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# React Bootstrap with Material Design

MDBootstrap for React

## Getting Started
To test, contribute or just see what we did follow few easy steps:
- clone the repository
- cd to the directory with the repository
- run `yarn install` (or `npm install` if you don't use yarn)
- run the app using `yarn start` (or `npm start`)
- to build project use `yarn run build` (od `npm run build`)
- `yarn run remove-demo` (or `npm run remove-demo`) removes demo app
- enjoy!

## Bugs
If you want to report a bug or submit your idea feel fre to open an issue

Before you report a bug, please take your time to find if an issue hasn't
been reported yet

We're also open to pull requests

## Something Missing?
If you still have some questions do not hesitate to ask us. Open an issue
or [visit our Slack](

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