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Yuliati Ningrat, S.

Honourable judges , respected teachers and my beloved friends.


All praises be to Alloh for the health and strength given to us. Peace and blessing be upon to the prophet
Muhammad SAW, his companions, his family and all of his followers.

It gives me immense to stand here to have this opportunity to present to you my ideas on a matter that many
people don’t realized if they still do these ‘tiny’ things they think, it can cause an enormous disaster to mankind
around the world. Why do I say like that? Is it a big problem? Yes, of course!!! Since not all people care about
environment, I have to do the best I can to protect it. This is what I want to share with you all here,
environment and global warming.

My friends,

Have you ever thrown wrapping plastic of candy anywhere you walk, chit-chat, gossiping and so on with your
friends along the road after school?

Or have you ever washed your motorcycle at your home by spending or wasting much water on it in hours
without switching off its pump?

Or maybe have you ever cut down some trees just the matter of you want to build a camp?

If you have ever done those things, it means a big, big problem in the future!! Let’s open our mind… if the
students at your school are about 1000 students, and throw one candy wrapping plastic per students there will
be about 1000 garbage of candies in a day, 7000 in a week, 28000 in a month, and 336000 in a year!! And how if
there are more than two candies per students in a day? You can count it later, not now. How pity our
motherland is!!!

What about water? Water is a vital component for living things. Today, we can still have huge water resources,
we can use it freely. But, if we still threat the water like what we do now I am sure we will run out of this
precious component. All living things will feel thirsty, look for its resources, wherever they find water they will
come and want it as theirs. It isn’t something impossible if they will fight each other to own the water!! It’s just
an illustration guys! Don’t worry… it’s a hyperbole.

My dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,

I only want to invite you taking care about our environment actually. It’s because of what we can feel recently
and what many people discuss. It is Global Warming. Do you know it? Of course all of you have already familiar
with these two words. Global Warming means that the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and
oceans is rising and that this is not good for our planet. Global Warming can affect our daily life. If the earth’s
temperature is rising there will be water shortages for example. People might not be able to water their
gardens. Some forests may die off and become deserts. The increasing heat can cause snow covered mountain
peaks to melt causing floods. Many people say that Global Warming is mainly caused by humans. Whether we
realize it or not, as humans we are taking advantage of our natural resources and giving nothing back in return.

My friends,

However, as young generation we should care more about our environment. We don’t want to see our
environment getting worse and worse as we grow up. That’s why each of us should start positive action and
help to fight against Global Warming! Start from our home like;

 Throw the garbage into the dustbin, separate them between leaves or veggies, paper, plastic, and
glass. Or organic and non organic garbage.
 Plant flowers or trees around home or school
 Save the use of water
 Use paper bag or wrapping paper not plastic bag when we go shopping
 And don’t forget together hand in hand to protect our environment clean and green!!!


Thank you very much

Wassalam. Wr. Wb.

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