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An alumni association is an association of graduates (alumni) or more broadly of former

students. These associations often organize social event; publish newsletters or magazines raise

funds for the organization. Many provide a variety of benefits and services that help alumni

maintain connections to their educational institution and fellow graduates.

So keeping these point in mind we decided to develop an entirely new website from scratch,

which is having attractive design as well as better user interface. Alumni association are mainly

organized around universities or departments of universities, but may also be organized among

students that studied in a certain country. In the past, they were often considered to be the

universities or schools old boy network. Today, alumni association involves graduates of all age

groups and demographics.


 This project is very helpful for college to manage all the data regarding the students.

 This project is needed to provide a vibrant forum that promotes interaction and

networking among alumni of the institute.


 This system provides easy access to the particular students account or his complete
 This system provides student to easily navigate through the application for more
information in a most secure manner.

This system is divided in to two modules:

 Administrator

1. The Administrator can update the gallery images.

2. The Administrator can send bulk mail.

3. He can send birthday mail.

4. He can add event and update the events too.

5. He can update details of alumni.

6. He can make/leave as admin.

 Alumni

1. The user can update their profile.

2. The user can make donation.

 Economical Feasibility:

 Hosting charges

 Domain charges

 Web space charges

 Technical Feasibility:


 Bootstrap


 Java script

 Good knowledge of My SQL

 Web Designing

 Software used:


 Notepad++

 OS: window 10

 Hardware used:

 Process: Intel corei3

 RAM: 4GB


Unit testing:
The software units in the system are modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to
perform a specific function. As a part of unit testing we executed the program for individual
modules independently. This enables, to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained
within each of the three modules.
This testing includes entering data that is filling forms and ascertaining if the value matches to
the type and entered into the database. The various controls are tested to ensure that each
performs its action as required.

Integration Testing:
Data can be lost across any interface, one module can have an adverse effect on another, sub
functions when combined, may not produce the desired major functions. Integration testing is a
Systematic testing to discover errors associated within the interface. The objective is to take unit
tested modules and build a program structure. All the modules are combined and tested as a
whole. Here the admin module, sec module and student module options are integrated and tested.
This testing provides the assurance that the application is well integrated functional unit with
smooth transition of data.

System Testing:
User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under
consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keep the records of applicants and
making changes to the details and password whenever required


[1] Mysql -

[2] PHP-new Boston YouTube channel

[3] Template of front end, from W3 schools.


[4] College list, department list-previous website of alumni relation Career Point University.

[5] Html, css, javascript-W3 schools.

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