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Child Internet Safety Script

[Bert Jones]
‘In your personal opinion, do you think that there are certain threats against children on the

In this age of technology, the Internet, for children and adults alike, has emerged as a
hugely important communications medium. Children now use the internet to help with
homework (in good ways and bad), to play games with people in other countries, to instant
message, email, chat with other people in chat rooms and a whole host of other activities.
But the question that we want to ask is, “are children safe in this age of technology?”

One of the main areas surrounding the Internet that concern most people are social
networking sites. These sites allow people of any age to communicate with others of any
age. This means that old people can talk to young people, entice them in conversations and
arrange face-to-face meetings.

[Internet Café owner]

‘when using social networking sites, do you ever feel threatened?’

Are social networking sites bad for children’s brains? Should we allow our kids to freely
expose their identities on the Internet? Or should we as a society put in barriers and
protection for these vulnerable children? Many parents believe that it is down to the
authorities to take charge of protection for children on the Internet such as the police, but
this is not strictly true. The police will act upon any law breaking on the Internet but they
do not monitor people’s usage of computers and the Internet.

[Semar Jolly]
‘Have the police done anything to increase security for children when using the Internet,
mainly social networking sites?’

Thousands of children all over the world can access the Internet via a number of means
with 71% having home access primarily through a computer, 38% via a mobile phone, 17%
via a digital television service and 8% via a games console. But are they safe and do they
feel safe when they use them?

[Tommy Camden]
‘when using social networking sites, do you ever feel threatened?’
There have been numerous counts of reported incidents surrounding the Internet where
children have suffered from cyber bullying and pedophilia. These types of crimes are on the
increase and drastic measures need to be taken in order to prevent these circumstances
from reoccurring in the future. The government has introduced a scheme called the Byron
review in order to protect children on the Internet, this scheme was conducted by
Psychologist Dr Tanya Byron on 6 September 2007 who introduced the child internet
protection site - zip it, block it, flag it.

[Bert Jones]
‘In 2007 the government commissioned 'the Byron review', the recommendation of this review
was to create UK Council on Child Internet Safety that leads development of a strategy with
two core elements:
1) Better regulation - in the form of voluntary codes of practice that industry can sign up to.
2) Better information and education, where the role of government, law enforcement, schools
and children's services will be key.
Has the government acted upon any of these recommendations?’

The government, whilst introducing this scheme of protection, does also believe that
parents play an important role in monitoring their children’s usage of the Internet. They
argue that parents should take more strict action in over-seeing the sites that their children
visit, the people they talk to and who they interact with. But is this view the same from a

[Toby Marshall]
‘As a parent, do you monitor yours children’s usage of the internet?’

Schools have also taken action in making children aware of what they do on the Internet
and the dangers that come with it. The children are made aware that they need to be under
caution of who they speak to and the nature in which they speak to them. They also need to
be provided with information on how to report any abuse or cyber bullying that they
experience when using the Internet.

[Toby Marshall]
‘Do you receive any support from other sources such as the police or the government on
protecting your children whilst using the Internet?’

[Bert Jones]
‘Has the government looked into taking any more actions regarding safety on the internet?’

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