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Ridatul Jannah 191221003

Puti Yasmine 191221008

Alfina Rosyida 191221019
Hizkia Rifanto 191221017
Purna Wirawan 191221025

Unit 6’s Summary

Unix was the wonder operating system of the 1970s and 1980s. Unix was a commercial product, and
cost more than student could pay. Linus write his own ‘kernel’ using GNU programming tool because
annoyed by shortcomings of Minix, and release the source code on the internet. Source code is
important, you can’t modify, add new feature or fixing bugs without source code. Programmers
began using Linux, and fixed it because it didn’t do what they wanted to do. It’s called open source,
anyone can contribute to it. Linux designed as a near-clone of Unix. Because linux is free some and
more people began to port the Linux kernel to run on non-standart computers

Starter 1

1. How do you enter unix commands? To run a command, type in the command and then press
the RETURN key
2. Which Unix commands does it show? The date right now, change password, and check
directory, and logging out
3. What is the output of each command? For date showing date and time right now, password
for changing current password, ls for looking folder
4. What will happen when the last when the last command is entered? Logging out pc
5. Which other Unix commands do you know? Date, sudo, logout, password

Reading 2

1. Application programs b
2. User a
3. Hardware d
4. Operating system c

1. What difference is there between applications software and operating system? Application
software is program that make things easier to user it using operating system to run, while
operating system is program to connect hardware and software
2. Why is the supervisor program the most important operating system program? Because it
manage operating system, it control entire operating system
3. What is difference between resident and non-resident programs? Resident is hidden
software it manage the operating system behind the curtain, while non resident is frontal
software to manage the operating system
4. What the main functions of an operating system? It operating the hardware and convert
very hard looking program and make it easier
4 Complete the gaps in this summary of the text on operating systems using these linking
words and phrases:

The user is aware of the effects of different applications programs but operating system are
invisible to most users. They lie between application programs, such as wordprocessing and the
hardware. The supervisor program is the most important. It remains in memory, therefore it is
referred to as resident. Others are called non resident because they are loaded into memory
only when needed. Operating systems manage the computer’s resources, such as the central
processing unit. In addition, they established a user interface, and execute and provide services
for applications software. Although input and output operations are invoked by applications
programs, they are carried out by the operating system.

1. Loading into memory non-resident programs as required is one task of the supervisor
2. Communicating directly with the hardware is the role of the operating system
3. Establishing a user interface is one of the key functions of the operating system
4. Providing services for application is an additional role
5. Supporting multiple programs and users is part of the work of mainframe operating
6. Facilitating interaction between a singe user and a pc is the task in most cases
7. Processing large amount of data quickly is one of the most important functions of a
8. Allowing the computer to process data faster is the main reason for installing more

6. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb: ifnfinitive or -ing form.

1. Don’t switch off without closing down your pc

2. I want to upgrade my computer
3. He can’t get used to logging on with a password
4. You can fin information on the internet by using a seach engine
5. He objected to pay expensive telephone calls for internet access.
6. He tried to hack into the system without knowing the password
7. You needn’t learn how to programming in html before designing webpages
8. I look forward to input data by voice instead of using a keyboard
7. Try to find the commands from the list below which will have these action
Action VMS command Unix command
List all the files in a Directory Ls
Delete a file Delete Rm
Rename a file Rename Mv
Copy a file Copy Cp
Send a file to a printer Print Lp
Obtain help Help Man
Create a directory Create/Directory Mkdir
Show date and time Show Time Late
Show users on system Show Users Rwho
Talk to other users on Phone Lpr
Search for a string in a file Search Grep

Speaking 8

1. Which operating system is used on apple machintosh microcomputers?

Mac OS
2. What is penpoint designed for?
For Graphical tablets and personal digital assitants
3. Name one system used on IBM mainframes
IBM system/360
4. Which operating system is linux related to
Debian, Kali, Ubuntu.
5. Name an IBM operating system similar to MS-DOS
6. Which operating system replaced MS-DOS
Microsoft Windows
7. Which systems are in fact graphically orientated shells for MS-DOS
8. How many versions of windows 9X were developed?
9. Which operating systems are designed for networks?
10. Which operating system is used by DEC VAX minicomputers?

– Linux questions.

A. 1. What did Linus Trovalds use to write the Linux kernel?

He used the GNU programming tools.

2. How was the Linux kernel first made available to the general public?

The source code was released on the Internet.

3. What is a programmer likely to do with source code?

You can modify is to fix bugs or add new features.

4. Why will most software companies not sell you their source code?

Because the believe that it will destroy their revenue stream.

5. What type of utilities and applications are provided in a Linux distribution?

Command interpreters, programming tools, text editors, typesetting tools and GUIs

6. What is X ?

It’s a windowing system on which you can implement GUIs

7. What graphical user interfaces are mentioned in the text?

KDE and Gnome

B. 1. a. VI

1. b. V

1. c. I

1. d. III

1. e. IV

1. f. II

2. a F Linux was created in the 1980s

2. b F Minix was created by a university student

2. c T Linux is based on Unix

2. d T Minix is based on Unix.

2. e T Linux runs on more types of computer than any other operating systems.
Unit 7’s Summary
a. FIG 2: Menu bar (program diplay depends on curently used), Document (show the
content of CDROM), Application or program icon , Folder (displays folder’s contain)
Hardisk (present your internal disk),
CD-ROM,Folder Window(contain document,folder) Whitebasket(Trach bin of thing
that no longer needed), Scrollbar (To intercept containt that wont fit in window),
Desktop pattern (desktop image), Control Strip (Quick access to tools), Menu.
b. FIG 3 : My Computer (show the files of your pc), The Internet ( tools to get on
internet), Background( Colour/image of desktop), Status (Show time, and
notification), Taskbar ( Show the current using program), My Briefcase (file
synchronization), Start (Show list of program and document currently used), Recycle
bin (Show deleted files), Outlook Express(send email), My Network Places(Show
another pc that connected to ours)
c. Effort to develop and expand computer, such as speed recognition will bring tecnology
to new interface. Now, companies are trying to develop a new product to reach more
user, by the easiness. They try to using speech input, handwriting,mouse command and
face recognize and gesture and reduce the computer size up to handled. It makes
computer behaving more like humans.

Starter 1
1. Window d
2. Icon c
3. Menu a
4. System tray f
5. Taskbar g
6. Submenu h
7. Dekstop e
8. Button b
Starter 2:
1. No taskbar, no buttons, no system tray, different icons
2. Pointer, windows.
Reading 3
1. Outlook Express let me to send email if I have internet access
2. Program that show me current programs is Taskbar
3. How I read date, just by click time box and the todays date will be shown
4. My briefcase is a special folder that supports a simple two-way file synchronization
between itself and another folder
5. Most PC have a solid green-blue background
6. My Network Places
7. My Computer
8. The Internet
9. By emptiying the recycle bin
Reading 4

Complete the gap in each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. The Help facility enables users to get advice on most problems.
2 Adding more memory lets your computer work faster
3 Windows allows you to displays two different folders at the same time
4 The Shift key allows you to type in upper case
5 The Mouse Keys feature enables you to use the numeric keypad to move the mouse
6 ALT + TAB allows you to switch between programs.
7 The StickyKeys feature helps disabled people to operate two keys simultaneously.
8 ALT PRINT SCREEN lets you copy an image of an active window to the Clipboard

Reading 5
Describe the function of these features using 'enabling verbs.
1 In a window, the vertical scroll bar
A vertical scroll bar enables the user to scroll the content up or down.
2 The Find command
The Find command helps you to locate a file
3 The Undo command
The Undo command enables you to undo previous actions.
4 Cut and paste
Cut and Paste lets you transfer data between files.
5 Print Screen
Print Screen allows you to make a copy of any screen display.
6 Menus
Menus enable you to select an option.
7 Recycle bin
Recycle bin allows you to recover deleted files
8 Tooltips
Tooltips help you to learn about new features
Reading 6:
1. B
2. E
3. F
4. A
5. D
6. C
Reading 7:
1. Wright-click on the desktop to open up the context sensitive menu, than u choose
new on the menu, and then u choose folder.
2. By dubbel clicking on the short-cut.
3. You click on the start button and you choose shut-down from the start menu. And
then press ok.
4. Slide the slider in the volume control
5. You right click on the desktop and you choose arrange icons.
6. Move your mouse cursor over the clock and then you get a popup showing the date
7. Allow the mouse to hover over the button.

Specialist Reading
1. Cheaper and more powerful PCs, breakthroughs in technologies, conversions of
PCs and consumer electronics.
2. The hyperlinked design of the world wide web
3. You can see everything within one interface.
4. The palm size and the hand held PCs
5. Useful for desktop navigation but not so when you want to change the style of your
6. Multimodal interfaces will involve more than just traditional input devices and
speech recognition. Eventually, most PCs will also have handwriting recognition, text to
speech (TTS), the ability to recognize faces or gestures, and even the ability to observe their
7. Video cameras
8. The rapidly expanding increase of information on the internet and intranets
9. Web browsers, help-desks, shopping assistants
a. III
b. V
c. I
d. II
e. IV
a. false, more people (lines 9-10)
b. false (line 18)
c. false (line 22)
d. false (line 40)
e. true (lines 66-69)
f. true (line 81)

GUI Operating Systems Summary

User Interface(UI) is a space where interactions between humans and computer occur. In
80’s computer only used by expert so they didin’t need a friendly Interface. In ’84, Apple
lauched Mac, the first GUI Computer that designed to provide human-computer interaction.
Then, Miscrosoft launched Windows.
But, nowadays, everyone using computer, so that interface designed more user-friendly. As
creating icons, menus and pointer, allow multitasking, etc.
The most popular OS are Windows, MacOS, Unix(multi-user OS), Linux(Open source and
community developed OS), Windows Mobile(used on smartphone), Palm(used on their own
device), RIM( used on Blackberry), Symbian(Used on Nokia and Siemens)
1. User Interface ) is a space where interactions between humans and computer occur
2. Procedures is a way to doing something
3. Command is instruction to doing something
4. Tools is an object that help the user to do something
5. Dekstop is a view on a computer screen that contains icons
6. Nested Folders is subfolder
7. Launch a program is install a new program
8. Source code is instructions that written by programmer by using programming
a menu
b menubar
c folder
d drop-down
e folder
f window
g icon
h scrollbar
I desktop
j dock

MAC OS = The program is close source and only apple company for use, can’t another
company for use s ilegal.
WINDOWS = This operating system is opensources for anyone, and can buy for any
LINUX = This operating system opensources and free unlimited for anyone user and any

Linux is (1) an operating system and it was initially created as (2) a hobby by a young
student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Version 1.0 of the Linux
Kernel was released in 1994. (3) The Kermel, at the heart of all Linux systems, is developed
and released under GNU General Public License, and its source code is freely available to
everyone. Apart from the fact that it's freely distributed, (4) Linux functionality, adaptability
and robustness has made it the main alternative for proprietary Unix and Microsoft operating
systems. IBM, Hewlett-Packard and other giants of the computing world have embraced
Linux and support its ongoing development. More than (5)a decade after its initial release,
Linux is being adopted worldwide, primarily as (6) a server platform. Its use as a home and
office desktop operating system is also on the rise. The operating system can also be
incorporated directly into (7) microchips in a process called (8) embedding, and
It is increasingly being used this way in appliances and devices

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