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In the study of English Literature,the Medieval period and the Renaissance

represent two distinctly diffrent eras.Not only did the language itself change
between the two periods , but the scoope and subject of literature changed
.Broadly speaking the medieval literature was characterized by christianity and
chivalry while Renaissance literature was greatly influenced by the progress of
art,sciences and the emergence of humanism.

The period of European history referred to as the Renaissance was a time of

great social and cultural change in Europe.Generally speaking,the Renaissance
spanned from the 14th to 16th Centuries,spreading across Europe from it's
birthplace in Italy.During the Middle Ages Italy was not unified country that it
is today.

The term of 'Renaissance' is used to describe this phase of European history

beacuse many of the changes experienced between the 14th and 16th centuries
were inspired by a revival of the classical art and intellect of ancient Greece and
Rome.This period gave birth to many philosophers , thinkers , and writers , the
two most famous writers of the English renaissance were Christopher Marlowe
and William Shakespeare ,they wrote plays and stories about love , jealousy ,

William Shakespeare is considered to be England’s national poet and his works

have been translated into every major language and are performed more than
any other , although he’s known very little we know about his private life due to
being a playwright in Elizabethan society that were considering playwrights low
on pecking order he was born in 1564 in England Stratford-Upon-Avon and
died in 1616 , Shakespeare helped bring the Renaissance freedom,humanity and
rebirth appreciation of classical antiquity to the English theater,and he created
new words and expressions that enabled English to become much more precise

artistic instrument.Shakespeare write numerous work,38 plays and 154 sonnets
and poems.His plays were mainly comedies and histories and this works remain
regarded as some of the best work produced in these genres,he then wrote
mainly tragedies until 1608 including Hamlet,Othello,king lear and Macbeth.In
his last phase he wrote tragicomedies,also known as Romances.

Julius caeser (1599),one of shakespeare famous plays,it considerd as his first

staged in Roman tragedies,he reworked characters and events with which most
of his audience would have been familiar.In Renaissance England,the ancient
Roman Republic did not seen renote or exotic.Instead it served as an important
precedent in politics and history.This play based on a true story,the historical
events surrounding the conspiracy against the ancient Roman leader Julius
Caesar(c 100-44B.C).Shakespeare portrays Caesar's assassination on the Ides of
March(15th March) by a group of conspirators who feared the ambitious leader
would turn the roman republic into a tyrannical monarchy.The tragedy of Julius
Caesar depicts caesar last bid for absolute power over Rome,his final days as a
ruler , and the civil war that followed his death .As the Drama unfeolds
,ambition clashes with honor , with deadly consequences the themes of the play
are central to understanding the play and identifiying Shakesepeare's social and
political commentary.

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