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Title: Spreadsheet library. Worked example - Timber beam capacity.

Engineer: IM
Reviewed by: AG

Timber Beam Capacity

Input data
b ≔ 45 mm Beam member width

n≔2 Number of members

in built-up beam
explicit , ALL
B ≔ b ⋅ n ――――― → 45 mm ⋅ 2 = 90 mm Beam width

d ≔ 190 mm Beam depth

LB ≔ 3.5 m Beam length

Lbearing ≔ 45 mm Bearing area length

Grade ≔ “SG8” Timber grade/type

Moisture condition - Dry

s ≔ 0.4 m Beam spacing in grid system (eg. for Joists)

Lay ≔ LB = 3.5 m Distance between buckling restraints (eg. blocking)

Note: Built-up members must be made of same grade timber, otherwise additional analysis required to consider different
stiffness of members

Specification and calculated properties

Chosen timber charecteristic stresses (SG 8 - Dry - Radiata Pine):
Data retrieved from table 15.5 of Timber Design Guide (3d Edition). Note that the timber characteristic stresses given in NZS
3603 (Tab2.2 and 2.3, Amendment 1) are less conservative than values in the Design Guide.

fb ≔ 14 MPa Bending strength

fc ≔ 18 MPa Compression strength parallel to grain
ft ≔ 6 MPa Tension strength
fs ≔ 3.8 MPa Shear strength
fp ≔ 8.9 MPa Compression strength perpendicular to grain
E ≔ 8 GPa Modulus of elasticity
Elb ≔ 5.4 GPa Lower bound modulus of elasticity

explicit , ALL
E ≔ 0.5 ⋅ ⎛⎝E + Elb⎞⎠ ――――― → 0.5 ⋅ ((8 GPa + 5.4 GPa)) = 6.7 GPa
For system with two or three members acting together modulus of elasticity to be taken as average between characteristic
and lower bound modulus of elasticity. For single members, design modulus of elasticity to be taken equal to Elb wich is lower
5% value

Beam geometry properies:

B ⋅ d 3 explicit , ALL 90 ⋅ mm ⋅ (190 mm)
Ix ≔ ――― ――――― → ―――――――= ⎛⎝51.44 ⋅ 10 6 ⎞⎠ mm 4 Moment of inertia about X axis
12 12
B 3 ⋅ d explicit , ALL (90 ⋅ mm ) ⋅ 190 mm ⎛
Iy ≔ ――― ――――― → ―――――――= ⎝11.54 ⋅ 10 6 ⎞⎠ mm 4 Moment of inertia about Y axis
12 12
B⋅d explicit , ALL 90 ⋅ mm ⋅ ((190 mm))
Zx ≔ ――― ――――― → ―――――――= ⎛⎝541.5 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm 3 Section modulus about X axis
6 6

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Calculation sheet:Sorted\05
1 of 3 Beams & c
Title: Spreadsheet library. Worked example - Timber beam capacity.
Engineer: IM
Reviewed by: AG

d⋅B explicit , ALL 190 mm ⋅ (90 ⋅ mm )
Zy ≔ ――― ――――― → ―――――――= ⎛⎝256.5 ⋅ 10 3 ⎞⎠ mm 3 Section modulus about Y axis
6 6
2 explicit , ALL 2
As ≔ ―B ⋅ d ――――― → ―((90 ⋅ mm)) ⋅ 190 mm = 11400 mm 2 Shear plane area for rectangular
3 3 section
explicit , ALL
Ap ≔ Lbearing ⋅ B ――――― → 45 mm ⋅ 90 ⋅ mm = 4050 mm 2 Bearing area

Modification factors:
ϕ ≔ 0.8 Strength reduction factor (0.8 for timber, poles and glulam; 0.9 for Plywood and LVL)
cl. 2.5 of NZS 3603

k1 ≔ 0.6 Load duration factor for strength (0.6-permanent; 0.8-medium; 1-brief load)
tab. 2.4 of NZS 3603

k2 ≔ 2 Load duration factor for deflection for bending, compression and shear (2 weeks or less - 1;
12 month or more - 2 moisture <18%; 3 moisture >25% )
tab 2.5 of NZS 3603

( )
-1⎞ explicit , ALL ( ( )) ( )

k3 ≔ 1 + 1.2 e ⎜⎝-Lbearing ⋅ (35.3 mm ) ⎟⎠

――――― → 1 + 1.2 e (-(45 mm)) ⋅ (35.3 mm) = 1.34 Bearing area factor

1 - 1.65 ⋅ 19.5% ⋅ n -0.5 explicit , ALL 1 - 1.65 ⋅ 19.5% ⋅ 2 -0.5

k4 ≔ ――――――― ――――― → ―――――――= 1.14 Parallel support factor
1 - 1.65 ⋅ 19.5% 1 - 1.65 ⋅ 19.5% cl. C2.9.1

(1 for engineered wood products with low variability such as LVL. 19.5% - assumed coefficient of variation for SG

⎛ 2 ⋅ s ⎞ explicit , s , LB ⎛ 2 ⋅ 0.4 m ⎞
k5 ≔ 1 + ⎛⎝k4 - 1⎞⎠ ⎜1 - ―― ⎟ ――――― → 1 + ⎛⎝k4 - 1⎞⎠ ⎜1 - ―――⎟ = 1.11 Grid system factor
⎝ LB ⎠ ⎝ 3.5 m ⎠ cl. 2.9.2

(The grid system factor is used when a beam system supports an overlying set of members or sheathing having
significant bending stiffness. It applies to the bending, bearing, and shear strength of beams. 1- conservative)

⎛ 0.5⎞
⎜ Lay ⎛⎛ d ⎞ ⎞ ⎟
S ≔ 1.35 ⎜―― ⎜⎜―⎟ - 1⎟ ⎟ = 11.48 Slenderness coefficient
⎝ B ⎝⎝ B ⎠ ⎠ ⎠ cl.

k8.dry ((S) ≔ if S < 10 Stability factor

‖ cl. C2.10
else if 1 ≤ S ≤ 25

‖ 0.21 + 0.175 ⋅ S - 0.0116 ⋅ S 2 + ―― ⋅ S3
‖ 5000

else if S > 25
‖ -1.937
‖ 235.5 ⋅ S

k8 ≔ k8.dry (S) = 0.993

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Calculation sheet:Sorted\05
2 of 3 Beams & c
Title: Spreadsheet library. Worked example - Timber beam capacity.
Engineer: IM
Reviewed by: AG

Beam design strength:

explicit , ALL
ϕMn ≔ ϕ ⋅ k1 ⋅ k4 ⋅ k5 ⋅ k8 ⋅ fb ⋅ Zx ――――― → 0.8 ⋅ 0.6 ⋅ 1.14 ⋅ 1.11 ⋅ 0.993 ⋅ 14 MPa ⋅ 541500 ⋅ mm 3 = 4.57 kN ⋅ m
Bending strength for long term load (DL; SDL)

explicit , ALL
ϕVn ≔ ϕ ⋅ k1 ⋅ k4 ⋅ k5 ⋅ fs ⋅ As ――――― → 0.8 ⋅ 0.6 ⋅ 1.14 ⋅ 1.11 ⋅ 3.8 MPa ⋅ 11400.0 ⋅ mm 2 = 26.31 kN
Shear strength for long term load (DL; SDL)

explicit , ALL
ϕNn ≔ ϕ ⋅ k1 ⋅ k3 ⋅ fp ⋅ Ap ――――― → 0.8 ⋅ 0.6 ⋅ 1.335 ⋅ 8.9 MPa ⋅ 4050.0 ⋅ mm 2 = 23.1 kN
Bearing strength for long term load (DL; SDL)


For this examle assume simply supported beam with distributed short term servisability load qs ≔ 3 ―― , and long term load
ql ≔ 2 ――

kN 4
5 ⋅ 3 ―― ⋅ ((3.5 m))
5 ⋅ qs ⋅ LB 4 explicit , ALL m
Δs ≔ ―――― ――――― → ――――――――――― = 17.01 mm
384 ⋅ E ⋅ Ix 384 ⋅ 6.7 ⋅ GPa ⋅ 51442500 ⋅ mm 4

kN 4
5 ⋅ 2 ―― ⋅ ((3.5 m)
5 ⋅ ql ⋅ LB 4 explicit , ALL m
Δl ≔ k2 ⋅ ―――― ――――― → 2 ⋅ ――――――――――― = 22.68 mm
384 ⋅ E ⋅ Ix 384 ⋅ 6.7 ⋅ GPa ⋅ 51442500 ⋅ mm 4

Design loads

The limit states that require checking are:

1. Short-term ultimate limit state; where the response of the structure to the maximum load is analysed. It generally
corresponds to short-term exertion of the structure.
2. Long-term ultimate limit state; This analysis focuses on the response of the structure to a quasi permanent loading
and to avoid failure due to creep of the timber member in particular.
3. Short-term serviceability limit state; This corresponds to the instantaneous response of the structure to an imposed
4. Long-term serviceability limit state; To identify the service life behaviour, this analysis considers time-dependent
variations of the material properties; in particular creep.
5. 1.0-kN serviceability limit state; The instantaneous response to and imposed load of 1.0 kN at mid-span provides an
indication of dynamic behaviour. This can be replaced with a dynamic analysis if available

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