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SALVATORE ROBUSCHI & C. s Via Sages, 11/8 - 43122 PARMA {ITAL Tolofono + +39 0521 606285 Telefax + + 39.0521 606278 mall: PEC: salvatorerobuschi@pecwise.t Web: hutp:/ SALVATORE ROBUSCHI POMPE PARMA DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITA' CE EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Pompa centrifuga / Centrifugal Pump Sezione 1 - Dati caratteristici / Technical data Cliente / Customer: SC TAPFLO ROM SRL Matricola n° / Serial number : 2010018039 Pompa tipo / Pump's type : RDB 32-16AR 2840 K999H 3 Sezione 2 / Section 2 - Direttive e norme applicabili / Directives Direttiva Macchine / Machine directive 2006/42/BC Direttiva EMC / EMC directive 2014/30/UB Direttiva bassa tensione / low tension 2014/35/UE Direttiva sicurezza macchinario/ pump's security EN 809:1998 Direttiva sicurezza macchinario/ pump's security EN 12100:2010 Direttiva sicurezza macchinario/ pump's security EN 13857:2008 Sezione 3 / Section 3 - Dichiarazione / Declaration Noi Salvatore Robuschi & C, dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva xyesponsabilita che la pompa di cui alla Sezione 1 & conforme alle Direttive e alle Norme richiamate nella Sezione 2, quando utilizzata in osservanza alle prescrizioni contenute nel "Manuale di uso e manutenzione" We, Salvatore Robuschi & C, declare that the pump specified in Section 1 is contructed in accordance with the normatives listed in Section 2 and must be used observing the operated handbook. PARMA 27.06.2018 L'Amministratore Michele Robuschi Hachele baer Page 1 of 1 SALVATORE ROBUSCHI & C. s.r, Via Segré, 11/8 43122 PARMA (ITALIA) Tolofono | + +39 (0521 608288 r.a Telefax + +39 0521 606278, a E-mail : Directive 2014/34/UE (ATEX) PEC. : Web SALVATORE Hi re lee DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Section 1 - Technical data Pump's type RDB 32-16AR 2540 K999H 3 Serial number 2010018039 ATEX number II 3G © Tx F1000 ITEM 20-P-001 Max room temperature Other data: see the enclosed document (Conformity declaration component) Section 2 - Directive Machine directive 2006/42/zC EMC directive 2014/30/UE ATEX directive 2014/34/05 Norma UNI EN 13463-1:2008 Non-elettrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres. Basic method and requirements Rule EN 13463-5:2008 Non-elettrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres. Protection by constructional safety Rule UNI EN 809:1998 Pumps and pumping groups for liguids. General safety requirements Rule UNI EN 12100:2020 Safety of machinery. General principles for design. Risk assesement and risk reduction. Rule UNI EN 13857:2008 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being by upper and lower limbs. Section 3 - Declaration We, Salvatore Robuschi & C., declare on cur own responsibility, that our pump specified in the Section 1 and annex is constructed in accordance with the directives and rules in the Section 2, when operating according to the working conditions described in the “Conformity Declaration Complement" and prescriptions written in the "Operating and instruction manual" and its relevant Addendum Ex. ©.B.0. Michele Robuschi Hichale Poboels Via Segré, 11/8 - 43122 PARMA ITALIA) foro + 139.0521 608285 a + +39 0521 606278 Salvatorerabuschi@pecw se it SALVATORE ROBUSCHI POMPE PARNA Order no.: 2000018544 dd 17.05.2018 Your reference: 001/Robuschi/2018 Ref. Item: 00010 20-P-002 RDB 32-16AR 2540 K999H 3 Serial number: 2010018039 a 12 13 14 1s 16 a7 ae 1s 20 2a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 an a2 33 34 a5 36 37 38 29 40 an 42 Pump Configuration Installation area Liquid Liquid Kinematic Viscosity Density Liguid Temperature Min working temperature NPSHr (Required from the pump) Working Capacity Working Head (m) Working absorbed Power Pump Execution Bearing Lubrication Type Transmission Type Coupling Supply Impeller Type Impeller Diameter Solids Free Passage [mm] Pump Flanges Norm Suction Port Diameter Discharge Port Diameter Seal Execution Flushing Pressure API PLAN, Flushing Tank Flushing Tank Supply Plush Plan Execution Requested Seals supply cartridge Nominal Diameter Pump Main Material Coupling Spacer Impeller Material Electric Motor supply Motor Category Std. Blectric Motor Brand Electric Motor Brand(on spec.) Motor Power El. Motor Poles Motor Shape Motor Size Operating motor voltage SALVATORE ROBUSCHI & C. ¢.r1. Page 1 of 2 Directive 2014/34/UE (ATEX) CONFORMITY DECLARATION COMPLEMENT IT 3G ¢ Tx F1000 Horizontal Gr. IIB Zone 2 (Gas) 73 CRUDE OTL/OILY WATER,MAX 0.01% OF SAND, 5-10MICRON 26,4 mm2/e 1,10 kg/dm3 80 40 °c 1,00 m 10,0 m3/h 35,0 m 2,42 KW on base With STD Flex. Coup. oil Flex Coupling Coupling Included Closed 165 mm NA. EN 1092 PNIE 50 32 X (cartridge) Ext. Flushing not required 02 Not Present Tank Not Included Assembled Included 33 EN1.4408-A351 CF@M-AISI 316 Coupling without spacer EN1,4408-A351 CF8M-AIST 316 Included Exd Motor NAA. cemp 4,00 KW 2 BB a2m 230/400 Page 1 of 2 SALVATORE ROBUSCHI & C. s.r.1, Via Sogee, 11/8 - 43122 PARMA (ITALIA) Telefono | + +39 0521 606285 ra Telefax + +39 0521 606278 mal: PEC : salvatorerabuschi@pecwrise.t Web: http:/fwwrw e@ 2014/34/UE (ATEX) SALVATORE Pree ones CONFORMITY DECLARATION COMPLEMENT order no.: 2000018544 dd 17.05.2018 Your reference: 001/Robuschi/2018 43 Nominal Motor Frequency 50 Hz 44 Motor Protection IPSS 45 Motor Efficiency Class WA. 46° PTC NA. 47 Included Certificates CE conformity cert 48 Included Certificates ATEX Conformity Certificate 49 Included Certificates Certificate of Quality 50 Pump RAL 5010 Note: Senago, 04/06/2018 Dichiarazione EU di conformita / EU Declaration of comformity / Declaration UE de conformité / EU Konformitatserklarung / Declaracion EU de conformidad | motori elettrici asincroni de! tipo / Electric asynchronous motors type / Les moteurs électriques asynchrones type / Elektrische Asynchronmotoren Typ / Los motores eléctricos asincronos del tipo: AB30r 112M 2 SERIALN. 1808381001 che riportano la marcatura / bearing the marks / marqués / Kennzeichnung / que llevan marcado: C€ 0722 &) 1l2G Exdb IB T3 Gb IPSs TUV IT 14ATEXO65X ‘sono stati prodotti da Cemp sr! sotto la propria responsabilta in conformita alle sequenti direttive comunitarie / have been manufactured by Cemp sri under his sole responsibiltyin accordance with the following EC directives / ‘sont fabriqués par Cemp srl sous sa responsabilité selon les CE directives suivantes / wurden gefertigt unter der \Verantwortung von Cemp si in Ubereinstimmung mit den folgenden EG-Vorschriften / han sido fabricados por Cemp stl, balo su propia responsabilidad, de acuerdo con las siguientes directivas EC: /2014/34/UE (ATEX) 2014/30/UE (EMC) —2006/42/CE (Machinery)(*) 2011/65/CE (RoHS) «in conformita alle seguenti Norme / and complying withthe following Standards / et conforme aux normes suivantes / Und sind entsprechend den folgenden Standards / y conforme a las siguientes normas: EN 60079-0: 2012/A11:2013 - EN 60079-1: 2014 - EN 60079-7: 2007 EN 60079-31: 2014 - IEC 60034-1,5,6,7,8,9,12,14 - IEC 60072 (9) Note J Notes / Note / Bemetung / Notas: Dieta macctine / Machinery Destve J Dieetve machine / Maschinen Fics / Dractva Maguire: | motrin eget a considorars Iaeetna. tmotre ron dv ‘Above motors, considered as components, comply by design with the recive providing that installation is correctly performed bythe manutactuer ofthe ‘machinery. Th nator must nat be put ne serve ul he machinery int which hasbeen Incorporated is ecard in conformity with the Machinery Directive tie moteurs o dors, corsa le consieteu de la machin. Le meteur ne do pas ve mis on Senco avant quola machine den aqua ee incarpre sot aocsarée cone Aa Directive Machine. Fr die korrekt instalation der oben genannten Motoren, sowie cle dementsprechanden Komponenten dein ihrer Bauart mit den zu diese Beschelnigung ‘sulgetohrten Vorsctrten Uber ointimmen it dee Maschinenherstlir-Btrelberverantwortich Die Notorenentsprechen den Vorschriien mur, alan die Aniage,in di sie angebaut wurdon, in Uberanetin mung mit don geltonden MaschinonrichUinien und Vorsetritan erichet wurde. ‘Se motors en bjt, por tralars de components, cursen is norms dels dreciva ia stalasén até Crrctamertecontlaa po ol constucter la maquina El motorne date onvaren serio asta que la maquina en quo ha alge Incoporeds sponge dela decaracn do a Drctva Mauna. \Lorganismo propos por a rota dala produzione@:/ The Noted body (ExNB) fe :/ otganiome charg ‘Abnahrrebendte (9) / £1 Organise Natteado (ON) 08 CES! (0722), Via Rubattino 54, 20134 Milano, ITALY Notification number : CES! 00 ATEX 030 Q rottieaton ola production / Massimo Cortellezzi Benne Cohen, camp sa ‘Via Piemonte, 16 - | 20030 SENAGO (Ml) ar s3900 93541 Fox 3002600077 REGAL Ema corp ro mmo. MANUTENZIONE TENUTE: Verifcare perodicamente che non vi slano perio di fuldo dali tenuto. Nol caso dl pompaggi aliquid! periclos! o Inflammabil écobbligo sosttuireimmediatamente la tenua in caso di peda, per evtare che sformino del vapod itammabil storm aia pomp © Vorticare periodicamente le tonut. 8. ACCOPPIAMENTO POMPA-MOTORE: Se la pomp @ fonta senza motore elo sonza giunto elastico 6 compte del'installatorelutizzatere instalare Lun motor ee giantoelastco certicato ed in ave garantre I corto allineamento de gruppo seconde eitrzion ct montaggio porate nel manele di \Uso @ manutenzione. Ogh 1000 oe di funzionamento vriicareFallneament del glunta ed suo stato dura © Veriticare poriodicament 1ccoppiamento, Gems Purpose This document describes how to install, use and maintain the pumps installed in an explosive place, in order to warrant the conformity to pumps in object. a Pumps and seals have not to work dry a Pumps have not to pump against a closed outlet ‘The pump’s class of temperature is fixed by the max temperature between the pumped liquids temperature and the auxtar liquie's temperature ex: heating fui). TTemporature class” calculation Tx Pumped fuldtenperatureunt [85°C ee 108°C Tee BSC aC ‘Anslar Hud torperature until Bre oo 130°C 198 C 280°C we Pump's clase of emperature 6 i Ta 3 2 Ti edn cate on Tsp aA mite temperature probes onthe bearings ‘mounted by te manufacturer 4. The pump, subject of tis "Addendum ex ‘foc the service's condtons, and above © Itis forbidden to use the purnp with liquld, performances and temperatures diferent from the dates Indicated on the certifleate, without the permission of the manufacturer. addition to the operationsirecommendations specified Inthe ute and maintenance manual 2. EARTH: The pump hes tobe earthed by the earth plate indcated on the base ofthe pump. 4. Earth the pump. '3. COMPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS: supplementary components and apparatus, how moter, coupling, mechanical s following the relevant instructions handbook supplied wit he pump's documentation ©. Road the enclosed complomentary instructions (coupling, mechanical soa, ot.) et have to be used 4, BEARINGS MAINTANANCE: Pump's bearing life is sbout 12000 hout, afer his prio they have to be replaced, 1 bearings are lubricated by ol, it has to be changed every 3000 working hours or aflor 8 months. the class of temperature Is T4, check the temperature. Bearings! maumum temperature has not to exceed 80°C and ater working’s hour temperature has to De constant without further ‘temperatures increases. During the frst workIng week, check Deaig's temperature every day, ten a rgUlar period, 4 Check periodically the bearings. 5. LIQUID IN THE PUM ‘necessary that pump, flowing or heating/cooling lines are filed with qui during the operation. Cot. 2 pumps wih single mech_ sea the ussriinstaler has to ital a fow- or pressure sensor on the Selvery port witha caloration +1.20% ofthe ‘woring pot, fo alow the tuncion tne working pot and avols Une machanical seals dry work. In case of flow or codlingheating lines, the insatr/user has fo arrange on the Ines 2 fow Vgual Indicator or @owmeter to allow a constant uid ow during the working 6 Start the pump only once you have assured the constant iqud's prosencs, 6, SENSORS: In some particular cases, always spected in the order, iis necessary to connect to the pump some sensors, as level, fow, pressure, temperature sensors, sutable tobe installed ina Gassifod ATEX placo. The inetale/user has to connect thats sensors ta the Board, Because they must stop the pump incase of bad working. {4 Star the pump only after checking the working of the sensors 7. VESSEL FULL OF LUBRICANT: In some cases, where the seals flushed by @ vessel, the installar/userhas to fi thie wlth lubricant Rud, compatible ith the classed zone, the pumped quid, te mate of the pump and te seal. He has aiso to arange the connections withthe coal soat, The vessel must be equlppod with the necessary canrols, to guarantee the liquid presence ‘and the pressure required by the manufacturer. The surface tomperetur oth vessels subject othe Use condone and extemal temperature check {hat It does not excoed the va fixed by the Zones classification, Start the pump only attr fling the vessel, hocking the pressure and sensors’ condition. 8, MECHANICAL SEALS’ MAINTENANCE: Check periodically there are no fui losses through the mechanical seals. i it pumps dangerous or Ieitammable iquis, it must replace immediately the mechanical Seal n cage of los, to avoid the forming of Infammable steams the rone around the um, ‘6. Check periodically the mechanical seals.

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