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CALLIGRAPHY FROM THE COURT OF THE EMPEROR RUDOLF II The Art of the Pen CALLIGRAPHY FROM THE COURT OF THE EMPEROR RUDOLF II Lee Hendrix and Thea Vignau- Wilberg THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LOS ANGELES by its subject; diminished writing; and micrography, writing too small to be read with the naked eye. Displaying script at its greatest remove from conventional writing, exhibition hands epitomize the drive for virtuosity that dominated calligraphy by the end of the sixteenth century. This focus on virtuosity is in turn the most obvious manifestation of the effort to elevate writing to the status of a fine art that scribes appear to have undertaken in imitation of Renaissance visual artists. Unlike Arrighi, Tagliente, or Neudérffer, Bocskay was not a great formal innovator. Rather, his contribution to the art of writing lies in his transformation of it into a powerful medium for self-expression. cornam Agni prouidi ee ftolis albis Candidi: p off erarfitum maris rubri C brifte ca Princip!.Cuius corpus anGifsimum in As tort re ets 19% feo ouftando uiuimus deo. Pr pajih nefbere ac deuafi angelo:Erepti deduri{fimo Pharaonts tmperts. law chriftus eft.qui immotarus agnus eft: finceritatts ey oblara eff. O vere digna Hoffia per quam foot fant tar dempta plebs captiudta reddita uitee pramia. Cum {urgt Chrifus tumulo, vitor redit de barabro:tyrannum trud tlo et ree ferans paradifiem. Querfumas autor inboc pafchali gau® dio:ab omni mortis impetu tuum defende yn. Gloria tibt ree : \Z oo (Ne ENS WVENOS tN AEE NESS “RERICV ELS CON SEL RV HOS: PRON MANE Scis FRAGLILUNTE NON Posse SY RSTSIE ReMANO GHEY” WF payee Ce ae ens qui Contriterun now deSficis semitum, o£ merenfinm non Sernis affe Gin, chelbe pracibns aesbris. quas thi pro tribulationc, neltra effundimus 041 4ug elem enter yh eroaudint quieguid contra nos diabolicc’ if tur aduerfirates, ad ribilum redigatur of NI eves tras ala urna le Meth eed? ren tribale fone, cf tagebiia fiitias referdmes chimitte peceat satire d | wabis misericardion foam, quam prece Fram attendes,vincule solees heli snene [aMficias, aduerfita poof nollre largicns supplices Sy we regan, Ca 2 = bag cabie aly 9 x fie 6 oe > ( Sn <5 “fp ewod Sea Kensioiqg $1 aati, Ae : Tw a B. Cinim@umcere Sa oo Tein, cules 2) onsk sist 3419.0 audiogng ssilom munee y \< SF THAT DON GUT MAAC at Our lol’ TD | at sig een | eae — = : S ae ae dein in oe C Site 2 fred lips fi pt mend ae Saecye AO, & o) 5 Gh TERS aecarcaneet RS, tne : a e 4 RH i . ikea wm fei doa t aren te eet ale Ass festa nye Hasta wosbons be i iit, iD Lr @ LC i nto ae ) S lev! cragheoaS Se4 SG ae SeaPER v Pane eRGl 6 Sik ae cre. olocavelvaclvati ALraRE ORNA el plral, el opvor SvavissImVs esl conan ALrissimo, amEN pico vosls, qvalenVs FE elsTiS vwl peuls FratrisVs wuls mIniouls, mlul FectsTis-EmolinI apviaTion| Vs Non Solvm ForTilvvInls Non FsSe. Sen eliamlonA yin yinrlve-wos ap Palriam Feslin antes, Morlifrros SrRENARVM CANIvs sVava AV ceo Vs { ey Oh cache ec watt gle hat efiecoen ache Ober glichat chcormtsnomkin Dechoaron Snpeesmigna cnet om ifeGewerNSo gar act feboiAGeocvereress DSemniehn | | Mien vine SgeSungenreser wd heteDie ie melt orere teh etn Dhonenderiscodsrentflinrgende (ehelleae, Baiertro en Sino fen Mach en drefteinigean Shere eka eae fev vinne Sathoer CSratKiveingerginicine bese Sp

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