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Experiment 4: Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor

Kirk Patrick D. Doloroso∗ , Godwin Ivandale G. Mabazza, Mary Julia N. Mercado,

Charles Rainier R. Morcila, Yuan Miguel E. Naraga, Ethan G. Roxas and
Angelica Nala T. Yap
PHY06P, A25 (Group 1)
Date of Experiment: April 11, 2019
Corresponding author: Kirk Patrick D. Doloroso

1. Introduction

A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electric potential energy as well as electric
charge. It is made up of two plates or conductors that are separated by a dielectric material which
produces a potential difference across the plates. Moreover, work must be done to move the charges
through the esulting potential difference between the conductors, and the work done is stored as
electric potential energy [1,2].

The energy stored in a charged capacitor has its relation to the electric field in the space
between its conductors. For a particular type of capacitor, the ratio of the charge on each conductor
to the potential difference between the conductors is referred to as capacitance. The capacitance
varies on the size and geometry of the conducts as well as the insulating material between them
[1]. Moreover, capacitance is measured as coulomb per volt and is denoted by this equation:

C= (1)
where C is the capacitance of a capacitor, Q is the magnitude of charge on each conductor, and V
is the potential difference between the conductors of capacitor. The greater the capacitance of a
capacitor yields to a greater magnitude of charge on the conductors for a given potential difference;
which, also results to a greater amount of stored energy.

Mostly, in the field of circuitry, each conductor is set initially to neutral or zero charge and
electrons are transferred from one conductor to another through the process of capacitor charging
[1]. In addition, charging of capacitor occurs when it is connected to a power supply (DC source)
and electric current flows through the circuit. Both plates accumulate an equal and opposite charge,
and an increasing potential difference is created. This phase will only stop once the voltage at the
terminals equates the voltage of power supply, indicating that the capacitor is already fully-charged
[3]. The discharging of a capacitor, meanwhile, will occur when it is disconnected from the power
supply. The charge will flow from one plate to another which will be then neutralized by the re-
sistor. Furthermore, the amount of current as well as the potential difference across the capacitor
will drop until it reaches zero, an indicator that the capacitor is fully discharged [4].

However, electrical circuits could suffer from a time delay between its input and output espe-
cially when a voltage is applied firstly to it. This type of delay is referred to as the time constant
(τ ) of a circuit [5]. In relation to the concept of capacitor charging and discharging, the behavior
of voltage across the capacitor and the current that passes through the circuit is measured with
respect to time. Furthermore, the time constant of a capacitor can be denoted as

τ = RC (2)

where τ is the time constant of the capacitor, R is the resistance value produce by the resistor (in
ohm), and C is the capacitance of the capacitor (in Farad).

With that being said, this experiment aims to analyze whether the time constant for a capacitor
affects the behavior of current that passes through a resistor as the capacitor charges and discharges.
Likewise, its relationship with the behavior of the voltage across the capacitor as it charges and
discharges using the experimental formula
V = V0 e− τ (3)
where V is the voltage across the capacitor is exponentially decaying with time.

2. Methodology

Shown in Figure 2 are the materials and equipment that will be used in the experiment: (1)
electrolytic capacitor that stores electrical energy in an electric field; (2) ammeter which is used
to measure the current in an electric circuit; (3) voltmeter which is used to measure the voltage
in an electric circuit; (4) breadboard that tests a circuit design; (5) resistor that regulates the flow
of electrical current in a circuit; (6) timer that is used to measure the duration of the charging
and discharging of capacitor; (7) DC source or that provides the power supply in order for the
electric circuit to work; (8) connecting wires that serve as connector of electrical energy to flow
within the circuit; and, (9) digital camera used to record the whole process of capacitor charging
and discharging.

Figure 1: Materials and equipment used in the experiment (Mabazza, 2019).

The following are the set of procedures which will be done in order to achieve the following
objectives set for this experiment:

Capacitor Charging and Discharging

In this portion, the circuit was set up as shown in Figure 2; wherein, the ammeter is in series
connection with the DC source and capacitor; while, the voltmeter is parallel with capacitor. The
longer pin of the capacitor is connected to the positive terminal of the DC source.

Figure 2: Capacitor charging and discharging experimental setup (Mabazza, 2019).

Furthermore, the current and voltage are gathered for every second until it reaches the 15th
second mark. After the first 15 seconds, another set of 15 seconds will be done for the capacitor
discharging. The relationship between voltage and current with respect to time for both capacitor
charging and discharging will be analyzed through the results obtained and through graphing.

Determination of the Time Constant

Using the data gathered from the first part of the experiment, the linear regression between
voltage and time is obtained to calculate the value of the experimental time constant τ . On the
other hand, the theoretical time constant is calculated through multipying the value of the resistor
and the capacitance (Equation 2). Any discrepancies between the experimental and theoretical
values will be identified using the percentage difference formula.

ExperimentalV alue − T heoreticalV alue

%dif f erence = | | ×100% (4)
AverageV alue

3. Results and Discussion

For the first portion of the experiment, the observers determine the relationship of voltage and
current for capacitor charging with respect to time. Using the materials and equipment provided,
the group obtained a 15-second trial; in which, values of voltage and current are gathered simulta-
neously. During the trial, it is observed that during the charging process, the potential difference
across capacitor increases every second. As shown in Table 1 and Figure 3, intially at time t = 0,
there is no potential difference yet stored in the capacitor. However as time pass by, the amount
of voltage obtained in the capacitor increases, indicating that the component is continuously stor-
ing electric charge from its conductors. The moment that the voltage stop increasing was in the
14.0-second mark; wherein, it reached 7.5 V since the capacitor has already accumulated up to its
maximum amount of charge that it could accomodate more of it.

Table 1: Voltage and Current Reading for Capacitor Charging.
Time (in second) Voltage (in volt) Current (in mA)
0.0 0V 0 mA
1.0 0.6 V 162.6 mA
2.0 1.9 V 155.9 mA
3.0 3.0 V 130.2 mA
4.0 3.8 V 109.4 mA
5.0 4.6 V 97.7 mA
6.0 5.2 V 83.0 mA
7.0 5.7 V 71.0 mA
8.0 6.2 V 64.2 mA
9.0 6.5 V 55.8 mA
10.0 6.7 V 49.3 mA
11.0 7.0 V 49.2 mA
12.0 7.2 V 41.4 mA
13.0 7.4 V 38.0 mA
14.0 7.5 V 36.2 mA
15.0 7.5 V 34.3 mA

Figure 3: Relationship of voltage (in volt) with respect to time (in second) for capacitor charging.

Meanwhile, the amount of current decreases continuously up to the end of the trial. Based
from the results obtained in Table 1 and in Figure 4, the initial current that passes through the
capacitor is at 0 mA because there is still no voltage that comes across the capacitor. Nevertheless,
once the voltage increases, the amount of electric current that flows in the circuit decreases through
time until it reaches its final value of 34.3 mA at the 15.0-second mark. In addition, the resistor
slows down the rate of charge by limiting the current in and out of the capacitor especially when the
component is fully-charged [4]. As a result, it can be observed that current is inversely proportional
to voltage during the process of capacitor charging.

Figure 4: Relationship of current (in milliampere) with respect to time (in second) for capacitor charging.

With that being said, the concept of capacitor charging was proven to be true in this setup.
This is because initially both voltage and current are zero, an indication that the capacitor at
neutral charge yet. But as the electric charge stored in the capacitor increases through time, the
current passing through the capacitor decreases due to the fact that it will not allow anymore
amount of current once it reaches its maximum charge. Thus, it implies that voltage and current
has an indirect relationship based on the graph shown; wherein, opposite directions of the graph
can be observed when the values for voltage and current with respect to time are plotted.

The second portion of the experiment determines the relationship of voltage and current with
respect to time for capacitor discharging. Using the same setup in the first part of the experiment,
the capacitor was disconnected to the power supply. Hence, it was clearly seen that voltage and
current this time are directly proportional all throughout the discharging process of the capacitor.
As shown in Table 2 and Figure 5, initially, the values of voltage remained to 7.5 V which is the
maximum voltage taken up by the capacitor. However, from two seconds and beyond, the potential
difference across the capacitor started to decrease; wherein, it shows that the stored charge inside
the component was released once there is no connection to the DC source. As a result, the capacitor
had 1.0 V remaining voltage at the 15.0-second mark of the trial. Also, due to the decreasing values
of voltage, it was able to produced a downward trend with respect to time when the values are
plotted in graph.

Table 2: Voltage and Current Reading for Capacitor Discharging.
Time (in second) Voltage (in volt) Current (in mA)
0.0 7.5 V 0 mA
1.0 7.5 V 0 mA
2.0 6.8 V 134.5 mA
3.0 5.7 V 112.1 mA
4.0 4.9 V 99.3 mA
5.0 4.2 V 82.8 mA
6.0 3.5 V 69.2 mA
7.0 3.0 V 61.3 mA
8.0 2.6 V 51.2 mA
9.0 2.2 V 42.8 mA
10.0 2.0 V 38.0 mA
11.0 1.7 V 31.8 mA
12.0 1.5 V 26.7 mA
13.0 1.3 V 22.1 mA
14.0 1.1 V 20.0 mA
15.0 1.0 V 16.8 mA

Figure 5: Relationship of voltage (in volt) with respect to time (in second) for capacitor discharging.

Based on Table 2 and Figure 6, the values of current were decreasing with respect to time
during the capacitor discharging. At t = 0, the current remains at 0 mA since the voltage is about
to discharge until it reaches the 2.0-second mark; wherein, from 134.5 mA it resulted to a 16.8
mA at the end of the trial. With that being said, the trend of current that flows in the capacitor
is similar to the trend of potential difference across the capacitor when it comes to capacitor dis-
charing; hence, there is a direct relationship between the variables. Likewise, the relationship of
current with respect to time was proved to be correct in this experiment setup because the current
decreases when the value of potential difference starts to drop until it reaches zero. With the help
also of the resistor in the circuit, the current was restricted by its produced resistance, so there
would be an equal and opposite charge during the charge and discharge process of the capacitor

Figure 6: Relationship of current (in milliampere) with respect to time (in second) for capacitor discharging.

For the last part of the experiment, the observers identified the experimental value of time
constant. Moreover, this value was based on the results on the exponential change of voltage during
the capacitor discharging; wherein, the negative reciprocal of the slope of the graph of ln(V) was
used. Based from Table 3 and Figure 4, it was found out that the value of ln(V) decreases as the
value of the time increases. From an initial value of 2.0149 V, the value of ln(V) at t = 15.0 resulted
to 0 V. Hence, there is an indirect relationship between the two variables which corresponds to the
negative slope when the values were plotted in the graph. Meanwhile, theoretical value of time
constant was calculated using Equation 2; where, the resistance value of the resistor used in the
circuit was multiplied to the capacitance of resistor. After the computation, the theoretical value
was equal to 4.8000 seconds.

Table 3: Determination of Time Constant.
Time (in second) ln V (in volt)
0.0 2.0149 V
1.0 2.0149 V
2.0 1.9169 V
3.0 1.7405 V
4.0 1.5892 V
5.0 1.4351 V
6.0 1.2528 V
7.0 1.0986 V
8.0 0.9555 V
9.0 0.7885 V
10.0 0.6931 V
11.0 0.5306 V
12.0 0.4055 V
13.0 0.2624 V
14.0 0.0953 V
15.0 0V

Using the theoretical and experimental values of time constant, a percentage difference was
obtained to identify whether there are discrepancies during the whole experiment. In addition,
36.3908% was the resulted percentage difference from the two time constant values. The high dis-
crepancy value can be said to be obtained in the experiment since an analog type of voltmeter was
used. Furthermore, there could be some significant values of voltage at each time interval were not
accounted by the observers, unlike in a digital type of voltmeter where the values displayed is nearly
accurate to the actual value. Nevertheless, the conformity of values was also determined through
the use of the Pearson difference (r2 ); wherein, the closer its value to one yield to a more reliable
result. In the case of this experiment, the data gathered in the determination of time constant
is said to be in good fit since its Pearson difference obtained a value of 0.9960. As a result, it
can be said that in terms of the values of ln(V), the data is 99.60% precise and it confirms to the
convention of time constant where the values of ln(V) decreases with respect to time.

Figure 7: Relationship of experimental time constant (in ln V) with respect to time (in seconds).

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

All in all, using the concept of capacitor charging and discharging, the relationships of voltage
across the capacitor and current that flows through the capacitor with respect to time were proven
to be true. In the relationship of voltage and current during capacitor charging, there is an inverse
relationship between these two variables; whereas, the electric current decreases its value as the
potential difference increases through time. On the other hand, there is an direct relationship in
both voltage and current during capacitor discharging; in which, both values of voltage and current
drops as time pass by due to the disconnection of capacitor to the DC power supply.

For the last part of the experiment, the theoretical and experimental values of time constant
were determined and compared to each other. It was found out that the value of ln(V) decreases
as the time pass by. Meanwhile, in terms of the percentage difference, the theoretical and experi-
mental values of time constant have a discrepancy due to the usage of the analog type of voltmeter.
Nonentheless, the values obtained using Equation 2 provide a precise result for experimental time
constant; wherein, the value of Pearson difference was close to 1.

However, there would be always a room for improvement so that this experiment would obtain
a more precise results and to be able to analyze the relationships of voltage and current with respect
to time. To further enhance this experiment, first, observers should always check if there are any
defects on the materials and equipment given, especially the recording instruments such voltmeter
and ammeter, to avoid any mistakes in the data gathering of experiment. Second, always make
sure that the test lead probes are properly connected to the respective terminals of the capacitor,
to ensure that the capacitor will attain its total maximum charge. Third, it is suggested to use a
digital type of testers since it will give more precise measurements that is almost equal to the actual
value of a particular unit, unlike in analog testers where observers usually estimate values based
on their observations. Lastly, always counter check the computations so that the computed values
will arrive at correct and precise results, and to eliminate any discrepancies once the percentage
difference is calculated.


[1] Young, H.D., & Freedman, R.A. (2016). University physics with modern physics (14th ed.).
New York City, N.Y.: Pearson Education, Inc.
[2] Electronics Tutorials. (2010). Introduction to capacitors. Retrieved from
https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/capacitor/cap 1.html
[3] Macao Communications Museum. (2006). Charging and discharging a capacitor. Retrieved
from http://macao.communications.museum/eng/exhibition/secondfloor/MoreInfo/2 3 5
[4] Gibbs, K. (2016). The charge and discharge of a ca-
pacitor. Retrieved from http://www.schoolphysics.co.uk/age16-
charge and discharge/index.html
[5] Electronics Tutorials. (2010). RC charging circuit. Retrieved from https://www.electronics-
tutorials.ws/rc/rc 1.html

[6] Klyhans, M. (2017). Why do capacitors need a resistor to discharge?. Retrieved from


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