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go Grounded in a divination system that dates back = vies, The Good Tarot has a psychie architecture that’s simpe | and modern, The suits are the four elements, and the cards | Seer ee ere eee ge eer al ‘we may encounter within ourselves or in the world, In this | Par ee ee eee ee eer ey interpret and use them in readings designed co illuminate any | situation forthe highest good of al Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally | | acclaimed intuition expert best-selling author, and} / cracle expert whose works have been published in pare eee orm enter ay ing artist, an entrepreneur, and CEO and founder) Cree ee eer a select influencers and education for coaches in | hher trademarked energy psychology process, The Invision Process", When she's not writing, books and teaching, PS ete See ace ee ei resi eee ee COLETTE BARON-REID a We Copyright© 2017 by Cole Baron Red Published and distributed inthe United States by Hay Howse, oe:’ Publided ond disributed in Australia by: Hy Howse Australia Pry. Lids wwrwhayhouse.comau + Pabe lished and dribaed inthe United Kingdom by: Hay House UK. Lid: worwhaphousecostk* Disrabuted Canada by: Raincoast Books wwrincouscom * Published in India by Hay Howe Publier India: www hayhouseo.n Allariwork copyrighted by che arse and may note reproduced byyany means, cleceronic or otherwise, without Best obvaining the permition ofthe atin, Interior design: Nick C. Welch Inverirlsraion Joa Della All sights reserve. No prt of thie guidebook maybe repro-