Knitting Slipover Sweater 2

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Slipover Sweater III

These directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14, 16 and
18 are in parentheses.

Columbia-Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 oz skein) - 5(6-6-7) skeins
Columbia-Minerva Calypso Germantown Knitting Worsted (2 or 4 oz
skein) - 18(20-22-24) ozs
Knitting Needles: 1 pair each "Boye" Sizes 5 and 8 - 14 inch and
1 set "Boye" double point needles Size 5 - 7 inch
Gauge: 11 sts to 2 inches; 7 rows to 1 inch (Size 8 needles)

BACK: With Size 5 needles cast on 90(98-102-110) sts. Work in

ribbing as follows: Row 1: (Right side of work) K 2, *P 2, K 2,
repeat from * across row. Row 2: P 2, *K 2, P 2, repeat from *
across row. Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 2 ½ inches,
inc'ing 3(1-3-1) sts across last row - 93(99-105-111) sts on
needle. Change to Size 8 needles and work in pat as follows: Row
1: (Right side of work) K 5(K 2, P 1, K 5 - 0 - K 3), *P 1, sl
next 2 sts onto double point needle and hold in back of work, K
next 2 sts, then K the 2 sts from double point needle (cable
twist), P 1, K 5, repeat from * across, ending 0(P 1, K 2 - P 1,
twist cable, P 1 - P 1, twist cable, P 1, K 3). Row 2: 0(P 2, K
1 - K 1, P 4, K 1 - P 3, K 1, P 4, K 1), *P 5, K 1, P 4, K 1,
repeat from * across, ending P 5(P 5, K 1, P 2 - 0 - P 3). Row
3: 0(K 2, P 1 – P 1, K 4, P 1 - K 3, P 1, K 4, P 1), *K 5, P 1,
K 4, P 1, repeat from * across, ending K 5(K 5, P 1, K 2 - 0 - K
3). Rows 4 through 9: Repeat Rows 2 and 3 three times. Row
10: Same as Row 2. Repeat these 10 rows for pat. When work
measures 13” (13”-13 ½”-13 ½”), or desired length from start to
underarm, To Shape Armholes: Bind off 5 sts at beg of next 2
rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row 4 times - 75(81-
87-93) sts on needle. When armholes measure 7 ¾” (8”-8”-8 ½”),
measured straight from bound-off sts at underarm. To Shape
Shoulders: Bind off 11(12-13-14) sts at beg of next 4 rows. Sl
rem 31 (33-35-37) sts onto st holder for back of neck.

FRONT: Work same as Back until work measures 12”(12 ½”-12 ½”-
13”) from start. To Shape Neck: (Right side of work) Work across
43(46-49-52) sts, sl these sts onto st holder, bind off next 7
sts, work to end of row. Work Right Side as follows: Dec 1 st at
neck edge every 4th row 12 (13-14-15) times AND AT THE SAME
TIME when work measures same as Back to underarm, To Shape
Armhole: Bind off 5 sts at side edge, then dec 1 st at same edge
every other row 4 times. When armhole measures same as at
Back, To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 11(12-13-14) sts at armhole
edge every other row 2 times. Work Left Side to correspond.

SLEEVES: With Size 5 needles cast on 50(50-54-54) sts. Work in

ribbing as follows: Row 1: (Right side of work) P 2, *K 2, P 2,
repeat from * across row. Row 2: K 2, *P 2, K 2, repeat from *
across row. When work measures 2 inches from start, change to
Size 8 needles. Working added sts in ribbing, inc 1 st each
side, then inc 1 st each side every 8th row 7(1-4-0) times more,
then every 6th row 0(8-4-10) times - 66(70-72-76) sts on needle.
When work measures 12 ½”(12 ½”-13”-13”), or desired length from
start to underarm, To Shape Cap of Sleeve: Bind off 5 sts at beg
of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row until
26(28-30-32) sts rem. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind
off rem sts.
Sew shoulder seams.

NECKBAND: On right side of work, with double point needles,

starting at lower right neck edge pick up and K 126(128-134-136)
sts around neck edge, including sts on st holder. Work in
ribbing of K 2, P 2, for 1 ½ inches. Bind off loosely in
Sew Sleeves in place. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew side
edges of Neckband to bound-off sts at center, having left side
as underlap.

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