructional As a result of developing
Development of walk-through ILT creates and then provides expectations, teachers will structures that require
tool based on “Instructional overview of the tool to the more intentionally prepare for instruction to be at the
Floor” entire staff and implement lessons that forefront of decisions, student
are aligned to standards achievement and growth will
Monthly Walk-throughs ILT creates a walk-through both increase over time as
schedule that includes at least measured by EVAAS
one visit to each classroom on
a monthly basis; this group will Students will be more engaged We would see improved
disaggregate walk-through and feel that they have more student perceptions on their
data to inform future steps control of their learning schooling experience as
measured by WCPSS Student
“Raising the Bar” Planning Instructional Facilitator, SIP Survey Results
Session for 2020-2021 Chair, and Administrators will
meet to design professional
development plan for
2020-2021 school year

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