What After Graduation

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Look at the profiles of captains of business and industry, movers and shakers
of the corporate world, high flying executives, key decision makers, in short
anyone who makes a difference to the fortunes of a corporation, more often
than not, you will find they haveone thing in common, an MBA from a
premier business school.



        An MBAdegree is filled with various different
aspects: It upholds training, industry visits, individual assignments, group
assignments, presentations and group projects, all of which augments
knowledge of handling real-life business situations. Ultimately it is not
theoretical study but a practical exposure. An MBA is one of the most coveted
postgraduate degrees today not just for business professionals, but for college
graduates in general. Having a master's degree in business administration is
necessary for those who want to gain an advantage in this ultra-tough
industry. It is one of several business degrees that provide a huge impact on a
professional's salary and career advancement options. Being an official
Master of Business Administration is also an attractive endeavor for
professionals outside the industry because the program touches different
fields and sectors. Overall, MBA training is a valuable asset regardless of the
career path chosen by college graduates.


The MBA is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. It is a degree designed
to give you the ability to develop your career to its fullest potential, at an
accelerated pace. What will you get out of an MBA? Aside from a powerful
life experience, the MBA degree should supply three main value propositions:
Skills, Networks, and Brand.

á Skills

These include the "hard skills" of economics, finance, marketing, operations,

management, and accounting, as well as the "soft skills " of leadership,
teamwork, ethics, and communication that are so critical for effective
management. MBA students acquire these skills inside and outside the
classroom. Since MBA programs attract people from very diverse industries
and cultures, a program should be able to leverage these differences and
translate them into learning opportunities.

á Networks

An MBA degree program offers access to a network of MBA students, alumni,

faculty, and business and community leaders. This network can be very useful
when beginning a job search, developing a career path, building business
relationships in your current career, or pursuing expertise outside your
current field. For example, entrepreneurs need access to capital, business
partners, vendors, and clients. Arts-related businesses need access to funding
and strategic management in order to position themselves to be relevant in the
marketplace. Global businesses need access to local business cultures as they
expand their enterprises to new territories.
á Brand

The MBA degree is a recognized brand that signifies management and

leadership training. The particular school and type of MBA program you
attend also have brand associations that can help open doors based on the
school's reputation. The strength of a school's brand is based on the
program's history, its ability to provide students with technical skills and
opportunities for personal growth, and the reach of its alumni and industry
network. A powerful brand can give you the flexibility to make changes
throughout your career.




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The six IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) are the most aspired for and
reputed institutes in India, and so are the courses offered by another dozen or
so leading schools. All of them have an excellent track record in offering high
quality education, and students from these institutes get the pick of corporate
and management jobs directly from campus.

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It is of prime importance to select the right field of management to specialize

in, as normally this would be the discipline in which you would get your first
job and possibly even make a career.
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is supreme to a career managing companies.

Management Jobs:

Senior Management job - Senior Management jobs are awarded to

candidates and





Consumer banking jobs deliver financial services to individual customers.

Commercial banking jobs deliver financial services to businesses.
Human resources jobs manage employee placement, salaries, and training
Bank administration / accounting job - Bank administration / accounting
jobs handle
the banks internal operations

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Corporate Finance jobs help company find money, grow the business, make
acquisitions, plan for it's financial future and manage any cash on hand
Money Management job - Money Management jobs manage stocks and
bonds for
institutional clients and are on the buy side of Wall Street
Insurance jobs help individuals and business manage risk to protect
themselves from
catastrophic losses and to anticipate potential risk problems
Real Estate jobs cover field such as title insurance, construction, mortgage
property management, real estate appraisals, brokerage and leasing, and
real estate


ublic and Managerial Accounting jobs focus on preparing financial

statements and
recording business transactions including computing costs and efficiency
gains from
new technologies, participating in strategies for mergers and acquisitions,
management, developing and using information systems to track financial
performance, tax strategy, and health care benefits management.

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roduct Management jobs have responsibilities including marketing and

of products of all types. Advertising jobs cover every media outlet including
newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and the Internet. Retailing jobs includes
management, buying, and merchandising.


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