Final SLA Rindi

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Name : Rindi Saputra

Student’s Number : 160203145

Lesson Plan

A. The Purpose
The main situation in teaching and learning process within my class, I will make a
comfortable social relation between me as the teacher and all of my students. It means that there
is a freedom class which enable the students to give opinions or asking the questions. But, I
will not just waiting for that, I will make everyone proactive and feeling fair with the attentions
that I gave. So, the students will considered me not just as a teacher also as a discussions friend.
The subject that I will concentrate to teach is about Passive voice.

B. Student’s Level
Because of the level of my students are advanced, I want to concentrate on the progress
about their knowledge, which is I will give the materials that they haven’t learned and
discussing also increasing the materials that they have learned.

C. Indicator
The indicator of my teaching and learning process is to make sure all of the students
understand the material about passive voice. Also have ability to make sentences of passive

D. Activity
The Method of approach is Discovery Learning.
The first is I will introduce and explain them about the structures and the context of
Passive voice. By giving the formula and giving the example, students will be easier to
understand the materials.
After all of the students understand and can make sentences about passive voice, they
also have to make dialog conversations between two students and each group must practice it
in front of the class. When each group show the dialog they must practice it with suitable
expression also correctly pronunciation.
The last, I will give them opportunities to review or asking any materials that still make
them confused or ambiguous. Then we can take the conclusion together.

E. Evaluation
The test that I gave them for evaluation have two tests. The first is quiz. I will give them 10
questions that they should determine by choosing the to+be for any subjects.
For example:
- The book …..(is,am,are) taken by my brother

The second test is I will give them home work that make a short story about their activities
at home which contain passive voice at least 3 sentences.

The Reason:

The main reason why I make a freedom class for everybody able to express any expressions is I want
every one of my students can studying without limitation. They can explore anything about the subject
of materials even the relations and comparison with any other subjects. Somehow I will give them space
to share about their social life or any issues, it can be politic issues, technology, or even social
relationship. I know that is out of context about the materials but I want my student open minded to
except every information within discuss it with me then we can get the filtering or take conclusion.

The second reason is I don’t want my class get bored because of the systematic teaching and learning
process. Sometimes, even based on my experience when I was at school, students feel uncomfortable
with the teacher who just teaching without make sure are the students feeling comfortable at the class.
Because many students can’t understand the materials if they don’t have willing to study or dislike the
teacher even the materials itself. That why like I explain at my lesson plan before, I want my students
considered me not just as a teacher but also as a friend. So that they like to study with me, it makes the
materials easier to transfer to them.

The third reason is I want my class become an active discussion class. By making any groups, every
students could discuss each other. Group discussion will be effective if the class is freedom and fair. It
means as the teacher I just control them and check the discussions every group. With that activity every
students become proactive and can argue anything that related to the subject of materials.

The last reason is by giving the homework for evaluation that make short story about their daily
activities, it benefit to them when they face those kind of sentences for applying the passive voice. The
understanding about the subject not just in the class, but also they can practice it in their real life.

For the conclusion, I want to create the students with a high knowledge about the materials I taught, but
also have a big knowledge about everything and also become the person that can give opinion an

The two top theories that the most suitable influences my teaching method.

1. Interaction Hypothesis
As the teacher, interact to students can influences their willing on process of studying.
Interaction with attentions that the teacher given fairly to students also make a significant
psychological and emotional that helps the teacher itself to teach the materials. According to
me, I like to make a good social relation with student because I want to know the characters of
each my students. If I have known what types of their way to get or acquiring the materials or
how their own method to receive the information, so I can easily decide the exact method or
trick that potentially suitable with it. I believed the knowledge about materials that the teacher
had will not effectively and efficiently can be transferred if the teacher have no ideas how the
students itself as the target.
When I was senior high school, Lot of my classmate and me actually have potential to
receive the materials of Mathematics, but it was getting lost because the teacher just focus on
materials not with us as the students at the time. For me, that teacher was killing the potentials
of students.
This theory become the most suitable of teaching because learning and acquiring a language
must be practice. The way that the student can practice their skills in communicate the language
is with the teacher and each friends. Interaction is very important here, the teacher must be
ready and have potential to communicate with them.
So, at my class I want everyone must feel comfortable with condition and intention. By
giving a good interaction and attention, each of students and teacher can create a good class in
teaching and learning process.
2. Sociocultural theory
Through this theory I can increase the student critical thinking about the materials that can
relate to any issues happened in their social environmental. Sometimes, there are many
students still don’t have idea or have information about their own culture and their own way of
social interaction in society. As the teacher, I will directly take the examples of materials relate
to the students sociocultural. They will assume that as a total materials but the benefit is there
will be any information transferred to their mind. So when they go home and directly interact
with their social community, it will remind them with the materials that I have given. The theory
I taught at the class will be suitable with the social event at their environmental. Even though
that explicitly very hard, but in implicit, it takes high influencing their skill in critical thinking.
Then step by step, they can make their own relation about the materials they have learned with
the sociocultural event on their society.
Beside for progressing the material itself, also make the students aware about their own
social and culture. They will be smart students that always take attentions of any issues. They
will observe the new issue and discuss it with their friends or even me, as the teacher at the
school. The discussion will create various perspectives of each persons, by discussing with other
those kind of uncompleted perspectives will be complete if there is the result or conclusion. If
there is bad behavior happened in their society, they have any suggestions to protect it. On the
contrary, if there are lot of essentials of their cultures that they haven’t known, it can be the
new knowledge for them and keep it alive.
So if the students have lot of information on their mind, they can communicate with highly
substantial. on the other hand, they will have idealism and point of view in acquiring the


Nava, N. Tim Aghyani, E (2014). “Focus on Form in Teaching Passive Voice of Different Tenses”.
University of Tabriz : Iran.

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