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 Also known as the Doctrine of Concurrent
How to Study Right: Jurisdiction

1. Passing the Bar does not depend on how many

hours you stay awake and read. It depends on 1. CAUSE OF ACTION
what and how you are reading.
1.1. Filing of a Complaint
2. The Bar is not a memory bar exams. It is 1.2. Paying of Docket Fees
understanding. The Bar Examiners will not look -No money, no honey. Unless, you apply as an
at an accurate answer, but a reasonable indigent litigant if you have no means to
answer. support yourself and basic necessities.

3. Do not explore the most difficult aspects. Focus

on the basics and fundamentals! 2017 BAR

4. The bar exams is not difficult. What makes it Accion Publiciana

difficult is your fear. Jurisdiction: MTC or RTC, depending on the assessed
value of the real property
5. Don’t think about the future. Just enjoy the
Accion Reinvindicatoria
Jurisdiction: MTC or RTC, depending on the assessed
value of the real property
6. Civil Procedure is sometimes 70% of the entire
bar. Most of the time it is 65%, and the others Effect of Filing of a Complaint on Jurisdiction (Bar 1981
are footnotes. and 2009): The court automatically acquires jurisdiction
over the person of the plaintiff, because the plaintiff is
7. Answers should be responsive to the question. deemed to have voluntarily submitted himself to the
Answer only what is being asked. Be direct to jurisdiction of the court.
the point! Do not suggest other answers.
Sample Situation (BAR)
8. “There is no failure in the Bar. Only delayed
success. Success in this world is always There was a businessman who resides in Australia and
delayed.” he had business partners in the Philippines but despite
several requests and later several demands, he was
never given an accounting of the business or any
financial statement. So he hired lawyers in the
DOCTRINE OF HIERARCHY OF COURTS Philippines duly authorized Special Power of Attorney to
file a complaint for and in his behalf against his partners
 Applies only when there is a concurrence of in the Philippines. The complaint was for accounting and
jurisdiction of courts, e.g. Certiorari damages. The defendants in the Philippines filed a
 Before going to the higher court, seek relief first motion to dismiss on the ground that the court had no
before the lower courts. jurisdiction over the person of the plaintiff because the
latter did not even come to court to file the complaint. COA, thus there was a splitting of a single COA here. The
Decide. remedy of the defendant is to file a motion to dismiss in
any of those two cases on the ground of litis pendentia.
Ans.: The motion should be denied. Jurisdiction over the
plaintiff is acquired by the filing of a complaint in court BUT, if Mr. X had a passenger and that passenger got
in his name. Personal appearance is not a mode of injured, that is a different COA.
acquiring jurisdiction.
 A quasi-delict is classified as an independent
(Side Discussion: Sections 1-9 and 14-16 are bar areas in civil action.
Actions which have a main and incidental part belong to
the same COA. For example, an action for collection of a
REMEDIAL LAW vs. SUBSTANTIVE LAW sum of money is the main action, and interest and
damages are the incidental part.
Substantive Law- creates rights and obligations

Remedial Law- provides for the procedure on how these

rights are protected and these obligations are enforced; RULE-MAKING POWER OF THE SUPREME COURT
only implements substantive law.
 Authority to promulgate rules for the
 There is no remedial law if there is no proptetion and enforcement of constitutional
substantial law. rights, rules concenring the admission of the
bar. Rules on the IBP and the rules for the
CAUSE OF ACTION protection of the underprivileged.

 Sec. 2, Rule 2, ROC Limitations (Art. VIII, Section 5, 1987 Constitution):

o It involves a right and there is a
violation of that right. 1. It must be simplified and inexpensive
2. Uniform in all courts of the same grade
Splitting a Single COA 3. They must not increase, diminish or modify
 If you have one COA, you can only file a single substantive rights.
complaint for that COA. It cannot be divided
into several parts and file those parts as
separate actions.


Mr. X is driving his car in a lawful, prudent and diligent

manner. Then, here comes another driver who was
driving so fast (we call him “the road devil”) and rear-
ended the car of Mr. X. As a result, Mr. X suffered from
serious physical injuries and his car was smashed. When
he recovered from his injuries, he filed an action for
damages for his physical injuries. And while the case
was pending, he also filed another complaint for
damages to his car.

Question: Is there a splitting of a single COA? If there is,

what is your remedy if you were the defendant?

Answer: There is only one COA. There was only a single

act of negligence which had two effects: physical
injuries and damage to property. They belong to a single

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