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1. Naturalization- binds an individual to his/her country according to the place where he/she is

2. Norm of appropriateness- a kind of norm that shows person’s refinement and civility

3. Diffusion, discovery and invention- cause of social change

4. Taboo- prohibitions

5. Social change- a kind of change when members of society assert variations and modification in
the patterns of their organization.

6. Biological anthropology- field of anthropology that focuses on the evolutionary development

and biological variations of human beings.

7. Deviance function in the society is to maintain its status quo

8. Edward Tylor defines culture as a complex whole that encompasses beliefs, practices, values,
attitudes, laws,norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge and everything that a person learns and shares
as a member of society.

9. UNESCO - an internal organization of United nations concerned about preservation of culture.

10. Components of culture according to John Honigman are Ideas, activities and artifacts.

11. Theocracy- rulers of earliest forms hold authority both in governance and religious way of life.

12. Characteristics of an australopithcine specie- quadrupedal specie, broaden jaw with molar teeth,
opposable thumb.

13. Robert Merton- proponent of strain theory

14. Mechanism of social control- labeling theory, Gossip and Laws

15. 2 kinds of status- achieved (acquired willfully and consciously by the use of talents and efforst)
and ascribed (inherited,given at birth)

16. Group- collection of people who have common identity, interacting with one another and are
physically together.

17. Types of group:

a) According to influence

i. Primary group-small but intimate group. Members have direct access and interaction
with one another. Emotionally bonded together examples are families and close
ii. Secondary group- formed to perform a specific purpose. Often formal and impersonal.

b) According to membership-

i. In-groups- provide members a sense of belongingness and loyalty example: basketball


ii. Out-groups- are groups than an individual is not a member. This group elicit a sense
of antagonism from a person who maybe a member of another group.

c) Reference group- provide a person with a set of standards to check against and to
know if one is doing well of where he or she needs improvement.

d) Networks- social connections an individual takes part in for whatever purpose and through
whatever means. (personal or virtual)

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