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‘THE GREEKSTYLE DESIGN OF THESE TOTES HAS THE LOOK OF TAPESTRY CROCHET, but the effects achieved with front-post stitches. ‘This means you get classic tapestry styling with half the weight of tapestry crochet, which carries two yams throughout the work. Worked in easy-care yam, these totes clean up easily after playing hard at the beach or wherever your summer travels take you. Large tote 15° wide and 17" ‘al;-small rote: 4" wide and 8" tall. Lon Brand Cotton-Ease (50% cotton, 50% acrylic 207 yd [188 m1/3% 02100 9}; (BB) #195 azatea (A) 145 plum (8, and 2112 berry (Q,2 skeinseach. Sizes H/8 (5 mm) and V9 (5.5 mm. Aglust hooksize fnecessary to obtain correct gauge. 4 stitch markers (ls yarn needle 16steand 16 rows = 4" in se with larger hook, 16 | Summer 2010 | Notes Both projects are worked in joined nds with RS facing, To join, sl st in first stof md, pull taut. eg chel does not count asst through. out To change colors, leave the last 2 Ips of last sc on hook, yo with new color and draw through to complete st and join, Carry yarn not in use inside project. {ong front post double crochet (FPde: insert hook from front to back around ROCHET | 3 rows below, yo and pull up Ip, yoand draw through 2 Ips on hook, yo and draw ‘through last 2Ips.en hook. Zigzag patt (multiple of 6 ch +1) ‘Note: Work 2 rowsin Cand 2 rowsin 8 alternately throughout. nds 1-2: With, ch 1, scaround, st stin first sc to join, change colors at end of Rnd 2, do not fasten off C (see Notes), nds 3~4: With B, ch 1, sc around, st tin first scto join, changing colors at end of Rnd 4, Rnd 5:Ch 1, *scin fist 5 sts, LFPdc (see above), sksc behind post now and throughout; rep from * around, sl st in ist sco join—25 se and 5 LFPdc. Rnd 6:Ch 1, sc around, changing colors in last st tin first sc to jin, nd 7:Ch 1 scin fist 4 sts, Pe, *5¢ in next 5 sts, LFPdc; rep from *to last sc, scin last sts stin ist sc to join. Rad 8:Rep Rnd 6. ‘and 9: Ch 1, scin fist 3 sts, LFPde, sc in next 5sts,LFPdc; rep from *to last 2c, sc In last 2sc,s1 st in frst set join. Rnd 10:Rep Rnd 6. Rnd 11:Ch 1, scin first 2c, LFPdc,*scin next 5 sts, Pac; rep from *to last 3 s, se Inlast 3c sl st in first sc to join Rnd 12:51 stin next st, ch 1, scin same st, se in each sc around, scin fists! st, changing Colors in last st, sist in first scto join. Rnd 13:SIstin next sc, ch 1,scin same sc, sc in next 45c, Pde, *scin next 5 sc, Pde; rep from * around, sIst in first scto join. nd 14:Rep find 6. Rep Rnds 7-14 for patt ‘Small Tote Base: With larger hook and A, ch 13. Rnd 1: Work 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch to last ch, 5 sc in last ch, working in opposite side of foundation chain, sc in each st across, 3 se in same foundation ch as beg 2 sc, al st in frst se to join—30 se Rnds 2-5: Ch 1, sc around, sl sc in frst Se to join, changing to C in last st of Rnd 5—30 sc Fasten off Beg zigzag att: Rnds 1-14: Work Rows I-14 of sigag pate (see Stitch Guide) Rnds 15-22: Work Rnds 7-14 of sigzag patt, changing to A in last st of Rnd 22. Fasten off B and C. Rnds 23-26: Ch I, se across, sl sein first se to join. Rnd 27: With smaller hook, ch 1, *rev sc (ee Glossary) in next st to right, ch 1, sk next sc; rep from * around, sist in first sc to join. Fasten off and weave in loose ends | Large Tote Base: With larger hook and A, ch 25 nd 1: Work 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch to last ch, 5 sc in last ch, working in opposite sie of foundation chain, sc in each st across, 2 sc in same st as beg3 sc, sls in fs se 0 join—54 se Rnd 2: Ch I, 2 se in frst se, 2 sc in next Sc, se im next 4 sc, 2 sc in each of next 3 se, sc in next 24 sc, 2c in last se, sl st in frst se to join, place marker (pm) in fist se of each ine—60 se Rnds 3-12: Ch 1, sc in each st, ine 3 sts evenly on each end moving m up each snd and alternating m placement by placing m in 2nd se of ine one rad and first se of next rnd—120 se Sides: Rnd 1: Ch 1, se blo around, sl st in frst se to join—120 se. Rnds 2-12: Ch 1, sc around, sl st in first sc to join, changing to C in last st of Rad 12. Rnds 13-26: Work Rds 1-14 of zigzag patt (see Stitch Guide)—100 se and 20 LEP Rnds 27-58: Work Rnds 7-14 of zigsag pate 4 times. Rnds 59-62: Work Rnds 7-10 of sigeag ptt, changing to A in last st of Rnd 62. Fasten off B and C. nds 63-67: Ch 1, se around, s st in fist sc to join. Mark sps for inserting straps as foll: with tote lying flat along top edge, count 14 sis in from each side and pm in next st. Turn tote over and rep for 2nd strap. There should be 30 sts bet m on front and back and 28 sts bet m on sides. Rnd 68: Ch 1, [in each se m, ch 1, sk marked st] 4 times, sc in rem s¢ 10 end, s st in first sc to join—LI6 se and 4 ch gps Rnd 69: Ch I, sc in each se and ch-l sp around, s st in first se to join—120 se. Rnds 70-72: Ch 1, se around, el sein frst se to join—120 se. Rnd 73: With smaller hook, rep Rad 27 of small tote. Fasten off and weave in loose ends Straps (make 2) With larger hook and A, ch 120. Rnd 1: Sl st in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn ch over, ch 1, work ing in bottom ridge Is along opposice side of ch, sl st in each bottom ridge Ip to end, sls in fst sl to join, Fasten off and weave in loose ends Attach straps: With long side of tote facing, insert each end of strap from. outside to inside in ch-l sps on Rnd 68 of tote. Double knot each end of strap on the inside of tote. Rep for 2nd strap on other side of tore. 8

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