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Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College

2018 DF FSC

Course: COM 2210 001 - STORYTELLING FOR THE SCREEN Department: Com
Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 9 / 20 (45%)
Focus: Overall Results

COM 2210 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q1 Gender 4 5 9

Responses: [M] Male=1 [F] Female=2

COM 2210 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q2 Class Standing 0 4 3 1 1 9

Responses: [F] Freshman=1 [S] Sophomore=2 [J] Junior=3 [S] Senior=4 [O] Other=5

COM 2210 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q3 Reasons for enrollment: (Select most appropriate) 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9

Responses: [MR] Major Requirement=1 [MR] Minor Requirement=2 [GER] General Ed Requirement=3 [BR] BA/BS Requirement=4 [SC] Schedule Convenience=5 [EI] Elective/ Interest=6 [GR] Grade Redemption=7

COM 2210 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q4 Expected Grade 9 0 0 0 0 9

Responses: [A] A=5 [B] B=4 [C] C=3 [D] D=2 [F] F=1

COM 2210 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q5 I would describe my level of effort/preparation outside this course (e.g., papers, laboratory preparation, study time, project development, etc.) as: 1 4 3 0 0 0 1 9

Responses: [LT2] Less than 2 hours a week=1 [2HA] 2-3 hours a week=2 [3HA] 3-4 hours a week=3 [4HA] 4-5 hours a week=4 [5HA] 5-6 hours a week=5 [6HA] 6-7 hours a week=6 [O7H] Over 7 hours a week=7

COM 2210 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8OM N
Q6 How many times have you been absent? 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 9

Responses: [0] 0=1 [1] 1=2 [2] 2=3 [3] 3=4 [4] 4=5 [5] 5=6 [6] 6=7 [7] 7=8 [8OM] 8 or More=9
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: COM 2210 001 - STORYTELLING FOR THE SCREEN Department: Com
Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 9 / 20 (45%)

Matthew Herbertz
Course Evaluations - The Professor Responses Individual
AA MA SA N SD MD AD N Mean Med. Mode Std
Q1 The professor demonstrated clear understanding of the subject matter. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7.00 7 7 0
Q2 The professor was well prepared for class. 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 6.67 7 7 .67
Q3 The professor effectively facilitated engaged learning in the course. 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .42
Q4 The professor clearly communicated student learning outcomes or course objectives (as seen in my syllabus) that were expected of me. 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .63
Q5 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were clearly communicated. 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.89 7 7 .31
Q6 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were consistently applied. 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 6.67 7 7 .67
Q7 The professor provided feedback on course assignments and other evaluations (e.g., exams) in a timely manner. 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .42
Q8 The professor challenged me to think critically and/or creatively about material in the course. 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .42
Q9 The professor enabled my understanding of applying material Beyond the classroom. 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 6.67 7 7 .67
Q10 The professor encouraged me to improve throughout the course. 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.89 7 7 .31
Q11 The professor was receptive to student opinions (outside his/her own) throughout the course. 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .42
Q12 The professor made an effort to be available outside of class. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7.00 7 7 0
Q13 Based on available technology for this course, the professor effectively applied technology to the course material. 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 6.67 7 7 .94
Q14 The course significantly increased my knowledge of the subject. 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .42
Q15 Based on the course experience, I would take another course with this professor. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 7.00 7 7 0
Q16 Based on the quality of teaching, I would recommend this professor to other students. 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 6.78 7 7 .42

Responses: [AA] Absolutely Agree=7 [MA] Mostly Agree=6 [SA] Slightly Agree=5 [N] Neutral=4 [SD] Slightly Disagree=3 [MD] Mostly Disagree=2 [AD] Absolutely Disagree=1

Faculty: Matthew Herbertz

Question: Is there anything you would like to add?
Response Rate: 33.33% (3 of 9)

1 Professor Herbertz truly demonstrated his love for the topic to his students and really strived to help each of us grow as writers and as young adults. He always gave us feedback to help us improve and was always willing to meet outside of class time to make sure we understood everything that was going on in
the class. I can genuinely tell that he wants his students to be successful. 
2 I came into this class wanting to become more confident in my script writing ability. I really felt I improved as the class went on and Professor Herbertz did a great job making it feel doable throughout the course. Highly recommend for creatives especially. 
3 I appreciate that we're given such clear expectations from the beginning of the term. I think he does a great job of setting an example for his students to follow so that we can be successful. It's obvious that he enjoys this area of subject matter which translates through his teaching into the classroom. I've
gained a lot of confidence in my own writing ability during this semester because of this class as well. Overall, I'm happy that I took this class! I'd recommend it to others that are interested in getting involved in a class related to the film track. 
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: DAN 3997 001 - DANCE FOR THE CAMERA Department: Theatre
Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz; Erin LaSala Responses / Expected: 1 / 3 (33.33%)
Focus: Overall Results

DAN 3997 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q1 Gender 0 1 1

Responses: [M] Male=1 [F] Female=2

DAN 3997 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q2 Class Standing 0 0 0 1 0 1

Responses: [F] Freshman=1 [S] Sophomore=2 [J] Junior=3 [S] Senior=4 [O] Other=5

DAN 3997 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q3 Reasons for enrollment: (Select most appropriate) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Responses: [MR] Major Requirement=1 [MR] Minor Requirement=2 [GER] General Ed Requirement=3 [BR] BA/BS Requirement=4 [SC] Schedule Convenience=5 [EI] Elective/ Interest=6 [GR] Grade Redemption=7

DAN 3997 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q4 Expected Grade 1 0 0 0 0 1

Responses: [A] A=5 [B] B=4 [C] C=3 [D] D=2 [F] F=1

DAN 3997 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q5 I would describe my level of effort/preparation outside this course (e.g., papers, laboratory preparation, study time, project development, etc.) as: 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Responses: [LT2] Less than 2 hours a week=1 [2HA] 2-3 hours a week=2 [3HA] 3-4 hours a week=3 [4HA] 4-5 hours a week=4 [5HA] 5-6 hours a week=5 [6HA] 6-7 hours a week=6 [O7H] Over 7 hours a week=7

DAN 3997 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8OM N
Q6 How many times have you been absent? 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Responses: [0] 0=1 [1] 1=2 [2] 2=3 [3] 3=4 [4] 4=5 [5] 5=6 [6] 6=7 [7] 7=8 [8OM] 8 or More=9
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: DAN 3997 001 - DANCE FOR THE CAMERA Department: Theatre
Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz; Erin LaSala Responses / Expected: 1 / 3 (33.33%)
Faculty: Matthew Herbertz

Matthew Herbertz
Course Evaluations - The Professor Responses Individual
AA MA SA N SD MD AD N Mean Med. Mode Std
Q1 The professor demonstrated clear understanding of the subject matter. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0
Q2 The professor was well prepared for class. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4.00 4 4 0
Q3 The professor effectively facilitated engaged learning in the course. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4.00 4 4 0
Q4 The professor clearly communicated student learning outcomes or course objectives (as seen in my syllabus) that were expected of me. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0
Q5 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were clearly communicated. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4.00 4 4 0
Q6 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were consistently applied. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4.00 4 4 0
Q7 The professor provided feedback on course assignments and other evaluations (e.g., exams) in a timely manner. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3.00 3 3 0
Q8 The professor challenged me to think critically and/or creatively about material in the course. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.00 5 5 0
Q9 The professor enabled my understanding of applying material Beyond the classroom. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0
Q10 The professor encouraged me to improve throughout the course. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.00 5 5 0
Q11 The professor was receptive to student opinions (outside his/her own) throughout the course. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0
Q12 The professor made an effort to be available outside of class. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7.00 7 7 0
Q13 Based on available technology for this course, the professor effectively applied technology to the course material. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0
Q14 The course significantly increased my knowledge of the subject. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0
Q15 Based on the course experience, I would take another course with this professor. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.00 5 5 0
Q16 Based on the quality of teaching, I would recommend this professor to other students. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 6 6 0

Responses: [AA] Absolutely Agree=7 [MA] Mostly Agree=6 [SA] Slightly Agree=5 [N] Neutral=4 [SD] Slightly Disagree=3 [MD] Mostly Disagree=2 [AD] Absolutely Disagree=1

Faculty: Matthew Herbertz

Question: Is there anything you would like to add?
Response Rate: 100.00% (1 of 1)
The professors did not provide feedback on our film studies so there was no guideline for what they marked off for or what they thought we could improve on for next time. I would appreciate some type of rubric or feedback for each project to further my learning. I would also suggest making it required to take a
1 choreography/dance appreciation class and an introductory film class because it was a bit overwhelming to be introduced to all the film technology and expected to use it within the first two weeks of class for someone who has not had any film experience what so ever. I think it would also be better to make
the groups or especially the final project bigger so that we could each have different roles such as director, choreographer, producer, dancer, editor, etc. This would enable us to pull from our class for these roles and not have to use as many outside performers who we have to arrange times to meet with on top
of our own group's various schedules. I think this class can definitely be molded to be a very successful course and it was a very interesting learning experience for me this semester. 
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: COM 3370 001 - PHOTOJOURNALISM Department: Com

Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 6 / 18 (33.33%)
Focus: Overall Results

COM 3370 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q1 Gender 3 3 6

Responses: [M] Male=1 [F] Female=2

COM 3370 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q2 Class Standing 0 2 3 1 0 6

Responses: [F] Freshman=1 [S] Sophomore=2 [J] Junior=3 [S] Senior=4 [O] Other=5

COM 3370 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q3 Reasons for enrollment: (Select most appropriate) 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 6

Responses: [MR] Major Requirement=1 [MR] Minor Requirement=2 [GER] General Ed Requirement=3 [BR] BA/BS Requirement=4 [SC] Schedule Convenience=5 [EI] Elective/ Interest=6 [GR] Grade Redemption=7

COM 3370 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q4 Expected Grade 4 2 0 0 0 6

Responses: [A] A=5 [B] B=4 [C] C=3 [D] D=2 [F] F=1

COM 3370 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q5 I would describe my level of effort/preparation outside this course (e.g., papers, laboratory preparation, study time, project development, etc.) as: 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 6

Responses: [LT2] Less than 2 hours a week=1 [2HA] 2-3 hours a week=2 [3HA] 3-4 hours a week=3 [4HA] 4-5 hours a week=4 [5HA] 5-6 hours a week=5 [6HA] 6-7 hours a week=6 [O7H] Over 7 hours a week=7

COM 3370 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8OM N
Q6 How many times have you been absent? 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

Responses: [0] 0=1 [1] 1=2 [2] 2=3 [3] 3=4 [4] 4=5 [5] 5=6 [6] 6=7 [7] 7=8 [8OM] 8 or More=9
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: COM 3370 001 - PHOTOJOURNALISM Department: Com

Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 6 / 18 (33.33%)

Matthew Herbertz
Course Evaluations - The Professor Responses Individual
AA MA SA N SD MD AD N Mean Med. Mode Std
Q1 The professor demonstrated clear understanding of the subject matter. 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 6.67 7 7 .47
Q2 The professor was well prepared for class. 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 6.17 7 7 1.46
Q3 The professor effectively facilitated engaged learning in the course. 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 6.17 7 7 1.46
Q4 The professor clearly communicated student learning outcomes or course objectives (as seen in my syllabus) that were expected of me. 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 6 5.67 6 6,7 1.37
Q5 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were clearly communicated. 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 6 6.17 6 6 .69
Q6 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were consistently applied. 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 6 6.00 6 5,6,7 .82
Q7 The professor provided feedback on course assignments and other evaluations (e.g., exams) in a timely manner. 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 6.67 7 7 .47
Q8 The professor challenged me to think critically and/or creatively about material in the course. 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 6.83 7 7 .37
Q9 The professor enabled my understanding of applying material Beyond the classroom. 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 6.50 7 7 .76
Q10 The professor encouraged me to improve throughout the course. 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 6.83 7 7 .37
Q11 The professor was receptive to student opinions (outside his/her own) throughout the course. 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 6.50 7 7 .76
Q12 The professor made an effort to be available outside of class. 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 6 6.17 6.5 7 1.07
Q13 Based on available technology for this course, the professor effectively applied technology to the course material. 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 6.50 7 7 .76
Q14 The course significantly increased my knowledge of the subject. 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 6.00 7 7 1.53
Q15 Based on the course experience, I would take another course with this professor. 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 6 6.17 6.5 7 1.07
Q16 Based on the quality of teaching, I would recommend this professor to other students. 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 6.00 6.5 7 1.15

Responses: [AA] Absolutely Agree=7 [MA] Mostly Agree=6 [SA] Slightly Agree=5 [N] Neutral=4 [SD] Slightly Disagree=3 [MD] Mostly Disagree=2 [AD] Absolutely Disagree=1

Faculty: Matthew Herbertz

Question: Is there anything you would like to add?
Response Rate: 66.67% (4 of 6)

1 na 
2 Provides great feedback. Just wish he emphasized the fact that we will have pop up quizes from the beginning, so the students knew they will need to read the textbooks. Other than that, I really enjoyed his assignments. 
3 Ill be honest, this didn't feel like a photojournalism course at all. This just felt like a beginner photo class mixed with an intro adobe class. For an advanced level class, this should be focused on taking photos that are actually newsworthy, not ducks in lake Hollingsworth. 
4 Don't use bad words in the classroom; it doesn't suit you, and it is not professional. And also, I think you might be expecting much more than some students are capable of, so maybe putting your criteria a little bit lower? I think your grading is too harsh sometimes. 
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: COM 2500 001 - VISUAL COMMUNICATION Department: Com

Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 11 / 18 (61.11%)
Focus: Overall Results

COM 2500 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q1 Gender 1 10 11

Responses: [M] Male=1 [F] Female=2

COM 2500 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q2 Class Standing 0 3 5 3 0 11

Responses: [F] Freshman=1 [S] Sophomore=2 [J] Junior=3 [S] Senior=4 [O] Other=5

COM 2500 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q3 Reasons for enrollment: (Select most appropriate) 6 2 0 0 1 2 0 11

Responses: [MR] Major Requirement=1 [MR] Minor Requirement=2 [GER] General Ed Requirement=3 [BR] BA/BS Requirement=4 [SC] Schedule Convenience=5 [EI] Elective/ Interest=6 [GR] Grade Redemption=7

COM 2500 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q4 Expected Grade 10 1 0 0 0 11

Responses: [A] A=5 [B] B=4 [C] C=3 [D] D=2 [F] F=1

COM 2500 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
Q5 I would describe my level of effort/preparation outside this course (e.g., papers, laboratory preparation, study time, project development, etc.) as: 0 0 3 2 3 1 2 11

Responses: [LT2] Less than 2 hours a week=1 [2HA] 2-3 hours a week=2 [3HA] 3-4 hours a week=3 [4HA] 4-5 hours a week=4 [5HA] 5-6 hours a week=5 [6HA] 6-7 hours a week=6 [O7H] Over 7 hours a week=7

COM 2500 - 001

Course Evaluations
Responses Course
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8OM N
Q6 How many times have you been absent? 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 11

Responses: [0] 0=1 [1] 1=2 [2] 2=3 [3] 3=4 [4] 4=5 [5] 5=6 [6] 6=7 [7] 7=8 [8OM] 8 or More=9
Course Evals Fall Day 2018-19 Survey Florida Southern College
2018 DF FSC

Course: COM 2500 001 - VISUAL COMMUNICATION Department: Com

Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 11 / 18 (61.11%)

Matthew Herbertz
Course Evaluations - The Professor Responses Individual
AA MA SA N SD MD AD N Mean Med. Mode Std
Q1 The professor demonstrated clear understanding of the subject matter. 3 4 3 0 1 0 0 11 5.73 6 6 1.14
Q2 The professor was well prepared for class. 5 3 1 1 1 0 0 11 5.91 6 7 1.31
Q3 The professor effectively facilitated engaged learning in the course. 3 4 1 1 2 0 0 11 5.45 6 6 1.44
Q4 The professor clearly communicated student learning outcomes or course objectives (as seen in my syllabus) that were expected of me. 4 6 0 1 0 0 0 11 6.18 6 6 .83
Q5 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were clearly communicated. 4 1 2 1 2 0 1 11 5.00 5 7 1.95
Q6 The professor’s standards for evaluating my work were consistently applied. 5 1 2 0 2 1 0 11 5.36 6 7 1.82
Q7 The professor provided feedback on course assignments and other evaluations (e.g., exams) in a timely manner. 7 2 2 0 0 0 0 11 6.45 7 7 .78
Q8 The professor challenged me to think critically and/or creatively about material in the course. 4 5 2 0 0 0 0 11 6.18 6 6 .72
Q9 The professor enabled my understanding of applying material Beyond the classroom. 6 1 1 2 1 0 0 11 5.82 7 7 1.47
Q10 The professor encouraged me to improve throughout the course. 5 3 0 2 1 0 0 11 5.82 6 7 1.40
Q11 The professor was receptive to student opinions (outside his/her own) throughout the course. 1 2 5 0 1 1 1 11 4.55 5 5 1.72
Q12 The professor made an effort to be available outside of class. 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 6.91 7 7 .29
Q13 Based on available technology for this course, the professor effectively applied technology to the course material. 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 11 6.82 7 7 .39
Q14 The course significantly increased my knowledge of the subject. 6 1 3 0 0 1 0 11 5.91 7 7 1.50
Q15 Based on the course experience, I would take another course with this professor. 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 11 3.82 3 1,6 2.44
Q16 Based on the quality of teaching, I would recommend this professor to other students. 2 3 0 2 0 1 3 11 4.09 4 1,6 2.35

Responses: [AA] Absolutely Agree=7 [MA] Mostly Agree=6 [SA] Slightly Agree=5 [N] Neutral=4 [SD] Slightly Disagree=3 [MD] Mostly Disagree=2 [AD] Absolutely Disagree=1

Faculty: Matthew Herbertz

Question: Is there anything you would like to add?
Response Rate: 90.91% (10 of 11)
This professor did a good job at being available to you whenever you needed help. Although there was an instance in the class where he was obviously upset with the class performance and it changed the class dynamic after that. I was sometimes hesitant to ask for help because I felt like he was
1 unapproachable sometimes. I felt like the expectations were a little high considering it was a intro level course and I wasn't sure how to do some things so I was falling behind at some points. Overall, the class experience was good and I learned a lot. There were some minor bumps over the semester but I have
definitely increased my skill level. 
2 The one issue I had with this professor was the day he left class without explanation. I would like if the professor had the same respect that he expects upon us. 
Professor Herbertz was a nice person, but i did not like him as a professor. In one of classes this semester, he threw a temper tantrum and then stormed out of class. during the temper tantrum he made up an assignment and didn't give clear instructions on what he wanted. It was a very confusing day. Also,
3 when he would teach us something, he would show us 100 different ways to do it, but would say we only needed to know the one way. Which is very confusing when you are trying to learn a new program to pass this class. Also, I felt like he was unsure about what he was teaching us sometimes. He is generally
pretty nice, but I don't think teaching is for him.. 
4 Prof. Herbertz was very helpful and understanding towards the non-communications majors in the class. He made sure all of us were understanding the content and following along at all times. The class was very educational as well as very fun! 
Ok so this is not me trying to bash you but it was very clear throughout the entire course that you did not enjoy teaching this course since visual comm isn't your main discipline and to me that seemed very obvious. You would come to class in a bad mood and I was honestly terrified of you for a lot of the
5 semester especially after the incident right before fall break. If you have an issue with a few students in the class take it up with them or let it reflect in their grade--don't throw a temper tantrum in class and expect the rest of us to react well to that. That is not the way to gain the respect of your students. It
was a completely inappropriate way to handle the situation and the fact that we did not even get an apology afterwards and then you just cancelled class the next day because you didn't want to see us was a huge waste of our entire week. I definitely feel like I learned a lot in the class and I did appreciate the
amount of time you allocated for us to meet with you outside of class. Meeting with you one-on-one was super helpful and I appreciated the time you put into that. Sorry if this sounds mean I'm honestly just trying to be helpful. 
I'm conflicted on my evaluation of this professor and this course. I really enjoyed the content of this course and the professor did a great job of telling us how to improve and offering feedback. However, it’s very clear that this professor is insecure in his ability to control the classroom. He lashed out at the
6 class on more than one occasion and stormed out of class one day because he was angry about something he didn’t tell us. I didn’t feel comfortable coming to him throughout the semester with my concerns because i didn’t want to be a source of more frustration in his life. I think he needs to understand that
we respect him because he is our professor and he is good at what he does and he doesn't need to scare us into respecting him, that's when we lose respect for him. 
I just felt very uncomfortable in this class most of the time. One day in particular the professor didn't start class for 30 minutes and then basically stormed out with no explanation, which was a complete waste of my time and the money I spend on each one of my classes. I think he's a very nice guy and knows
7 his stuff but it seemed obvious to me he did not want to be teaching this specific class; he'd rather be in film studies. I feel like the setup for this class was hard to teach, as some students were communications majors with prior knowledge of the material and others had never used it before, so he did well on
helping those who had no prior knowledge. I just felt like some of the remarks he made were unfair and unjust and did not have a good experience at all in this class. I learned a lot from self teaching, which is good, but I also was not a fan that every day missed was 5% off your final grade. A girl in our class who
was incredibly sick came to class just because she was scared she'd get 5% off, which he said he would be lenient about but I'm not sure if he would be or not. I definitely would not take another class with him, unless it was film or something. 
8 I enjoyed this course, but I found that at times the professor allowed his emotional reactions to impair his ability to teach. At one point he stormed out of the classroom without communicating why. As a communications professor I find this to be slightly concerning as the key part of communications is to
communicate. Overall, I found the course material to be helpful and applicable outside of the classroom. 
I enjoyed the variety of assignments that we were given in this class. I felt as though this is a productive way for me to improve my skill in the programs we use in a way that is productive, not only academically but professionally as well. That being said, I feel like I can't speak on the effectiveness of his
teaching of those programs because I came into class with prior knowledge. I do feel as though he is always available to answers any questions I might have and is more than willing to help if it's needed. Ultimately, I don't know if students who don't have prior knowledge of these programs feel as confident
using them as I might as a result of his teaching. One concern of mine is a particular instance in which he left class with no explanation. I think it was inappropriate for a person of his position to do this. Personally, I felt like this was out of character. I have a couple classes with him and nothing like this has
occurred in the other one. It discouraged me coming from a professor that I really respect and look to for guidance more so than some of the other professors I have. Even in trying to get to the bottom of the situation, I felt like I came up short. It was frustrating for me when trying to talk to him about what was
9 going on and not walking away with a clear answer. I'm aware that a lot of other students felt left in the dark too. I was never able to figure out exactly what caused that to happen which has left me feeling a little anxious through the rest of the semester. While it worries me that it happened, I believe it was an
isolated situation. He is a kind, understanding person and has never given me the impression that he is unreasonable or difficult to work with, but because of situations like the one mentioned, other students that don't see him as much might have a sour taste in their mouth. This might lead to them being
intimidated to go to him for help. He has always given me clear, constructive feedback on my assignments and pushed me to improve. In my experience, he has been encouraging in response to my effort/work which is part of the reason why I would take more classes with him in the future. I really enjoy taking
classes with him because I think he offers a breath of fresh air from the way some of my other professors teach. Students need to be willing to work and do their part, but that is expressed in his syllabus from the beginning. Overall, I believe him to be good at what he does while being a present resource to his
students. I would hope that other students would recognize this effort and take of advantage of the fact that he is consistently available to help considering a handful of other professors lack that. 
Going forward, this class should only be available to communication majors or minors and have a prerequisite. Having non-majors in the class slowed down the progress the rest of the class was able to make during the course. Despite this, I felt that Prof Herbertz challenged those with a design background
10 more than those who did not. He always made himself available outside of class and encouraged all students to make meetings outside of class. There was an incident where he left class abruptly after only a few minutes of class time. This was confusing to students and when students approached him he
was unclear of his reasoning of doing so. This was disappointing to me because I would like my professors to uphold the same level of professionalism that is expected of the students. However, this did not affect the rest of his teaching style and overall he was very encouraging of students of all abilities. This
class required a good amount of out of class work time without being overwhelming. I felt myself improving with every project and the professor's feedback was timely and helpful. 

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