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iOS app development,​ ​iPad app development​, ​iPhone app development

Each year, as the world takes on to begin on a happier and more positive
note, Apple sets the tone for the entire year to come. They, in a way tell a
story to make sure that what started positive ends on a positive note too. And
this is done in the form of the business stats they release every year in
January. The stats are basic but very powerful because each year, Apple
establishes that how it is the most profitable business every and how if one
needs to be successful, they have to be using iOS or associating with it in
some way.

For instance, in the beginning of 2019, Apple had 2.2 million apps in its app
store with about 2500 apps being launched daily. The revenue generated out
of these within the first two quarters itself was about $26 bn, approximately
180% of what Playstore earned. An even alarming data was that close to 18%
of the people switched from android to iOS in the past year because Apple
anyday offers better security, privacy and features.

All of these facts point to one thing- if one has to earn money through the app
business, it has to be either through ​iPhone application development​ or ​iPad
app development​ OR in more generic terms, iOS app development is the
thing to go for.

We had, in an earlier ​blog​ talked about how one can decide between an
android app development or an ​iOS app development​. This article is
dedicated to the benefits of an iOS app development in specific. So, here we


We mentioned in the introductory paragraph itself as to how ​iOS app

development​ beats ​android app development​ by a huge margin when it
comes to revenue generation. A great part of it also has to do with the easier
development which iPhone app development offers given the limited number
of devices it would run on and also clearly mentioned guidelines. Thus, one
can easily save up on the opportunity costs and instead convert that into a
real paying audience.


Needless to say that this is one thing which iOS capitalises on- a supremely
secure system that guarantees utmost privacy. ​iOS app development​ requires
a firm to pass through stringent security measures such has integrated data
handling systems, data encryption systems, data duplication prevention
among others.

All of this results in the app taking time to get approved but if an app is on
iOS, the kind of trust and no second thought install that it gets from its users
becomes the key to increased overall downloads.


iPhone app development is good for business because the iPhone brand rubs
on the ​app development​ too. Hence, the users take it for given that if it is an
iOS based app, it has to be good quality and with provision for exceptional
user experience. As a matter of fact, iOS’s core team personally vets the app
being developed to make sure that the app that has been developed matches
their standards.

Also, since iOS app development is faster and the cost is eventually less, the
app developer can focus more of the aesthetics and value proposition when it
comes to ​iOS app development​. Needless to say, this contributes to the
superior quality and UX too.


Mobile applications​, given how people remain glued to their mobile screens
have come up to be the perfect gateways to target consumers on the go and
of course to engage with them any time. iPhone or iPad app development
allows for custom-built or off-the-shelf functionalities to suit the needs of all
businesses, be they startups or SMEs or conglomerates.

iOS app development comes with a guaranteed market reach and an

assurance of high paying customers. As a matter of fact, almost the entire US,
UK and central Europe market is dominated by iOS. Also, if one is in tech
space, then it is important to note that iOS hosts some of the most technically
advanced users. Some of these users are businesses too who are on lookout
for buying not just the apps but also the businesses developing them.

Thus, the app developer has the option to not just on board customers but
also get in touch with the bigger businesses as well.


We had just mentioned how iOS is the home to the most tech savvy and
innovative audience. It is a very common observation that most of the
developers prefer using Mac or other iOS platforms for app development
because the kind of innovative features that ​iOS app development​ has are
simply unparalleled.

Also, the above average economic class prefers having an iPhone and almost
all the rich ones have the latest iPhone, simply because it is a status symbol.

By developing an iOS app, you will cater to them. The ones who would be
ready to spend. Also, given the fact that iOS is the market leader in US, UK
and Central European markets- anyone looking at earning bigger bucks has to
develop an iOS app.


Finally, Apple offers a clearly defined iOS app development guideline which
makes it easier for the app developers to know what all they have to abide by.
Also, the apps have to be made compatible to only Apple products, unlike
Android which is supported on so many different screen sizes and OS. Thus,
the entire development and testing time for an iPhone app development or
iPad app development​ gets significantly reduced. To put things in perspective,
iOS app development takes about 28% less time than Android app
development because the latter need to be checked on at least 20 devices
with varied resolutions, screen sizes and OS versions.

All in all, ​iOS app development​ guarantees a larger market size, higher
revenue generation opportunity and less development costs and time. Plus,
the maintenance and up-gradation is also cost and time effective in the long
run. All this and finally, an iOS app comes with the stamp of Apple’s own

What else does a good iOS app development business require?


Let us know about your app development concept or idea. Our experts will
contact you for desired information. Do you already have an app published on
store? or Do you want us to help you maintain an existing app? Our
Technology team will guide you with best suitable advice.

Get In Touch now

Ios App Development​, ​IOS Apps​, ​IPad App Development​, ​IPad Apps​, ​IPhone App Development​, ​IPhone

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