Marinated Mussels With Chorizo

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Marinated Mussels with Chorizo, Celery, and Crispy Potato

By Eric Joppie, OP Northwest Executive Chef

I love the classic Iberian combination of chorizo and shellfish. The mussels
we get from Taylor Shellfish are cultured in the cold waters of Totten Inlet
and are super plump, so try to find Washington mussels if possible. The
trick to this dish is rendering the thinly sliced chorizo in olive oil, then using
that oil to cook and flavor the other elements.

Yield: 4 appetizer servings

3 large celery stalks

1 cup white wine
1 lemon, zest and juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
I cup water
32 large mussels (about 2 pounds)
1 OP hard chorizo (Rioja, Andalucia, or Navarre)
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 pound fingerling potatoes, washed, not peeled
1 bunch chives, minced

Slice the celery diagonally into one-inch lengths. In a large saucepan,

combine the celery, wine, lemon juice and zest, sugar, salt, and water, and
bring to a simmer over medium heat. Poach the celery until just tender. Let
cool, then strain, reserving both the celery and cooking liquid.

Wash and beard the mussels, then drain them. Place a large sauté pan
over high heat and allow it to get very hot (about 1 minute), then add the
mussels and cover the pan. Shake the pan over the heat for about 30
seconds. Remove the lid and check the mussels; when they begin to open,
remove them from the heat and allow them to cool to room temperature.
Reserve the mussel juice. Remove the mussels from their shells, place
them in a small bowl, and pour a quarter cup of strained mussel juice and
one cup of celery poaching liquid over them (reserve the rest of the juice
for another use).

Peel and slice the chorizo into thin coins, and place in a large sauté pan
with the olive oil. Cook on medium heat until the chorizo is sizzling and the
oil is foamy, about three minutes. Remove from the heat and cool to room
temperature, then strain the oil from the chorizo and add a half cup to the
mussels, reserving the rest. Stir the mussels carefully in their marinade,
then refrigerate for up to three days. (If you refrigerate the marinated
mussels, make sure they are are brought to room temperature before

Place the fingerling potatoes in a large saucepan and cover with cold
water. Season the water well with salt (it should taste like the ocean). Bring
the water to a boil, then simmer until the potatoes are tender (about 20
minutes). Drain the potatoes, cool to room temperature, and quarter.
Refrigerate for up to three days, if not making the recipe immediately.

To assemble the dish, heat the reserved chorizo oil in a large saute pan
over medium-high heat. When the oil is shimmering and lightly smoking,
add the potatoes and sauté until crispy on one surface (about two
minutes), then flip and crisp for 30 seconds on the other side. Add the
celery and rendered chorizo, and warm through.

Remove the pan from the heat and allow the ingredients to cool slightly.
Toss the mixture with the chives and divide among four shallow bowls.
Place eight beautiful mussels around and on the warm vegetable salad.
Whisk the mussel marinade briefly, then drizzle two tablespoons over each

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