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American a5: EF mlerere iL . STARTER ya\ John and Liz Soars OXBORD Student Book el ead clay ey John and Liz Soars OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD UNIVERSITY DRBSS 198 Madison Avenue ew York NY 10016 USA Great Cluendon Street ‘Oxford OX2 SDP Bngiand ‘Oxford New York ‘Aveidand Cape Town Day es'Salaam. Hong Kong Kafachi Kuala bumpar Madrid Metbourpe Mz Cit Rarobi New Delhi Shanghai Tuipe-Toronto® ‘With offices in ‘Argentina Auswia Brafl Chile Czech Republic France Greece ‘Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan South Korea Poland Portugal Singapore Switzerland Thalland Turkey Ukraine Vietnam ‘OXFORD fea trademark of Oxford University ress. ‘Copyright © 2002 Oxford University Press Isuna2: 9780194971759 IsaN0: 0194371751 ‘The Library of Congress has cataloged the full edition as follows: Soars, John. Student book American headway sarterfohn and Liz Soars. pem. ISBN 0.19495087.7 (sudeat book) 4. English language—Textbooks for forelgn speakers. 1. Soars, Lz I. Tite. E1126 $5998 2002 aex4—deat 2002002058 ‘No unauthorized photocopying. llrightsreserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduce, stored {na reuieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Oxford University Press “This book is sold subject tothe condition that t shall nt, by way of trade cor otherwise, be len, resold, hired out, of otherwise cirenlted without the publishe’s prior consent in any form of binding ar cover other than ‘dat in which it fs published and without a similar condition inching this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. 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Viabrechy) etiyOne Stone, Hiary WikesfageState Simon Wilkinsn/The image Bank C WindsoyfGerqj0ne Stne jon Woodindex Stock J Woodcock) obbles Photo Libary, ef Zarb Stockanarke; Zefa Visual Media ‘Gennanyindex Stock Special tants t: he Berkeley Carol School, Brooklyn, NY: Anthony Blake ‘Photo Library, Coutsy of Apple (p 6 Yankees Clubhouse Store {aon and sudo potoropy by: Donatella AccardJOUP, Gareth Boden, Jlle Fisher, Mak Maron, Stephen Ogilvy, Jol WaxmatjOUP Contents ee) Scope and Sequence .. iv To Hil cc ece seen eee 2 2° Yourworld .. 8 3 Personal information .. 14 4 Family and friends .. 20 5 It’s mylifet 28 6 Everyday 36 7 Places Ilike .. 44 Getting Information = 108 ‘Tapescripts .. 116 Grammar Reference - 124 Word List ... . LI Irregular Verbs . . 137 Phonetic Symbols. . 138 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE amlarelis, mybyour 1} Hil Tm Sandra. PAL? 2 (My name's Kazu is your name? p. 2 Th ‘This John Clark. p.3 How are you? pa heloherthey,histher att B 2 Your world... Woche 9 hee het amlarelis + 4, ‘Negatives, questions, and short answers > 3 Personal information ,.., ‘Keita pd Pe me BY a6 ieee ‘Ase you from the United States? p. 16 ee hes Possessive adjectives . + Fr eee > 4 Family and friends... reese? ae Death» Sale ar pst Taetotiin ts ena phos Present Simple . r Tyoulthey > 5 Its my life!,. Tint 82 ay Lert Goin Fie eee ‘Thetime vt > 6 Every day... patie eer ro Np al Ee ee Ce Questions and negatives cope ean ‘Cfo peonap : ae > 7 Places I like ,. Fine ht 8 soar Questions and answers Tee ATT mach wh hw ih COT ST ERSTE ‘Whats this in English? Numbers 1-10 Psa book. Plural nouns Bveryday things ars, books, houses p.7 book, computer, car p. 6 Counties Reading and istening Fopobers 11-20 pad “Australia, Brasil p.8 ‘Where are they rma? p. 12 Gites Tendon, Tokyo p.10 Jobs Reading and speaking Social expressions Dalice officer, doctor p. 14 ‘A pop group p. 18, Good afternoon Personal information Good-bye. ‘adéres, age, married p15 Bzcuse me? Thank you. p.19 ‘The family Reading and writing ‘The alphabet ‘daughter, parents p21 My best fiend p.24 ‘How do you spell... ? p.26 Adjective + foun (On the phone ‘small farm ‘Good morning. The Grand Hotel agrodb p23, Thank you for calling. p.27 Describing a friend ‘est friend really funny his fvorite music p.24 Sports food, dinks Listening and speaking Nombers and prices tennis hamburgers te p.28 ‘Ata pany pod ‘dolar sey Verbs Soe ‘cone, ive, work ea peak p30 How much 2 p38 Languages and nationalites Tapenese English. 32 Verbs ‘Vocabulary and speaking Days ofthe week ae up, goto work, have hanch p. 37 "Words that go together "Monday, Tuesday p43 Adverbs of fequency get early Prepostions of time sly, sometime, never p38 fake a shower p42 ‘at nine o'clock “Words that go together Lifestyle questionaize p42 on Monday swatch TV inthe morning. p.43 Tisten 10 music p. 42 Opposite adjectives Reading and writing Cant? rnew-old posteard from San Francisco p. 49 Gan havea sandwich? expensive-cheap p.43 an Try on this sweater, please? p.50 Adjective + noun city new buildings p. 49 Adjectives i nice, ld, comfortable p. 9 ee WHAT’S YOUR NAME? am/are/is, my/your 1 Read and listen. Sandra Hi, Pm Sandra. What's your name? Kazu My name’s Kazu. Sandra Hi, Kazu. Listen and repeat. Eine 2 Stand up and practice. Hi.l'm } , What's your name? J) { 2° Unit + Hil this is... 3 Read and listen. 4 Practice in groups of three. Sandra_John, this is Kazu Shiga. Kazu, this is John Clark. Kazu Hello, John. John Hi Kazu. } Listen and repeat. BRE TICH a Unit + Hil 3 How are you? 5 Read and listen 6 Reed and listen ‘Hi, John. How are you? y Fine, thanks, Sandra. And you? BRED Listen and repeat. 7 Answer your teacher. Hi, How are you? Write am, is, oF are, 1 Sandra. How you? This John. an D> Grammar Reference 1] and 1.2 p. 124 FEED Listen and repeat. 4° Unit + Hil PRACTICE Introductions ‘Complete the conversations. 1. A Hello.__My name's Anna, What's _ your name? B Ben, 2. Complete the conversations. 1B, Anna.. are you? A Fine, thanks, Ben. __ 2 B _, thanks, 2. © Hi. My Carla, ‘What's name? D name's Dennis. GRE Listen and check, Practice the conversations. 2. D Hi, Carla, c — thanks. DOK, __ Listen and check, Practice the conversations. 3 Listen and number the lines in the conversation. Cl Bine, thanks. Ci Pm OK, thanks. And yout Hii My name's Pam. What's your name? Hii Tina, Hi, Mary. C1 Pm Tina, and this is Mary. C2 Hi, Pam. How are you? Listen, check, and practice. DP Grammar Reference 13 p. 124 Unit) + Hil 5 VOCABULARY What's this in English? 1 Write the words. book ‘camera aar photograph computer. a bag hamburger television sandwich —_ahouse 2 Libten and repeat the words. 3 Listen and repeat. What thisin English? (_itsaphotograph ERGs | ‘Work with a partner. Point to a picture. Ask and answer questions, 4 Go to things in the room. Ask your teacher. What’s this in English?) 6 Unit + Hil EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers 1-10 and plurals 1 Read and listen, Practice the numbers. 8 eight 1 one 2 two A four 5 itive 7 seven 9 Aan 10 ten 3 three 6 six Say the numbers around the class 2. Write the numbers. [photographs Listen and check. Giiiurics 3 Listen and repeat. Singular Plural ‘one book two books, Ist bad Zaz ‘one sandwich ten sandwiches books ars sandwiches core oe . D>P> Grammar Reference 14 p. 124 students hamburgers . cameras televisions bags Unit 1 = Hil 7 ao STARTER > 1 Find the places on the map on p. 9. Find your country on the map. ” ° ee e ° ° e e e e Austral Brazil England Taiwan Korea Mexico Japan Canada _the United States 2 Listen and repeat. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? he/she, his/her 1 Read and listen. 2. Where are you from? Stand up and practice. Kazu Where ate you from, Sandra? 3 Read, listen, and repeat, Sandra_P'm from Mexico, Where are you from? Kazu Ym from Japan. From Tokyo. Listen and repeat 8 Unit 2 + Your world Complete the sentences. Her name's Jenny, She's_from __ name's Furan. He’ __ ame’ jun, She's Listen and check. Repeat the sentences. Questions as Where's = Where is 5 Listen and repeat the questions. What’ his name? Where he from? 2 Complete the questions with is or are, What’ her name? Where's she from? Where she from? 6 Ask and answer questions about the people in the photographs. Where he from? Where you from? DP Grammar Reference 23 p. 124 Unit2 + Your world 9 PRACTICE Cities and countries 1 Where are the cities? Ask and answer. TTolyo Seoul Toronto Rio de janeiro London Boston Sydney Mexico City Where's Tokyo? Listen and check. 2. Work with a partner. Student A Look at the photos on this page. Student B Look at the photos on p. 108. ‘Ask questions and write the answers. Talking about you 3. Ask about the students in the class. ! ! i c=) "(She's from Taiwan, Brom Taipei. . His name's Li-hong. ! Lek He's from Taipei, oo. 10 Unit2 + Your world Questions and answers 4 Listen and complete the conversation, Practice it Hi, Pm Sandra. What's you name? L name’s Luis. S Hi, Luis. Where are you 2 L from Mexico, Where are you from? = S$ Oh, I'm from Mexico, too. from Mexico Citys 5 Listen and write the countries. 1. Gabriel: Braztl__ Akemi: 2. Charles: Mike: 3. Loretta and Jason: 6 Match the questions and answers. 1. Where are you from? Hisname’s Luis. 2. What's her name? He’ from Mexico City 3. What’ his name? Wein Canada, 4. Where's he from? {tm from Brazil. 5. Whats this in English? Fine, thanks. 6. How are you? Her name's 7. Where's Toronto? Its. computer. Listen and check. Check it 7 Puta check next to (¥) the correct sentence. 1. © My name Sandra. 4, ©] He's from Mexico. (| My name's Sandra. CD His from Mexico. 2. C What's he’s name? 5. O] Where she from? O what's his name? O where's she from? 3. ] ‘Whats his name?"“Luis” 6, 1] What's her name? CO “What's her name?” “Luis? Ci What's she name? Unit 2 + Your world 11 READING AND LISTENING Where are they from? 1 Read and listen This is a photograph of Miguel and Angela da Costa from Rio de Janeiro. They are in New York. Miguel is from Brazil, and Angela is from Toronto in Canada. They are married. Miguel is a doctor. His hospital is in the a is a teacher. Her school is in the center of Ri Complete the sentences. eae yaaa 3. Hishospitalis inthe ___of Rio. ca teacher 4. Angelais from in Canada. They from Brazil 5. Shesa__ >> i 6. Her is in the center of Rio. come arene 7 8 3 Write questions with what and where about Miguel and Angela, Ask a partner. What/name? Where/from? Where/school? Where/hospital? 2 Unit2 + Your world EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers 11-30 1 Say the numbers 1-10 around the class. 2 Listen, read, and repeat. ° . TI eleven 12 twelve thirteen . . . 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen Say the numbers 1-20 around the class. 3. Match the numbers. . . 4 fourteen 15 fifteen . . 19 nineteen 20 twenty 2 1 twenty-five 92 twenty-seven twenty-one 54 twenty-eight twenty-two 2 5 twenty-four 26 twenty-nine 27 Bs twenty-three 29 thirty 30 twenty-six Listen and repeat. Say the numbers 1-30 around the class. 4 GHD Listen and puta check next to (V) the numbers you hear. 1.22 12v 10 217 15 16 3.21 29 19 411 7 17 5. 23 3 13 5. Work with a partner. 20 14 9 27 30 Student A Write five numbers. Say them to your partner, Student B Write the numbers you hear, 14 24 ... Unit2 - Yourworld 1B Cece ‘nurse astudent ateacher asalesassistant ataxidriver businessman a doctor Listen and repeat. ’s your job? Ask and answer. WHAT'S HER JOB? Negatives — isn’t Listen and repeat ‘What's his job? He's a teacher. ‘What's her job? She's a doctor. isnot This is negative Eee Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions with a partner. 2 Listen and repeat He isn't a student. He’ a teacher *She isn't a nurse. She's a doctor. eS => Make more negative and affirmative sentences. 14 Unit3 + Personal information Questions and short answers 3, Read the information. 0 SSS Name Amy Roberts Country United States Address 18 Cedar Street Chicago Phone number (773) 726-6049 age 20 Job Student Married? No 4 Complete the questions and answers. 1. What’sher name ‘Amy Roberts. 2. Where's she 2 ‘The United States. 3. What's her 2 18 Cedar Street, Chicago. 4, What's her 2 es (773) 726-6049. 5. How old is she? She's 6. What's —_? 7. Isshe No, she isn’t. Listen and check. Practice the questions and answers. 5 Read and listen. Then listen and repeat. ean Ask and answer questions. 1, Is she from Portland? Dallas? Chicago? 2. Is she 16? 182 20? 3. Is shea teacher? a nurse? a student? 4, Is she married? 6 Complete the sentences. 1. Amy isn't___ from England. She ‘s 2. Her phone number (763) 726-6049. It’s (773) 726-6049. 3. She 18, She 20. 4. She married. from the United States. Gia) Cees Is she from the United States? Yes, she is. Is she married? No, she isn't. ‘These are short answers Yes, she is (from the United States) No, she isn't (married). Unit 3 + Personal information 15 WHAT'S YOUR JOB? Negatives and short answers 1 Listen and complete the conversation. Visitor Record A Is your name Jeff? B Yes, itis. Name Jeff Barnes _ A from England, Jeff? From Houston, Texas B No, I'm not from England. I'm from Houston, Texas. || Job Police officer A 1 police officer? Age 25 B Yes,Iam. Married? yes ae E3 ENTER CLEAR BT B No, Tm 25. A married? B Yes, Listen again and check. peers 3. Stand up. Ask and answer questions, 1m not from England. fm not =| am not This is negative. Yes, 1am. No,t'mnot. Yes, itis. No, it is’t 16 Unit 3 - Personal information PRACTICE Listen to the conversations. Complete the chart. Name Diana Black rd ou cd (646) 468-4048 rening and speaking we ne Job sales assistant oe Listen again and check, 2 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Use short answers. Is Sang-hoon from Seoul? 1s Diana from the United States? Ishe anurse? Isshe a teacher? 1s his phone number (822) 773-3862? Is she 292 Talking about you 3 Complete the questions. 1, What's your__ name? 25 you from? 3. phone number? 4. How old 2 5. job? 6 married? In groups, ask and answer the same questions. 4 Write about one student. Her name's Yaling. She's from Taiwan. Her phone number is. Check it 5. Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. 1. 11 She's name's Soraya. CO Her name's Soraya, 2. C] Her job is teacher. Ci She's teacher. 3. D Are you from Brazil? i isyou from Brazil? 4. © He's phone number is 796-5242, CO Bis phone number is 796-5242. 5. O) How oldis she? CO How old she is? 6. OF She is no married, D She isn't married. 7. (] “Are you married?” “Yes, I'm. O “Are you married?” “Yes, Yam. Unit 3 + Personal information 17 READING AND SPEAKING A pop group 1 Read about the pop group 4x4. “We're in New York. We're at Radio City Music Halles great!” “/ Who is married in 4x4? Robert: “I'm not married.” Jason ‘and, / = Jennifer: “We aren't married! Melanie: “Lam!” 2 Complete the sentences. Eau 1, The name of the group __ie__4x4_. Wee in New York. we're = we are a a We aren't married. we aren't = we arenot 3. Jennifer and Jason Walters the This is negative. United States. r 3.2 p12 ‘ =n D> Grammar Reference 3.2 p. 125 5. “We ‘on tour in the United States.” 4 Work in groups of four. You are a pop group. Listen and answer the questions. + What are your names? 1. How old is Melanie? + What’ the name of your group? 2. How old are Jennifer and Jason? + How old are you? _3. How old is Robert? + Where are you now? 4. Who's married? Who isn't married? > Where are you from? Ask and answer questions with another group. 18 Unit3 + Personal information EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions 1 Complete the conversations, Use these words. Good afternoon Goodnight ‘Good morning __ Good-bye = Go: ‘A Good morning. A : B == ‘The Grand Hotel. B Mr. Brown. B ; Peter. 1 good trip! Listen and check. Practice the conversations. 2 Listen and complete the conversations. Use these words. excuseme don'tunderstand don't now sorry thank you Br ks 1. A What's this in English? 2. A Hlogy hfmmak? 3. A The homework is on page .. know B 1 ; of the Workbook. A It’sa dictionary. A What's your name? B B My name’s Manuel. I'm from A. The homework is on page 30 Venezuela, of the Workbook. B 3. Practice the conversations. Unit 3 + Personal information 19 Family and friends ee WT Te STARTER. > 1 Complete the chart. ‘Subject pronoun 1 you he ‘she we ‘they Possessve adjective | my our thal Listen and check. 2. Talk about things in the classroom, 1 Read and listen, PATTY'S FAMILY SS aN Possessives ~ family ~_. This is Patty Milton. She’s married, and this is her family. Their house is in Los Angeles. She’s a teacher. Her school is in the center of town Tom is Patty’s husband. He's a bank manager. His bank is in the center of town, too. “Our children are Kayla and Nick. They're students at Hollywood High School. We're ~ happy in Los Angeles.” 20 Unit 4 + Family and friends CRUG ea | 1 She's married. She's teacher, ’s=is 2 This is her fami y Tiss Paty’ family, ‘s= the family of Paty Be [bank Festa | shoot Tom's Kaylas D> Grammar Reference 41-43 p. 126 a= 2 Answer the questions. 1. Is Patty married? Yes, shes, 2. Where's their house? 3. What is Patty's job? 4, Where's her school? 5. What is Tom's job? 6. Where's his bank? 7. Axe their children doctors? Listen and check. B [tamer | son brother | husband tirat | parents | children 4 Look at the family tree. Listen and complete the sentences. a 4 1. Patty is Tom’s wite 2. Tom is Patty's A 3. Kayla is Patty and Tom’s 4, Nickis their 5. Patty is Nick’s 6. Tom is Kayle’s__. 7 8 9 Kayla is Nick's Nick is Kayla’ ). Patty and Tom are Kayla and Nick's 10. Kayla and Nick are Tom and Patty’s Listen and check. Unit 4 + Family and friends 21 PRACTICE The family 1 Listen to Rachel Choi. Complete the information about her family. Rachel's brother Rachel's mother Rachel's father 2. Complete the sentences. 1. Steve is Rachel's _ brother. 2, Her __name is Grace. my/our/your ... 3. Grace is Joe's 4, “What's job?” “He's a businessman.” 4 Complete the sentences with a possessive 5. “Where's house?” “It's in San Diego” adjective. . ; — 1. “What's your __ name?” 3. Write the names of your family. Ask and answer questions with a partner. “My name's Paty” 2. “What are names?” Tosh Kumiko “Our names are Kayla and Nick.” 3. Daniel and Marta are students, Who's Toshi/Kurniko? —_____ school is in Mexico City. ‘He'JShe’s my brother/mother ... 4. “My sister’s married” . “What's husband's name?” 5. “My brother's office is in New York.” How old is he/she? . — “whats or 6. English class. We are in What's his/her job? 7. “Mom and Dad are in Seattle.” (esistesa —__—. } “whats phone number? 22 Unit 4 + Family and friends OATTY’S BROTHER has/have 1 Read and listen to David. Eee) This is David Simpson and his family. “We're from Vermont. | have a small farm. My wife’s name is Megan, and she has a job in! town. She's a sales assistant. We have one child, Brian, and two dogs, Dylan and Doliy. My sister, Patty, and her husband, Tom, have a big house in Los Angeles. They have two children. Tom has a very good Job.” ees 2 Are the sentences true (/) or false (X)? 1. ©] David's farm is in Vermont. 2. O David is Patty's brother. 3. D2 His wife has a job in a hospital. 4 C1 David and Megan have two children. Glee ee s SUUMIUrT enn] 6. C1 They have two dogs, Brian and Dolly. earele ti format tha vate 3 Listen and write the sentences. Practice them. ! 1, _Lhave a small farm in Vermont. You have 2. He has at 4 We 5. They, 6. D>P Grammar Reference 4.4 p. 126 7 4. Write sentences about your family, Tell the clas. aes Unit 4 + Family and friends 23 PRACTICE has/have 1 Complete the sentences. Use has or have. 1. I hve__ two brothers anda sister. 2. My parents a house in the country. 3. My wife ‘a Japanese car. 4. My sister and T adog. 5. You a very nice family. 6. Ourschool 15 dlassrooms. 7. We ____ English classes in the evening. 2 Talk about your school. aso Questions and answers 3. Match the questions and answers. 1. How is your mother? Yes, we are. 2. What’ your sisters job? Shes Davi’ sister. 3. How old are your brothers? \\_It'sin the center of town, 4, Whois Patty? ‘Shes fine, thank you. 5. Wheres your office? They're ten and thirteen, 6 Areyou and your husband she'sa nurse. from Peru? Listen and check. ‘Check it 4 Puta check (V) next to the correct sentence. 1, O] Mary's children are married. Mary is children are married. 2. O What's your daughter name? (1) What's your daughter’s name? 3. C0 What’ he’s job? 1D What’ his job? 4, ©] They're from Thailand. CO Their from Thailand. 5. [] They‘ parents have a house in Bangkok. G Their parents have a house in Bangkok. 6. ©] My brother have a good job. + (J My brother has a good job. 7. (0 We house is in the center of town. CO Our house is in the center of town, 24° Unit 4 + Family and friends READING AND WRITING My best friend 1. Read about Andy. Check the new words in your dictionary. 2. Match the photographs with a part of the text. My friend Andy | My best friend's name ts Andy. He's very nice, ‘and he’s really funny. He's 22, and he's a college student, He isn’t married, but he has a beautiful girlfriend, Her name ts Carrie, and she's Canadian. B | Andy's parents have a house in Brooklyn, His father’s a police officer, and his mother has a part-time job in a hospital | He has two sisters. Their names are Allison and Mary Ann, They're both in school. @_| Andy has a Tot of CDs. His favorite music is rock ‘n roll, and his favorite group is Mood. He is also a fan of the New York Yankees! ‘When we're together, we have a good time. 4 3 ? Underline the correct information, 1, Andyis.... astudent /a bus driver / Canadian / nice funny / beautiful. 2. Andy has ... two sisters / two brothers / wife / a girlfriend / a lot of CDs, 3. Carrie is... Andy's sister / Andy's girlfriend / Canadian / beautiful. 4. Andy's parents have ... a house / an apartment / cone daughter /three children. 5, Andy is... ina group called Mood / a fan of Mood / a fan of the New York Yankees. ‘Work with a partner. Talk about Andy. Write about a good friend. + My friend's name is - + Shes/He's. Write about family, job, favorite music/sport ... Unit 4 + Family and friends 25 6 Unit 4 + Family and friends EVERYDAY ENGLISH The alphabet 1 Listen to the letters of the alphabet, Practice them. ABCD E F HIJK LMNOP ORS TUV wxyz 2 Practice the letters in groups. fed ahjk lou! 0 fil bedegptvz hy quw fd flmnsx il Jad iy 3 Listen to people spell their first name (Patty) and their last name (Milton). Write the names. 1, Patty Mitton 25 3 4 5, 4. Practice spelling your name with a partner. Ty aaa aa? 5. In pairs, ask and answer How do you spell ...? with words from the text about Andy on p. 24. 6 Put the letters in the correct order. What's the country? OBKRA Korea . ANAACD LARZIB NAPAJ LASARUTAI XEMCOI GANELDN soya epee On the phone 7 Listen to the phone conversations, 1. A Good morning. The Grand Hotel. B Hello, Can | speak to the manager, please? A Certainly. Who's calling, please? B Luis Gonzalez A How do you spell your last name? B G-o-n-z~a-l-e-z, A Thank you. € Hello, Sam Jackson, B Hello, Mr. Jackson. This is Luis Gonzalez ... calle Santiago 5, 1003 Buenos Aires tel 54-1 1-4782-1 156 fax 54-11-4782-1108 Sefior Luis Gonzalez export manager 8 Write your business card. Have similar phone conversations, 2. D Good afternoon. Springfield English School. E Hello, Can I speak to the director, Ann Benton, please? D Who's calling, please? E Mayumi Okano. DM-a E M-a-y-u-m-i O-k-a-n-o. D Thank you. I'm sorry. She isn't in her office. ‘What's your phone number? E In Japan, It's 3-5414-6443. D Thank you for calling. Good-bye. E Good-bye. tanko., 2-21-10 #204 Akasaka Building ‘Sendagaya Sibuyicka Tokyo 1910057 TRAN phone/+81-3-5414-6443, fax/+B1-3-5414-6443 ‘e-mail/mokano@tinkoizoJp Ie: // ‘Mayumi Okano Cenc Languages and nationalities C chinese food Cl pizza hamburgers Doranges Tice cream Listen and repeat. 2 Puta check (Y) next to the things you like. ©) Put an (xX) next to the things you don't like. @ 28 Unit S + tts my life! CUHINGS | LIKE Present Simple-1/you Questions 1 Listen and repeat. 4 Listen and repeat. RIESE Do you like tennis? [like tennis. I don’t like basketball. ‘Yes, Ido. Affirmative tlike... Question: Do you like...? AJ all Do you like basketball? Short answers Yes,1do. No, | don't c | No, I don't. 5. Ask your teacher about the sports, food, and drinks, Do you like swimming? a {Tike pizza. I don't ike hamburgers. pq © Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Geren] 0 ae . ig (ieee) Yes, Ido. Do you like tennis? y} 4 VT. ( OU en} Affirmative | like tennis, Negative | don't like basketball. don't = do not PRACTICE Reading and listening 1 Read and listen to the text. WILSON from Cleveland T7 Hil My name's Brad Wilson. | come from Cleveland in Ohio, but now | live and work in New York Gity. | have a very small apartment downtown. I'm a waiter and tm also a drama student. | work in an Italian restaurant. | eat, Italian and Mexican food. | drink coffee, but | don't drink tea. | don’t like it. And | don't play sports. | speek three languages—English, Spanish, and a little French. | want to be an actor. 59 COCs asmall apartment an actor a waiter an Italian restaurant D>P Grammar Reference 5. and 5.2 p. 126 2 Listen and repeat the questions. ‘Questions > Answers “1. Do you come from Ohio? Yes do. , 2, Do you lve in Cleveland? No, don't. 3. Doyoutive inan apartment? —_Yes,1 apartment downtown. 4, Doyou work in a No, A inan Chinese restaurant? italian restaurant. 5. Do you like talian food? Yes, 6. Do you like your job? 7. Do you drink tea? tie it 8, Do you speak Spanish and German? PEED Listen and complete the conversation. 3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Give true answers. 30. Unit S + life! Talking about you 4 Listen and repeat the questions. Write about you. 1. Where do you lve? (house or apartment?) liven a/an 2. What do you do? Ym a/an 3. Where do you work? workin 4. What sports do you like? Hike 5, What drinks do you like? ike 6. How many languages do you speak? I speak __languages— ‘Askand answer the questions with a partner. Role play 5 Work with a partner, Student A Go to page 109. Student B Go to page 110. Check it 6 Puta check (V) next to the correct sentence. 1, D7 Live you in Osaka? 1 Do you live in Osaka? 2. C2 Where do you come from? CO Where you come from? 3. Cy Do you speak Chinese? O Are you speak Chinese? 4. D1 I dont speak Chinese. CO Ino speak Chinese. 5. C) “Do youllike basketball?” “Yes, I ike.” “Do you like basketball?” “Yes, I do: 6. © “Are you married?” “No, I don't” O “Ate you married?” “No, I'm not” 7. 0 Hesa actor. 0 He’s an actor. Unit S + tes my lifel 31 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION: Languages and nationalities 1 Match the countries and nationalities. Listen, check, and repeat. Pngland Japanese , fay French j Spain Korean M&xico chintse “g Bratt spanish Japa rain } ina M&xican France than the United ststes\| American Engtsh ° Korea ‘What nationality are the people in the pictures, do you think? I think they're English. ‘Make true sentences. 1. InBrail 2. InCanada Korean, in France = ea Japanese. Intaly they speak] 3 InJapan InMexico In Taiwan InSpain In Korea I. Inthe United States Listen and check, Practice the question. Ask and answer questions with partner. What do they speak in Brazil? 32 Unit S + tts my titel Been ae ey = 4 Write the nationality. Listen and check, D> Grammar Reference 53 p. 16 6 Write sentences about you. Use the verbs have, eat, and drink. | drink Brazilian coffee, but | don't drink Chinese tea. 7 Write questions. Ask and answer with a partner. Do you have an American car?) (Yes, Ido.) (No, I don’t, Fhave a Japanese car. (Wo you drink Chinese tea?) (Yes, Ido.) (No, I don't. I dont drink tea. I don’t like it.) N Unit 5 + tesmy life! 33 LISTENING AND SPEAKING Ata party 1 Justin and Alessandra are at a party in Seattle. Listen to the conversation. Put a check (V7) next to what Justin says. WZ I work in Seattle. OI don’t work in Seattle, . 1 Hive in Seattle. CO Tlive in Tacoma . CO Tm an actor. O rma doctor. . C1 You don't speak English i very 1 You speak English very well . Like Brazil D Hove Bre - Like the people and the food alot. C1 I don't like the peopl and the food alot. 2 Practice the conversation. Look at the tapescript on p. 118. Role play 3 You are at a party in Seattle. Think of a new identity. Complete the role card, re = Name: Joby, 5 gi ve vs : = 4 Stand up. Talk to people at the party. 34° Unit + It’s my lifel EVERYDAY ENGLISH Numbers and prices 1 Count from 1-30 around the class. 2 Listen and repeat. 10 = 20 twenty 30 thiny AO tory 50 fifty 60 sity 70 seventy 80 cian 90 ninety 100 ore tunes ‘Count to 100 in tens around the class. 3. Work with a partner Student A. Write some numbers. Say them to your partner. Student B ‘Write the numbers you hear. 4 Read and listen to the prices. Practice them, 30¢ thirty cents 50¢ fifty cents 75 seventy-five cents $1 one dolar $20 twenty dollars S75 seventy-five dollars $160 adollar sixty $345 three forty-five $22.80 twenty-two eighty 5. Say the prices. $150 $1680 $4075 $2699 oo 9 | SSS. Listen and check. 6 Listen and put a check (V) next to the prices you heat. e “et ng it: May, OD Tiwaasva ro 7 Askand answer questions about the pictures with a partner, ‘How much is the chicken sandwich? Unit 5 + tes my titel 8 eee et Deny eae: stanren 1 GREED Listen and repeat. Write the times. 1. tts nine o'dock. 4. It’s ten dclock. 7. its 10. Its 2. Its nine thirty. 5. Its ten fifteen, ais. 3. Itsnine forty-five. 6, It’s 9. Its 2 Listen to the conversation. ‘A What time ist, please? B Itnine o'clock. ‘A Thank you ‘Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the clocks, 36 Unit 6 + Every day (WHAT TIME DO You.. Present Simple - //you 1 GHEBD Listen to Lena talking about her weekdays. (Cirelgthe times she says. Listen and check. Practice the sentences. 2 Talk to a partner about your day. get up at seven thirty. Thave breakfast at... 3 Listen and repeat the questions. ‘What time do you get up? What time do you have breakfast? ES aE) rr 0 to work at 8 oc ih aor pre Akan ews quin ot yo dap Unit 6 * Everyday 37 KEN’S DAY Present Simple - he/she / it, usually/ sometimes/ never 1 Ken Williams is 22 and he is a computer millionaire. He's the director of, a 24-hour shopping site on the Internet. Read about his day. Write the times. 1. He gets up at sixoelock and he takes a shower. 2. He has breakfast at 3. He leaves home at and he goes ‘to work by taxi 4, He has lunch (a soda and a sandwich) in is office at ; 5. He usually works late. He leaves work at inthe evening. 6, He sometimes buys a pizza and eats it at home. He getshomeat____. 7, He never goes out inthe evening, He works ‘on is computer from to 8. He goes to bed at Pinan 1. Undertne the verbs in 1-8, getsup takes ‘What isthe last letter? Usten and repeat. 2 Lookat the adverbs of frequency Find usually, sometimes, never' Listen and repeat. D>P> Grammar Reference 61-63 p.127 38 Unit 6 + Every day [5p Questions and negatives 2. Read the questions. Complete the answers. 1. What time does he get up? He up at 6:00. 2. When does he go to bed? He to bed at 145, 3. Does he go to work by taxi? she does. 4, Does he have lunch in a restaurant? he doesnt. 5. Does he go out inthe evening? No,he Listen, check, and repeat. Practice the questions and answers. iar: He getup early. wie di He dofgSn’t get up late. doesn't = does not 2 Does he get up early? Yes, he does Does he have lunch at home? No, he doesnt. ‘These are short answers. 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Ken's day. ‘Ask and answer about these things. 1, What time/have breakfast? 5. Does/usually work late? 2. When/leave home? 6. Does/eat in a restaurant? 3. Does/go to work by bus? 7. What/do in the evening? 4, Where/have lunch? Listen and check, Eo 1. Complete the chart for the Present Simple. ‘Affirmative [Negative 1 [work don't work You He ‘She | works We a They 2 Complete the questions. When you get up? 2. When he get up? PP Grammar Reference 64 p. 127 4 Work with a partner. Student A Go to page 109. Student B_ Go to page 110. Unit 6 + Every day 39 PRACTICE Katya’s day 1 Ken has a sister, Katya, Her day is different. Complete the text with the verbs. gets getsup(ed) has paints drinks cooks listens to goes (x2) plays lives Katya is 25. She’s an artist. ‘She Jives__in a small house in the country. She usually at ten o'clock in the moming. She never ‘ early. She coffee and toast for breakfast and then she | for'a walk with her dog. She home at eleven o'clock and she In her studio until, ‘seven o'clock in the evening. Then + she dinner and cup of tea. After dinner, she | Sometimes music and she sometimes the piano, She usually to bed very late, at ‘one or two o'clock in the moming. Listen and check. 2 Is the sentence about Ken or Katya? Write he or she. 1, He__’s a millionaire. 2, She _’s an artist. 3. ____ lives in the country. doesn’t have a dog. gets up very early. ___ works at home in a studio. —— doesn’t work in an office. doesn’t cook. likes tea 10. _ loves computers. Practice the sentences. 40 Unit 6 Every day Negatives and pronunciation 3 Correct the sentences about Katya and Ken, 1. She lives in the city. ‘She dbecn't ve inthe chy. Sh ves nthe cSuiry. 2, He gets up at ten o'clock. 3. She has a big breakfast. 4, He has a dog. 5. She works in an office, 6. He cooks dinner in the evening. 7. She goes to bed eatly. 8. They go out in the evening. Listen, check, and repeat. Talking about you 4 Work with a partner. Write the names of two people in your family ‘Ask and answer questions about them. + Whois...? + How oldis...? I + What does... do? + Where does... live? Marsa + Where does... work? ae + What time does she/he ——— (fondo + Does she/he have ...? Check it 5 Complete the questions and answers with do, don’t, does, or doesn’t aa ‘you like ice cream?” "Ye,1__? ae she work in Dallas?” “Yes, she Pd 3. “Where __he work?” “In a bai a you go to work by bus?” “No, I 4 se she go to bed early?” “No, she o 6 “___ they have a dog?” 7. 8. he speak Japanese?” 5 . they live in England?” “No, they 2 Unit 6 + Everyday 41 VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Words that go together 1 Match a verb in A with a line in B. g oa get up dinner 0 ee early listen to wv watch inan office cook music work to bed late oO a #0 in restaurants take the piano eat water drink shopping play home stay a shower Listen and check. 2 Look at the questionnaire. Listen and practice the questions. 3 Aska partner the questions and complete the questionnaire. Put a check (/) in the correct column, Do you get up early? ill 4 Tell the class about you and your partner. Luis usually gets up early. Inever get up early. 42 Unit 6 + Every day Do you ... ? GU get up early 2B have a big breakfast SM) walk to school /work EFT ‘UME go to school /work by bus [] fal o HE watch TV inthe evening =. Go Qo I go shopping on the weekend C] Oo o 4 ty UAV GM eat in restaurants Oo Oo Qo BE drink coffee o o oO EMM go to bed late oO IO} oO C-VERYDAY ENGLISH Days of the week 1 Listen and put the days in order. Wednesday Friday Tuesday Saturday Thursday Listen again and repeat. Practice the days. 2 Answer the questions. 1, What day isit today? 2. What day is it tomorrow? 3. What days do you go to school/work? 4, What days are the weekend? 5. What days do you like? 6. What days don’t you like? 3 Write the correct preposition in the boxes. in on at Sunday nine o'clock Monday ten thirty Saturday evening twelve fifteen ‘Thursday morning Friday afternoon the morning the weekend ‘the afternoon the evening Listen and check, 4. Write the correct preposition. Then answer the ae Do you have English class... L nine o'clock? = 3 .___ the evening? “ ‘Monday morning? Cay = the weekend? ‘When do you have English class? 5. Askand answer questions with a partner. Doyou... «+ takea shower... the morning/evening? getup early... Sunday morning? + go to work/school ... Saturday? + eat in restaurants... the weekend? + watch TV... the afternoon? + stay home... Friday evening? Unit 6 + Everyday 43 Cae STARTER > 1 Match the questions and answers. a 8 1. | What isthe capital of Australia? 4500 years old 2.| How old ate the Pyramids? Eighty-six. 3. | What time do Mexican people have dinner? $350. 4. | Where does the American president live? ‘The queen of England, 5. | How many floors does the Empire State Building have?\\_| In the White House. 6.| How much sa hamburger in the US? }- Canberra. i ‘Who lives in Buckingham Palace? Late At 9:00 in the evening. Listen and check. 2. Whatis your favorite town or city? Why do you like it? | LOVE IT HERE! it/them, this/that 1 Listen and complete the conversation on p. 45. Use these words. why because me you him it them 2. Practice the conversation with a partner. 3 Complete the quc 1. Why does Celine vein London? Because she 2 Does she like English people? Yes, she loves \s and answers. it in England, 3. How children does she have? Three. 4. Where her sons goto school? In England 5 does Lisa-Marie goto schoo in the US? she lives with her rs 1 Underline the question words inthe Starter. What How old 2 Complete the chart. Subject pronoun [1 [you [he | she we | they Object pronoun her us 3. Find examples of this and that in the conversation with Celine, D>P Grammar Reference 71-73 p. 17 44 Unit7 + Places like IS IN HER HOUSE IN LOND‘ H GARY NORMAN, A JOUR Gary: This is a very beantiful house. J Gary: does Lisa-Marie g0 : Thank you. 1 like it very f to school in the US? much, too. Celine: she lives. with Gary: Celine, you're American, Why IJ her father. My first husband, you / do you live here in London? Imow—the actor Dan Brat. 1 hate i Celine: Because I just love and all his movies. ——it__ here! The people are ff T never watch ; fantastic! T love them! And of ff Gary:1see. SodoesLisa-Mare visi you? course, my husband, Charles, is ff Celine: Oh, yes. She visits me English, and I love him, too! every vacation. She's here with Gary: Thats a very nice photo. Who ff _ now. are they? Gary: And is this a photo of Celine: My sons. Thats Matt and and Charles? thats Jack. They go to school here. J Celine: Oh, yes. Its us in Hawaii My daughter’ at school in the US. ff I's our wedding. We're so happy Her name’ Lisa-Marie. together! Places Ulike 45 PRACTICE What's that? 1. Look at the picture. Work with a partner. Ask and 2. Ask and answer questions about things in your classroom. answer questions. _— Gagan) Ga) 46 Unit7 + Places I like like them! 3 Complete the sentences with an object pronoun. 1. Do you like ice cream? Yes, Llove tt 2. Do you like dogs? No, Ihate 3. Do you like me? Of course I like 1 4, Does your teacher teach you Spanish? No, she teaches, English. 5. Do you like your teacher? We like very much. Listen and check. What do you like? 4. Ask and answer questions with a partner. ‘Ask about ... soccer vacations your sister/brother television rock music cats chocolate cell phones computers dogs Yes, I do. I love it. No, I don’t. I hate it. ez) Questions and answers 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Why/Celine drink tea? (Hike ...) Why does Celine dink te Becat ite like 2, Why/you/eat oranges? ce 3. Why/Annie want to marry Peter? _( 4, Why/you eat Chinese food? ( 5. Why/not like your math teacher? (... gives ... alot of homework) 6. Why/Miguel buy presents for Maria? (... love ...) Listen and check. 6 Match the questions and answers. |L. How do you come to school? They start at nine o'dock. 2. What do you have for breakfast”\ Inn office in the center of town, 3. Who is your favorite pop group? Three. 4. Where does your father worl? Nota lot. About two dollars, 5. Why do you want to learn English? \. By bus {6 How much money do you have? __—Because its an international language. 7. When do classes start at your school? Toast and coffee. 8, How many languages does your I don't have a favorite. like alot teacher speak? of groups. Listen and check. Practice the questions. ‘Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about you. Check it 7 Puta check (V) next to the correct sentence. 1, [1 What do you do on the weekend? ‘Where do you do on the weekend? ‘Who is your boyfriend? ‘When is your boyfriend? ‘How many money do you have? ‘How much money do you have? I don’t drink tea. I don't like. I don't drink tea. I don't like it ‘Our teacher gives us alot of homework. Our teacher gives we a lot of homework. She loves me and I love her. She loves my and I love she. N Boy 00 000000000 Unit 7 + Places like 47 VOCABULARY Adjectives T RK re - 1 Match the words and pictures, Write sentences. “3 Ra Tew expensive great small old awful hot cold cheap big la &< i Listen and check. Practice the sentences. 2. Write the opposite adjectives. Choose a word from the box in Exercise 1. Adjective new expensive | great | small | cold ‘Opposite 48° Unit7 ~ Places I like C.EADING AND WRITING ‘A postcard from San Francisco 1 Look at the postcard. Read and listen. Check the ‘meaning of new words. Dear Auten, We're on vacation in San eter paneiseo ths week. Our freee se rahe The peopie are very fhendty- The food is daticious (and cheap), and the cafes are wondertia! San Fiancisco is beautifie. T'S a hig city, with a wot of new fuitdings, and i isn't expensive The weather is awtitl ZS wet and it’s cord! ‘See you Soon ove, Diana and Dari your Proaitian Atuderda!) 2. Answer the questions. 1. Who is the posteard from? 2. Where are they? 3. Why are they in San Francisco? 4, Is their vacation good? 5. What isn't good? 3. What adjectives do Diana and Davi use? Complete the chart. “The English School 120 Magazine Rd ‘Adjectives theirhotel | nice, old, comfortable people the food the cafes ‘San Francisco the weather 02s. 4 Write a postcard to a friend. Dear... We're on vacation in ... and it’s very... Our hotel is ... a andiitistt... The weather ... hot, and... to the beach every day. See you soon. ” Love, Unit7 + Places Nike 49 EVERYDAY ENGLISH Canl...? 1 Write a number 1-5 (place) and a letter a-e (activity) for each picture. PLACES, “ACTIVITIES 1. atrain station 2 acafe 3. abank 4, an Intemet cafe 5. aclothing store a. try on a sweater ] bi. change a travelers check have atuna sandwich d. buy 2 round-trip ticket send an email 50 Unit7 + Places like Listen to Keiko. She isin different places in town. she in the conversations? What does she want? Choose from, ; ‘Where is shet ‘What does she want? 1. Inacate, Tohave a tuna eandwich._ 2. { 3. 4, 5. ‘Complete the conversations with a partner. ‘ 1. A Next, please! . K CanThave_a____tuna_sandwich_, please? AOK. K How is that? A ninety-five, please. K Here you are. A Thanks . 2. K Hi.Canl this sweater, please? B ‘The fitting rooms are over there. 3.K e-mail, please OK. Computer : K sit € Forty-five cents a minute. You pay at the end. 4. D Good morning. Can I help you? K Yes, please. D How much is it? K dollars. DOK. _ 5. K a round-trip ticket to. Milford, please? +¢ E Sure, K Howmuch E Eighteen s please. K Thank you. E Twenty dollars. Here’s GHBD Listen and check. Practice the conversations. _—_____ a traveler’s check? ‘Work with a partner, Make more conversations with different information. Student A Student B + acoffee = anice cream «this jacket this Tshirt + a round-trip ticket to Dallas, ‘+ a one-way ticket to Houston Unit 7 + Places Vlike 51 Getting Information > UNIT 2, page 10 [Student Be Cities and countries 2. Ask your partner questions and write the answers to complete the information. His name's Doug, Hes from Toronto. 108 Getting information > UNIT 5, page 31 Student A Role play 5. Work in pairs, Read your role card. Ask and answer questions to complete the chart for your partner, ‘Name ty, country Rio de lanciro, Braz! House or apartment “house Job Place of work Languages Sports ‘hing and basketball Name ‘at, country Job Place of work Languages Sports What. ..? How do you spell it? Where... live? UNIT 6, page 39 ‘Student A 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the clocks. Student A What time does he get up? Student B He gets up at six twenty. What time does he ...? House or apartment English class gotobed Getting Information 109 os UNIT 5, page 31 Er oa Role play 5. Work in pairs. Read your role card. Ask and answer questions to complete the chart for your partner. iy. country House or apartment Job Place of work Languages Spor What... How do you spell it? Where. tive? Do... vein... What Where... work? How many... speak? ‘What sports... ke? > UNIT 6, page 39 Getting information 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the clocks. Student A What time does he get up? Student B He gets up at six twenty. What time does he Tapescripts Unit 1 MD cep 2 GEED see p.2 GHB cep seep seeped GHBB introductions 1. A Hello, My name's Anna. What's your B Ben. 2. C Hi, My'name's Cala, Wha’ your name? D Myname's Dennis Lvs} 1. B Hi, Anna. How are you? ‘A Fine, thanks, Ben. And you? B Fine, thanks 2. D Hi, Carla How are you? Five, thanks. And yoo? D OK, thanks, GHD ses seep.7 Listen and check 4 tensandwiches—f, seven hamburgers i, two books patgos sixbags nine photographs five computers i three cars € fourhouses jen students sce p.7 Unit 2 EB scp.s seep. GED = p.s ERED Where are youfomt 1, Her name’ Jenny. ‘She's from Canada, 2, His name's Rick, [He's from the United States. 3. Her mame’ Bianca ‘She's from Bran. 7, Her name's Kim, She from Australia, weeps (Cities and countries Wheres Tlgot ein pen Woes Sercl? Tein ees Wheres Toronot tin Gana Where lo defnciot sin Ste Whee Londoot Tele Wheres Bogoct’ tin he Oned states. WheesSyincyt — KeinAniale, Where Meso Cy? tein Mea Questions and answers S$ Hist Sandra. What's your name? L Myame's Lois S Hi Lais Where are you from? Vn fom Mexea, Where ae you from? Oh. from Mexico, too. Tm from Mexico City. Listen and write 1. G Hl, Pm Gabriel. 1m fom Bras ‘A Hallo, Gabriel Pi Aken from Japan. 2. € Hell. My name's Chales What your 1M Hi, Charles. 1'm Mike. Ti fom the United Sates, Where are you from? ¢ Tim fom London, n England. M Oh, yeah Fim from 3. L Him Loretts. Tm fiom Syaey, Australia J Hi Loretta Jason. fom Australis, too. 1. Wor! Are you from Sydney? J No-T'm from Melbourne. Listen and check. 1. Where are you from? Tm from Brazil 2, Whats her name? Her name's Amina. 23. What’ his namet His name’ Lai, 4. Wheres be fom? He om Mexico City. 5. What's tisin English? Bsscompuce 6. How are you! Fine, thanks 7. Where's Toronto? Wein Canada, HD ep. SD veep Listen and repeat wenn ‘orenty 240 twenty-three weny-four rive enya (wenty-sren teny-cight ‘wentnine thirty Listen and check 1. tebe 2 gute 5. ety-one 4 seventeen 5 thirty (ERD 01: 1. ateacher 2 ata driver 5. apolic officer 4 a businesman 5 soc 6 Sales asitant 7 ame 4S Rodent EB ep BERD cop. 14 B Listen and cheek 1. Whats her name? Amy Roberts 2 Where's she from? The United States 3. What's her address? 18 Cedar Steet, Chicago. & Whats her ‘phone namber 5. How old isshet & Whatt her job? 7. she married? seep. 15 Negatives and short answers 1s your name Jeff Yes itis ‘Are you from England, Je? [No, Tm not from England. I'm from Houston, Teas, 1s (773) 726-6049, ‘She 20. ‘She a student. ‘No, she int Areyou23? No,Fim not Ym 25, ‘Are you marsied? B Yes, Lar, Listen to the conversations ‘A What's your name, please? 1 Tonto And ere te you for, Sang hoon? ‘A Thankyou. Ad whore ae you 3 im from Sco in Koes, ‘A Thank you And yoor Wlephone number, plese Tapescripts 11-37 6 B rpc 7.06, fw od are ou, Sang-hoont Bi'm23. =e 18 And what’ your jot B Tmsbosinessnan. 1 Aad are you mated? 3 Notinnot 2A Thankyou very mich Diane Black A He CH. 18 Wha your name pease? © Diana flak 1 And where ace you from? 6 Brom New York 2 Aho youre fom the United Sate? € Yes tam 4 Wats your phone number? © wa ote datos x How od are yoo? Crm: 23. m 1 Wats your eb Ma Blade € Timasaesaeisant A re you maid? C Ye Tam 8 OK Thnk you very much Apop group I IntevcwerJen= Jenifer Mate, Robert Now you'e Melani, right? ‘That right And you! Ub-hah, How old are you, Metaniet Tm 22. ‘And Jason and Jennifer. You're from England, [Noymo, We aent from England, Were from the United States, ‘The United States, Sorry. How old are you both? m2 and Jason is 20, ‘And in 18, ‘Thanks. Now, who's married in 448 ‘Well fm not macried. and Jas We arent marred! ‘Melanie, are you marred? Yes lam! ‘Well hank you, 4x 4, Welome to New York! AML Is geat here. Thanks! EBD social expressions 1. A Good morning B Good mocning, Me, Brown, 2. A Good afternoon. The Grand Hote. B Good afernoon. 3. A Good night 8 Good nigh Pee 4. A Good-bye! B Good-bye! Hive a good tipt Listen and complete 1. A What's this in English B I don't know. A Besa dictionary. 2A Hogyhivmak? B Sorry. don't understand, ‘A What's your name? 1B Myname’s Manuel. 'm from Venezuela from Australia TECETETES neryecny U7 Tapescripts 37-546 3. A The homework on page ofthe Workbook. pee 2B Excuse met [A Thebomewor on page 50 ofthe Workbook. ne B Thank yen. Unit 4 Listen and check Lay you, your Fes his she, ber hey their secen.20 ‘Listen and check ig Paty married? Yes she is 2. Where’ thes house? sin Loe. 3, What is Paty’ job? She's teacher. 4, Wheres her school? We in the center of town, 5. What is Toms job? He's bank manager. (6, Where’ ie bank Win the center of town. 7, Are ther childsen doctors? [No they aren't. They e students. seep.21 (GHB Listen and check ee cee 3. Kayla is Patty and Tom's daughter. ites Peete LE, ne pee 10. Kayla and Nick are Tom and Patty's children. The family Hil My names Rachel, apd I'm from the United Sates. This «photo of my family. Our house is in San Diego. This is my brothex. His name is Steve, and he’s 15. He's student in high school ‘This my mother Her name's Grae. She's 2, and she's a doctor. And this man ie my father, Joe. He's 44, and he's a businessmen, seep 23 Listen and write 1. Thave a smal farm in Vermont. 2. My wife has ajob in town, 3. Wehave one son. 4. Wehave two. 5. My sister and her husband have a house in Las. 6. Hehasa very good job. 7. They ave a son and a daughter Listen and check 1. How is your mother? She's fing, thankyou. 2, What’ your sisters jobt She's nurse. 3, How old are your brothers? “They'e ten apd thirteen 4. Who is Pate? She's Dasid sister, 5. Wheres your office? Wein the center of tw, 6, Ave you and your husband from Pecut Yes, we are. seep.26 ‘Write the names 1. What’ your name? 2. Whats our namet David Ruz. iow do you spell your fst namet Danwdd, How do you spel yours name? 3, Whats your name? Amt Pte How do you spell your first narnet Amel iow do you spell your lastname? Pastel 4, Whats your name? Aiko Matsuda. How do you spell you fst amet Ade ‘How do you spel your lst name? Matsuda 5. What's your name? Jun-bso Chen. iow do you spell your fst name? Jeusnehea. ‘ow do you spll your lst name? Chen. seep.27 Unit 5 seep.28 seep. 29 Bin ‘Wel like swimming and basketball 1 dos ike tennis. Mam... yeah, hamburgers and piaza— {ike bamburgeee and pm. And Chines food, ike Chinese foed a lot—but ot Italian food. 1 don like talian food and I don' ike tea, but Tike coffee and soda. seep.29 seep.30 seep 30 Listen and complete Wewonan B=Brad 1. We you come fom Ohio? B Yes, 1do, 2. We youve in Ceveland? B Ne don livein New York 3. WDo yulve in an apartment Best do. ein an parent downtown, 4. WDo you work ina Chinese resauran? B No dont [workin aa lalan restaurant 5, WDe you ike Ralian food? B alo 6 WDo youl your job? B Nos dont wnt to bean ator, 17. Wo you deak tet Bo, don don ike it 8 WDe you speak pani and German? B apen Spanish but dont pele German seep.31 ‘American Korean ‘Listen and check 1. In Brazil they speak Portuguese. 2, In Canada they speak Eogis and French. 3 In France they speak French 4 In England they speak English, 5 In haly they speak Taian. & z 8 In Japan they speak Jopanese In Mexico they speak Spanish, In Taiwan they speak Chines ‘9, In Spain they speak Spanish. 10, in Kores they speak Korean, "In the United States they speak English, Listen and check ‘an American car . Korean TV ‘Spanish oranges ‘Japanese camera Mexican food an English dictionary fn Ralian bg Braalin cf Chinese ter GED Ataparty A=Alesandra = Justin ‘A lle. Alessandra J. Hi, Alesandra. Tm Justin. Justin Bates. ‘A Do you lve here in Seat, Justin? J Nos] dort. I work in Seat, but Hive in Tacoma. ‘A What do you dot J. Timan scor. What do you dot ‘A work ine hotel, J You aren't American, but you speak English very well Where do you come from? A Tn Brazilian I come from Rio. J Oh, Tove Bax A Realy J Ob, yes. ike the people and the Food a lot. seeps seep.3s seep.3s (CHRD Listen and check 1. The chicken sandwich i $3.90 2: The baseballs $14 3. The camera i $9059. ‘& The water i $1.50 5. The chocolate is 608 6 The ell phone is $24.74. 17. The dictionary is $16.95. 8 Thebagis $3099. Unit 6 Listen and repeat 1. Ieenine o'dock, 2. Ws ine thirty 3 Is nine forty Give, 4 Westen o'dock. 5 Ieten fifteen, ‘ z, 8 Its two o'clock. Tes wo thirty. Te to forse 9. Rs theee oclock. 10, Its thee fifteen. se1p.36 Lena ‘Walon weekdays I getup at seven forty-five. have breakfast at eight and 1 goto school st ght thirty. Thve lunch in seo! with my fiends, thas a ele fiteen—its eaeyin our school: Flenve school at thee tht in the afternoon and I walk home with my frends. T get home at four thirty. gov bed at eleven ‘ollodk on weekdays but nat on the weekend. see p37 Listen and repeat 1. gets up 2 5, leaves ome 4. hashuneh 5 Listen and repeat le usually works ate. He sometimes buys a pizza, Re never goes out inthe evening ‘Questions and negatives 1, What time does he getup? He gets up at six odlock 2, When docs he goto bed? He goes to bed at eleven forty-five. 3. Does he goto work by taxi? ‘Yes he does. 4. Does he have lunch in restaurant? No,he doesnt. 5. Does he go out inthe evening? Noshe doesnt. Listen and check 1. What time does he have breakfast? Hee has breakfast at six forty-five. 2. When does he leave home? He leaves home at seven fifteen. 3. Does he goto work by bust No, he doesn't. He goes to work by taxi. 4. Where does he have lunch? ‘He has lunch in his office. 5. Does he usually work late? Yes, he does. 66. Does he eat in a restancant? 'No, he doesn't He sometimes buys a pizza ‘and eas it at home. 7. What does he doin the evening? ‘He works on his computer Ratyls dy Kage 25 Stan arise inal 3c country She alge spat en odode nthe moral She never ges pea. ‘She as cote and on fr beat an hen ‘egos ors walk wh ie dog Sept Rome ‘clon odode and ah pain ber oid Sol sven fccein he ening. Then he ‘ols dane and rns cp ofc fer ‘dine, she smetines iene ois and she semeines pla the pan, Steely gosto ‘ed very aton orto dacs he oni GERD Negatives and pronunciation 1. She doesn live in the iy She ives in the country. 2. He doesnt getup a ten ol dock. He gets up atsixdelock 3. She dct have big bref. She has 4, He doesnt have a dog She has 2 dog. 5. She docs't work in an office. She works at home 6, He doesn't cook dinner in the evening. He bays pzze. 17, She doesnt goto ed early. She goes to bed Ine. 18, They dort go ou in the evening, They stay home. Words that go together ‘get up early Brobedine Ercntemue wch 1 ok daer ork ina fer brine Ses Moves atin rotects Sink ence Frye pano sane GED seep. 42 Tapescripts 57-612 18 Daysof the week Monday Mendy fen Thacny ‘Friday: iste and check on Sn on Money on Saturday evening lyon cuetdeyafeoon onthe weclend Stain Sch stew Bien inte morning inibe etre Inthe ving Unit 7 Tisten and check 1. What isthe capt of usta? Canter. 2. How ad are the Pyramid? 4300 years old 3. What ie do Mexican people have dinner? Late-At 9:00 inthe evening 4. Where doe the American president et Inthe White Howe 5. How many floors does the Empire Sate Bulding bavet ei hamburger in the US? $3350. 7. Who lives in Buckingham Palace? ‘The queen of England. Hoveithere! C= Celine G=Gary 4 Thisina very beat house, Thank you, ike very mae, too G Celine, you're American. Why do you live here. i London? © Mecause jus love it here! The people are fantasti! Llove tert And ofcourse, my ‘husband, Charles, is English, and I love him, too! 6 Thats very nice phota Who are they? Mysons Thats Mat and thats Jack Tey tochoo! here My daughter’ t choo! in the US Her ame’ Lis Marke Why does Lise Mari oto school inthe US? Beceuse se lives with bet aber My Sst Ibsband, you kngw=~the actor Dan Bet 1 bate im and all is movies Lnever watch then G I see So does Lis-Maie vist your {© hy ye She ime ee aan Ses herewith mc row. 1G Andis thie phowo of you and Chace? € Ohyyes,Iesus in wi sour wen Wel so happy together GRBD Vike them 1, Do you like icecream? Yes Toei N19 Tapescripts 613-88 2. Do you ike dogs? No, ate ther, 3. Do you like me? Ofcourse kyo! 4, Does your teacher teach you Spanish? Nove acer us gla 5, Do you like your teacher? Wie like her very much. Questions and answers 1. Why does Celine drink tea? Because heist 2. Why do you eat oranges? Because ike them. 3. Why does Annie want to merry Petes? Because she loves him. 4 Why do you et Chinese food? Because Tike it. 5. Why don't you lke your math teacher? Because he ges usa fot of homework. 6, Why does Miguel by presents for Maia? Because he loves het Listen and check, 1, How do you come to school? 3. Who is your favorite pop group? I don't ave a fevorte ike alt of groups. 4. Where does your father work? Inan office inthe center of town, 5. Why do you want to lean English ‘Because i’ an international language. 6. How mach money do you bevel [Not lot. About two dollars. 7. When do classes start at your school? ‘They start at nine o'dock 8. How many languages does your teacher stent Keiko 1A Ne, plese! FE Can faves una sandwich, pease? AOK Blow mach is that ‘A Thats three ney please. Here youre ‘A Thanksa ot 2. i Can uy on this went plese? B Ofcourse The Biting toms te cre there 3. K Can send an e-mail please? C OK. Computer aumber tw, K How much is tf © Forte cents amino You pay atthe 4. D Good moming, Can Lhelp you? K Yes please Can I change a traveler's check? D How moch isi Bify dollars. DOK. 5. K Can Thuy a round-tip ticket to Milford, please B Sore K How much is that? E Eighteen dollars, please K Thankyou. E Twenty dollars. Heve's your ticket, and $2.00 change. Unit 8 RED Liscen and repeat living room dlining room Iktchen bathroom bedroom CHEB cep. 52 Janets tving room Myivig room isn't ver bi, bat ove. Theresa andthe eyo snc Theres a smal ble wih TV om and there aucalotofbooks Theres CD plyes and there fre some CDs, There ace pctre om the wah, ad bere eet lamps. esa very comfortable seop.53 Prepositions Ts anetscel phone on he be 2 Me magee aves tothe pone 3. Her CD payers on the Bor not the ae 44 Her car Ley are inthe drawer 5 Herbagis onthe floor under the chaz. 6 The books are under her bed Usten and check 1. Do youlive na house or an partment? 2 How many bedrooms ae there! 5. ntheres telephone in the Kitchen? 44 ether a tlevcon in he ving room? 5: Ietheres VOR under the een? 6. Are there alot of books in your bedroom? 7. Are thee any pictures on te wal? EBD dierent rooms “here a cet onthe soften thee’ lephone na stall table eat to thes Teves CD ‘ayer with some Gbr under Not lox of CDs Tce ia and he ae ay pte ogra an the walls There's o ans Ei tale ie pone Thetee two tables and two srnchaire Tere re some books under one ofthe ules, ED sytaey Hows havea good time in. Sydney Sydney ba veryng you wat na. 1s Beauties dana new bldg here ce ftasiebeaces and the foo is deious Grammar Reference Unit 1 Ll am/are/is ; "| John Gark am | fine wo | | rae ‘: myname | 5 | Sande. The | 12. Questions with question words 14 Plural nouns 1. Most nouns add -s ‘book books computer computers 2. Some nouns add es. ‘sandwich sandwiches Unit 2 21 am/are/is (am) re] fine. You | Gey | geet Fe |= She } (is) 22 Possessve adjectives His name’ Fu-an. ‘Whats her name? My name's Matia, What's your name? = possesive adjective Jes name, his car, his camera he's= heis “He's Miguel. He's from Brazil. He’ fine, 23 Questions with question words areyou whee | ite | some ise “syour vwnat | (YU | garner fre 2 (she 24 am/are/is mn 1 (am) "re | from Canada, You | (are) | astudent fine. a [3 | nee. m |e [oom ‘THY | (are) Grammar Reference 11-24 124 Unit 3 31 anvis Negitive “mot || a teacher, 1 | armor | fiom Taiwan. He | isnt | married. She | (isnot) | OK ‘Yes!No questions and short answers ‘Areyou marrieat | Yestam. teacher | Yessheis, Jeshesteachert | Noy she nt Amarcant | Wo beis bie y No, he isn’t. ame Aliiat | Ye i Tshername Ali | eit D5 Grammar Reference 31-32 3.2 amv/are/is (verb to be) Afirmative “mm (am) T He she | ’s (9) You We | ‘te (are) They It from the US. She | isn't cg American, Questions with question words is your name? What | isher address? ishis phone number? ‘ate you from? Where | ishefromt are they from? ola | ‘ze you, How old Tare they? ‘YeuINo questions be is [she | English? it you Are | we | married? they Answers John Clark. 16 Main Stret, Dalls, (972) 555-6729. From Mexico, Pm is. Theyre 8 and 10. Short answers Yesshe is. Noy she it. Yes. itis, Yes.1 am, No, we are’ No, they aren't. Unit 4 41 Possessive adjectives ny your Thisis | BS | book theie 42 Possessive’s “rshows posession, myson > John’sson yourjob > Patty’sjob his house — her name + your wife's name @ ‘is also the short form of ix he's she's its Who's eis she's 43 Plural nouns |, Most nouns add -sin the plural, 2. Nouns that end in ~5 - oth or ch add -es us class ‘sandwich sandwiches 3. Some nouns that end in -y change to -ies, iy country 4. Some nouns child 44 have/has buses + classes > cities = countries dictionary + dictionaries sere 3 Gites Have is an icegulat vet ‘Tom’shouse He | have 2 good ob a computer, Unit 5 51 Present Simple-i/you/we/ they Afemative 7 | ieecaiie, fos | Se You | fivein Denver, “hey | sPetk vo languages Have good ob. Negative L, The tai We | dont. | speak Spanish ne work ina restaurant. ‘Questions with question words ‘Where you vet ‘What spore ao | we te? How many languages | | theyspak? | Yeu questions and short answers Doyouliebakbalt | 2eeEGO 4 2 | etre pase eke No, they dort. © Do you ke eat Yodo. NOT Yes tite: 52 a/an ‘We use an before words that begin with a, ¢, i, 0, and 1. ‘an actor an English diesonsry an orange an umbrella oe * ahamburger a tevison 53 adjective + noun Adjcivetabascome beth ooun fn American car Sapanese camera NOT =e 2 Deautifal gi @ spanish oranges NOT ae Grammar Reference 41-53 126 Unit 6 61 Present Simple he/she it ASfrmative He She | 8 9P | at 8:00. it | ewes 62 Spelling — Present Simple he/she it 1. Most verbs ada -s he linens she ener wake 2. Verbs endingin ssh chad es = he ashes © 0, have and do ar regula, fe does the pa has 63. Adverbs of frequency Unit 7 71 Question words Look atthe question words and the answers. What? hamburger When? Inthe evening. What time? At 8:00. Who? Peter. Where? In Bangkok, How? By taxi. Howold 16. How mary? "Teo. How much? $2. Why? Because .. 72 Object pronouns Look at the subject and object pronouns, and the possessive adjectives. 0% 40% sometimes ‘These adverbs usually come before the verb. ‘Wenever go out in the evening. ‘He wally goes to work by tax, ‘She sometimes has a cup of coffee. 64 Present Simple he/she /it Negative ‘She BRE | doesnt {0 out inthe evening. eatin a restaurant. Questions with question words ‘What The do in the evening? Where she have lunch? When leave? does Yes/No questions and short answers "Ye he does. Does he ike baserbaur | Yet he does. "Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. ‘Yesshe does, NOT Yesrhe likes: ‘Does she speak English? © Does he like teat 127 Grammar Reference 61-73 Subjectpronouns | Object pronouns | Possestive adjectives 1 me my you you your he him his she her ber it it is we us ‘our they them their 73 this/that ‘We use thisto refer to things near to us, cr Word List Here isa list of most ofthe new ‘words in the units of American Headway Starter adj = adjective aady= adverb conj = conjunction Unit 1 and conj /end!, nd! bag 1 foag/ book 1 fuk! camera n Pkemra/ cat fear! computer 1 /ksm'pyntar/ fine adj fam! good adj fgud/ ‘hamburger 1 Phaemberger! hello /he'lour Ii hha hhouse » Jhaus! ‘How ate you? /hav ar ‘yu it pron AU my adj maul same 7 focun! ‘number 2 /'nambat! OK /ou'kel! photograph 1 /footograt! sandwich 1 /sanwatf/ student 1 /'studsat/ television n Ptslovga! hanks inf /enks! this pron /bx/ what? wat! your adj yar ‘Numbers 1-10 ‘one fan! to Aw’ three /Ori four fac five fav! six fale! seven /'sevan/ eight fens nine foam! ten tend Unit 2 Australian b'strellyo/ Brazil n fora! Canada m /kenods! center m /sentat/ city n Paty country n Pkanteil doctor 1 Pdaktoe/ England 1 ipglond from prep fren, framd her adj shoe! bis adj zt bospital m hospi in prep ‘md ‘pron hd Japan 1 /dgp'pan/ Korea fks'ial sarried adj /maridl Mexico n /mokakow! school 1 ful! ‘Twan 1 ftarword teacher /itfar! the United States m 180 ya,narad ‘stats! too adv fl where adv Aver! ‘world m /vorld/ ‘wenty-one /twanti waB/ ‘twenty-two /twantitw/ twenty-three /ewont Gri rwenty-four /,vanti far! ‘weenty-fve fant fav! twenty-six /twonti'sks! twenty-eight /{wonti'et! {enty-nine /,wonti'nann/ thirty 78art/ Unit 3 adress n Peds! afternoon m/e for'nun! age 1 eid a prep fe! businesiman n /branosmsen! dictionary 1 /‘dikfe,neri/ Excuse me? /ik'skyuz mil good adj gud good-bye /,gud'bai/ reat (= very good) aj fren! hhave a good trip hav 2 gud exp! homework m Phoomnvark! hotel hoo ell how old? ed haw “ould 1 dow’ know fat dent ‘now! don't understand at dont ‘ndar send! jb m /dsobl morning /'moraung/ night /naty ‘ot adv Jaa! ‘se n/t of prep Is fw! contour Zan ‘oe! Page 1 /peidsy Personal information » /parsanal infar'meifn/ phone number » /foon ‘namber! police officer n Fpois for! Pop group nt //pap grup/ sales assistant m Pee 2st! rr) sorry sae skeet tit taxi driver Pabst drasvoct thank you /'Baenk yu/ thats ght Bet ‘ra wip n hap) Venezuela /ven'zwedsl whet Phu ‘workbook m warkbuk! Word List 131 Unit 4 Alot of aay Ja ‘ot av/ alphabet n ako adv flsou apartment m /s'partmant! ‘bank 1 foegk! ‘bank manager m bank vmenadger/ beautiful adj Pbyutat beat adj oes! ig adj ono! both /boutl brother 7 Mbrabar! bus Pas! business cad /banas ard! ‘but con) Mat hat! call ¥/kol Canadian adj ko nedion! Dn iste ccztainly adv Psortanly dil Aad dhildren tiki dass kles! classroom 1 /kkasrum/ college kad company n /kamponi/ ‘country (= not the city) esntsif dad 1 (ded! daughter dsr! ‘irector Ida rektar! og 1 Mog! ‘email x Smell cvening 1 /ivnip/ family n Mfeml/ fan n fea! farm» farm father 1 abr? favorite adj Mera fax 0 ks! ‘rst name /forst‘nexm/ fend m /eend! funny aj ani? irltrend Fgarkrend/ soup 1 /grop! happy adj Phapil have ¥ fiw! have a good time /ev 2 gud “tamm high school "hax skull house 7 /havs! how? adv haw! ‘husband 1 hasbond/ lastname m/s ‘nerm/ manager Pmenodsav ‘mother m Fmadot! mom n ‘mam music m fmyunik! near prep fait! nice adj fax ‘office 1 /ofas! ‘our adj aver! 2 Word List parent pram parctime adj prt "an! Bless lie really ay relation /n'leafn/ fock'nroll [rakon roo sister m Pastor! Small oj fmol fon m fan! spel vfpel sport n port! their adj ar? together adv N'gsBoc! town 1 aon! Vermont 1 tr matt very dy Per when ady Avant ‘who's calling? /;huz ‘kaln/ vie» a? Unit 5 alitde adj fo ‘h actor m Fektoc! ‘American adj /a'merikan’ boar of chocolate 1 bar 2¥ "tfoklau Daseball m /"bersbol! basketball 1 /"baskatbol be v Ibi Brazilian adj fors'zxtyan! ‘ell phone 1 Fel foun! ‘ent (sent! chicken Ppikon China fama’ Chinese adj far nia! ‘Cleveland. Filiviondy coffee m kal! dollar n alae! downtown adj /davn'taun/ ‘drama student n “vam ‘studant rink», Mdegk eat 9 il English», adj Pung! food n ffual France n firens! French adj fren? German adj Pdsorman! hotel m fhoo'tel how many? /haw ‘meni! hhow much? ady fae ‘mat! icecream /atskrim/ identity m /ay'dentati/ Taian adj /*telyan/ Italy n /tai/ Japanese adj /dsepo'niz! juice m ddsus? Korean adj /ko'tion/ language 1 Lengundy) life m dat? like » “uk five ¥ fav! love v flav! Mexican adj /meksiken/ sationality n /nefo'nail New York m/z ‘york! now ady navy Ohio n Jovthaiou/ orange m f'rmdsy party m (part! people mpl pip pizza mn Ppitsa lay y fplev Portuguese adj /portfa giz! price m /pras/ really? Pili! restaurant 1 Srestrant/ skiing /'skiyun/ soda n /'soudal speak ¥ /spikd sport m /spart! swimming m sway tea n hid tennis m tena think ¥ /Omgk/ waiter m were! want ¥ /wont/ water m P'wotar! work 9 Avark Numbers 40-100 forty Pact! fity “ti sity sks seventy /'sevanti/ eighty Pex! ninety ‘nant fone hundred /Won *handrod Unit 6 what time i ie? fat “tam wa when? ad wend after adv Petar! swith prep fon, wa arst ort! work n varkd athome adv fet ‘boom! aie Days ofthe week breakfat n bref” Monday /mandev ea Tuedey n Puzded ee, ednesday n Pvenadey eee Thursday » 7 Baradey ee Friday 9 traded * Saturday # /setordes! ‘cook Pkulet ‘Sunday 1m /'sandev cp w fap day 1 (de different adj from! inner n Perot! Sector» /63rektor, ‘dasektoe! catly adj Parl) evening » Finny every rev gethome /gtthoom/ setup v /.gct‘ap/ Be v lg0u! 0 fora walk /,gou far 3 "wak/ gout ¥ /,gou “aul! 0 shopping /gov ‘opwy frandither » gran fader! Inve breakfast (jhe “rokfost! hve lunch hav lal? ‘home m /houm! the Internet » 180 ‘atornst late adj fen! leave schooVnome /iv ‘sku, "now! lifestyle n Pastas listen to musie isan ta ‘myvatkt Ipeh Mant aillionaice » /zlyo'ner/ never adv Fever! nine 'dock mam 20k! aint» peau play the piano /plei 9 pinou! sie Jsand soda Psouds! Sometimes adv /samtaunat stay home (ster ‘hour studio n Pstudiou take shower /tek 9 “Jt! tau Pek time m Rare toast m fous today n /stdev tomorrow m Ao'marour TV nuvi ‘until ady Jan’ usually dy yuu weak mk watch Path! eek vik! weekday 7 vikdey weekend 1 wkend! Unit 7 about adv f’baow activity n fek'twatif l/s awful adj Pot beach fbitl/ Decause con} oko, br kaa! boyiciend 1 botfrend building n rbildmy cafe N'Y! Canberra 1 Mkenbera! capital city m /Kepodl “ai? at feet! ‘change a travelers check /,tfeinds 2 jtrevlarz ‘ek cheap adj fi clothing store m /klowBm stor! old adj fkould comfortable adj /kamftorbV Aelicious adj /arifos! every evr ‘expensive adj ik'spensiv/ famous adj /fermnas! fantastic adj ffen'tesuky fitst adj rst! fiting room 1 itu uml floor n Mla fiendly adj rend! ive ¥ Jaw! shass n (gles! hate v fer! Hawai m Mha'waui) hep v /help! here adv Ah? ‘him prom fal homework m "houreek! hot adj shay international adj /,ntor'nafool! Internet cafe m /aatoenet ke,fev see Jai ‘si! jacket » Pésmkat! journalist m /dzorahsty just adv Adgast! marry v meri! rath n/m sme pron fil ‘money ‘mani ‘movies pl muvial movie star n muy star! new adj fu! of course fav "kors/ ‘old adj fould/ ‘one-way ticket m fon, er “tikot/ pay v dey hone n /fount place 1 plas! postcard m1 Ppoustkard/ present (for someone's birthday) 1 'prezall president n ('prezodont! pyramid» /'puromd/ ‘queen 1 Devin’ ‘round-trip ticket » /round,tap “ako! ‘22 you soon /si ys ‘sua! send v /end/ Soccer 1 eakze! start v /start! ‘sweater m /swetac/ teach v that pron [Bee them prom /Sex! train sation m trem sterfay tryon (a sweater) Pra an! Tshire Piper tuna m ftuna/ 1s pron Ins! vacation 1 very much /veri mot{/ visit » Pvzath weather m reBot! wedding m wedint wet adj wet! White House n wait have! why? adv lve) ‘wonderful adj /wandecfl you know /'yu nou! Word List 133 Irregular Verbs Baseform Past simple be wasiwere bring brought bought could rere found flew forgot save buy cost do rw rink drive eat feel fale find fy forget wet sive rs went have know i ELEEPLETE read iil read fed! Shag send sent slept ‘aught ‘thought nd understood Phonetic Symbols Consonants Vowels 1 ipl asin pen/pen/ 25 fil asin see /sif 2 fel asin big /brg/ 26 Al asin his fava! 3 ft asin tea/tif 27 Iel asin ten ten! 4 fa! asin do/du/ 28 /e/ asin stamp /stemp/ 5 fki asin cat kets 29 fa! asin father /‘faBor/ 6 (gf asin go/gou! 30 fo) asin morning /‘mormn/ 7 (asin five Karv/ 31 /al asin book /buk/ 8 Wi asin very/veri/ 32 ff asin you /yu/ 9 fs! asin son /san/ 33 IN asin sun/san/ 10 f/f asin 200 /zu/ 34 fof asin about /s'baul/ 1M asin live vi 35 fev asin name /neum/ 12 fv asin my /mav 36 fav! asin my /may/ 13° /nf asin nine /nam/ 37 fo asin boy foo 14 fh) asin happy/*hepi/ 38 fau/ asin how /hav/ 15 ff asin red /reds 39 fou! asin go /gou! 16 Jy! asin yes /yes! 40 for’ asin girl /gar 17 fal asin want /want/ 41 ff asin near/n/ 18 (asin thanks /Oeqksy 42° (ex! asin hair her! 19 8 asin the /Oof 43° for! asin car /kar/ 20 if asin she /fi 44° for/ asin more /mot/ 21 (sf) asin television /telovign/ 45° for! asin tour /tut/ 22 AV asin child /tfanld/ 23. (dg) asin Japan /dgo'pen/ 24 ff asin English /‘mglj/ Phonetic Symbols 138 OXFORD Soha meme? amet Ron American Headway is a multilevel series for adults, and young adults who want to use American English both accurately and fluently. Grammar and vocabulary are taught and explained thoroughly, and all four language skills are developed systematically. American Headway combines the best of ‘traditional methods with more recent approaches to make the learning of English stimulating, motivating, and effective. American Headway Starter cari be used by true ‘beginners. It provides a foundation in the structure of the language, gradually building students’ understanding of the basic grammar, vocabulary, and functions of English. Key features Simple skills work, where all four skills are gradually introduced in manageable communicative activities Universal topics selected from a wide variety of material In-depth treatment of grammar, with clear presentations, self-check exercises inthe Grammar ‘Spot, and detailed explanations in the Grammar Reference followed by extensive practice activities Systematic vocabulary syllabus, including dictionary training and work on systems such as collocation ‘© Everyday English section, which practices functional language and social situations In addition t6 this Student Book, there is a Teacher's Book with extra photocopiable material including tests and quizzes, a photocopiable Teacher's Resource Book, two Student Book Cassettes/CDs, a Workbook, and a Workbook Cassette/CD. American Headway Starter ‘Student Book 0-19-435387-7, Student Book A 0-19-437175-1 Student Book B 0-19-437176-X Student Book Cassettes (2) 0-19-435390-7 Student Book CDs (2) 0-19-437178-6 Workbook . 0-19-435388-5, Workbook Cassette 0-19-437944-2, Workbook CD 0-19-437945-0 ‘Teacher's Book (with Tests) 0-19-435389-3 ‘Teacher's Resource Book 0-19-437177-8 ISON O-b9-437475-4 | 194!

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