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Exercise 2: Testable Observations

Determine which of the following observations are testable. For those that are testable:
The observation is testable

Determine if the observation is qualitative or quantitative

The observation is quantitative owing to the fact that the growth of the plant is measured by a
units of length.

Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis


The main hypothesis of the experiment is that plant shall grow at a faster rate when placed near
the window sill as compared to the one placed under the coffee table in the living room.

Null Hypothesis

Plant growth may be similar and thus the location of its position does not affect its growth rate.

What would be your experimental approach?

The investigation into the experiment required two plants of similar height, one inside the living
room under the coffee table and the other on the window sill. After positioning, the researcher
should make monitoring and documentation of the changes in growth rate every time of the

What are the dependent and independent variables?

The dependent variable is the extent of plant growth while the in dependent variable is the
locality or positioning of the plant.
What are your controls - both positive and negative?
Positive Control: When you place the plant t the window sill with much sunlight, the plant
grows faster
Negative Control: The plant that is not near the window sill does not grow

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How will you collect your data?
The collection of data shall entail the measure of the height of the plant to determine the extent
of growth.

How will you present your data (charts, graphs, types)?

After the subsequent time elapse, the data shall be presented in excel and insert a line graph
presenting data for both plants.
How will you analyze your data?
The Analysis of data requires the comparison of both line graphs to determine the extent of
growly for both plants in their respective positions. The information from the graph shall state
whether the hypothesis is true.
Introduction to Science
1. A plant grows three inches faster per day when placed on a window sill than it does when
placed on a on a coffee table in the middle of the living room. TESTABLE
2. The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes is taller than the other tellers.
3. When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points
lower than when she does not exercise and eats fatty foods.
Hypothesis: Consumption of healthy foods and regular exercise lowers blood by 10 as
compared to eating fatty foods without a regular workout.
Null Hypothesis: consumption of fatty foods without a workout can lower blood pressure by 10.
Experimental Approach
The experiment entails recording baseline reading of Sally’s BP and enables her exercise four
times a week while maintaining consumption of healthy foods. After that, make a record of her
BP reading at the end of the week. The following week, repeat the exercise while she does not
consume healthy foods without a workout plan and record her BP.

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The independent variable for the experiment is exercise and healthy food while the dependent
variable is change in blood pressure. Besides, the control variable is blood pressure.
Positive Control: It entails the phase of experiment when the investigator records a lower or
normal blood pressure when the individuals consume healthy diet with a regular plan.
Negative Control: It is the phase of the experiment when the investigator records Sally’s blood
pressure when she is not taking healthy foods or exercising regularly.

4. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at
10 pm.

5. For the past two days, the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15

6. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings.


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