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Kaisser May Angelou Lopez

1. Differentiate File Processing and Database Approach highlig

hting its advantages and disadvantages.
There are several advantages of Database management system
over file system. Few of them are as follows: No redundant data
: Redundancy removed by data normalization. No data duplicatio
n saves storage and improves access time.
Disadvantages of File Processing Systems include: 1. Program-
Data Dependence. File descriptions are stored within each appli
cation program that accesses a given file. 2. Duplication of Da
ta. Applications are developed independently in file processing
systems leading to unplanned duplicate files. Duplication is was
teful as it requires additional storage space and changes in on
e file must be made manually in all files. This also results in lo
ss of data integrity. It is also possible that the same data item
may have different names in different files, or the same name
may be used for different data items in different files. 3. Limite
d data sharing. Each application has its own private files with li
ttle opportunity to share data outside their own applications. A r
equested report may require data from several incompatible file
s in separate systems. 4. Lengthy Development Times. There
is little opportunity to leverage previous development efforts. Ea
ch new application requires the developer to start from scratch
by designing new file formats and descriptions 5. Excessive
Program Maintenance. The preceding factors create a heavy pr
ogram maintenance load.

1. Improved data sharing

An advantage of the database management approach is, the DB
MS helps to create an environment in which end users have bet
ter access to more and better-managed data.
Such access makes it possible for end users to respond quickly
to changes in their environment.
2. Improved data security
The more users access the data, the greater the risks of data
security breaches. Corporations invest considerable amounts of t
ime, effort, and money to ensure that corporate data are used p
roperly. A DBMS provides a framework for better enforcement of
data privacy and security policIesHYPERLINK "

3. Better data integration

Wider access to well-managed data promotes an integrated view
of the organization’s operations and a clearer view of the big pi
cture. It becomes much easier to see how actions in one segme
nt of the company affect other segments.
4. Minimized data inconsistency
Data inconsistency exists when different versions of the same d
ata appear in different places. For example, data inconsistency
exists when a company’s sales department stores a sales repre
sentative’s name as “Bill Brown” and the company’s personnel d
epartment stores that same person’s name as “William G. Brow
n,” or when the company’s regional sales office shows the price
of a product as $45.95 and its national sales office shows the s
ame product’s price as $43.95. The probability of data inconsiste
ncy is greatly reduced in a properly designed database.
5. Improved data access
The DBMS makes it possible to produce quick answers to ad h
oc queries. From a database perspective, a query is a specific r
equest issued to the DBMS for data manipulation—for example,
to read or update the data. Simply put, a query is a question, a
nd an ad hoc query is a spur-of-the-moment question.HYPERLINK ""HYPERLINK ""

6. Improved decision making

Better-managed data and improved data access make it possibl
e to generate better-quality information, on which better decision
s are based. The quality of the information generated depends o
n the quality of the underlying data. Data quality is a comprehen
sive approach to promoting the accuracy, validity, and timeliness
of the data. While the DBMS does not guarantee data quality, i
t provides a framework to facilitate data quality initiatives.

1. Increased costs
one of the disadvantages of dbms is Database systems require
sophisticated hardware and software and highly skilled personn
el. The cost of maintaining the hardware, software, and personn
el required to operate and manage a database system can be s
ubstantial. Training, licensing, and regulation compliance costs ar
e often overlooked when database systems are implemented.
2. Management complexity
Database systems interface with many different technologies and
have a significant impact on a company’s resources and culture
. The changes introduced by the adoption of a database system
must be properly managed to ensure that they help advance th
e company’s objectives. Given the fact that database systems h
old crucial company data that are accessed from multiple source
s, security issues must be assessed constantly.
3. Maintaining currency
To maximize the efficiency of the database system, you must ke
ep your system current. Therefore, you must perform frequent u
pdates and apply the latest patches and security measures to al
l components.
Because database technology advances rapidly, personnel traini
ng costs tend to be significant. Vendor dependence. Given the h
eavy investment in technology and personnel training, companie
s might be reluctant to change database vendors.
As a consequence, vendors are less likely to offer pricing point
advantages to existing customers, and those customers might b
e limited in their choice of database system components
4. Frequent upgrade/replacement cycles
DBMS vendors frequently upgrade their products by adding new
functionality. Such new features often come bundled in new upg
rade versions of the software. Some of these versions require h
ardware upgrades. Not only do the upgrades themselves cost m
oney, but it also costs money to train database users and admi
nistrators to properly use and manage the new features.

2. Discuss how important SDLC is in building/developing syste

* SDLC stands for Software Development LifeCycle and it is the
process of developing information system with proper analysis,
design, implementation and maintenance. SDLC is said to be eq
ual to layer two of open systems interconnection or OSI model
of network communication. This level of protocol assures proper
flow of data from one level to another. SDLC is important becau
se it breaks down the entire life cycle of software development t
hus make is easier to evaluate each part of software developme
nt and also makes it easier for programmers to work concurrentl
y on each phase.
3.Discuss how are the programming languages different from t
he others.
*Programming languages differ from natural languages in that na
tural languages are only used for interaction between people, w
hile programming languages also allow humans to communicate
instructions to machines.

4. List the variety of web development tools and explain each.

1. Sublime Text
Artfully run by a one-man development team, the secret to Subli
me’s success lies in the program’s vast array of keyboard shortc
uts - such as the ability to perform simultaneous editing (making
the same interactive changes to multiple selected areas) as wel
l as quick navigation to files, symbols, and lines. And when you’
re spending 8+ hours with your editor each day, those precious
few seconds saved for each process really do add up
2. Chrome Developer Tools
Wouldn’t it be great if you could edit your HTML and CSS in re
al-time, or debug your JavaScript, all while viewing a thorough p
erformance analysis of your website?
Google’s built-in Chrome Developer Tools let you do just that. B
undled and available in both Chrome and Safari, they allow dev
elopers access into the internals of their web application. On top
of this, a palette of network tools can help optimize your loadin
g flows, while a timeline gives you a deeper understanding of w
hat the browser is doing at any given moment.

3. jQuery
JavaScript has long been considered an essential front-end lang
uage by developers, although it’s not without its problems: riddle
d with browser inconsistencies, its somewhat complicated and u
napproachable syntax meant that functionality often suffered.
That was until 2006, when jQuery – a fast, small, cross-platform
JavaScript library aimed at simplifying the front-end process – a
ppeared on the scene. By abstracting a lot of the functionality u
sually left for developers to solve on their own, jQuery allowed g
reater scope for creating animations, adding plug-ins, or even ju
st navigating documents.

4. Angular.js
HTML is usually the cornerstone of any frontend developer’s tool
box, but it has what many perceive to be a serious flaw: it wasn
’t designed to manage dynamic views.
This is where AngularJS, an open-source web application frame
work, comes in. Developed by Google, AngularJS lets you exten
d your application’s HTML syntax, resulting in a more expressive
, readable, and quick to develop environment that could otherwis
e not have been built with HTML alone.
The project is not without its critics: some feel that this sort of d
ata binding makes for a messy, non-separated code, but we still
think it’s an invaluable skill to have in your front-end kit.
5. Sass
Web dev tools that save time are your best friend and one of th
e first things you’ll learn about code is that it needs to be DRY
(“Don’t Repeat Yourself”). The second thing you’ll probably learn
is that CSS is usually not very DRY.
Enter the world of the CSS preprocessor, a tool that will help yo
u write maintainable, future-proof code, all while reducing the a
mount of CSS you have to write (keeping it DRY).
Perhaps most popular among them is Sass, an eight-year-old op
en-source project which pretty much defined the genre of moder
n CSS preprocessors. Although a little tricky to get to grips with
initially, Sass’s combination of variables, nesting, and mixins will
render simple CSS when compiled, meaning your stylesheets wil
l be more readable and (most importantly) DRY.
5. What are the available Technology certifications that may b
e taken by an IT/CS Professional?Explain each.

1. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

What is it?The CCNA is a lower-level certification that assures e
mployers you are able to install, operate and configure enterpris
e level switches and routers. CCNA certified individuals can also
detect and solve common network problems and have the optio
n of specializing in security, voice or wireless networking.
Certification process: You can become CCNA certified by passin
g a single 90-minute written exam consisting of about 50-60 que
stions. The test costs around $295.
Entry-level job postings seeking this credential: 5,520
Most common job titles:
Network engineer

Network administrator

Systems administrator

2. CompTIA A+ Technician
What is it? CompTIA A+ is an entry-level certification and is a b
asic starting point for an IT career. Certified A+ technicians han
dle the maintenance of PCs, printers, operating systems, mobile
devices and laptops.
Certification process: You must pass two exams in order to rece
ive the CompTIA A+ certification — one multiple choice and one
performance-based. The exam costs approximately $200.
Entry-level job postings seeking this credential: 7,681
Most common job titles:
In-home support specialist

Desktop support technician

Help desk technician

3. Network+
What is it? Network+ is a globally recognized certification that v
erifies your ability to design, manage and troubleshoot wired and
wireless networks.
Certification process: You must pass a single 90-question exam
on the configuration of wired and wireless network devices and
other emerging technologies. The exam costs $285.
Entry-level job postings seeking this credential: 4,738
Most common job titles:
Helpdesk technician

Information technology specialist

Information technology technician

4. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

What is it? CISSP is a globally recognized credential verifying in
formation security competency in order to protect organizations f
rom attack. The credential proves extensive technical and mana
gerial abilities to engineer and manage information security progr
Certification process: The CISSP exam covers eight subjects: se
curity and risk management, asset security, security engineering,
communications and network security, identity and access man
agement, security assessment and testing, security operations a
nd software development security. The exam contains 250 quest
ions, takes around six hours to complete and costs $600.
Entry-level job postings seeking this credential: 4,463
Most common job titles:
Information technology auditor

Security analyst

Information security analyst

5. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)

What is it? The MCSE is a mid-level certification that validates
an individual’s ability to build innovative solutions across multiple
technologies. MCSE certification is offered in the following speci
alizations: server infrastructure, desktop infrastructure, private clo
ud, enterprise devices and apps, data platform, business intellige
nce, messaging, communication and SharePoint.
Certification process: The steps to become certified will vary dep
ending on your preferred concentration, but the exam is a five-st
ep process that incorporates various question formats such as
multiple choice, drag-and-drop and simulation problems. The exa
ms typically cost $150 regardless of the specialization.
Entry-level job postings seeking this credential: 1,525
Most common job titles:
Systems administrator

Field systems technician

Systems engineer

6. How to begin a job search and create a professional online


If you want to be successful in the world of hospitality, having a

great online presence is crucial. Whether it be chatting to custo
mers on Facebook, announcing exclusive competitions on Twitte
r or posting pics of your latest developments on Instagram, what
you do online can have a big effect on your business. Jane Hu
rst – an editor and freelance HR professional with extensive exp
erience of helping people land hospitality jobs – offers six tips to
help you ensure you have a professional online presence that i
s sure to impress:

1. Share your passions

Your interests are what help people get to know you. If you are
passionate about the hospitality industry, make sure the world is
aware of it. The more people who know about it, the further yo
ur online presence reaches. You never know who may be readi
ng what you write, so write to impress future employers.

2. Find your niche

Make sure your online presence is unique and stands out from
any potential competition. Have your own voice and style that’s t
rue to you. For example, you could start a blog, and link it to di
fferent sites and professionals that share your enthusiasm. Linke
dIn and Google+ are just two sites used to discover people with
similar passions. Future employers look at these sites, too, so i
t is a great way to get your work out there.

3. Build a website
Create your own website, where you can highlight your educatio
n and skills. Personalise your site to show what type of career y
ou are interested in, and create a page that highlights yourself a
nd your interests. Include things that you have done in the past,
in order to show your experience and commitment to the hospit
ality industry. You can use a free website builder to create your
site and link your blog and other sites, like your Instagram or T
witter, to your website.

4. Build a professional brand

You need to create a brand that is memorable and consistent a
cross your webpages. Think of a name that is unique but relate
s to your interest. Create a catchy slogan, a tone of voice and
eye-catching colours. Being consistent shows you are profession
al and will help your brand stay in people’s minds.

5. Use Pinterest
This site is not just for crafts and recipes – future employers ca
n see what you are pinning. You can show them that you are st
aying informed of the latest trends by pinning relevant articles a
nd links. Employers will be impressed by your research skills an
d your devotion to the hospitality industry. You can also link you
r website and your resume to your Pinterest page. That way, ev
erything is available to future employers.

6. Think about privacy

Finally, be careful about your privacy online. You need to be aw
are of who can see what. Google yourself to see what your onli
ne presence is like. Also, be aware of what you post on social
media sites – future employers will look on your social media, a
s well as your personal websites. Be sure you have not posted
anything that could be detrimental to your employment. Also, do
uble check that what you post is private so no one can steal yo
ur brand or identity. You are working hard to create a positive o
nline presence – make sure it stays private as well.
Whether you want to create your own successful brand or secur
e work with a leading hospitality organisation, having a professio
nal online presence will show you are determined, informed and

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