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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bacolod City
Mid-Term Exam – 2nd Semester
Reading and Writing


Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1. Depicts images verbally in space and time arranges those images in a logical pattern.
A. Narration B. Cause and Effect C. Description D. Definition
2. Arguing from the presence/absence of the cause to the (non) existence of the result.
A. Narration B. Cause and Effect C. Description D. Definition
3. Organizes the events or action in time or relates them in space. Tells what happened, when it happened, and where it happened.
A. Narration B. Cause and Effect C. Description D. Definition
4. Identifies the subject as part of a larger group with shared features.
A. Exemplification B. Classification C. Definition D. Comparison/Contrast
5. The subject is shown more clearly by point out similarities or differences.
A. Exemplification B. Classification C. Definition D. Comparison/Contrast
6. The giving of example.
A. Exemplification B. Classification C. Definition D. Comparison/Contrast
7. Places the subject in a group and then differentiates the subject from other sections of the group.
A. Exemplification B. Classification C. Definition D. Comparison/Contrast
8. Convinces an audience by proving or refuting a point of view using induction or deduction.
A. Exemplification B. Classification C. Definition D. Persuasion
9. Used to show similarities and differences.
A. Network Tree B. Venn Diagram C. Cycle D. Plot Diagram
10. Used to show Repeated results.
A. Network Tree B. Venn Diagram C. Cycle D. Plot Diagram
11. Used to show the flow of the story.
A. Network Tree B. Venn Diagram C. Cycle D. Plot Diagram
12. Used to Classify items.
A. Network Tree B. Venn Diagram C. Cycle D. Plot Diagram
13. Uses the same label for items of the same relevance.
A. Brainstorming B. Coordination C. Idea list D. Topic Outline
14. Describes various aspects of the concepts.
A. Brainstorming B. Coordination C. Idea list D. Topic Outline
15. Uses words, phrases as its entries.
A. Brainstorming B. Coordination C. Idea list D. Topic Outline

II. Matching Type. Match column A with column B. Letters only.

A. B.

1. Browsing A. Aims to correct reading Problems

2. Critical Reading B. Aims to develop readers’ ability to read real and authentic materials

3. Developmental reading C. Aims to entertain

4. Functional Reading D. Aims to systematically improve reading skills

5. Inferential reading E. Involves inspecting a text leisurely

6. Literal Reading F. involves a direct comprehension of explicitly stated information

7. Pleasure reading G. Involves an in-depth evaluation of a text

8. Previewing H. Involves reading between the lines

9. Rapid Reading I. Involves reading the text in a short span of time

10. Remedial Reading J. Involves the reading of table of contents

III. Write B on the space provided if the task is done before reading, D if done during reading, or A if done after reading.

1. Checking the table of contents.

2. Checking the length of the article.
3. Getting the main idea.
4. Getting the meanings of the difficult words through context clues.
5. Marketing the text for possible contradictions.
6. Predicting the possible contradictions.
7. Predicting the theme of the article.
8. Preparing a fishbone map.
9. Summarizing the text.
10. Writing a reading log.

IV. Write E if the statement shows an effective strategy in reading and I if ineffective.

1. Adding comments on a paraphrased or summarized text.

2. Citing paraphrased text.
3. Making inferences based on own assumptions.
4. Changing all the words in a paraphrased text.
5. Preserving the tone of the original text during paraphrasing.
6. Comparing the paraphrased and summarized text to the original text.
7. Stopping and looking back at the previously read lines during scanning and skimming.
8. Focusing on all parts of the paragraph during skimming.
9. Using transitional devices as a clue when locating the main idea.
10. Identifying the subject when locating the main idea.

IV. Read the given paragraph and present the ideas using a graphic organizer. (5pts)

Though Facebook is just one of many social networking sites, it has unique features that make it more addictive. For example, compared
to Twitter, Facebook requires you to be a friend to another user before you can follow him/her. Facebook also has fan pages for celebrities--- a
feature which twitter does not have. Finally, Facebook has filters. For example, Edgerank automatically monitors your activity ad filters content
posted by your friends which might not be interest. Nevertheless, both Twitter and Facebook allow real-time interactions and reconnection with

Graphic Organizer:

“ It’s not over until you succeeded ”

Prepared by:

Ms. Claire Ann C. Amistoso

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