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Production Plan – Radio Feature

Contact Details

Harry Main

07814 271245

Type of Product

Radio feature on the topic of: Exercising in the gym vs at home

Intended Radio Station

Radio Wave, the Priestley College Radio


I have chosen this radio feature topic because exercise and sport is highly encouraged to teenagers
and young adults, making the topic of the feature relevant and relatable to most of my target
audience, which will increase their interest. This topic would benefit my audience too because if any
listeners are encouraged to begin exercising routinely, it will increase their physical and mental well-
being. This topic will be especially intriguing to any sport students as they will be able to gain insight
into how others exercise and stay in shape.

Date of Broadcast

February 1st 2020

Target Audience

My target audience will be 16–19-year-olds at Priestley College, all genders, ethnicities and sexualities
are included in my target audience.

Audience Interactivity

The audience will be able to interact with the radio feature, by being interviewed for it, meaning they
will have their input in the feature itself. The other ways they can interact is by emailing, texting or
tweeting the radio’s Twitter during the live broadcast after it has been played.

Mode of Address

The mode of address in the feature will be lively and informal, this means that the messages in the
feature will be communicated more efficiently to my audience because they will be more interested
solely due to the fact that the voices and sounds will keep their attentions on the feature. Colloquial
language will be used from the surrounding areas of Priestley College, as this is where the target
audience will most familiar with in their day-to-day lives.


The content of my radio will majorly involve Vox-Pop interviews, interviews with people on the
campus of Priestley College, this will allow the feature to have interesting, funnier and more segments
in it of the general opinions of people on campus. Throughout there will also be interviews with
experts on the topic, for example a personal trainer or a physiotherapist, both work in and around
gyms and have extended experience in their line of work. These segments will be more extensive than
Production Plan – Radio Feature
the others as their opinions will be more in depth than the average person’s on Priestley College’s

The feature will have music play as transitions throughout it, I would like to use non-copyright, up-
tempo pop music, to mimic the same genre of music one would hear in a gym, this could intrigue the
audience even more if they like the music. This could encourage them to try and get involved with a
gym or start exercising at home.

Voice over will be needed to explain what questions have been asked and to introduce the radio
feature, these will be recorded with a mic and will play over with background music to communicate
the topic and questions to the audience in an easy-to-follow manner. This will maintain the audience’s
understanding and attention throughout the feature.

Some archived material may be used if needed, for example explanations or effects can be used
during the feature for extra effect.


Harry Main

Recording and Production

In the production of my radio feature, I will use a Zoom recorder, this will allow my audio to be of a
high quality, some of the more significant recording will be done in a studio, however I will still use a
Zoom recorder. The studio will make the audio even higher quality, making it easier to edit too.

Editing and post-production

For the post-production stage, I will use a computer with Adobe Premier Pro to edit my feature

How is the feature appropriate?

My feature is appropriate to the target audience as the topic of exercise and staying in shape is
relevant to most people and all age-brackets, this means that the audience will naturally have an
interest in this topic because they will have been encouraged and advertised similar topics and
products that my feature will discuss.

My feature will appeal to my audience because the topic of exercise can be related to so many things,
like social life, sport, entertainment, personal identity and courage-building. These are topics and
aspects in life that everyone comes into contact with in their lives and if the audience can see that
exercise can help with these, they may become more interested in the topic itself.

The experts that I will interview are relevant because they have to work in and around gyms in their
work lives. The personal trainer will have a gym-based experience and bias, which will encourage
people to go to the gym, which is a topic he will work closely on. Whereas the physiotherapist could
give a different opinion favoring home-exercise to a certain extent. This variety of opinions will have
the same goal, getting people into exercise and since they may have a differing opinion, this could
create a tiny amount of tension in the listener’s mind, they may ask “Why is it that these two experts
disagree?” this enigma code will add an entertaining atmosphere to the feature, a technique which is
commonly used in popular media products today.

I will use Vox-Pop interviews because this will allow my feature to have a variety of different
perspectives on the subject. They will also feature the opinions of people from my target audience,
Production Plan – Radio Feature
meaning the opinions will relate to my listeners more. This will act a s a form of audience interaction,
where they will be able to give their opinion on the feature in person before the broadcast rather
than during the broadcast online. This will encourage them to listen to the broadcast, to see what
part of their interview is shown.

In the feature, I will use upbeat pop music. This is an appropriate genre because this is the genre of
music that is played in a gym. My audience could relate even if they don’t go to the gym as this music
is the most popular music right now. The listeners who do go to the gym would also relate to this as
this is what they will hear when they go to the gym.

Legal and Ethical Issues

Copyright, Designs and Patent Act (1988)

The Copyright law applies to the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound
recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of published editions, giving them the
right to control the ways their work is used by others. The law protects the creator from being used in
any way they don’t want it to be used by others.
If the law is breached, it is up to the creator of the material at hand to take action in court. The law
will fine the law breaker if they are deemed guilty and the judge of the case will determine the
amount they will have to pay.

This applies to my radio feature because I am going to include music in it. To avoid breaking this law, I
will use copyright-free music in my feature, this will mean that the owner of the music I use won’t
take me to court for using their work.

Equality Act (2010)

This is a criminal law, protecting people from being discriminated against for their age, sexuality,
gender, relationships, disabilities, race, nationality, ethnicity or sex. If someone is found to break this
law they can be fined or put in jail depending on how bad the offence was.

To avoid breaking this law my radio feature won’t feature any discriminatory opinions and the script
won’t feature any either. If I record someone with a discriminatory opinion, they will be cut from the
entire radio feature and their opinions will be edited out.

Intellectual Property
This law overlaps with copyright at times. It protects people from having their product names, brands,
designs or things they’ve written or produced from being stolen, provided that they have applied and
been granted a trademark on that product. You will have to apply for protection of trademarks,
registered designs and patents, which can take up to 5 years to get.
This law applies to jingles, to avoid breaking this, I will avoid using registered or copyrighted jingles in
my feature.

Obscene Publications Act (1959)

This law is a criminal law, protecting against descriptions, depictions of people that can deprave or
corrupt the subjects of them.

Trespass Law
This law is a civil law, protecting property owners from having people go on their property, without
their permission. It is up to them to take the trespassers to court, otherwise they will not be punished
if they have broken this law.
Production Plan – Radio Feature
To avoid this law affecting my feature, I will avoid taking interviews of anyone who is trespassing and
will not trespass whilst recording my radio feature.

Civil Law on Privacy

Britain doesn’t have a civil law protecting privacy in its law book, however there is one included in the
European Convention on Human Rights, called the Human Rights Act of 1998. This law means that a
person’s privacy must be respected in media products. In terms of radio; full names, addresses,
names of family members or any other personal information is covered under this law.

This means that when I produce my radio feature, I must request permission to record and interview
certain people. This also means that if any personal information is included in the feature, I will notify
the person, before it is broadcasted, to avoid releasing any personal information without their

Defamation Act (2013)

The Defamation Act protects the public against any writing that can damage a certain person’s
reputation in the eyes of the public(libel) or speech that can damage a certain person’s reputation in
the eyes of the public(slander). It is a civil law, so any person found to be breaking the law must be
taken to court by the person they have slandered. This law doesn’t apply to just media products, but
in everyday life.

To avoid this, my radio won’t feature any slanderous comments about any certain people, any
comments like this will be edited out and cut from the feature entirely. There would be little reason
to name anyone by name due to the topic of my feature, so these comments would be edited out

Ethical Constraints
Ethical constraints are based upon society’s judgement of certain actions and media products. Since
there aren’t any laws against these issues, there won’t be fines or jailtime served, but job
opportunities and disciplinary action in the workplace would meet anyone in the media industry to
violate the codes of conduct in their productions. Some ethical constraints that are important in
media include: Protecting under 18 year olds, misrepresenting any groups of people(age, disabled
people, sexuality or religion), using off-the-record or falsified information, abusing the power to
influence the public or vulnerable minds, undisclosed recording and offensive content.

To avoid these problems, my radio feature will aim to represent the full community and diversity of
my college, I will try to involve a variety of opinions from a variety of different students on college
campus in my interviews. I will also disclose what the feature will be used for and the purpose that
the interviews will serve.

Potential Revenue
Some appropriate sponsors for my radio feature would be gyms around Priestley College. Some of
these include: DW Sports Fitness, PureGym Warrington Central, Smithy’s Gym, Village Gym
Warrington and Hard Labour Gym.

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