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NAME: Pat Student

Title by Author, Date the play was written

SET-UP: A one-sentence description of the background of the play. What is the set-up? What is the situation
that causes the problems on which the play is based? Whose story is told? Use generic terms (prince,
daughter, king, peasant), not character names.

PLOT: A one-sentence description of what happens in the play. What is the story? What is the outcome?


+ Note actions which move the story forward with a “+”
- Note actions which drive the main character away from their goal with a “-“
+ Use active verbs to describe what happens
+ What are the key scenes? Who does what to whom?
- Avoid “he says-she says” descriptions of dialogue:
+ What is the outcome of each scene?
- What are the monkey wrenches thrown in to the works? What is in the way?
- What problems must the characters overcome?

CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS: list all you can think of, from to King-subject and daughter-father to male-
female and oppressor-oppressed, using generic terms. Use paragraph form. Should be at least 15

SUPER-OBJECTIVES AND OBJECTIVES: What do the principal character(s) want? Rank them. List as
active verbs. Should be at least 5 objectives identified.
to …
to …

TACTICS: how do the characters go about getting what they want? List a bunch of verbs (15+) in paragraph

THEMES: Bulleted list of 4-5 of the Big Ideas proposed by the play. What does the play “mean?” Use bold
face for key word (e.g. “what is the difference between dreams and reality?”)

IMAGES: Paragraph of 15+ images, including those which appear on stage (blood, dagger, witches), real
things which are described off stage (fleet of ships) and figurative or linguistic images (Denmark rotting).

KEY LINES: List 5-8 memorable lines which encapsulate important elements of the script.
Character: “Quote.” p. #: line #.

• What topics does the play inspire? List 3 or more.

Max lenth: 2 pages; use a 12 pt normal and readable font.

You may collaborate on writing these analyses, but all who have their name on an analysis must read the play
and all must work together on each analysis.

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