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Jada Aquila

Mr. Conrad

Honors Global Studies

20 December 2019

Action Plan: Awareness for Anxiety and Mental Health.

A massive amount of people on a global scale do not have access to the proper treatment

to aid their psychological needs. As a result, the lack of knowledge of the seriousness of

mental health contributes to high rates of suicide and misonceptions of mental illnesses. In

order to take the leap forward into promoting awareness, the goal of this project is to seek

the attention of local communities and services to demonstrate that mental health is just as

important of an issue as poverty, gender equality, and climate change. Another goal is to

help those recognize that mental health should be treated equally alongside physical

ailments, as more money, research, and resources are put into physical illnesses rather than

psychological, behavioral, or psychiatric needs of a patient.

Citizens both inside and outside of America who struggle with mental health issues do

not have the resources necessary within their community to aid them when seeking for

solace. Essentially, there is a need of familiarity of what mental health is within

communities.​ Nevertheless, society has a tendency to give inappropriate advice to those

suffering from mental illnesses, “Maybe if you tried you wouldn't be stuck“, “ It's not that

hard”, “People are in worse situations”. Those with mental illnesses are often seen as lazy,

lacking willpower or that they choose to feel that way (Choices Psychotherapy, 2019). This
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is simply because of the inability to grasp what it is like to experience their constant battle

they face. Expecting those to lift themselves out of their trauma or turmoil when, mentally it

is difficult, is the equivalent of telling a person in a hospital bed to stand up and leave the

hospital. It is not a choice, it is simply exhausting and challenging to deal with a

psychological battle, often times alone. There would be comfort felt in those who suffer

from a mental health illness such as depression or anxiety if there was an understanding of

the people in their environment. With the attention of schools, local communities, and wider

communities, the severity of mental health can be heard.

Uniformly, t​here has been attempts by the federal government that ultimately were not

successful. The Mental Health Parity Act was enforced in 2008, and the Patient Protection

and Affordable Care Act in 2010. Both were formed in an attempt to ensure the constructive

promotion, prevention and treatment of mental health and substance abuse. Unfortunately,

both of the acts need to lead to reforms in the future to become more effective. The federal

government also has attempted to enact mental health centers since the 1960’s with an aim

to have community-based mental health treatment. Moreover, Medicare and Medicaid

coverage was only given to various community centers, and were not guaranteed to all of

them. Even in America, citizens may not have access to these services, much less attain

community-based supports and interventions (Mental Health America, 2016). ​In addition,

the federal government does ​not invest as much, if any, money into the research and

treatment for mental health as they do with other world issues: ​"Governments in low income

countries only use 1% of their health budget on mental health. Whereas high income

countries spend only 5%, and only 1 in 5 people globally will receive aid." (The World
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Bank, 2019). This statistic demonstrates how the issue of mental health is hidden from the

outside world. Successfully, ​National Alliance on Mental Health Illness made an

astonishing attempt to fight for the recognition of mental health through congress with

multiple bills. The U.S House and Senate had a mutual agreement for the desire of a mental

health reform. Positively, the U.S House voted (422-2) to pass H.R. 2646, the Helping

Families in Mental Health Crisis Act on July 6, 2016 (National Alliance on Mental Health

Illness, 2019). In order to address mental health and help it to reach others successfully, I

will follow in the footsteps of what the National Alliance on Mental Health Illness

accomplished. I will carry out consistent attempts to promote awareness locally through

media, put flyers up within my community pointing to my media and website, and having

assistance with teachers and counselors to inform their students of the effects of mental

health and why it is important.

Step Who Action When Resources Communications/


1 Jada Aquila (Myself) Locally- Creating As soon as Human:​ Myself Flyers are often
and volunteers. flyers (ultimate goal is possible. It and others convenient and efficient
100+) to put around will take (10-20) that will to those walking or for
Liberty High School efforts to volunteer to help drivers at a stop light.
and eventually within create the post these flyers. Having the right visuals,
the community to important and being to the point is
promote my Instagram elements and Supplies: ​My what will make them
page and/or finished information computer and successful.
website in order to that is easy to printer to form
spread awareness for read. (After the flyers.
both mental health and school hours)

Step Who Action When Resources Communications/

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2 Pinebrook Family Locally- In order to be The initiation Human: With this, I will make
Answers, Teachers, there for children in will second Dedication of efforts to make a
Guidance times of distress I will week of Pinebrook, and “special” announcement
counselors, (Dr. consult with January after all teachers and on the LHS speakers and
Roy, BASD) Pinebrook Family Christmas guidance eventually FHS’. As it
Answers to promote break of counselors in will not be an ordinary
awareness through 2019-2020. LHS and FHS to announcement, It will
flyers and school participate.Admin suggest and encourage
announcements in istrative meetings those who need aid to
order to make students in efforts to seek the help they need.
aware that there is a address my This process works very
program that is free objective to discreetly: A counselor
where a counselor promote from Pinebrook (when
(similar to a awareness and you are signed up) will
psychologist), keeps how it will help call you down during a
everything students’ mental class that works best for
confidential unless health overall. you. They will tell your
you or someone you Emails or visits teacher, e.i “ Can you
know is in harm’s way with Robin send ___ to room 220
or you are going to (Pinebrook please.” And your teacher
harm yourself or counselor in will give you a pass to go
others. There will also LHS RM 220) to down and talk to your
be conversations discuss how to counselor. It is very
between Pinebrook, initiate the simple and effective.
Teachers and meetings and Students are able to be
Guidance counselors announcement(s listened to as most
to discuss this in class. students are not aware of
Guidance counselors Supplies: Pinebrook and their free
and Teachers that have Pinebrook’s program. Essentially,
any students they are collaboration for after FHS and LHS has
concerned about can other schools in Pinebrook, an effort to
offer this program BASD. have this program in
them, as guidance middle schools and
counselors are there to Capital: elementary schools in the
guide you but have $10,000+ for BASD can/will be
other responsibilities resources or fees attempted through Dr.
as well where for collaborating Roy.
Pinebrook is with Pinebrook
specifically a program when addressing
to help students in middle schools,
need. elementary
schools, and other
schools that do
not have this
Aquila 5


Step Who Action When Resources Communications/


3 Executive board of Locally - In As soon as Human: The objective of this is to

Aevidum Club and collaboration and possible. Executive establish communications
Psychology Club discussions with both Club should members of between 3 clubs.To
clubs’ executive be formed/ Aevidum Club promote the awareness of
boards, the goal is to talks of and Psychology anxiety and mental health
create support from forming in Club. Writers for not just by one club but
both groups to the beginning the school by two others. Students
help/promote a new of January newspaper. will begin to disseminate
club that will form for 2020. ​Mental about mental health,
mental health and Health and anxiety, how suicide is
anxiety. In the ​Mental Anxiety Capital: linked to these two things,
Health and Anxiety Club​ when $200+ with and how to cope with
Club​ there will be enforced will fundraising and them on a daily basis. At
activities, meet 3 times donations in activity fairs for incoming
informational and a week on a order to enforce a freshmen, there will be 2
inspirational stories Friday from budget for the other clubs, Aevidum
from guest speakers 2:30pm to club to spend on Club and Psychology
and members, a “safe 3:30pm. materials for Club, promoting the
place” for members of activities, field Mental Health and
the club to trips, games, etc. Anxiety Club. ​As
anonymously put how students’ friends will
their day went, what converserse and with time
has been bothering mental health throughout
them, etc. in a box and LHS will be ubiquitous.
the founder of the club
will read them aloud
and discuss each one.
Holiday parties, stress
relieving exercises,
meditating, coloring,
healthy stimulation for
the brain, listening to
healing solfeggio
frequencies etc. In
collaboration with
Psychology club and
Aevidum: Psychology
Club can touch base
on how anxiety and
depression affects the
Aquila 6

human brain --
through meetings
every month. Aevidum
can give facts and
activities to their
members so they are
able to understand
how suicide is linked
very much so to
anxiety and depression
and mentl health
illnesses.​Flyers will
be put up when the
plan is in action
promoting all 3 clubs
their dates and times
of meetings to keep
the word of mental
health throughout
the school. Also
regarding the Mental
Health and Anxiety
Club will be in the
school newspaper.

Step Who Action When Resources Communications/

Aquila 7

4 Aevidum Club, In order to have By the end of Human: The story of the Mental
Psychology Club. recognition for 2020 into Aevidum Club, Health and Anxiety Club
the Mental Health accomplishments thus 2021. Psychology Club. will be on the news
and Anxiety Club, far with all three clubs the Mental Health where families can see
and Jada Aquila in school and in FHS and Anxiety the dedication from every
with Pinebrook, an Club, member and executive
attempt to ​reach and Jada Aquila. board member to make
WFMZ 69 News​ will Also the mental health and anxiety
be made to share conformation known as a serious issue.
my/our story, what our from proper staff Due to the article and
purpose and argument of LHS and news footage, there will
is (that mental health WFMZ. be conversations amongst
is a serious world families and to their
issue and should have Capital: ​$1,000+ friends or how this
more time, research incase of the cost change is progressing.
and resources invested to be on WFMZ​.
into it on a global
scale) and our attempt
to make a difference to
the students in the
BASD. ​Not only will
there be an interview
on live television
there will also be a
WFMZ article online
that can come up for
our story as well.

Work Cited:

Team, Choices Psychotherapy. “Why Don't We Treat Mental Illness like We Do Physical
Illness?” ​Choices Psychotherapy,​ Choices Psychotherapy, 19 Nov. 2019,

​Position Statement 14: The Federal Government's Responsibilities for Mental Health Services:
Mental Health America​. Mental Health America, 6 Sept. 2016,

“Mental Health.” ​World Bank,​ The World Bank, 25 May 2018, 
Aquila 8

“A Closer Look At Mental Health Reform Legislation.” ​NAMI,​ National Alliance on Mental
Illness, 2019,

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