3% Man Audiobook

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There is no scarcity of women.

(“Scarcity Mindset”)

Women want mystery. So let her do the talking and listen to her, so that you can keep things to yourself.
Give the 70%-80% of the talking to her. Ask her questions and opinions. They want you to learn more
about them. Listen to her, and remember what she said to you. It will increase her trust in you.

Always maintain eye contact. Do not be the first to stare away.

When you are dating with her, do not check out other women, waitresses, etc.

The woman should think that she want you more than you want her. When she approaches you, it
means that she’s creating an opportunity for another date.

Do not always do what she wants. Be in control. Show her that you are in control and that you are

Men should make the decisions. Women are only there to have fun and relax. You must set the plan and
the purpose. You must be the leader.

Keep the date and fun, and the ultimate purpose to create an opportunity for making-out. You must
make her laugh, this is the best way for you to earn her trust. Keep it light-hearted and stay away from
the negatives.

Don’t talk about your ex. Or at least, don’t talk negatively about her.

Only contact her once a week. Soon, she will be the one contacting you. Then she will contact you twice
a week, and progressively she will contact you three to four times a week.

Women want to be noticed. She only wants your attention. BONUS by Based Zeus: notice everything she
puts an effort on.

Compliment her rarely. Already being with her on a date means that you are already interested with
her. Instead, make her laugh. If you should compliment, say it naturally and NOT in a
robotic/automated/meaningless way.

When you are on a date, you must read her attraction-level. If it is high, it will be easier for you. If it is
low, it will be difficult and hence you must leave, ignore and move on.

Women like men who have other women as options. But when she asks how many more you are dating,
don’t tell her. Only tell her that she’s the most awesome amongst them.

Do not ask women for advice on women.

Do not listen to the advice of your male friends, UNLESS he has the same situation as you and he has a
wonderful relationship.

Hold her hand while walking, at least side by side or the man should be going first.
Woman must trust a guy before she falls in love. That’s why she falls in love slower.

Girl vs. guy scoring system: guy – I bought her flowers, brought her to dinner, and danced afterwards = 3
points. Girl: he was attentive to me, he referred back to what I said earlier, he didn’t look at the
waitress, he made me laugh = 4 points.

Date format: wine/alcohol and dinner, darts/bowling (or a place she has never been), and then to her
bedroom. So it’s like two to three places on one evening, and therefore having like “multiple dates”. It’s
all about the whole emotional experience.

If she bumps you and touches you, it means touching her is okay.

How to kiss her: look in her eyes, then her lips, then her eyes for 5-7 seconds. If she looks at you lips
during this duration, kiss her.

Do not “look for a relationship” on a date. Your goal is to have fun.

When you don’t chase, she will come back if her level of attraction is high. Stand fast and hold your

Women are like cats. They will approach you as long as you they are curious. If they are no more
curious, they will leave. Keep them wondering. Don’t tell them about you.

If she wants you to slow down, don’t look at it as rejection. Take it as temporary delays to the inevitable
success of seduction.

Women fall in love with your inaction. Based from experience, let her contact you. Let her love you in
your silence. If her attraction level is above 50, she will contact you once again after pushing you away.

Hang up. Have fun. Hook up.

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