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1) A code give the acceptance standard for excess weld metal “h” as h ≤

1mm + 0.1b, max. 5mm, where “b” is the width of the weld cap. For which
of the following situations is the excess weld metal acceptable?

a. b = 15 h = 3.0

b. b = 22 h = 3.0

c. b = 28 h = 4.0

d. b = 40 h = 5.4

2) A long centreline crack has been detected in a submerged arc weld

bead this may be due to:

a. Use of a high manganese filler wire

b. Use of a damp flux

c. Weld bead is deep and narrow

d. Use of too high voltage

3) Which of the following defects will have the more severe effect on the
load-bearing capacity of a weld?

a. Undercut

b. Incompletely filled groove

c. Irregular width

d. Excess penetration
4) While inspecting a weld on a 100mm thick high carbon steel plate with
a … the weld is visually acceptable, however the parent material has
severse … the weld approximately 3mm deep, what course of action
would you …

a. None I am only inspecting the weld

b. Recommend that the area be dressed smooth

c. Recommend that the area be dressed smooth followed by MPI

High carbon steel is not susceptible to cracking so I would weld over


5) Which of these statements are true concerning Lamellar tearing?

a. As hydrogen levels increase Lamellar tearing is more likely

As material thickness increases ductility decreases making Lamellar

tearing more likely

c. Lamellar tearing occurs in the HAZ

d. Lamellar tearing affects all joint types

6) Which of the following types of imperfection is generally considered to

be the most serious?

a. Surface breaking planar

b. Root concavity

c. Buried planar

d. Surface breaking non-planar

7) Burn through may occur because the:

a. Current is too high

b. Root gap is too small

c. Travel speed is too fast

d. Current is too low

8) On inspecting a completed 150mm OD pipe weld some small smooth,

shallow areas of undercut have been found < 0.25mm deep. The welder
says he can quickly put this right by depositing a thin narrow bead along
the undercut. In this situation would you?

a. Agree to go ahead with no preheat as the weld is so small

Only allow the welder to cosmetically blend out the undercut

b. providing the wall thickness remains within the specification

c. Agree to go ahead with a preheat 50oC above original

d. Cut out the joint and re-weld

9) On inspecting a completed weld which has Charpy impact requirements
some small areas of undercut have been found. The welder says he can
quickly put this right by depositing a thin narrow bead along the undercut.
In this situation would you?

a. Agree to go ahead with no preheat as the weld is so small

b. Agree to go ahead with the same preheat as the original weld

c. Agree to go ahead with a preheat 50oC above original

d. Only allow the welder to cosmetically blend out the undercut

10) Why would visual inspection of the excess weld metal at the bottom
of a cross country pipeline be important?

a. It is the most difficult area to weld

b. It is the dirtiest part of the pipe as it is near the ground

c. Welders always forget to weld the bottom

d. It is the most difficult area to radiograph

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