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The given bar graph represents information about the percentage of five portions of fruit and

vegetables consumption per day by people in UK at 8 consecutive years from 2001 to 2008.
These people is divided into 3 categories : women, men, and children. Overall, the percentage
of women consumption of fruit and vegetables per day is the highest in every selected years,
meanwhile children consumption percentage is the lowest. Eventhough there are declination in
last year, but overall percentage of fruit and vegetables consumption in 2008 is increased
compared to the initial state in 2001.

It can clearly see from the chart that women tend to eat more fruit and vegetables than others
category every surveyed year. In 2001, the started percentage of women who consume them is
about 22%, meanwhile percentage of men and children are 17 and 13 percent, respectively. For
the next five years, the number of women who ate fruit and vegetables constantly increased
until more than 30 % in 2006, meanwhile the percentage of men and children was stagnant in
the next two year and gradually improved until 27 and 23 percent, orderly, in 2006.

However, in the last two surveyed years, the patterns of three components were noticeably
different than before. While the women percentage decreased slightly and became about 29 %
in 2008, the men share tend to be the same at 2007 before it was also dropped to 25 % in 2008.
On the other hand, children share increased slightly in 2007 to 25% and then it also decreased
to 24% in 2008.

Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage
of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some of us believe that the best way to face a bad condition such as lack of money and unsatisfactory
job is by simply accepting it, while others argue that it is necessary to try and enhance the situation. In
my opinion, I think it’s better to try our best so we can get out from it, because I believe by giving our
best effort, we can improve our conditions.

Some people think that such a bad condition that we face must be accepted. They tend to go with the
flow since they believe that good things might come out of it. Furthermore, there are many lessons they
think they can take from that kind of situation. Despite this, I think it is possible to take the lessons from
what have happened while trying to improve the condition into a better one. Based on my experience, I
can still learnt from my failure in a competition in highschool while I was trying to improve my skill so I
can win the next competition.

On the other hand, some of us are always trying to improve the condition so they can get out of bad
stage of their life. These kind of people tend to believe that fate can change as long as you give your best
effort to alter it. I actually agree that it is necessary to enhance our condition and alter it from the bad
into good ones by giving our best effort in the process, because we can simply hope our fate to change
while we are only waiting it to change without doing a real act to change it. For example, in my life, I
always dream to study overseas and I need English certificate to do so. About one year ago, my English
skill was really bad, I can hardly got band 5.5 on IELTS mock test that I took. After that I try my best to
enhance my score by learning everyday, as a results, in the last IELTS mock test that I took some months
ago, my score has increased and became 7. If one year ago I just simply accepted my condition, may be
right now I will only get band 5.5 since I didn’t try to change it.

In conclusion, while some people try change their condition and fate by giving their best effort, others
still feel that it is best to accept it because good things will come later and there are so many things that
can be learnt from that condition. However, we can still learn about what happened and turn our fate by
doing some real act to change it and not only sitting and accepting our condition.

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of
plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

For some individuals, the primary environmental problem nowadays is the extinction of certain species
of flora and fauna. Meanhwhile others believe that there are a bigger environmental problems than
that. In my opinion, I believe that the loss of some kind of plants and animals is indeed an important
matter, however I agree that there are others necessary environmental issue that need our attention
such as global warming.

The extinction of certain species of flora and fauna is one of important problem that we must face
recently. Since the availability of them are closely related to our sources of food. Furthermore, the
extinction of them can disturb the stability of ecology and food chain in the world. However, the
advancement in technology has made it possible to overcome this problem by manipulating gene from
the same genus to prevent loss of some plants.

On the other hand, some people say that there are more bigger environmental issue than species
extinction. This kind of issue is a phenomenon that irreversible so there is no way to bring it back into its
initial condition. Furthermore, it also directly affect human life nowadays. For example, global warming,
I agree that it issue is more important to discuss and need more attention from us since this
phenomenon has caused a big mass of ice to melt and the islands to sink. As a results, the islanders and
animals lose their home because of this condition.

In conclusion, while some people believe that there are more bigger environmental problems that we
need to face recently such as global warming that is irreversible and directly affect human life, others
think that the extinction of animals and plants is a main problems since it is closely related to our live as
a source of food. However the extinction problem can be overcame by technology advances these days,
meanwhile global warming can’t be fix into its initial condition. So that’s way, in my opinion, I agree that
there are others environmental problem that more urgent than extinction of some species.
Let’s talk about everything we can’t forget

The scars from our childhood, the pain from hurting the one we love

The moment we first falling for someone

The first heartbreak we felt when they all left us alone

The dreams we can’t give up on

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