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TASK 3: Choose one national/global issue from a reading material (simply write its main idea
and source) then decide on how you can become part of the global community.

Refugee crises have increasingly become a problem in today’s modern day society. The
world is witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record. According to United Nations,
an unprecedented 65.6 million people around the world have been forced from home by conflict
and persecution at the end of 2016. Among them are nearly 22.5 million refugees, over half of
whom are under the age of 18. There are also 10 million stateless people, who have been denied
a nationality and access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, employment and freedom
of movement. According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
nearly 1 person is forcibly displaced every two seconds as a result of conflict or persecution in
the world. I must say that it is one of the alarming issues we are facing today.

As a normal student and a citizen in our country, I can be part of our global community
and lessen the number of refugees in the world in three possible ways: first, by joining
organizations that aims to protect the rights of every individual. Refugees are also human in
which they have also the right to be a human. They have also the right to be free from tortures,
right to freedom of opinion, right to life, right to liberty and right to security. I will try to be part
of this certain organization because in this simple way I can be a model to everyone to treat
refugees as a human being because they are also one.

Second, I will be a volunteered aid worker. The purpose of this is to provide some initial
protection for civilians fleeing internal conflicts who are susceptible to violent attacks and
killings. I will use my hands to treat children and adults who are victim of violence in their
country. I will give everything what I can give. As a volunteer, my number one goal is to human
lives and relieves their suffering through my simple ways. If I will not be a volunteered aid
worker, I will donate food, money, clothing and etc to those people who migrate to other place to
seek for security and place. I will also try to persuade other people to have the same goal as
mine. As the saying goes “the more the merrier” which means more helping hands can lead to a
better nation.

There are a lot of reasons why refugee crisis is existing. The most common reason people
become refugee is persecution — which can take on many forms: religious, national, social,
racial, or political. Another is that most of history’s refugees have been the direct or indirect
product of war. Furthermore, it’s estimated that 20 million people in four North African and
Middle Eastern countries — Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Yemen — are facing extreme
drought, and many of these individuals are becoming refugees, forced from their homelands in
search of stable food sources. Lastly is the climate change.
The last thing I can possibly do to be part our global community that helps to solve global
issues like refugee crisis is that I will use my power as a student to write or post articles in the
social media regarding the said issue. Many people are into social media (any forms) and by
writing in any of my social media account, it will spread worldwide in just how many seconds.

All of us can be part of our global community. Students are part of many communities,
including local, national and global communities. Exploring being part of global communities
and the concept of globalization enables students to look to the future and consider their
participation in a globalised world as informed, critical, and responsible citizens. In our own
simple ways on how we can address to the global issues we must always bear in mind that it can
help. It can be a great help to our world.


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