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Approach and Methodology

XXXX shall be responsible for completing the project in the stipulated time period and shall
deliver the end deliverables as per the SLA specified. Any deviation from the specified limits
will invite penalty as per the defined SLA’s. The project will be carried out of one of the
Offshore Delivery Centres of XXXX and maximum security will be ensured as per our
policies and terms of conditions set by DULB.
XXXX intends to follow the following sets of activities. The project is divided in three

1.1 Phase 0
 Knowledge transfer from DUBL to our tax experts
 Create a geo-enabled mobile application for purpose of conducting property survey
 Create database on specified cloud server for storing the survey data.
1.2 Phase 1
 Each geo-surveyor will be provided with application and a hand held laser distance
 This application will be able to interact with LDM.
 The survey will be conducted by a third party through subcontracting at no additional
 The subcontractor will have no access to the data.
 The data will be encrypted and stored in a cloud server as directed by DULB.
 Latitude and Longitude data will be noted for each corner of the property using GPS
 LDM data and GPS data will be merged to create a Geo tagged map of the property.
 Surveyor will capture all the data using the survey module in the provided mobile
 This data will also be encrypted and stored in a cloud server as per the specification of
 The application will generate a unique ID for each entry as per the specifications
mentioned in RFP.
 This online data base will be used to create an integrated application.
 The integrated application will be developed by XXXX internal team to cater to the
requirements as mentioned in the RFP.
 XXXX will ensure proper testing and debugging of the application before it is handed
over to the DULB.
 Detailed training session for the staff of DULB to ensure proper hand holding and to
make sure that their employees are able to use the system without any issues.
1.3 Phase 2
 Operation and maintenance phase, XXXX will provide support for any changes/
upgradation required in delivered software and the database.
1.4 Survey Accuracy Verification
XXXX will employ a twostep verification process to ensure accuracy of the door to door
survey to be conducted by third party vendor.
B&B Consultancy Services Survey Proposal

Step 1. The surveyor must take latitude and longitude measurements of all edges which are
present in the property and measure the distances using the LDM device.
The app will ensure that surveyor enters the details standing at or near the latitude and
longitude positions entered. This will be monitored using the app’s GPS module.
Step 2. The entered latitudes and longitudes will we time stamped, and GPS data from the
app will be checked against the base map to make sure that the surveyor took the
measurements accurately.
It there an error of more than 10%, then the surveyor will be prompted to take the
measurements again.

Figure 1: Two step survey verification


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