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Biophilia means “a love of nature.

” Biophilic design is the way in which architects incorporate

nature into building spaces to contribute to the health and well-being of occupants. By providing
direct access to—and views of—nature, and using building materials and features that both
mimic and respect the surrounding ecosystem, architects create spaces that speak to our innate
attraction to the natural environment. In hospitals that incorporate biophilic design principles,
recovery rates improve; in schools, cognitive function improves; and in offices, productivity rates

Ways Biophilic Design Taps Into Our Connection to Nature

Humans have an instinctual connection to nature, so it makes sense that we feel better when in
spaces that reflect characteristics of the outdoor environment or that offer views and even
access to beautiful landscaped areas, plants, and/or water features. There are several tactics
that architects use when incorporating biophilic design principles into a project, including:

 Access to and views of nature. Some buildings are sited to offer sweeping ocean
views from windows or an abundance of trees in a sweeping landscape, others are not.
When designing for urban and more industrial-like sites, architects might choose to
design courtyard spaces that feature trees and other flora to provide occupants views of
and access to nature

 Improved air quality and ventilation. People who spend the majority of the day inside
an office or another type of building often take breaks to “get some fresh air.” Architects
respond to that desire by using biophilic design features, operable windows, rolling
overhead doors that open to outdoor areas, solar chimneys that use the stack effect to
help move air, or HVAC systems that help promote healthy air exchange.

 Natural lighting. Access to natural light is a huge factor in the well-being of building
occupants. Excess light could result in uncomfortable glare, while a lack of daylight could
result in inadequately lit spaces. Sun shading devices, orientation and window to wall
ratios should all be considered in the building design in order to optimize daylight.
However, daylighting need not be limited to façade applications. While providing plenty
of windows is the simplest solution for this, it’s not always feasible. Alternatives include
implementing solar tubes or multi-story atriums, which allow diffused natural light to
penetrate interior spaces. Architects can also choose artificial lighting that offers
appropriate color temperature to sync with human circadian rhythms, thereby optimizing
occupant well being and productivity.

 Improved acoustics. Noise from the HVAC system, other mechanical equipment,
elevators, and building occupants can be managed through design features such as
acoustic panels. Biophilic solutions to acoustic issues also include strategically placed
interior plants and water features that help mask undesired sound.
Green walls and roofs. Green walls and roofs not only add visual opportunities to
connect to nature, but also improve the environment. A green facade placed over an
existing wall or a “living wall” comprised of plants can help reduce urban heat island
effect. In warm weather, a green roof acts as a cooling mass, deflecting sunlight
penetration. In cooler weather, it provides increased insulation, resulting in decreased
heating demands.

 Natural materials and calming colors. Materials and finishes play a large role in
connecting users of a space to nature. Nearly all finishes have the opportunity to reflect
nature, whether it be in natural paint colors, scenic murals, carpet material or pattern,
wall panels with etched images of nature, or natural wood casework.
Benefits of Biophilic Architecture Solutions
Biophilic design reduces stress, blood pressure levels, and heart rates while increasing
productivity, creativity, and an overall sense of well-being.



We collaborate with our clients from day one of a project. We lead workshops for clients and
their consultants on biophilic design, regenerative strategies, and all of the ways in which
we design for the human experience from cradle to grave. We review biophilic design strategies
and how they can help meet specific client goals. For example, when a school district wants to
increase learning opportunities and productivity, we explain how access to and views of the
outdoors can motivate students to feel their best and do their best work.

To achieve a successful biophilic design project, strong coordination between the various build
teams is needed. If, for instance, a client wants to incorporate a living machine—an on-site
black water treatment system—into a project, buy-in needs to be universal. All parties, from civil
engineers and plumbers to landscape architects, must fully understand the coordination process
required to make this strategy a success.

The cost of biophilic design can be also a factor. We investigate incentives that might be offered
by local utility companies, which could help offset the upfront cost of a particular biophilic
strategy. We also conduct a life-cycle cost analysis of the strategy to estimate the overall costs
of ownership. Analysis results can lead us to a design that helps to ensure the facility will be as
cost-efficient as possible.

Examples of Biophilic Design

While most of our projects reflect biophilic principles in one form or another, several stand out
as prime examples of our work.

The Frontier Project in Rancho Cucamonga, California, is a resource-management

demonstration facility that serves to raise environmental awareness. Used as a teaching tool, it
represents Southern California’s best practices for energy and water conservation. We
incorporated several passive strategies and used biophilic design consistently throughout the
project. Our design features, including a green roof and a rain-filtering system, incorporate and
respect the natural environment.

With this project, we followed a three step mantra:

1. Design with Passive Strategies first

2. Supplement with active mechanical systems if needed

3. Offset with renewable systems, if needed.

The building includes a hybrid passive-active system known as a cooling tower that uses
thermal dynamics to passively circulate both hot and cool air through the building, as needed,
depending on the season.

At Rancho Campana High School in Camarillo, California, our biophilic design choices allow
students ample access to nature. Buildings are clustered around ‘village greens’ and, thanks to
the mild climate of the region, a series of large doors open classrooms up to an outside learning
garden. Teachers now create curricula that take advantage of both the indoor classroom spaces
and the outside garden. This type of biophilic design allows students to be inspired by nature as
they learn.

At Kaiser Permanente La Habra Medical Office Building in La Habra, California, we incorporated

many biophilic design features to improve the patient experience, including the “Thrive Path,” a
beautiful outdoor area through which patients can stroll while waiting for their appointments. The
Path offers opportunities for play, exercise, and education to reduce the boredom or anxiety that
patients often feel when visiting doctors.

First People’s Hospital in Shunde, China, is today the official pilot green hospital for China’s
green guide for hospital design. As with any medical center, we had to meet strict building
safety and health requirements, yet we were able to implement an abundance of
biophilic design features that promote sustainability and wellness. Stacked beams in a massive
eco-atrium dehumidify and provide natural ventilation by moving hot air up and away from the
occupants of the space. A public plaza and a number of healing gardens located throughout the
campus offer plenty of access to nature and invite the community to enjoy the outdoors.

Embracing Biophilic Architecture

By incorporating biophilic design principles into our projects, we acknowledge not only the
innate connection humans have with nature, but also the positive health and productivity results
that can be achieved through that connection.

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