Filet Crochet Part II

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Pr, 09, (See Fig, TS.) The model was, worked with No, 70 Cordonnet cottot and Nor Th ‘book 21 meshes a Pio, 78, (See Fig. 74) 24 meshes Fis. T1, (See Fig. 70) 21 meshes . TA, (See Fig. 73) Fe, 7. (See Fiz, 69) ‘This panel and “Spring” shown om pase 25, are very attenctive used on bedeprends, invet 1a the linen aud Yor- ered bya let insertion of the proper width. | Anotber Dretty aevangement for a spread 1s to use cither panet in Ele cratre, four crocheted squares in the comers, and on the ‘Aoroaes a ‘1x 127 meshes sides, between the corners, the motto, “Barly to Bei,” eta in Cameo crochet, whieh Ia given im the Prisella Bedspread Hook with fall directions for working. ‘This Insertion could ‘iso be done in oreinary diet eroeiet or cross-stitch, us pre= ferred. ‘The two designs could be adapted for doorpancls, Fie. 77 (See Fig. 76) Figure 76, EDGING FOR SCARF.—chatn (ch) 72, Jst row —Double crochet (@) In 9th eh from hook ‘and make 21 more spaces (sp) (2 eb, dn Si ch), 4d in Jest eh; tara, 2d row—Chain 14, 1 4 into each of Oth, 20th, and 11th eh from hook and i d into next dy ch, 4 d in sp after 48 of Ist row, 21 sp; turn, 2 row--Chain I'd 1m 1st d (for 2 ap), 19 more sp, 4,4, ch 5, 1 treble (&) over 2 ch between tre groupe of Ty ch 5, 4d into loop at end of rows turn, sin row—Coain 11, 1 @ into ench of the th, 10th, ‘and 11th eh from book and 1d into nest @ ch ds 6 over t of last row, using 1 eh at each side of t eh’ o, £0, 10'sp tm, fun row—Chain 5, 1 a tm Ist a (this will hereatter be {Included im the number of ep beginning the Yow), 3 more sp 44,13, 40, ch 5, 5 60 over ds cof last row, Using, 1 ch at each side, ef 5,4. Into loop: tur th row Chain 11, Td into 08, Voth, and 11th eh and 1a into noxt ay ch 2,'s.d-over 5 ch chs, Ss cover wo, en 9, 4d over 5: ch, 15 spy 4d, 9 ap tur Gin row—Pive ap, 4 4)" sp, Ta B8D, 4 dover 5 on, ch 4,1 tin 8 9 c, ch 4, 4d over bch, eh, Lt over 2 eh, en 5, 4 tn Joop; tara, sin row. Chain 11, 1 @ in 9th, 100h, and 11th eh, 1 @ im d, ch 3, 9 se ch 5) 4d over teh, ch 2 4 d over 4 th Asp, $ d.'t p13 o's sp, 4 0, 6 aps turn, 21h row—Bix sp, 4d, B'sp, 25°04 ay, 4 A, eM 5, 5 eh 5, 410 ia loop tara, oth ro—Chaln 1, 1 4 19 9th, 1089, and 11th eh, 1,1 In a, ch 2, 44 over B eh, ch 5, See, oh 5, 4d, 5 Sp, 13 1's, 18", 2 sp, 4 4, 6 sp: tam, ith row—Seven sp, 13 4, 2 3p, 12 d, 2 sp, 10.4, 1 ap. 4a 4 Tein se en 4,4 aover 5 ch eS, 1 't ont 2h, en's, 4 ain loop; torn ith roie—Chain 11, 1 dt 9th, 108 and 11h eb, 1din deh 5,386, ch 5, 4d ch 2 dS oy dd, 3 5p, 10a. 3 sp, 4-4," L sp,'10 d, 4 eps turn, Tith roi —Threo sp, 25-4, 1 sp, 16°4, 1 spr 16 @, 3 xp, 40, oh 5, 5 8 ech G4 d de loop: Tura, sth eoe-—chain 11, 1 din eh i0ib, and 118 ed Lain ach 2,44 over 8 ch, ch 5 8 eG a BT dt sp, 46, 1 sp, 16 45 ep} tums 45th row “Four sp, 18 a, 2 =, 2 ep, 12d, 1 op, 220, 2 ap, 4 deh S 2 Cover s'¢, chs, 4d over'S chy ch 8 A t over 2 chy en's, 4a t loop! tum eth row Chala “a1, 1 ein ith, 20th, and’"11eh ch, 1a in deh Ba over toh 5, 4 dover 4 chy ch 2 44 over 4 eh, 4 5p, 22 0, 5 apr 18d, 2&9, 10 4, Sap; tam, th, row—‘Dhree 3p, 31a, 1 sp, 19d, 2's, 13°, 3 ap, 4 d, ch 8, Se 6, eh 5 La. tur, s8th row—Chain , 4 over 5 cb, ch 5,22 ch 5,44, ch 3, 4d in sp Bmp, 10 4, 2 sp, 13°, 2p, 7, Sp 13d, 4 ps turn, inty row —Pive sp, TG, 1 sp, 16-4, Lap, 28°, 5 sp, 414, ch'5, Tt over 2th ch f 4a in 5 ch ch 4, TE lover's ell 4, d-dover 5 chs tara, arth row—Chain 5, 4 over chy ch 2,4 dover 4 ch, ch 5, 3 sc over t eh 5,4 d in sp, 2 sp, 10, 2 sp, 16 a, Tsp, 34 d, 8 sp: turn, 2int rowe-—Four sp, 18 4, 2 sp. 18 4, 1 sp, 47d, 1p, 13-3 spd de cn S's c ch 54 ds farm, 20 row—Chaia. 5,40 over 5 eb, ch 5, G's Gch 8, 4d over 5 ch eh 2, $4, 3 sp, ta dep, 10a 1'sp, 13 ay 2 sp," a. 7 sp; tum. hd row™—Kout sp, 22 d,'t 8p, 16 4, Tsp, 10d, 1 sp, a eh '3, 1 't aver 2 chy ch 5 4 dover 5 ch, ch 4 Tt overs ¢, oh 4, 4 tum. 2ith row—Chain 8, 4d over 4 ch, cu Sit dover dich, ch 5, S86, chs 404, 1 sp, 40d, 1 sp, 95 a, Tsp 13@, 5 sp; tara! ih row—Six sp, 10 d, 4 sp, 22 4, a1, 4a ch, 58 oh 5, a tara, Pel 62 meses row Chala 5 4d ver 5 oly dh 5 3.8 6 oy 16 &, 2 =p, 7 4, 1 5p, over 5 chy ch, 4a over ist row—wenty ep, 4 d over § ch, ch 4, 1 & ch 4, 4 dj tum, sod row—Chain 5, 1d over £ chy ch2, 4 over deh, 21 ep, Hepeat from beginning, (6 ch, 5c in Ist ch) between each ¢ in next loop; repeat from*' to Toop oa side of point, ch 1) 6 t with. peat between each t in’ Toop om other’ side of polot and on Hane downside. Tapinea Scag i 1 sand 10 Inches Tong witost ode se No. 50 Cordontet cotton and No, 12 ‘hook Use Cordonnet crochet cotton 0 fe leat remaining 50 and a No, 12 hook, Somer, hen 02 spaces "Repeat from * to * tor the three at off exten chain, jolm enrefUlls’ and proceed with the frst row of the pattern, placing shell in shell at each comer, not forgetting to turn the work when Starting each ‘new rot ‘The edge finish consists of 2 c im ench square with 15.0 tm each a. while at every 4th da pleot of 5 ch occurs, This fish 18 sed on bord inside And obtside edges of the border square. A pieot s8 used ae each corer 2» Fic, 78. (See Fig. 81.) Use No, 40 Comdonnet cotton and No, 11 Book. Fra, 81. (See Fig. 70) 95 meshes 3 Figures 82 and 86, FILET CROCHET BRoDS.— This Thovelty is a step between the old-fashioned PUct Trodé find the Filee Crochet whieh san imitation of tt. ‘Phe Foundation is erocheted mosh instead of the ordinary netting, and the design ss damned in as in Filet Brodé. Pigure 62, —This strip of Filet Crochet Brod is done in woaree Gora thread, about ‘and No, 7 hook, the Ines belay made with 2 eb, 1d. ‘Tho pleco fs 221 meshes Wh length and 40 meshes ia’ widta. "The foundation chal Ie 126 sities, ‘The weaving 1s dove Inthe common fet stitch, poiat de reprise, which is simple weaving hack and forth, over amd under the mesh. A coarse, oft, white cotton io used for the weaving, which Closely als the mesh. Figure 86, (See Migs. 83, $4, $5) —The beautiful insertion far the towel is worked with No, 40 Cordonnet erochet cotton and No. 11 hook, he mesh is made with 9 ch, 1 t, The t 1s made pith 2 loops over the hooky and f2 worked off in twos, three Himes, ‘To tan at the end requires 7 cb. The ‘wide inser {lon is 11 meskes wide, 62 ch for foundation; the narrow [idertion is 3 meshes wide} ch 28 for foundation, turn, Pio the 12th ch from book. After the 35th row, 20'ch are died, which whlens the row to 13 meshes, ‘The woven Setter is 1] meshes high. "The weaving in the insertion is fone with sort mercerized cotton, tu point de reprise, and fhe meshes should be well Milled: Ainish edges with’ ec. Fra, 80, Front Caocuer Brové, (Seo Pigs. 82, 84, $5) Bio. St. Dor Figure 87. Dori. ~— or this doily (Fig, 87) use No. 10 Coraoninet erochot. cotton and a Nos 14 hook. Gut a eirele of linen three tndhes in diameter for the centre of dolly, and. finish cdge with narrow hem, ‘The lrections ax given require the edge. to be sewed to the linen centre, but if desited. the work can be begun by erocheting 182 slip stitehes through ‘the hem. “Cain ch) 182, ‘Join tn rime, ‘4st row—Chain 6, double crochet (a) in third &, * gh 3B, skip 2 en, a in next stitch (st) %,” Repeat between %) making 64 spaces (sp) in row, 24 row-—chain 8, 4'4, * ch, 5 4 ¢, ‘8 row Chain & 4 4 im Sest ap, * ch 8, 6 in next Repeat between sp *, "Repeat between © atound Zw sin row—enain 6%, din third st ch 9%, Repeat hetivgen’*, making’ 06 op 12 row. th rot=-Like 4th Pow. Gin row—Chain 8, make 5 sp, 4 d in next sp. * 15 sp, 4.4 *. “Repeat between * until Inst 9 ap, Join with Arse {fo"coinplete tow. TtH row—Chain 6, 2 sp, * Td over 2 ep, 1 sp, 7 d over 2 sp, 11 sp ¢. “Repeat between * "and cottplete as tefore. Sin rowe—Cvain 6, 1 sp, Td over 2 ap, 5 ap, 7 dover 2 sp, 8 op, 4d over 1 sp, 3 ap % Repeat between 2in row—chain 6, 1's), "Td 2p, Bde 3 op, 7, 8 sp *. “Repent becween # 20th row—Chain 6" 4 4, 3 $9, 5 d, 1 sp, 5 a, 3 sp, 400 sp ™ Repeat hetween’s, 1th row—Chain, 6, 1 sp, "'T @ over 2 =p, 2 sp, 5 a, Zep. Td over 2 ap, 2 sp, Td over Lap, 2 op, Fd over 1 ap, 2p". Repeat briween +. ‘2th row—Chain GL ep, + Repeat, between 5 ep, 7a, 10 sp asth row-—Chain 6, 8 sp, * 7 d over 2 sp, 1 sp, Ta over 2 8p, 16 sp % Iepeat’ between ® Lith row—Chain 6, 3.59, * 4d over 1 6p, 18 sp. Ree peat, ttreen he newt se ith row—Row of sp with ch of 4 in cach sp, 20th For—Like Ith Yow. 10h Fie —Liko “T6th row, 18th row——Chain 5d in frst sp, * ch 4 6 in next sp but one *, Iepeat between = 90h row—Doutle crochet over every a (making 4 a 1m every sp) around ro, 2010 row—Chain 8 *6 dy oh 4 *. Repeat between +. 21st row—Single crochet (s) over every a’ (iuaking 4 5 in every sp) around row, ‘224 row—* Chain 8,44) ch 4 over each sp and Detween *. Repeat between’ Norr,—The rows begin at right of one of the feures. otn each row evenly.” Keep right, number Uf poaces be: ‘tween the figures, closing row with T2 8p, ‘which “Join to © meshes Fis. 90. (See Fig. 96) ‘The insertions on this page, Plgs. 88, 89, and 91, will be found particularly attractive for towels) ard. Pig. "Us could serve a like purpose. ‘The stork, Fig, 93, would be chiming on @ baby Dllow. 33 memes 2 wre 94, LUNCHEON CLOTH. tse No, ¢0 Cortonnot Siiet cotton and a No, 12 hook, ‘Tbe. model cloth 1s inches square, ‘The emetitesed em is. 2 inehos wide and beyond that is the crochet Insartion, 344 Inches Side and set in 4 inches from the eage of the cloth, ‘Taen comes strip of linen 33 Ineles wide, followed the crochet insretion, Which is % of an tach in width, we linen In the centre is 17% Inches square. fst crochet the two insertions aud shrink thoroughly, ‘after sbrinking the Linen, ent and St it to the croeket ‘Toe crochet is tu four identical units with the ends oined 1a the course of the Work to form a square, Each fis 27 spaces wide and 202 spaces loug. "A ete more Sean ouehalf 2 unit (one side) is given in the block pate . Fig, 90, age 22. When one unit is Sniched, start Ele econa oh the double at the one blinded and ‘inet ‘Second line ‘Phe Inner insertion i worked tn the same way, with sed ends, and i @ spaces wide and 125 spaces Ions e Fig. 02). iG. 98. LUNCHEON CLow. 3 (See Figs, 90 and Figure 96, BURNS’ “SELKIRK GRACE” LUNCH CLOTH. and so on, ‘The block pattern of the insertion ts shown in Fig. ‘i, tho lottors Undicating the connections. “Ite “Some hae meat that canna eat, larger cloth 1s. wanted a coarser cotton should be used: An” some wad eat that want tf ut we hee meat and we cin af, ‘An’ Ste the Lord be thankit, Amen.” ‘This familiar verse of the Sooteh poet has been very Ingenlonsly "attanged for Insertion ina lunch “cloth, as shown in the illustration, a ig’tomstitched at the corere,, ‘The mes sare 1 meshes Cuom, (See Block Pattern, page 35) au < a 8 a & Fro, 87, arenas or Insunriox vox “Sexeimx Grace” LuNeH CLOTH, (See Fig. 98) 18 meshes 35 Figure 98, TALLEYEAND COFFEE CLOTH. — * Dous comme amour Pur comme un ange Noir comm le able Chaud comme Venter.” ‘This ualgue coffee cloth shows Talleyrand’s famous Ines used as an insertion,” "The bioek pattern is shown on this page and the next (ig. $0), each strip of desertion D uo, 99, Parrsan or Ixspurton 70x Corny Cuovn, 6 Yelng 13 rows wide and 160 rows long. ‘The erochet ip ‘he model cloth "was done with No. 80° Comonnct croeber cotton and a No.'I2 hook. “Whe cloth 4s 25 laches sears fand has a hem 2% inches wide, hemstitehed at the celery, ‘The insertion ts 24 inches wide, and is worked the nacsoy, way. Complete one strip and comer, then Work ‘seco Strip and corer and sow to the fist strip, sad go om Goatser colton could be used it a larger cloth is proferred, ‘The Ietters in “the pattern Indicate’ connections, A (See page 87) 18 meshes sDSDSDSDSDSDS EANISISIs| else Sle Fees] Na IFNNNISII Isisle Nie Sie] RSIS ISIS SIS CISC RR Is |815 Sele BI Ris} rs NERS ER ASS St SISNIN RRS SRS eRe SNISSNNISIISISIS falS Pols islets |S s] Sissies) | IS) lelsielsia} | al la Z la ta a Iai 2 é S| I21 iz Iie lSBNNGIS NSIS |S SARISNENERISNI 101, Tanne or Wonkise i 100 Fa, 100, s Figure 100. OBNTREPTHOR,— ‘Tis centrepiece of heavy ¢, except edge of cro- linen has four square insets worked with Jinen thread chet" wark, Crochet No. 40vand a No. 11 hook. ‘The diameter of the centres strips “ot spaces and plcce 19°26 Inches ‘and the insets aze diz inches square ew them tothe Inen {see tabie for working, Fig, 101). Phe centre strips ard crochet, thus join are 4 inches wide. ing the mige parts as ‘To make up, cut a circular paper pattern 20 Inches tn al- shown im the ‘illustra- ameter, and mark oa it the tro eroes stripe, 4 inches wide, ton” Work a row of Gut three pattems one for quadrant one for contre square, Spaces around’ the ‘ea: fand one for the half strip; cut the nen by these pattems, tepiece, and. nish by Tasert the rocket in he quadrants, allowing for one: a row of ¢ with & quarter-inch hem, Finish edges of all luo pleces with pleot erery ‘@ spaces, 1a, 102 2) meshes al 1G, 99 —Continued, TvsnsioN FUR Conan Cuore 218 meshes 7 ‘Figure 103. BORDER OF TEA CLOTH. Esplanction of ‘Terms—Chain (eh). Stiteh (at). Sti stitch. Cel), Slagle crochet (se). "Double exochet (2). Tveble erect (i. Space (sp): for a space ch 2 miso 2d fu next st Marenrats.—Cordonnet crochet odtton No. 40 08 steel hook No, 11 or 12 ‘Begin work at point marked “A” (see Fi eh of 15d, The Ist ow is. srorked trom outelQe ede Toward inside, "Beginning in 42h st from Book, make Td. in Teh, 4 sp, 7 in next 7 (the given number of d's in @ cluster always Includes the @ at end of last sp), $ #, 7 dy i8'ap, 74,8 sp, 7 4, 2 sp, eh 5, ture, 2 row-—Denblo crochet in 2d dy ch, 2, 7d in 7 4, 8 sp over 8'sp, T din 74, 18 sp, 76, 8 sp, 1 a 4 sp, 7, torte ‘SM roe—Siip stiteh an each ‘of Td, oh 2 ior a a) 6 more d/\(2 im etch sp and 1'in eaeh between ps), 4 ep, Td, 34 ap, 7 ay 4 sp, ch 5, tuTn ‘ith rot—Begin with 4 sp and work in @ and sps as snown, following design from ilfustration, turnings at ads aac described, When the Ath block (hie) on edge is. fine ished (at end of 10th row) ch 10, cen, mise dehy Ga In“next Gand 1 din nest dy snish| row as ‘shown. Togin next blir on cage in same way. 102) wita a Follow ae. sien trom tnsération tor 41 Powe. tha diet row is worked to ward inside edge. ‘The ‘agonal edge is be: ‘Tne “chain forming straight edge across comer not a port Of the tron ot, but fF added tater, Fellow irections cazetally at this poime tn order to get the biooks “nero fhe ‘diagonal com Started Fight ‘After st rom, Fic, 108, Bowne op Taa CLors eh 10, tara, miss of 8 next the st on hook, end sl in next 7 ch. ‘This leaves Beh. (It the worker ‘nds the sl on & ch dificult, » c may be substitated with nearly the same eect.) Miss the 2 eh st end, ch d'in next dy ch 2, 7d in Td: Anish ts usual, ‘St end of next row, after last 4'sp, take 7 din the 7 al ch 8, turn, mise st next st on hook, 6 sl In uext 6, iiss next 2 ch, 7d in Td Sols as usual, At end of hext row, after sped ind next sl, 6 in @ si, ch D, turn and besin with € a, miss next 2" eh, 7d in 7 a. ‘Hollow desiga ae shown until there are 24 BOS ‘on lagonal edge. Bor first side of mitred comes, when turing to ‘make 2d row of 24th bik om diagonal edge, en 8, mice 1 4,0. on next 0, 2 sp, Td; Mish as shown, Work azain to inside edge and atter Td over the 2 sp, eh 3, tum, Miss 104, 6 d on next 6, 8 sp; finish as shown, ‘Work azain to iaside edge, ending with the 1 sp Just before last Dik on edge, eb 5; tum, Doubles ater fst space, sp" ‘nish as shown, Work again to fnside edge, ending with 7 before last 2 sp on edge, ‘The next 14 points or “steps” on edge are like the 24, having 2 op at each side of pointe Next point is a bik of 2 ows of 7 a. stints rat and second Polots. Thee 19 points of sp ae be fore, i polat of Td 4 pointe of sp, ‘and 1 point (at ower ena), of Ta. “after 2d row of T dof thie polot, tors, apf Sees ast ah fo, tor ie Tows are now ‘worked’ af right anglee to the others, “Miss 4 ch st, 6 din nest Goh, 1.4 Jn next 4, eh 2, d between 2 rows of ak fide of last bliy d fn, d between 2 sp at side of nett Potnt, chi, d in centre of S eh at poltt, ch 2 trae Ta tn last T'd'ch 10. Wurm ‘Make 6 d on IO eh es Before, st between 2 ‘ep at ide of ext 5 eh at point, turn, Six a in @ 4/4 Sp, 7 dn Td, ch 10, turn. tx aon chm nest os 4 ah, 7 3 sp. ata @’ between 2 op at sto of point oh 2, Win 5 ch at poine as twfore ch 2, farm: able in d after next sp, 2 more sp. Ta, 4 9p, Ta, This “nishes the 6 bike. across. aquare sealiop at porner ‘Tarn. Slip stitch across last 7, ch F (lor a 8), 6 Sore, 450, 7 ds 2 sp, 6d, ol between 2 sps on de of nest point, 1p to point, tore Six '@, 2 ap, 4d, 4 sp, 7 9 turn, sl across last 7 a chain’ 5" fora ay 6 a4 op, Td, 8 sored In eomtee of tide of point, eh’ dat pointy ch 2 tara Three sp over next’3 sp, 7d 4 ap, 7, turn and aoverT & Further directions ate unnecessary, as the design may bo sasily ‘copied from iustration, and jotnings are as de- seribed.” When Joining to a polit made Ty'a. iy make 2° side of blky ch. 2, dat end of bik, torn for next Tow. | When coruey is ail joined, the bik ane again, taken 4p on diagonal edge, furaing at ead of ist row of exch Me “with eh of To makc. the straisht edge across biks on Alagoas? edge, jola thread at end of corner, (cht, ge in neat BIE) Topoat,”" he star indicates the mitre line. in next 4, 4 ap, 6 a, point, #1 %0 centre of BORDER OF DOTLy. of Terms, — Coats (eh). Stiton (st). Siip stitch (Sh. Single eroebet (s¢).. Double crochet (a), Troblo eroehet ("). Space. (ep); for a space, ch miss 2, d ia nest st Muzastazs, — Condonnet crochet cotton No, 40 of 60, stool hook No. 11 SEI, Make 89 oft for foondation row. (900 #4" Pit, 105) — Mise! Gay d Sn next 4 cb, 8 sp, 7 a, Bap, 76," ep, 4d, 1 shy'ch 8, turn, Ma roie—-Double’ crochet tn last of Int tow, Tsp, 4S 8p, 7.0, 2 8 Fas'ep, 4 a, "tara, Bd pote Slip stiteh across 4 ch} (fora dj, 2 din next sp and Pain met dd sp, Ta 6 sp a h'2, din 2a" of 8 ch, ch 10, ten J roir—Double erochet in 3d. ch at (counting back from lest of 2 for) eh 2 din last @ of Sd Tow, Sibore 4, 6 ep, 7 6, & 8, 4 4, form bth roye—Doginaing seme ‘as 3d omy finish ax shown ia lusteation, aifng with 10 eh, 6th rowe—Begianing same as 4th roy finish as shows, "fh ond sth power Work as shown, and after last £'d of Sth Pow, ch 40, tom. ih roye—Miag st next one on hoo slin next 4, mise next & @ im next 2) flso din lest dof Sth row. Continue fwith spa and das shown, Snishing ow as beto ‘ath. row=-Work as shown, after last 4 ep, making 4 din dal at end, eb 10, arm. 11in yow—Beginaing same as 9th ow, finish, a8 shown, “nth row" Wart as shown, ending withd dnd sh usth row Chain 6, miss 4 ch, d in next Bich and in nest d) finish as shown, Continue working cesiga from diustention (Piz, 105), making edges as directed, ‘in 21th row Work uly to first ep, over last 7 d of oth row. After frst sp eh 5, tora, Work back to out side ed, “rhe 19th row ends with fest sp over Isst 7 d of 1th row! eh by (umn, Continge working as shown in detail fot corner (Fis, 105), making outside edge as described for irst,sealtop. Sin 39th row work to first ep over Td of 8th row, After this sp, ch §, tart, d in next Gch 2, dion edge, Comm, sl geroae 4 4, ch 3, Bd, ch to, turn, This fllsves halé of corner. "ro begin next half of commer, mist 1 ch, sl in next £ chy mise next 9 ch, dia next 2 eh, fund in next d, ch 2, slim centte of 5 ch at next points sl across uext 2 ap and fm next 3 ato commer of T az cb 2, turn, 3 sp over 9 sp of last row, Z sp orer 4d on edge, 40 ia 4 sl, ch 6, furs, Mish £ ch, 2 @'in next 2, 1d ia next a, B'gp, 7d, sl in ch at corner, #1 across 2 ep and'3 4, lo commer of 71d. The work shown in Getall of comer (Fig, 105) ends at this point, ‘The design may be followed from tho cut of completed dolly, Fiz. 104 ‘The thread Is again joined near the lower edge (Pig, 108) and just enongh work dono te how method of working the inside edge! Gwhere ijorder is Joined to contre) on second halt of or extra row om fnaide edge, join thread to ‘a comer, (eh 3 din Best sp, eh 8, 6 ein next commer) # repeat, “st rose om outside edge—Join in contre be- tween two seallops, ch 3 for at 1 tia same place, cr a.¢ im next bik, = ch f, sc im next Eres tepeat from *, making 2 so in contre of Bik at point, and 2 t between scallops. 22 rowChain 6, sl back In second ch for @ pleat, ch 2g ¢.in ‘next loops repes “This border for dolly matches of eloth, Pig. 103. Figure 104, ‘Spranetion border Fis. 104, Doni ro Maxon Toa CLOTH, Fra, 103, eee erein aia (Soo detall, Fig. 105) TMIRFAD, Most of the work in this book was done iti Cordonneterechet cotton, ‘The table. on’ page. fy Nileh elves the sive of the thoead and of the corresponding hook and the number of meshes per Snch, was made upon fins basis, ‘Fhe size of thread made by. diferent manufac. furers varies. For instance, a No, 40 linen thread {s nearly fs comme as a No. 20 cotton thread. ‘Therefore, if ctochot is made with any ether than Cordonnet cotton, it will Drotably require @ diferent sized book and smeke’ diffrent Med meshes than are given in the table, Fxa,105, Denar, o7 Dory (Sen Fia, 104), Suow No OnE MALY OW CORSE azsoSecos HALE oP Conon Beaox ae Or, ‘un Won eis@. saat ‘Taxey or Naz Lower, Boar? Tema Hows ox Hoots Aun atso SKOWwS, Figure 107. TOWEL wrrH INsHRTION IN CAMBO ORO. "CHEE (Gee Fig. 100 and page 3).—This new and fran: ‘iful form of fet crochet has the sulla portton of the design worked in color. ‘There must be # separate cot ered thread carried for every group of ‘blocks tn. the Tow, which are separated by open. spaces Worked in while since the color eanuot te carried over the waite In changing rom white to colon, ch 2, tie the colored fread in the top of the next d Sn provions ows ck with color, pulling ‘the last rt of “eh, through boih’ the eolored loop and the white. “When erocueting with the color, earty the white along, crocheting over It. ho white read must be pulled tightty or it will show throug’ the colored ‘stitehes.” When taking yp ‘the white again, the last colored dis not ‘Gnished, hat the ‘white thrrad in polled through the last two loops of Color. ‘The color ie ow dropped, to be picked up again oo tne nest rom west {he process. is repeated.” The insertion was Worked Wek Cordonnet ervetee cotton, white No. 40, hive Non 30, ee No.IT books See paze 3 for Illustration ot work in full size Figure 108, FLOWER INSERTION. — This design can be worked from the illustration For the’ scallops, "1 single rocket in. edge, chia "9, miss 2 epaces, single ‘erocuet tn! next: repeat for entire length of wige | fara, 4 single crochet. 1 pleut, single eroehet, i each Toop uf 9 hain, “This charming’ pattern Would combine prettily with the Moral edging, ‘Pig. 1s, pase 42, for towels and scarfs, aud. the separate unite could. be adapted in! many attractive ways, Fie. 10) Tower, wire Caxpo Croc ‘see! page 2 and wig, 106) FIG, 108. (For seailop, see text abore) 19 meshes 40 Lcoxcros0 rnost eace 3] on after the pattern is completed, Sometimes tho edge of single crochet Is varied hy makltig a pleot at every TOU for 12th stitch, ‘The ability to crochet square showld be leeened and cultivated, as resulting in superlor work and: greater range of desisn. When” crocheting for any length of time, tho Sager ‘may become chafed., ‘Ta avaid this, x good pian ts to use 2 Gnger from an old glove, LAUNDERING. —\lthoush a new picee of work does not Usually need to te laundered, Ht adds greatly to fee Appearance. “Tae etucher shobld be squeezed mot rubbed {in good soaprsuds. Te sbould then be ringed ‘well witht ue ewisting, When eruchet ts to he combined with linea, both the tinen and crochet showd be thoroughly shruaie’, "Mae ceo het is then planed on the cloth and the oth. eat to At the crochet.” "This {8 the only way to ensure « perfectly smooth piece of ‘work, After a plece fs tnished, 4c should be pressed on a thickly padded board, under @ dainp ‘cloth, Figure 109 ts a vory nsndsome insertion that {4 adapt ‘ble for a bedspread with alternate tips of Iaen, ‘The large unte Would also work wp into @ aqaace aid ould be used for a spread with liven squares; a sutlasle fedeing could be arranged trom the insertion by the ade Hon of scallops. “The adaptations of the unite of ‘desieus are various, and. theie possibilities shouldbe studied “te ‘workers in’ siareh of ew combinations, Fie, 110 49x50 meshes Pie, 111. Powe mx, FaNer Fume Crocus (Seo! Totaly Pig. 112, aud Twbie, Bigs 15) DESIGNS. Workers wishing to copy or alter patterns for alet ero- chet, of, having some artistic abilty, to make original designs, and id- ing it fedious to rule a great many squares, may buy paper already Falbd. “Tt ls sold ‘under he name of erosesection paper, and can be Sought where artiste’ materials are sold Deratt, op Dowy, BiG, 111 Pn Dspspspspsp ‘th role—Pive d, F 2, ch 2, 1.4 1a nearest corner, ch 3, 1a in nearest nels, Td over the ope space and 4 a. Chain 21a) fasten toa one space up from nest sugie. Chain 2 tae ten fo next space up. Slip stiteh for: ward over three following spaces. Turn, ch 2, 1d, forming @ apace, Dspspsp Esa Palxi 7 ‘Two s «, sl st forward over space and att of block, tara, ch, 1d, forming a space. DSDSDSDSDSDSDSD 7 7 i] ia] Va] | 2 ie | Ie Als] Faeals [sche ef us| alsakak|ak] o ese 7 ie 7 SB RI [Slals| Nia PAIS) Fels foxlee [ef foe |) gi iz ron Fre, 111 XPOS EMEP EES o 3 | Rl Z EY 7 Z 7 St Z a G PNR 7 Bi 7 | a] | 7) S| 7] Pi] NEBR Nials alae) & 3 SISNNISSSSNIB OS ‘The frst row of the table begins at the outside ge of the crochet. The laat row onde at the Suse edge. ‘The eroehet was made with Cor Monnet erovtist cotton No. 20 and Book No. Li EDGE. — Fasten at point of scallop, oh 3, 4 tin angie, 3 pleots, th 3, 1s ¢ in corner, ‘work 6 times down side of scallop, eh 3, 1 in eaeh angle, eh'3, sein comer, ch. 3, Te im Angle, 3-1, ch 8, 1 se in corner, work 6 times Up sides of eallop, ha, 1d in. middle, of polme, &p, ch 3, 1 e fo commer: repeat ‘The blocks In reller are marked in the “rant & doable, Inston 7 more din the same ‘place, Join top of last ato top of arse @'with @-al ston the Weong side of the work ° “This Té-ined dolly bas @ S-nch nen contre, The crochet maybe Worked from the. Recor: ansing ‘Table, but the deeail, Wig. 112, may ore & stflslent guide for the experienced ‘poker. This detail shows complete seallop, the method of ‘shanging direction, the row of Spaces with ‘whieh the Inside edge $s Aiehed, and the picot edging Used om the seallops. The meaning’ of the. letters inthe, Table. will be found on “page 3. ‘The figure with fae letter shows ‘the’ number of times the atreetion 1s rupeated, ‘Thus: H2 means slip stiten over two spaces, BS means make three Ulocks, te, and. tte made as follows 115 mesbes 3S meshes (See Fig, 114) a 5 i g o SOS CSCCOeRC As) qe a Sts SS] g a SSE SSS SC SSS MISS = a SIS S SSS NANSS ISIS ISIS z 2 CISCPRISCRR SNS INGSISERSETIST & a CSCCBRCSRRINSRISINSIIS ISIS] 2 o OSBCRNESESSARESSERERRCISC 2 8 CSSCSSSSS/SSISIS S/S /Sis/9IS 815115] o CSISSRISSSISSSISSSSSSIERISSINSE |S a CISISSISISRISSRNSINSINSSSSISSISISIS | = a DSSS SielG/ble)sslalols/[ololnSAISINST] a CSBRISSSiS/S SSNs /e sis/9IS SIRs) © 2 BSISSSESEEEESSISESAESRSSS ESS Pio, 116 1¢ sabe flowers th stems in outline, ‘The hem is double henmstitched and same on both ends of the towel, In the above insertion, Fig, 12045, a slight variation from the usual filet crochet $% shown in te wide mesh 05 4, forming the hortzontal stripe at the top and bottom ot the’ declan, ‘But the working of the pattern without Mistake line been made possible hy the Feprodsction of (He ‘Work in full size, thus making the counting of the stitches fan easy matter.’ The insertion will be found very attrac: fire for towels, and if done in carpre warp would be aad some Tor a bedspread, F1a, 120 Towe, wire Exnnorosune Crocie, (See Pigs. 119 end 121) 48 Fie, 122 DIRECTIONS FOR FRONTISPIECE Figure 1. TEA CLOTH. (Prontispiece.) Materiats.—- Cardcinet crochet cotton No, 100, hook No. 1s, and Minen for centre, Shriate linea and crochet, ihea' hem stiteh a square Yo Mt edging. ‘he trlangies may be but fonhoted fo the ligen or closely whipped, as preferred. Exrnasarion or ‘Tens. Chain” (cb). Selle (30) Slip stitch (sl). Single crochet (8 ¢), Double erechet (2) Tredie crochet (t). ‘Space (sp) ; for a “space”, ch 2, miss 2, in next st. Long space (I'sp) ; for a "ions space." ch 5, inlss 6 (if over a festoon miss Testoon), d im nest. Pestoon est) ; for a festoon, If over a long space, cS, 3.618 long space, ch 8, d iu next dif festoon Is over a'ch of over doubles, ch'$, mise 2, single in next, ch &, miss 2. din ext, "Block (blk), "A chain of before a cluster_of doubles equals 14 thus “2 ch, 0 6." are counted ag Td in working “next row. "Both in triangles ‘aud edsing 19 Working doubles into doubles only the back thread of stites is talen up, except in working inside edge of edsing whea Voth threads are’ taken’ Up. Figure 123. INSERTED TRIANGLE. (Seo Fig, 124,)— ook and in next Chain 7, turn. Jat Tow"Double exochet im Ath fron 2 ch ch 7, cur 24 row=—FoUr d in 4 4, ch 5, turn, (S ch and #4 count as 4'a'Ia Ist row). 2d row—Miss 14, 8 a In next 3 4, 2 a under next 2 fof Techy 1d Into mest ch st, ch 2, ¢ im same st with last anf, turn, “ih row—* Double erochet in t. 1 sp. 7 a, * ch 8, turn, Gh Tow Mise Td, 3d in next $1 sp. * Td, (last 8 made’as in 8d row.) ch 2, tin st with last d, o 7, turn, @th row—From * to * of Ath row, 1p. 4 4, eh 3, tum, 10h ‘row—Miss rst a 6 4, 2 sp, trom * th tow. sth ror—rrom * to * of 4th row, 2 sp, T a, eh 3, turn, 20h rour—Twelte more d, 2 sp, trom * to end of Sth row. 40th row—Wrou * to * of dh Tow, 2 ed, T Oy 1 By 4a ch 3, tara, “uth ‘row—Six a, 1 fest, 7 4, 2 sp, trom * to end of bth row. 2th row—From * to * of 4th row, 2 sp, 7 a, one 1 sp (ch 5, miss fest, d-in next d), 1 sp, 4.4, ch’, then ‘th rowe—Six a, 2 fest, 7d, 2 s,"from'* to end of 5th row. Continue working ia same way vntil there are 33 fest 1m a5th row, "2a 30th tow tere are 13 1 sp. ‘The igure of design Is begun io the 87th rom, 7th ‘rowe-Stake edge as ‘usual, thea 'S fest, 19 a (making 8d tm each Isp and im each d), 8 fests nish Tower edge as ustal, ‘8th row—Baze, 3 1 sp, 19 4, § 1 sp, edge, 300% row —Eaze, 5 fest, 7d, 1 fest, Vd, B's), 7, 1 fost, Tat fest, ease, 40th row-—Hige, one 1 sp, T a, one 1 sp, 7 4, 6 $0, 7 &, one l sp, 7a 51 8p, cdze. ‘Tue design mas’ readily be followed from the tHustra- tion from this ‘point, The last row (Ssth) bring made entirely of d's, "Work across diagoaal side with * Figure 126. EDGING. (Sée Fig. 125.)—Bepin ai “A” (See Fig, 126.) Chain 143, ‘torn, st row (worked from outside vie to ¢nside)—Doubte Jn fourth st from hook and in next 5, 2 sp, 4 a, 10 fost, Ta, ch 8, torn, ‘2d rowe—MIiss 1 a, 3 @ tn next 3, 1 4p, 19 Lap, 7 a, 2 sp, 7d, oh 8, turn, ‘8d roue—* Misa deh a next hook, 8 d in next 5, 1 d in nesta 2 sp, 71d, ° 20 fest, Td. eh bem 4eh rox-—‘Thtee tas in 2d row), 1 3B, 2018p, 7 dy 2 sp, 7, ch §, turn, Sth row--From * to * of 3d row, 5 fost, Bi a, (make Bain cach 1 sp and 1'tn cnch a), 7 test, 7d, e2 3, turn, th ‘row—Taree 0, sp, Tsp, 35a, 51 spy Sn same as 4in row. Coatinue Working design from sliustration and making edges as described. “Aster 16th tom, cht them, and Wwork Gd, 2 sp. Td over those of preveding row, ‘Continue fn same way until there ‘are rows of d'across point After Gin row, turn, sl across last T dy ch 3, 6-0, 2 =p, 7a; aoish ‘as’ showa. Turn after 250" row and’ sl’ across 7 aand work as before. ‘At end of Gist Tow erin mitred corner, Make onty 4 dat lower ead or sist row sastend of the usual T, fara, ‘and ‘SI back over the 4ach 8, tura, 824 row—Doubte erocnet in next a (after next fost), one more 1 sp, Td (ineluding the a after sp); Anish a8 Sowa, 2d rore—Work through last 7 ¢ of row, then 1 fest, ch & tum. Siih row—Seren in 7 d:; tnish as shown, Su0h Fore Work thPoogh Inst 7 dof TOM, 1 fest, ch 8, turn, Both row—Same as 34th row, S7th row—Same as 50h Tom, Ssth ror—Same as 4th row, S0th rox—Same as ‘th row. Goin row—Same as Sth row. ist row—Same a8 ath tow 2a Po1e—Same as 34th rom, {a Foir—Attor last 23 dof zow, 1 fest, ch 8, turn Gun" row—“Twenty-tve a'49 29d; faish as shown, H20h Fowe—Atter inst 4 fost, ch 8, tamn, Goth row —Doubie eroevet in next dy 3 more 1 ep; Sim {sh as shown, Work next 6 rows from jtiusteation, turning st inside ‘edge as doseriped for gata and 2510 rows. ‘ath row--Pnas ‘with 7 deh 2 tara, 58th Four—auise 1d, Gd in next ©; nish as shown, 5002 Foxes with 1 de Carn, Hist rowe—Fous with 5 fest, eh'S, turn, @ im next ds finish ‘ag shown, (Sid row——After 2 fost, eh, ene, Suen row——Atter Tost, ch 8, tora, 81th row—ATter 2 sp, ch 5, urn, asin row—Double crochet th next d, 1 more sp, 7 a, turn, and st back over 7-4. ‘Tais completes tnst halt of "To Anish the comer begin ay follows: ist rove—Chain 8, torn, miss 3 ch next book, & @ tn nest 5, s1 in d between 2 sp, sl im next 3 chy (do. comer of pokkt), thr, 2d row—Six d in 6 d (counting 2 ch as 1 a), ch 8, turn, 4 ‘row—Pive don ch as in. ist row, 1d’ In next a 2 sp, 6 4, al in 90 of 8 ch forming next point, st in next 3 eh ets, ‘torn, dth rov—Six d tn 6 a, 2 sp, T 4, ch 8, turn, 50h roe—* Trve @ as in Ts! row, 11d in next , 2 sp, 7 4, I fest on next 7 4, ch 9, miss 2 5 ¢ ia nest, ch3, atin 8d of & eh of next point, at in nest 9 of 8 chy ck By tum, ‘Sth row-Double erochet in next 4, ch 5, 7d in 7 d, 2 sp, 7 dy ch § tur, “ih rove—Prom * to * of Sth row (of scoond halt of comer), & fest, ch 3, mise 2, a ¢ in next, eh Sal in 3d and next 2 of 8 ch of next Polat, (as in Sth row), ch 3 Sin row —Double crochet im next d, & more 1 sy, T ds finish ‘ae shown. 240 row Work through second 7 , 5 fest; Aish same ‘as 7th tow, oxeept that the 4 al 309 are made of last 4 of 39, ch 5, turn, Jith rew—Doable erochet fn next 4 5 more 1 sp: finish e2 shown, 41i0h row-—Ends with 19 , ch 2, 8 ¢ between 2 rows of 49 4, ch 8, A gl on last 4 of 7 a eh 5, tar, {Eth row Nineteen d on 19-7 finish as shown, 48th row—Bnds with 7a; thea daish as I1th row, igth row Seven din 7 di Snish as shown, Continue. working as" shown In the illestration, jotuing rows. worked imcard, seme” as Sth, and. bestowing rows Worked eutward ‘with Ioug space as’ shown, ‘The s00n row ends With a3 ch and a sl at outer end fof the 4 sf (over 4d) at end of Sint tow of fest half of former. Tara and again sl back over the 4 dat end of Stet row, tara, 40th ror—One sp, 21 sp, 7 4,2 sp, 7 a; Anish as shown, Hist row Work toward soside cdge aud after last Td ‘of row, make 1 fest, T'd, (the T dare wade in the sp and ferots end of 4 4), ‘ch & form, 42d row Mics 1d, 3 dn next 3, 1 sp, one 1 sp, 7d: finish as shown. This row besins’ straleht edse’ efter comer Is @nished, From this polat the desig may be readily copied without directions. After working the frst lange figuce after the one at commer, the secood one tay bo worked from fllostration showing corner if the frst cone is reversed. ‘That 1s, the ist row of second ‘igure Is ‘Samo as last Tow of Best, and oo on th ough entire Ggure ference between this fancy Met crochet and the ‘ind ty th ‘except perhaps on an edge. The large details show lainly how the werk is done and how the comers are may be used for a variety of purposes saggested. ere. ig 128, also pase 44) ia, 126 TBS" and page Th is quite an easy mat er edge exuetly tike the >. “A neautifol spread eam ‘which a crocheted edge may be owed, pxnree room Denate Sow- ‘pecimsaxe o> Treaxeue. (Sse Pie to soqsom 26 x ast (set Sut 999) “AE “od ace 181, BABY SHOES, (Soe Wigs, 129 and 150) Materials, han Seionnet crochet cotton No, 130 and No. 14 hook, So uppers and two soles are mado separately «nd joined FEAST? The" Teee show bs given ia Pig. 129, and the jett sole tn ‘the viet Upp fo the sume Way, Ferersed. when they age crocheted toze (See Fis. regia the heel’ at Avwith 21 eh, turn, dio the th “eh” trom” the ook! the Sat row Is Bey Ge chy 1 ae an rowe— Chala 11, im 0a trom the hook making’ 1 8p. barr SHOT (att). See Fig 151. 63 Es ‘mosnes. ee pattern Tete se, 1p, 46 a, ada 2 bp. (see page tor the mettod of audaing spaces at the end of a toe) a for—Chain 81d fn'tase oot row be fore, soaking ts. 104, 559, 7 3, aa Pep, eterna the 47 16,190, Pumas ov Lary Sour, ov Bape Soon bag) meshes, (See Figs 150 and 161) second gole ike the first, and reverse it in Join to the upper VEPER, (See Fig, 129.) —Bogin at A, eh 7, turn, @ in Oth eh from Book. Usd row Beker ats ad row —Chain 18, ain Ot) Crom howl making "sp, 7 sp over Ist row, add 4 sp Be the end of the row, ete. Working back and forth, when Tis reached, tum and make 7 rows between Band CAL crth'9 for the foundation of next sp, ch 9 ose end d into the 9th of the trst ch’; this Wal make the fist of the 6 xp beyond C.” The W will He acrors the top of the sp, leaving the Honk at the upper right-hand corner of the sp. form ihe work and add 5 sp. ‘This makes ator feiher 8 op. Then ch 15, turn, @ tn Oth and Sake g sp"over the ch, sp over 8 Sp, 83D Boor ch, and’ ap over the body of the’ work. PF ole! When Dis reached, fasten and cut the fatesay jot it at K and. work back and forth fo Pe Along the top of the upper (irom D to Fro, 181, Bay Sox, (Bee Figs, 120 and 180 192 meshes With needle and thread, overcast the back seam [Fork 3 s ¢ in each sp along the edge, making a picot of opposite, Of the upper, then holding the lower edge of upper to edge ‘At H, ch 12 for a buttonble-loop Of sole, se both edges tagether with i x ¢ ia each. 4h atter every sth ‘Sew a tiny pearl botton on the point and cover with sc IG, 155, FaNnt, SUIBADLE FOR a PiLzoW, THE END SessssDsss nde sssspsssnsessepeziscssscaueesssnsssseensine-conscesssssses= =e American terminology, which is different from crochet terminology in most ‘cher parts of the world, is used for the stitches in this book. ‘The following chart Supplies the American name of crochet stitches and their equivalent in other Countzies, Crocheters should become thoroughly familiar with the differences in hese terms before starting on any project. AMERICAN NAME EQUIVALENT Chain same Sip Single crochet Single erochet Double crochet Half-double or short-double crochet Half-treble crochet Double erochet Treble crochet Treble crochet Double-treble crochet Double-treble crochet ‘Treble-treble crochet ‘Treble-treble or Tong-treble crochet ‘Quadruple-treble crochet ‘Afghan stitch Tricot exochet FILET CROCHET Projects and Charted Designs Edited by Mrs. FW Kettelle Filet Crochet is a simple method of producing beautiful lace by crocheting closed and open squares. This book includes complete instructions for working the squares plus tables, ‘materials, and charts for over fifty projects such as: Doilies Panels for Pillows, Bedspreads Table Cloths Baby Items Lampshade Tray Centerpieces e Coffee Cloths Borders, Insertions Luncheon Cloths Each pattern has a photograph of the finished atticle, close-up photos of detail work, indications of the amount of thread and crochet hook. Grocheters will welcome this unique collection of hard-to-find patterns. They can be used as is, in combination or as a source to develop your own unique ideas, The charts can be used for cross-stitching, latch-hooking, knitting or any other form of counted thread embroidery Unabridged republication of The Priscilla Filet Crochet Book No. 2. A Collection of Beautiful Designs in Filet Crochet (1915), 101 photographs plus $9 charts. 48pp. 8% x 11. Paperbound, Free Complete Dover Needlecraft Catalog available upon request from Dover Publications, Inc., 180 Varick Street, New York, N.Y. 10018 Cover crochet by Marie Thiesen, Cover design by Paul K. Kennedy ISBN 0-486-23745-1 $1.95 in USA. | z o 3 8 8 Z 3 3 > z g a.

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