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Telefax No.: (074) 442-4915 General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600 E-mail Address:


Prefatory Statement
In line with the Vision and Mission Statement of the University of Baguio, the
School of Law herby adopts and promulgates the following policies and standards:
Article I: Vision and Mission Statement
Section 1: Vision
We envision a legal community of professionals who are at the forefront of the
administration of justice to all of the spectrums of society.
Section 2: Mission
To form a legal community who are academically, socially, and culturally
competent to serve in the legal profession.
Article II: Policy Affecting Students
Section 1: On Examinations
A. The School of Law has two (2) regular grading periods:
1. Midterm Examinations shall follow the same schedule as that of the
Graduate School as per University Calendar.
2. Final Examinations shall be given based on the School of Law calendar.
B. No Permit, No Release of Final Grades. The School of Law adheres to the
University policy of not releasing final grades without permits.
C. Cheating.
1. Cheating is defined as obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding
another to obtain credit for work, or any improvement in evaluation of
performance, by any dishonest or deceptive means. Cheating includes,
but is not limited to:
i. Lying,
ii. Copying from another's test or examination,
iii. Discussion at any time during the exam/quiz/test of answers or
questions on an examination or test, unless such discussion is
specifically authorized by the instructor,

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iv. Taking or receiving copies of an exam or answers to the exam

without the permission of the instructor,
v. Using or displaying notes, "cheat sheets," or other information
devices inappropriate to the prescribed test conditions, and
vi. Allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to
represent the same in examinations.
2. The School of Law does not tolerate cheating in whatever form.
i. The following shall be observed during quizzes and examinations,
and the violation of any of the following shall constitute a prima
facie presumption of cheating:
a. All cellular phones shall be switched-off until the student
submits his paper and leaves the room.
b. No student shall, during the progress of the
quiz/test/examination, be permitted to leave the room
except in extreme necessity.
c. Students shall sit one chair/set apart and shall observe
silence throughout the duration of the test/examination.
d. All personal belongings shall be placed at a distance beyond
the reach of the students.
e. Each student shall submit beforehand to the instructor a
test notebook which shall be of uniform number of pages
which shall not contain any name, and which notebooks
will be initialed by the instructor and distributed at random
to the students before the start of the quiz/test.
f. The tearing of a page of a test/examination booklet or a
portion thereof is prohibited.
ii. All instructors may enforce any additional measure/s to ensure
observance of the above guidelines.
D. Examination Booklet
1. The Official Examination Booklet of the School of Law shall be used
during quizzes and examinations.

Section 2: Absences/Tardiness and Dropping

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A. A student shall be dropped from any subject if he incurred any unreasonable or

unjustified absences, the aggregate of which is not more than 10% of the total
class hours allotted for a semester for that subject. If the class card is not
returned, he is considered officially dropped.
B. Readmission. When a student class card is dropped, the student concerned
shall secure a Readmission Pass from the Office of the Student Affairs (OSA)
in accordance with University Policy.
C. Tardiness/Leaving Classes: a student who comes to class 10-15 minutes the
start of the class shall be marked “Tardy.” Three (3) “Tardy” marks are
equivalent to one (1) hour of absence. Likewise, a student who leaves the
classrooms and stays out for the duration of the class period without the
professor’s permission shall be marked “Absent.”

Article III: Student Council Officers:

Section 1: Qualifications
Students occupying positions of the Student Council shall have the following
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a 2nd year law student
2. Chairperson
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a 2nd year law student
iii. Must have experience and assisted in at least 1 bar-operations
3. Administrative Director
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a 2nd year law student
iii. Must have experience and assisted in at least 1 bar-operations
4. Operations Director
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a 2nd year law student
iii. Must have experience and assisted in at least 1 bar-operations
5. Vice-Chairperson

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i. Must be currently enrolled

ii. Must at least be a 2nd year law student
iii. Must have experience and assisted in at least 1 bar-operations
6. Secretary
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a first-year law student
7. Treasurer
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a first-year law student
8. Auditor
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a first-year law student
9. 2 PROs
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must at least be a first-year law student
10. 4 year representative

i. Must be currently enrolled

ii. Must be a regular 4th year law student
11. 3rd year representative
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must be a regular 3rd year law student
12. 2nd year representative
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must be a regular 2nd year law student
13. 1st year representative
i. Must be currently enrolled
ii. Must be a regular 1st year law student
Section 2. Disqualifications.
II. Disqualifications. Failure to meet the following standards will warrant
1. The student must be currently enrolled
2. The student must be fulltime

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3. The student must not have failed more than 20% of the total units
enrolled during the previous (most recent) semester or summer (except
incoming first year law students).
4. The student must not have any bad records or red marks and is clear of
any pending disciplinary cases.
Section 3. Roles and Responsibilities of Student Body Officers
I. Supreme Student Council Representative:
a. The Supreme Student Council Representative (SSC Representative) shall:
i. be the representative of the School of Law with the Supreme
Student Council, and
ii. relay concerns regarding dealings of the Supreme Student Council,
as well as represent the School of Law Student Body in issues that
may arise.
II. Chairperson:
a. The Chairperson shall:
i. have General Supervision over all student activities,
ii. preside over meetings of the organization, unless otherwise agreed
iii. be in charge of coordinating with the SSC Representative, the
Student Body Officers’ Adviser, and the A.D.and O.D. with
regards to activities of the School of Law Student Body,
iv. be involved with the strategic planning of events and ensure that
all activities are in accordance with the governing body's mission
and vision, and
v. handle evaluations of the student body activities.
b. The Chairperson shall also adhere to the roles given through the
Grievance Machinery.
III. Administrative Director (A.D.)
a. The Administrative Director shall:
i. be in charge of implementation of student body officer’s policies,
procedures within the organization,
ii. shall be in charge of creating work schedules for activities and see
to it that such is followed,

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iii. be in charge of procurement of materials needed for the activities

of the student body,
iv. be in charge of calling emergency meetings whenever such is
v. be in charge of evaluating the performance of the officers and to
address any possible issues with regards to the discharge of their
vi. oversee the record keeping of the organization with regards to
databases, resolutions, reports, and other documents,
vii. be aware of deadlines with regards to documents required of by
the Office of Student Affairs, and
viii. to call meetings with regards to any issue under his/her
b. The A.D. shall also adhere to the roles given through the Grievance
IV. Operations Director (O.D.)
a. The Operations Director shall:
i. be in charge of the planning of school activities,
ii. be the facilitator during meetings with regards to school activities
iii. be in charge of formulating the proposed budget to be presented
to the Student Body Officers,
iv. oversee the creation of the required documents for procurement
of materials needed for school activities,
v. to oversee the checking of inventory,
vi. to delegate coordinators for school activities,
vii. to supervise coordinators of school activities, and
viii. to make sure that deadlines are met by the coordinators,
V. Vice Chairperson
a. The Vice-Chairperson shall:
i. be the project head of the Bar Operations,
ii. be the chairperson of the legislative committee,
iii. be oversee the checking of inventory in the Bar Operations,
iv. be the person in charge of the budget for the Bar Operations, and

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v. perform the duties of the Chairperson if the Chairperson is

otherwise absent, or unable to perform his/her duties.
VI. Secretary
a. The Secretary shall:
i. be in charge of all records, documents, record-keeping and all
other responsibilities associated therein,
ii. keep accurate minutes of all meetings, or be in charge in
delegating such responsibility,
iii. have the responsibility to call meetings,
iv. be in charge of all correspondence that goes through the
VII. Treasurer
a. The Treasurer shall:
i. be in charge of all collection of funds for activities and
disbursement of funds subject to approval through resolution,
ii. look after the finances of the organization in all activities,
iii. oversee, prepare, and present budgets, accounts and financial
iv. ensure that the financial resources of the organization,
v. ensure the appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in
vi. liaise with relevant people about financial matters,
vii. advise the financial implications of any new projects,
viii. support all payments with invoices, receipts and dockets,
whenever available,
ix. issue receipts in sequential date order as per takings, for the total
funds collected,
x. issue receipts to people responsible for collecting and counting
xi. sign financial reports,
VIII. Auditor
a. The Auditor shall:
i. be the overall editor of financial statements,
ii. verifies assets and liabilities by comparing items to

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iii. complete audit papers by documenting audit tests and findings,

iv. prepare special audit and control reports by collecting, analyzing,
v. render an opinion on whether the governing body’s financial
statement are presented fairly, in all material respects, in
accordance with financial reporting framework,
vi. offer objective advise for improving financial reporting and
internal controls to maximize the student body’s performance and
vii. prepare detailed reports on audit findings,
viii. review data about material assets, net worth, liabilities, capital
stock, surplus, income, and expenditures,
ix. inspect account books and accounting systems for efficiency,
effectiveness, and use of accepted accounting procedures to
record transactions,
x. examine and evaluate financial and information systems,
recommending controls to ensure system reliability and date
xi. prepare, analyze and verify annual reports, financial statements,
and other records, using accepted accounting and statistical
procedures to assess financial condition and facilitate financial
xii. inspect cash on hand, notes receivable and payable, negotiable
securities, and canceled checks to confirm records are accurate,
xiii. reviewing and recommending to the full board the approval of the
audited financial statements,
IX. Public Relations Officers
a. The Public Relations Officers shall:
i. be in-charge of information dissemination and communications,
ii. be in charge of planning, developing and implementing P.R.
iii. conduct or organize events, exhibitions, road shows, parties,
facility, tours, delegation meets, conferences and undertake
sponsorship of allied activities,
iv. be in charge in sourcing and managing speaking and sponsorship

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v. maintain and update information on the organization’s websites,

vi. manage the information dissemination and engage with users on
social media sites,
vii. disseminate information about upcoming events,
viii. direct all outreach efforts,
ix. be in charge in communicating with other colleges and schools,
X. 1 to 4th Year Class Representatives

a. The Year Representatives shall:

i. act as a prime official channel of communication between
instructor and rest of the class, for all monitoring formalities,
ii. act as the class beadle for their year level subjects,
iii. keep watch on the schedule for the entire semester and
report/discuss with instructors for any modifications,
iv. should decide taking into consideration the general welfare of the
students he/she represents,
v. be in charge of all information dissemination including
announcements regarding school activities and classes, among
vi. be the administrator of social media groups with regards to their
classes, and
vii. be in charge of checking attendance during school activities.
Section 4: Code of Ethics for School Body Members
I. All members shall:
a. abide by the legislation that governs them,
b. be guided by the mission statement of the school and school council,
c. endeavor to be familiar with school policies and operating practices and
act in accordance with them,
d. practice the highest standards of honesty, accuracy, integrity and truth,
e. recognize and respect the personal integrity of each member of the
school community,
f. declare any conflict of interest,
g. encourage a positive atmosphere in which individual contributions are
encouraged and valued,
h. apply democratic principles,

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i. consider the best interests of all students,

j. respect the confidential nature of some school business and respect
limitations this may place on the operation of the school council,
k. do not disclose confidential information,
l. limit discussions at school council meetings to matters of concern to the
school community as a whole,
m. use the appropriate communication channels when questions or
concerns arise,
n. promote high standards of ethical practice within the school community,
o. accept accountability for decisions.

Article IV: Grievance Machinery

Section 1: Cheating
A. The definition of Cheating for this section is defined in Article II, Section 1
paragraph (C).
B. Cheating incidences are counted throughout the stay in the School of Law such
that if a student cheats in one subject, a subsequent cheating incident in
another subject, irrespective of the school term, would be counted as the
second cheating incident.
C. When a student is caught cheating for the first time, the professor or instructor
has the prerogative to impose the any or all of the following penalties:
1. To issue a warning to the student;
2. To give the student the lowest failing grade in the subject in the exam in
which the cheating took place or an automatic failing grade if there was
no failing grade in the quiz/test/exam, and/or;
3. To force the student to drop the subject or to outright fail the student in
the subject.
D. When a student is caught cheating for the second time, the penalty would be
outright dismissal of the student in the school of law, subject to the discretion
of the Dean of the School of Law.

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Section 2: Grievance Machinery

A. The following are instances where the Grievance Machinery can be invoked:
1. When a student accuses a fellow student of:
i. Cheating,
ii. Attempting to cheat,
iii. Conspiring to cheat,
iv. Bullying,
v. Sexual harassment,
vi. Theft, or
vii. Other offenses that may be described in the Student Handbook.
B. Upon accusation of the aforementioned offenses, the following procedure shall
be followed:
1. Upon the recommendation of the Investigative Committee, a closed-
door hearing shall be scheduled to hear the merits of the case.
2. The Chairperson, Administrative Director, and the Operations Director
shall sit as the panel hearing the case.
3. The Vice-Chairperson will argue for the defense of the accused.
4. The Year-Representatives will argue against the accused.
5. Parties and the members of the Grievance Machinery will agree on how
the hearing will be held.
C. Investigative Committee
1. Will be composed of the Secretary and the Public Relations Officers.
2. The committee will conduct the investigation regarding the case and will
give its recommendation either to proceed with the hearing or to dismiss
the case outright.
3. The recommendation of the Committee can be appealed with the Year-
Representatives who can submit their own recommendation, but the
same shall be discretionary for the Year-Representatives.
D. Recommendation of the Grievance Machinery
1. The Chairperson, Administrative Director, and the Operations Director
shall give their recommendations to the Dean as to the merits of the case
E. Penalties: The Dean of the School of Law can impose the following penalties:
1. Warning,
2. Probationary Status,
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3. Outright dismissal from the School of Law or,

4. Other penalties prescribed in the Student Handbook.
F. Offenses:
1. Cheating is as described in Article II, Section 1 Paragraph (C).
2. Bullying shall refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more
students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or
gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has
the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of
physical or emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile
environment at school for the other student; infringing on the rights of
the other student at school; or materially and substantially disrupting the
education process or the orderly operation of a school; such as, but not
limited to, the following:
i. Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim
like punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling,
headlocks, inflicting school pranks, teasing, fighting and the use of
available objects as weapons;
ii. Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional
iii. Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim
undue emotional distress like directing foul language or profanity
at the target, name-calling, tormenting and commenting negatively
on victim’s looks, clothes and body; and
iv. Cyber-bullying or any bullying done through the use of
technology or any electronic means.
3. Bullying, sexual harassment or coercion of a sexual nature and the
unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual
4. Theft is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without
violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall
take personal property of another without the latter's consent.
G. Officers charged with any of the offenses shall be directly endorsed with the
Student Council Adviser or the Dean of the School of Law.

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Article V: Implementation and Effectivity.

The policies and guidelines herein included in this document shall take effect
this School Year 2018-2019, or whenever is the same implemented again as the
Constitution and By-Laws.

Prepared By:

Chairperson, UBSOL SC

Approved By:


Adviser, UBSOL SC


Dean, SOL

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