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Advising Evaluations 2018-19 Florida Southern College

Adv Evals 2018 (2019) FSC

Course: ADV_COM_HerbertzM - Advising Evaluations 2018 Department: Com

Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 12 / 18 (66.67%)
Focus: Overall Results
Evaluation of Advising
Responses Course
Q1 Gender 5 7 12

Responses: [M] Male [F] Female

Evaluation of Advising
Responses Course
Q2 Year in School 4 4 3 1 0 12

Responses: [F] Freshman [S] Sophomore [J] Junior [S] Senior [O] Other

Evaluation of Advising
Responses Course
Q3 Undergraduate Students: Select the department that 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
corresponds to your first major

Responses: [U] Undecided

[A] Accounting
[AAA] Art and Art History
[AT] Athletic Training
[B] Biology
[BA] Business Administration
[C] Chemistry
[C] Communication
[C] Criminology
[E] Economics
[E] Education
[E] English
[H] History
[HS] Horticulture Science
[H] Humanities
[I] Interdisciplinary
[L] Languages
[M&C] Mathematics & Computer Science
[M] Music
[N] Nursing
[P] Philosophy
[PE] Physical Education/HMP
[PS] Political Science
[P] Psychology
[R] Religion
[SM] Self-designed Major
[SS] Social Sciences
[S] Sociology
[TA] Theatre Arts
[N] None
Evaluation of Advising Responses Course

DU EU G N Mean Med. Mode Std

Q4 Where do you take the majority of your classes? 12 0 0 12 1.00 1 1 0

Responses: [DU] Day Undergraduate=1 [EU] Evening Undergraduate=2 [G] Graduate=3

Evaluation of Advising
Responses Course
1 2 3 4 5 6OM N
Q5 How many years have you attended Florida Southern College? 8 3 1 0 0 0 12

Responses: [1] 1 [2] 2 [3] 3 [4] 4 [5] 5 [6OM] 6 or more

Evaluation of Advising
Responses Course
LT1 1-2 2-3 3+Y N
Q6 How long have you had your current advisor? 10 2 0 0 12

Responses: [LT1] Less than 1 year [1-2] 1 - 2 years [2-3] 2 - 3 years [3+Y] 3 + years

Evaluation of Advising Responses Course
1 2 3 4 5 6OM N Mean Med. Mode Std
Q7 Counting today, how many times have you met with your advisor this year? 0 4 1 2 3 2 12 3.83 4 2 1.52

Responses: [1] 1=1 [2] 2=2 [3] 3=3 [4] 4=4 [5] 5=5 [6OM] 6 or more=6
Advising Evaluations 2018-19 Florida Southern College
Adv Evals 2018 (2019) FSC

Course: ADV_COM_HerbertzM - Advising Evaluations 2018 Department: Com

Responsible Faculty: Matthew Herbertz Responses / Expected: 12 / 18 (66.67%)
Matthew Herbertz
Evaluation of Advising - Advisor Responses Individual
AA MA SA N SD MD AD N Mean Med. Mode Std

Q1 My advisor provides ways through which I can reach him/her (e.g., campus phone, campus e-mail, office hours, 10 1 0 1 0 0 0 12 6.67 7 7 .85
and appointments).
Q2 My advisor provides important information about the courses that he/she suggests I take. 7 3 1 1 0 0 0 12 6.33 7 7 .94

Q3 My advisor accurately explains information to me about the curriculum requirements (including General 7 4 0 1 0 0 0 12 6.42 7 7 .86
Q4 My advisor discusses my long-term academic/career plans with me. 6 4 0 1 1 0 0 12 6.08 6.5 7 1.26
Q5 If I have academic problems, my advisor willingly attempts to help me. 8 2 1 1 0 0 0 12 6.42 7 7 .95
Q6 My advisor is courteous and respectful. 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 11 6.45 7 7 .99
Q7 My advisor is a good resource about campus information, policies and procedures. 7 2 2 1 0 0 0 12 6.25 7 7 1.01
Q8 Overall, I am satisfied with the advising that I receive from my advisor. 7 3 0 1 1 0 0 12 6.17 7 7 1.28
Q9 Based on the quality of advising, I would recommend this advisor to other students within the major. 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 12 6.33 7 7 1.11

Responses: [AA] Absolutely Agree=7 [MA] Mostly Agree=6 [SA] Slightly Agree=5 [N] Neutral=4 [SD] Slightly Disagree=3 [MD] Mostly Disagree=2 [AD] Absolutely Disagree=1

Faculty: Matthew Herbertz

Question: What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect of academic advising?
Response Rate: 66.67% (8 of 12)

1 The ability to have a one-on-one advising allows for a more honest and direct formation of one's class schedule. 
2 Someone to help keep me on track to graduate! 
3 Making sure I’m on track and taking the right classes to reach my goals by the end of the four years. There were a couple classes I wouldn’t have known to take or push
back on my own, which is where my advisor helped me, explaining the availability of each one and when it would make the most sense to take it. 
4 It gives us connections with at least one professor for classes. 
5 Helpinng your advisee figure out what they want to do when they finish school and helping them get there. 
6 Having a faculty member to go to that can answer my questions and concerns about school and that I trust will help me do what they can to make sure I'm successful. 
7 Being able to have someone who can easily show you the best way towards your goals 
8 Aside from the constant willingness to accommodate any need or query I may have academically, I think what I find to be Prof. Herbertz's best quality is him treating me
with respect, like a peer. Him making himself available to just stop by and talk about anything is a luxury I think many students wouldn't feel they have with an advisor. 
Faculty: Matthew Herbertz
Question: What do you find to be the most frustrating or dissatisfying aspect of academic advising?
Response Rate: 58.33% (7 of 12)
This is a pro but also a con: All advisors/teachers will give you different answers. This is great to make you consider a variety of options but also is frustrating because
1 if you're undecided or wanting to pursue multiple majors, everyone will have a different opinion for you. I went not only to my advisor but also teachers in the
Communications and Art department. I ended up following my teachers' advice rather than my advisor. 
2 The crunch for meetings toward the end of the semester 
3 Nothing 
4 Nothing really. 
5 None really come to mind. I am a double major so scheduling classes is a little difficult and I have to run back and forth between advisors a couple times, but that’s not
really anyone’s fault, gotta do what you gotta do. 
6 Leaving my room. 
7 I found myself needing to switch advisors but now that I'm with an advisor that I work well with I'm satisfied with academic advising. I don't understand the importance
of group advising. 
Faculty: Matthew Herbertz
Question: In what ways might our academic advisement system be improved?

Response Rate: 58.33% (7 of 12)

1 Not sure. 
2 Maybe if you have two advisors they should be in contact with each other? That might make the scheduling process easier and save some time. Overall though it’s a
good system and I’m happy with it. 
Make sure that advisors healp student make a 3-4 year plan, or at least a one year plan to decide what would be most beneficial and productive for their class
3 schedules. Advisors would help more if they helped students consider all options available to them or refer them to another faculty who could help them (like Herbertz
did). 
4 Keep Matt Herbertz. 
5 It’s amazing 
6 It was perfect 
7 Creating an opportunity for all students to accept or deny an advisor change at the end of their freshman year so that if you don't care for your advisor but aren't sure
about telling them you don't have to worry about the stress that comes with approaching them face-to-face about switching. 

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