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Republic of the Philippines

Provincial Government of Quirino

Office of the Provincial Governor COMMUNITY UNITED in ACTION


Aglipay Caves and Campsite

YES or
S.N. QUESTIONS Reference
Section I
1 a. Does the General Manager ensure adherence to the principle of public office
is a public trust?
b. Do the public officers and employees hold themselves accountable to the
people at all times?
2 Does the General Manager:

c. Promulgate administrative issuances necessary for the efficient

administration of the offices under them and for the proper execution of the
laws relative thereto?
d. Exercisse disciplinary powers over officers and employees under them in
accordance with laws?
f. Delegate authority to officers and employees in accordance with EO 292 or
the law creating the Aglipay Caves and Campsite?
3 b. Are there plans and programs adopted to promote economical, efficient and
effective personnel administration in the government?
a. Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite institute a Performance Evaluation
System based on objectively measured output and performance of personnel
and units, such as the Strategic Performance Management System developed
by the Civil Service Commission?
8 a. Are all government resources managed, expended or utilized in accordance
with law and regulations?
b. Is it safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper
disposition to ensure economy, effectiveness and efficiency in the operations of
the Aglipay Caves and Campsite?
11 a. Is the Aglipay Caves and Campsite's budget supportive of and consistent with
the socio-economic development plan?
16 Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite adopt and implement control policies
and measures on the following:
a. Delegation of authority and supervision?
b. Segregation of functions for processing, reviewing, recording, custody and
c. Completeness and integrity of transaction documents and reports?
d. Verification of trnsactions and reconciliation of records and data?
23 b. Is the Performance Evaluation System (PES) administered in accordance with
the standards, rules and regulations promulgated by the CSC?
Section II
Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite identify, analyze and evaluate relevant
risks to the achievement of the control objectives and determine the
appropriate response?
Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Government of Quirino
Office of the Provincial Governor COMMUNITY UNITED in ACTION


Aglipay Caves and Campsite

YES or
S.N. QUESTIONS Reference
Is the Aglipay Caves and Campsite's risk assessment fully integrated into the
other components in the risk management process which includes the
a. Communication and consultation?
c. Risk assessment (comprising risk identification, risk analysis, and risk
d. Risk treatment?
e. monitoring and review?
b. Key development drivers and trends having an impact on the objectives of
the Aglipay Caves and Campsite? For example, population growth and its
impact on the natural environment and infrastructure demand;
4 a. Capabilities of the Aglipay Caves and Campsite in terms of resources and
b. Information flows and decision-making process'
d. Objectives and the strategies that are in place to achieve them?
f. Policies and processes?
9 a. Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite determine the consequences and their
probabilities for identified risk events?
Section III
1 Does the Local Government Units establish policies and procedures to address
risks and to achieve the Aglipay Caves and Campsite's objectives?
a) Are all the money and properties officially received by a public officer,in
any capacity or upon any occasion,accounted for as gov't. funds and gov't.
b) Are government properties taken up in the books of the Aglipay Caves and
Campsite concerned?
Are the Aglipay Caves and Campsite's officer's whose duties permit to require
the possession or custody of government funds property bonded in accordance
with law?
Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite include the results expected for each
budgetary program and project ,the nature of work to be performed,estimated
cost per unit of work measurement,including the various objective of
expenditures for each projects in its budget estimates?
5 Are the frontline services complemented with adequate staff by
adopting mechanisms such as rotation system among office per-
sonnel during lunch and snacks time?
6 Is disbursement of government funds made in pursuance of an
appropriation law or other specific statutory authority?
7 If accomplishments do not meet established objectives or
Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Government of Quirino
Office of the Provincial Governor COMMUNITY UNITED in ACTION


Aglipay Caves and Campsite

YES or
S.N. QUESTIONS Reference
standards, are needed?
Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite periodically review
operations,processes,and activities to ensure that they are in compliance with
current regulations,policies,procedures,or other requirements?
Section IV
Does the General Manager establish measures and standards that will ensure
transparency of and openness in public transactions, e.g., biddings, purchases,
other internal transactions, including contracts, status of projects, and other
matters involving public interest?
2 Does the General Manager establish information system that will inform the
public of the following:
a. Policies, rules, and procedures?
b. Work programs, projects and performance targets?
c. Performance reports?
d. All other documents classified as public information?
5 Is relevant information communicated throughout the Aglipay Caves and
Campsite, as well as to its network of organizations and sectors?
7 a. Does communication flow down, across, and up the organization,
throughout all components and the entire structure?
8 Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite consult the public they serve for the
purpose of gathering feedback and suggestions on the efficiency, effectiveness
and economy of frontline services?
b. Do they establish mechanisms to ensure the conduct of public consultations
and hearing?
22 Does the Citizen’s Charter include the following information:
a. Vision and Mission of the Aglipay Caves and Campsite?
b. Identification of the frontline services offered, and the clientele?
23 Is the implementation of the Aglipay Caves and Campsite’s Citizen’s Charter
continually monitored and periodically reviewed?
30 Does the responsible officer or employee acknowledge receipt of written
applications, requests, and/or documents being submitted by clients?
Section V
a. Does the Aglipay Caves and Campsite ensure that controls are operating as
intended and that they are modified appropriately for changes in conditions.

b. If yes, is it accomplished through ongoing monitoring activities, separate

evaluations or a combination of both?
2 a. Does the ongoing monitoring of internal control occur in the course of the
normal, recurring operations of the Aglipay Caves and Campsite?
Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Government of Quirino
Office of the Provincial Governor COMMUNITY UNITED in ACTION


Aglipay Caves and Campsite

YES or
S.N. QUESTIONS Reference
i. Performed continually and on a real-time basis?
i. Ingrained in the Aglipay Caves and Campsite’s operations?

Administered to:

Administered and verified by:


Operations Audit Section Chief - Internal Auditor II


Operations Audit Section Assistant

Operations Audit Section Assistant


Operations Audit Section Assistant

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