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IntelliSec – The 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Security Systems

11-24th November 2009, Bucharest, Romania



Abstract: The document is an important communication tool organization to capture faxes and forms, save copies of the
between the organization’s departments and for the documents as images, and store the image files in the repository
relationships with other companies. Document management for security and quick retrieval (retrieval was possible because
systems are used by organizations in all public and private the system handled the extraction of the text from the document
sectors in order to organize and structure electronic documents as it was captured, and the text indexer provided text retrieval
as so to track their flow in company and its entry / exit points. capabilities).
Key words: communication, organization, document, flow. In the broadest sense, document management systems can
range from a shoebox all the way to an enterprise content
management system. There are several common issues that are
1. INTRODUCTION involved in managing documents, whether the system is an
informal, ad-hoc, paper-based method for one person or if it is a
This paper formal, structured, computer enhanced system for many people
proposes a brief presentation of a web-based document across multiple offices.
management application that allows management and document
tracking as so archiving, ensuring a balance between security EDM systems evolved to where the system was able to
and accessibility, protecting information and at the same time manage any type of file format that could be stored on the
offering a quick and easy access to help company staff to work network. The applications grew to encompass electronic
with maximum efficiency. documents, collaboration tools, security, and auditing
Security of a document is a very important issue. The capabilities.
Document Management System can be very well described as
the memory of the organization, good control over different
security aspects is more than needed. 1.3 Document management system definition

1.1 Purpose A document management system (DMS) is a computer

system (or set of computer programs) used to track and store
Document management systems provide security based on a electronic documents and/or images of paper documents.
number of factors, while allowing instant, anytime access from
any location. A document management electronic system offers an
In order to simplify the security aspects, it all begins with organization a standard modality to create, manage, control and
the security of the document storage. Most document supply documents. This will allow the improvement of the
management systems use an internal system architecture called performances of the company through work realized faster,
reference database. In those systems, there is usually a database with fewer people, with better accuracy and less paper.
containing document meta information, such as a path to the A solution in managing documents does not refer to
document file residing on a file server. documents; it is projected for users and for their objectives as
The purpose of this paper is about how to protect these files part of the organization. Studies show that 80% of “knowledge”
on the server in a proper way, so that they are always secure of a company is maintained as unstructured data. A
and inaccessible by any other means than via the DMS. If the management solution of completed documents produces a
files can be accessed without the control of the DMS in any modality of structuring, organization and securing this in-
situation at all, then the control and security is compromised. formation.
A performing system of document management presents the
following characteristics:
1.2 History
• implements rapidly flows of documents
Beginning in the 1980s, a • is flexible at every organization structure
number of vendors began developing systems to manage paper- • has a high degree of security
based documents. These systems managed paper documents, • can be adapted at any type of document
which included not only printed and published documents, but • can be connected to other applications
also photos, prints, etc. • presents facility in use
• can be situated on ulterior developments
Later, a second system was developed,
The main functions of such a system are: indexing, security,
to manage electronic documents, i.e., all those documents, or
visual, archiving, searching, control of versions and control of
files, created on computers, and often stored on local user file
the access on documents. The processing and flux of documents
systems. The earliest electronic document management (EDM)
which completes the solution to manage documents is tightly
systems were either developed to manage proprietary file types,
connected with these. Other functions that these systems might
or a limited number of file formats. Many of these systems
have are:
were later referred to as document imaging systems, because
the main capabilities were capture, storage, indexing and
• Allocation of an unique registration number to each document
retrieval of image file formats. These systems enabled an
• Establishing the place where each document is active capabilities.
• Attending the entire life cycle of a document;
- personnel which is responsible with its reception Here is a description of these components:
- the moment when it was received Metadata

- the person which responds with the notice/ Metadata is typically stored for each document. Metadata
response that is formulated may, for example, include the date the document was stored
- date at which the response/ notice were finalized. and the identity of the user storing it. The DMS may also
extract metadata from the document automatically or prompt
One of the greatest advantages of a management quality the user to add metadata. Some systems also use optical
system of documents is integrated in a more transparent character recognition on scanned images, or perform text
manner, as possible, with the infrastructure of the company. extraction on electronic documents. The resulting extracted text
The solutions of documents management are easily can be used to assist users in locating documents by identifying
implemented and integrated in the intranet of the company. The probable keywords or providing for full text search capability,
role of data security in this case is decrypting documents, or can be used on its own. Extracted text can also be stored as a
allowing only users with correspondent rights to see or to component of metadata, stored with the image, or separately as
modify documents. a source for searching document collections.

No matter if the information will be presented under the
format of a Microsoft Word document, an e-mail in Outlook, a Many document management systems attempt to integrate
Power-Point presentation, an Adobe PDF folder or multimedia document management directly into other applications, so that
information, the security method of the system of documents users may retrieve existing documents directly from the
management must face all these types of documents, separating document management system repository, make changes, and
the writing of the content on the access list at this document. save the changed document back to the repository as a new
This information is deposited on a server, the entire access version, all without leaving the application.
process to confidential documents passing through the security
system of the management system solution of documents. Indexing

Unlike manual systems, the automatic systems of Track electronic documents. Indexing may be as simple as
documents management present the following advantages: keeping track of unique document identifiers; but often it takes
• deposit the information connected to a document in a single a more complex form, providing classification through the
place documents' metadata or even through word indexes extracted
• allow the rapid access at the place where the document is in from the documents' contents. Indexing exists mainly to support
the organization retrieval.
• Inform regarding the notice stage (resolution) where the
document is situated Storage
• Attend the necessary period for the finalization of a notice
(resolution) and the ones that exceeded this term Store electronic documents. Storage of the documents often
• Observe the number of documents that entered daily, each includes management of those same documents; where they are
weekend, each month. stored, for how long, migration of the documents from one
storage media to and eventual document destruction.
An effective document management solution specifies:

• What types of documents and other content can be Retrieve the electronic documents from the storage.
created within an organization. Although the notion of retrieving a particular document is
• What templates to use for each type of document. simple, retrieval in the electronic context can be quite complex
• What metadata to provide for each type of document. and powerful. Simple retrieval of individual documents can be
• Where to store documents at each stage of a supported by allowing the user to specify the unique document
document's life cycle. identifier, and having the system use the basic index (or a non-
• How to control access to a document at each stage of indexed query on its data store) to retrieve the document. More
its life cycle. flexible retrieval allows the user to specify partial search terms
• How to move documents within the organization as involving the document identifier and/or parts of the expected
team members contribute to the documents' creation, metadata.
review, approval, publication, and disposition.
• What policies to apply to documents so that Security
document-related actions are audited, documents are
retained or disposed of properly, and content Document security is vital in many document management
important to the organization is protected. applications. Compliance requirements for certain documents
• How documents are converted as they transition from can be quite complex depending on the type of documents.
one stage to another during their life cycles. Some document management systems have a rights
• How documents are treated as corporate records, management module that allows an administrator to give access
which must be retained according to legal to documents based on type to only certain people or groups of
requirements and corporate guidelines. people.

2. COMPONENTS Workflow

Document management systems commonly provide storage, By planning workflows for your organization, you can
versioning, metadata, security, as well as indexing and retrieval control and track how documents move from one team member
to another as each participant collaborates in a document's life used in the document management application, stressing the
cycle. essential implementation features.

Versioning 3.2.1 Version control

Versioning is a process by which documents are At its simplest, version control simply tracks updates to a
checked in or out of the document management system, given document, but doesn't impose any structure on the
allowing users to retrieve previous versions and to continue process used to update it.
work from a selected point. Versioning is useful for documents It is important not to have different versions of a document
that change over time and require updating, but it may be having the same content. So, when we create a new version of a
necessary to go back to a previous copy. document, we need to verify that is unique among the previous
older versions. This way we will optimize the storage area. In
Searching order to verify the distinction between versions we shall use
hash functions.
Finds documents and folders using template attributes or Hash functions are mostly used to speed up table lookup or
full text search. Documents can be searched using various data comparison tasks — such as finding items in a database,
attributes and document content. detecting duplicated or similar records in a large file being very
advantageous in case of internet client-server applications.

3. INFORMATION PROTECTION 3.2.2 Access control

3.1 Overview Once we've introduced the notion of version control, a

check-out/check-in system can be used to impose a little
The need for security must be weighed against the ability structure on the process of updating documents.
for authorized personnel to have quick access to information. Access control involves the check-in/out functions, being
Some document management systems take an “all or nothing” closely related with the version control. Checking a document
approach, while others may weigh down the organization with out changes its status so that others can't check it out, while
cumbersome procedures to address even simple security setting checking it in creates a new version. So, document check
needs. in/check out functionality ensures that only one user can update
With comprehensive document management security, you a document at a time, maintaining document version control
can control not only who can access the application, but also automatically, enhancing information management and
who can access individual folders and documents. This providing authorized users with an audited revision history and
approach enables all documents to be filed in one place, rollback ability.
providing a complete, unified view of records for authorized
personnel. A representative example is shown in the bellow figure:
Document management systems provide security based on a
number of factors, while allowing instant, anytime access from
any location.
A complete document management solution should provide
the following:

- A mechanism for classifying documents when they are

entered in the system.
- A mechanism for defining access classes or groups, so
employees have uniform access to the documents they are
authorized to use.
- Ability to apply retention policies that electronically preserve
- Security mechanisms that define access at every level of the
document system. (Folder- and document-level access are a
minimum requirement.)
- An audit trail that records which users have accessed which
documents, and what modifications, if any, they have made.
This is a requirement for HIPAA legislation.
- The ability to view documents from multiple office locations.
- Workflow to route files electronically to the appropriate
person or group based on standard rules and procedures.
- An efficient method for quick access to documents without
the need for labor-intensive searches.
- Management for both scanned images and electronic
- Integration with other business software and systems such as Fig.1 Check-in/out functions
word-processing, accounting, and email. This allows users to
file and access documents from applications they are already
3.2.3 Security
comfortable using.

3.2 Functions of DMS The services offered by the systems of quality management
of documents must fulfill three aspects from the security point
In this paper I will focus on versioning, access control, of view:
security, workflow and document archiving aspects that are
1.Confidentiality. This aspect refers to all access restrictions to It is obvious the fact that a management system of
information and re-sources. Controlling, promoting and documents brings advantages in an organization. The
implementing security politics of the company will be reflected implementation of such a system often leads to the functionality
in a direct modality on the management system of documents, and efficient archiving, but neglects the fact that at present new
offering a prompt response to the question “who and when risks may occur: the unauthorized access at information.
accesses, what document and with whose approval?”
2.Integrity. Information has two characteristics: initiator and Further more, we need to secure the communication
content. The trust level granted to the initiator and non between the DMS client application and DMS Server. DMS
alteration of the content represents the integrity of information. Server uses internet protocols for communication with its
Its violation can be prevented or detected by implementing clients. In standard LAN installation, maybe the highest of
solutions of electronic signing, which authenticates the initiator security is not needed, but using the standard HTTP protocol is
person as being or not a confidence source and ensures the feasible. If the system is deployed so that the clients are
conformity of information with the initial one, preventing somewhere in the internet, the communication can be made
changing information more secure by using HTTPS (SSL, Secure Sockets Layer) for
3.Availability. The ability of accessing in-formation or a communication.
resource is considered avail-ability. A management service of
documents can be blocked by persons who attack, by restricting 3.2.4 Workflow
or denying availability at the level of security. If at the first
level of the management solution of documents, the system is The documents in an organization are not statistic. They are
on dimensions regarding the number of users and entrances a created, modified, distributed on routes clearly defined. That is
day, at the last level, the one of the interface with the user, why, management systems of documents contain workflows
either is a portal or an executable program, the authentication which establish precisely where a document will be sent, if it
must be made with the most secured methods, using smart has reached its destination, when it was redirected and which is
cards and biometrical devices, as it is the main access in the its status at a certain moment.
Figure 2 illustrates the modality in which the processing of
A management system of documents, as any informational fluxes of documents is made under the management of an
system, needs classical security measures, such as firewall administrator of workflow.
protection, backup, antivirus protection, intrusion detection Among flow applications we can mention:
systems, current sources, etc;
The multitude of functions that a management system of • Information sent from / in the internal sys-tem for
documents brings induces specific needs of security, the most information/ approval
important being the authentication and authorization. The • Activity Plans and Rapports
authentication represents the identification as an authorized • Essays, Notes, Requests, Holiday Requests, Transport
user in the system. The authorization defines the rights that this Request, Acquisition request
user has in his system. • Generation and publication of politics to ensure quality,
The authentication will be realized by the classical human resources politics
combination username/ password or using biometrical systems, • Transmission for approval of the documents required by the
smart cards. Not what we make the authentication with is the procedures of the quality system, multiple approvals.
most important aspect, but how it is made. In other words, • Treating non – conformities
where are verified the authentication information received from
the user. Either the system has its own user basis, or will use
another authentication provider. The first mechanism is the
simplest that can be used, there will be defined the users on the
own basis of soft management of documents. But these
methods can be hardly used, when the user must use more and
more pairs of usernames and the password for all the systems
he uses. The alternative is using a mechanism of single sign –on
– an interface for the unique authentication at more systems, or
using a management system of documents which can be
integrated with mechanisms of management of already existing
identity in organization compatible LDAP, as might be Figure 2. Processing workflows
Microsoft Active Directory of IBM Directory Server.
Authorization. After a user is presented in the system, he
receives or not the right to access information. The 3.2.5 Archiving
authorization will be realized using three important methods:
role based, rule based or content based. The role based Documents must be archived in a long-term storage, where
authorization implements a mechanism by which a user an archived document and its metadata must be protected from
possesses one or several roles in the system, as it might be modification and deletion. The archived document can be
editor - each of these roles has diverse rights groups of access compressed (to save storage space) and if required encrypted.
to information. Using the rule based authorization, the level of The security classification of a document can not change
access of the user is determined after realizing a set of rules once it is archived but the access permissions to the document
introduced by the administrators- for example verifying some can be changed. For example to be able to restrict access to
conditions. The con-tent based authorization uses access lists, archived documents to a limited group of subjects. When an
discrete on every item of information or collection of archived document expires, the document and all copies of the
information than can be defined at their introduction in the document is deleted from the archive. A document can only be
system. We can often find a combination of modalities of deleted by a subject with explicit permissions to do so.
access, as might be the combination of roles and content: for a
set of information will be given discrete rights to groups (roles) 4. CONCLUDING REMARKS
and the users can belong to one or several groups.
The work reported in this paper has addressed the problem
of creating an information infrastructure and services for virtual
As a result of what’s been said above , besides the basics of
a document management system, the presented application
implements the latest features, with more focus on the security
part, where it provides high quality and stable solutions solving
at the same time the problems of managing, finding, tracking
and securing documents in today's information-intensive
Nevertheless, the application can extend its range of
functionality by adding optional features according to
company’s needs.

4.1 Future research

The document management application could provide a

future solution regarding its integration with the users operating
system, in order to speed up the workflow. This way, it could
offer a "virtual-local" drive that provides a single location from
and to which all files are accessed and stored. The virtual-local
drive bridges the gap between centralized data storage and local
compute resources, enabling users to work with all the
performance and reliability provided by their local computer
and hard drive, while a unique caching mechanism
transparently synchronizes with the central data vault. As a
result, the DMS application always delivers fast "local"
performance and reliability, even when the network or server is
slow or unavailable due to a crash, periods of high loads or
network traffic, or when traveling or working from home. As
soon as the connection is re-established, the application
automatically synchronizes with the server.

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