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Magic English Learning School

5th Class
Verb Bangla Meaning Present Past P. Participle
pay cwi‡kva Kiv, (n) †eZb, cvwikÖwgK pay paid paid
bend euvKv‡bv, (n) euvKv, †gvo bend bent bent
burn ‡cvov‡bv (n) †QvU b`x, †cvov Nv burn burnt burnt
fight hy× Kiv (n) hy× ev msMÖvg fight fought fought
deal e¨envi Kiv deal dealt dealt
lay †kvqv‡bv, kvwqZ Kiv (n) MxwZ KweZv lay laid laid
dwell evm Kiv, emevm Kiv dwell dwelt dwelt
learn †kLv, Ávb AR©b Kiv learn learned learned
seek mÜvb Kiv, ‡LuvRv seek sought sought
smell NªvY †bIqv, (n) MÜ, NªvY smell smelt smelt
spell evbvb Kiv spell spelt spelt
spend e¨q Kiv, LiP Kiv spend spent spent
teach cov‡bv, ‡kLv‡bv teach taught taught
weep Kuv`v, wejvc Kiv weep wept wept
abide ‡g‡b Pjv, ei`v¯Í Kiv abide abode abode
arise ‡R‡M DVv, D_ÌvwcZ Kiv arise arose arisen
awake RvMv, m‡PZb Kiv (adj) mRvM, RvMÖZ awake awoke awaken
be (am, is, are) nIqv be (am,is,are) was, ware been
beatify ¯^M©my‡L myLx Kiv beatify beatified beatified
bear enb Kiv (n) fjøyK, fvjyK bear borne borne
become nIqv, msNwUZ nIqv become became become
behold ‡`Lv, †`L‡Z cvIqv, `„wócvZ Kiv behold beheld beheld
beat cÖnvi Kiv beat beat beaten
conceive Mf©aviY Kiv, wPšÍv Kiv,Kíbv Kiv conceive conceived conceived
bite Kvgo †`Iqv, (n) Kvgo, `skb bite bit bitten/bit
bind euvav‡bv, eÜb Kiv bind bound bound
bleed i³ ¶iY nIqv bleed bled bled
breed cÖme Kiv, Rb¥ †`Iqv breed bred bred
blow cÖevwnZ nIqv, (n) AvNvZ,Nywm,dy‡ji dzUšÍ Ae¯’v blow blew blown
chide wZi¯‹vi Kiv, eKzwb †`Iqv chide chid chid/chidden
choose cQ›` Kiv ev evQvB Kiv choose chose chosen
cling †j‡M _vKv cling clung clung
welcome ¯^vMZg Rvbv‡bv, (n) ¯^vMZg welcome welcomed welcomed
creep nvgv¸wo w`‡q Pjv creep crept crept
dig Lbb Kiv dig dug dug
draw AuvKv, Uvbv, (n) jUvix, AvKl©Y draw drew drown
feed LvIqv‡bv ev †L‡Z †`Iqv feed fed fed
find †LuvRv, (n) cÖvwß,cÖvß e¯‘ find found found
forbid wb‡la Kiv, gvbv Kiv forbid forbade forbidden
forgive ¶gv Kiv, gvd Kiv forgive forgave forgiven
forsake cwiZ¨vM Kiv ev eR©b Kiv forsake forsook forsaken
freeze wngvqxZ Kiv, eid Kiv freeze froze frozen
hide jyKv‡bv hide hid hid/hidden
know Rvbv know knew known
mistake fyj Kiv mistake mistook mistaken
ride ‡Nvovq Pov ride rode ridden
ring N›Uv evRv‡bv ring rang rung
rise DVv rise rose risen
run ‡`Šov‡bv run ran run
sit emv sit sat sat
st nd
1 . 2 . 3rd. 4th. th
5 .
Past Tense- Table no-4
Sentence Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect
Asser.S. Wh I did. Wh I was doing. Wh I had done before you did.
Nega.S. Wh I didn’t do. Wh I wasn’t doing. Wh I hadn’t done before you did.
Inter.S. Wh Did I do? Wh Was I doing? Wh Had I done before you did?
Inter.Neg:S Wh Didn’t I do? Wh Wasn’t I doing? Wh Hadn’t I done before you did?
Avwg K‡iwQjvg| Avwg KiwQjvg| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg K‡i wQjvg|
Avwg Kwi bvB| Avwg KiwQjvg bv| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg Kwi bvB|
Avwg wK K‡iwQjvg? Avwg wK KiwQjvg? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg K‡i wQjvg?
Avwg wK Kwi bvB? Avwg wK KiwQjvg bv? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg Kwi bvB?
 did not = didn’t, was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t (Aqv›U), had not= hadn’t.
 I-was, We-were, You-were, You-were, He-was, She-was, They-were, It-was, Mahi-was.
I came here to learn English Avwg Bs‡iRx wkL‡Z GLv‡b G‡mwQjvg|
We built up our career Avgiv Avgv‡`i Rxeb M‡o wQjvg|
You wrote a letter Zzwg wPwV wj‡L wQ‡j|
You spook in English ‡Zvgiv Bs‡iRx‡Z K_v e‡jwQ‡j|
He depended on his father †m Zvi evevi Dci wbf©i K‡iwQj|
She cooked meat †m gvsm ivbœv K‡iwQj|
They discussed about politics Zviv ivRbxwZ m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbv K‡iwQj|
Mahi learned ABCD gvnx ABCD wk‡LwQj|
Measure your speed
1 2nd 3rd
Would you please give me your pen?
He used to live along.
AZx‡Zi Af¨vm eySv‡Z Always/often regularly/usually BZ¨vw` hy³ n‡qI Past Indefinite Tense nq|
While I was walking on the road, I saw a dead cow.
While Nabila was delivering speech in English, I felt nervous.
accordingly Z`bymv‡i meanwhile BwZg‡a¨
also GQvovI moreover Dciš‘/AwaKš‘
anyway ‡hgb KwiqvB nDK nevertheless Z_vwc/ZeyI/Zv m‡Ë¡I
besides e¨ZxZ next cieZx©
certainly wbwk^PZfv‡e nonetheless Zey/A_P
consequently myZivs/AZGe now GLb
finally cwi‡k‡l/ †klev‡ii g‡Zv otherwise Ab¨fv‡e/bZzev
furthermore AwaKš‘/GZ`wZwi³ similarly GKBfv‡e
hence myZivs/AZ:ci still GL‡bv
however hv‡nvK then Zvici
incidentally cÖm½µ‡g/AKm¤§vr thereafter myZivs/AZGe
indeed mwZ¨/cÖK…Zc‡ÿ therefore GBfv‡e
instead cwie‡Z© thus wbtm‡›`‡n/¯^cœvZxZ
likewise Abyiƒcfv‡e/ undoubtedly

Facebook Profile: Ansarul Haque Rana

Facebook Page: Magic English Learning School
Facebook Group: Magic English & Creative Invention
Youtube: Magic English Learning School
Sentence Making by depending on indefinite, Continuous, and Perfect
evsjv evK¨ English Sentence

1. Avcwb MZKvj †Kv_vq wM‡qwQ‡jb ?

D: MZKvj Avwg bvbyi evmvq wM‡qwQjvg|

2. Avcwb wK MZ wW‡fU K¬v‡m G‡mwQ‡jb?

D: bv Avwg MZ wW‡fU K¬v‡m Avwmwb|

3. ‡m KZ mv‡j Rb¥ MÖnY K‡iwQj?

D: †m 1990 mv‡j Rb¥ MÖnY K‡iwQj|

4.Avcwb ZLb wK cowQ‡jb?

D: ZLb Avwg cweÎ †KviAvb kwid co‡ZwQjvg|

5. GLv‡b fwZ© nIqvi Rb¨ †K Avcbv‡K UvKv w`‡qwQj?

D: Avgvi evev GLv‡b fwZ©i Rb¨ UvKv w`‡qwQj|

6. ‡ivMxwU KLb gviv wM‡qwQj?

D: Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© ‡ivMx gviv wM‡qwQj|

7. Zzwg ZLb wK ivbœv KiwQ‡j?

D: Avwg ZLb gvsm ivbœv Ki‡ZwQjvg|

8. Zzwg †Kb GB f~jwU K‡iwQ‡j?

D: bv Avwg GB f~jwU Kwiwb|

9. Avwg fwZ© nIqvi ci wK Avcwb GLv‡b fwZ© n‡qwQ‡jb?

D: bv, Avcbvi fwZ© nIqvi c~‡e© Avwg GL‡b fwZ© n‡qwQjvg|

10. Zviv wKfv‡e Bs‡iRx wk‡LwQj?

D: Zviv B.Gm.wm BWy‡Kkb Gi gva¨‡g Bs‡iRx wk‡LwQj|

Present Tense-1
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Assertive Sen. WH I do. WH I am doing. WH I have done.
Negative Sen. WH I don’t do. WH I am not doing. WH I haven’t done.
Interr: Sen. WH Do I do? WH Am I doing? WH Have I done?
Interrogative Ne. Se. WH Don’t I do? WH Am not I doing? WH Haven’t I done?
Present Tense-2 (by adding auxiliary Verbs)
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Asser.S Wh I am a student. Wh I am being a student. Wh I have been a student.
Nega.S Wh I ain’t a student. Wh I am not being a student. Wh I haven’t been a student.
Inter.S. Wh Am I a student? Wh Am I being a student? Wh Have I been a student?
Inter.Neg:S. Wh Ain’t I a student? Wh Am I not being a student? Wh Haven’t I been a student?
Present Tense-3 (passive voice)
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Asser.S Wh I am called. Wh I am being called. Wh I have been called.
Nega.S Wh I ain’t called. Wh I am not being called. Wh I haven’t been called.
Inter.S. Wh Am I called? Wh Am I being called? Wh Have I been called?
Inter.Neg:S. Wh Ain’t I called? Wh Am I not being called? Wh Haven’t I been called?
1st 2nd 3rd
Some Important Sentences for Debate Competition
1. Several factors must be taken into account when talking a side in a debate.
weZ‡K©i †Kvb c¶ wb‡Z A‡bK welq we‡ePbvq Avb‡Z nq|
2. Dear moderator/Wise judges I would like to know that.
wcÖq wbqbš¿K/weÁ wePviK gÛwj Avwg Rvb‡Z PvB †h|
3. All things considered I remain firmly in favour of/ against the subject.
me wKQz we‡ePbv K‡iB weZ‡K©i c‡¶/wec‡¶ Avgvi Ae¯’vb|
4. My learned/wise opponents perhaps have missed the point.
Avgvi wcÖq cÖwZc¶ m¤¢eZ Avmj K_vwU wgm K‡i‡Qb|
5. My dear opponents have gone closer but not touched the point.
Avgvi wcÖq cÖwZc¶ welqwUi KvQvKvwQ G‡m‡Qb wKšÍy welqwU ¯úk© K‡ibwU|
6. My dear opponents are living in a fool’s paradise.
Avgvi wcÖq cÖwZc¶ †evKvi ¯^‡M© evm Ki‡Qb|
7. My dear opponents must be agree that.
Avgvi wcÖq weÁ cÖwZc¶ Aek¨B GKgZ n‡eb †h|
8. My dear opponents should consider the fact that.
Avgvi weÁ cÖwZc‡¶i G mZ¨wU we‡ePbv Kiv DwPr †h|
9. My dear opponents are living in the land dreams.
Avgvi wcªq cÖwZc¶ ¯^‡cœ iv‡R¨ evm Ki‡Qb|
10. My dear opponents have difficulty in understanding the plain truth that.
Avgvi wcªq cÖwZc‡¶i mnR K_vwU eySv‡Z Amyweav n‡”Q †h|

weRqxiv wfbœ KvR K‡i bv, GKB KvR wfbœ fv‡e K‡i
Winners don’t do different work, same work they do differently.
Amg‡q †gngvb
Amg‡q †gngvb N‡i Xy‡K e‡m hvb
‡evSvjvg Sv‡gjvi hZ¸‡jv w`K Av‡Q
wZwb †nu‡m ej‡jb- ÒwVK Av‡Q wVK Av‡QÓ
‡ik‡bi cPuv Pvj Uj U‡j evwm Wvj
_vjvUvI fv½v ‡Pviv, evwUUvI wjK Av‡Q
†Lu‡Z e‡m Rvbv‡jb- ÒwVK Av‡Q wVK Av‡QÓ
‡gN †`‡L †gngvb PvB‡jb QvZv Lvb
‡`Lvjvg QvZv Uvi ïay KUv wkK Av‡Q
ZeyI wZwb ej‡jb- ÒwVK Av‡Q wVK Av‡QÓ
Some WH word
1 How far KZ `~i
2 How long KZ¶Y
3 How often KZevi
4 How many KZ¸‡jv
5 How much KZUzKz
6 By whom Kvi Øviv
7 Without whom Kv‡K Qvov
8 About whom Kvi m¤§‡×
9 To what wK‡mi cÖwZ/w`‡K
10 Any how †h fv‡eB †nvK
11 Before whom Kvi Av‡M
12 After whom Kvi c‡i
13 Against whom Kvi we‡iv‡×
14 Who else Avi‡K
15 For whom Kvi Rb¨
16 Some how †h K‡iB ‡nvK
17 With whom Kvi mv‡_
18 From where †Kv_v †_‡K
19 What more AviwK
20 After what wK‡mi c‡i
21 Before what wK‡mi Av‡M
22 By what wK‡mi Øviv
23 For what wK‡mi Rb¨
24 To whom Kvi Kv‡Q
25 About whose KviwU m¤§‡×
26 What else AviwK
27 With what wK‡mi Øviv
28 From what wK †_‡K
29 Without What wK Qvov
30 Against what wK‡mi weiæ‡×
31 About what wK m¤§‡×
32 From whose KviwU †_‡K
33 Under which ‡KvbwU wb‡P
34 In which ‡KvbwUi g‡a¨
35 From which ‡KvbwU †_‡K
36 What though wK n‡e/ wK-B ev Zv‡Z
37 What if wK n‡e/ †Kgb nq
Measure your speed
1 2nd 3rd
Learn Correct Spelling.
`ytL,hvZbv f~lY, Aj¼vi mxgvbvnxb, Aeva †evKvgx m¤úªmvwiZ
misery embellishment boundless foolishness expanded

`yf©vM¨ Abb¨, GKgvÎ Aw·‡Rb/A¤øRvb Abyl` Rb¥wbqš¿Y

misfortune unique oxygen faculty Contraception

Reading Practice with Correct Pronunciation.

Fisherman works day and night. Many fishermen go out to catch fish at night. The night may become stormy. It may
also be a dark and chilly night. Their families remain anxious when they go out to the river. A flood is a natural
calamity. Every year Bangladesh falls a victim to floods. People and other animals suffer untold miseries during the
flood. Much damage is done to crops. The government is trying to solve this problem. Ratan did not utter a single
word. She started crying in silence. I looked at her. She was ten years old. She did not have parents. She left home
two years ago. She has been with me since then. The value of time is boundless. Time does not wait for anybody.
Those who make the proper use of time become successful in life. So, it is an act of foolishness to neglect time. Time
once gone does not come back again. Almost all the students of our country are expert in memorizing answers. They
do not prepare their answers themselves, they get their thinking faculty does not develop. They have no credit of their
own even though they make a good results. The flower is the unique gift of nature. Flowers add to the beauty of
nature. They add to human beauty. We use flowers in different ways. Hence flower cultivation needs to be expanded.
Human life is short. But there is plenty of work. We will have to do a lot of work within a short period. That is why,
we will have to make the proper use of every moment of life. The waste of time brings about misfortune. Honesty is
the noble virtue. Every body respects an honest man. He who is honest prospers in life. Nobody believes a dishonest
man. Though/ Although an dishonest man/person prospers, he suffers in the long run. Trees are our friend. They help
us in many ways. They give us shade, food, fuel, medicine and oxygen. So we shouldn’t cut down trees. We should
plant trees. Modesty is the embellishment of greatest. We should all try to be modest. Even, we should treat our
enemy with modesty. Because, modesty teaches the enemy to be modest too.
Measure your speed
1 2nd 3rd
Let’s Practice the lesson.
aren’t = are not mightn’t = might not isn’t = is not
can’t = cannot might’ve = might have it’d = it would
could’ve = could have mustn’t = must not it’ll = it shall, it will
couldn’t = could not must’ve = must have it’s = it has, it is
didn’t = did not needn't = need not that’ll = that will
doesn’t = does not she’d = she had / she would that’s = that has, that is
don’t = do not she’ll = she shall, she will that’d = that would, that had
gonna = going to she’s = she has, she is there’d = there had, there would
gotta = got to, got a should’ve = should have there’d’ve = there would have
hadn’t = had not shouldn’t = should not there’re = there are
hasn't = has not somebody’s = somebody is there’s = there has / there is
haven't = have not someone’d = someone had, someone they’d = they would
he’d = he had, he would would they’d’ve = they would have
he’ll = he shall, he will someone’ll = someone shall, someone they’ll = they shall, they will
he’s = he has, he is will they’re = they are
how’d = how did, how would someone’s = someone has, someone is they’ve = they have
how’ll = how will something’d = something had wasn’t = was not
how’s = how has, how is something’ll = something shall, we’d = we had
I’d = I had, I would something will we’ll = we will
I’ll = I shall / I will something’s = something has, we’re = we are
I’m = I am something is we’ve = we have
I’ve = I have why’re = why are weren’t = were not
what’ll = what will why’s = why has, why is who’ll = who shall, who will
what’re = what are won’t = will not who’re = who are
what’s = what has / what is won't I've = will not have who’s = who has, who is
what’ve = what have would’ve = would have who’ve = who have
when’s = when is wouldn’t = would not why'd = why did
where’d = where did wouldn’t’ve = would not have
where’s = where has, where is you’d’ve = you would have
where’ve = where have you’ll = you shall, you will
who’d = who would
who’d’ve = who would have

VeW Xmw
The End

Facebook Profile: Ansarul Haque Rana

Facebook Page: Magic English Learning School
Facebook Group: Magic English & Creative Invention
Youtube: Magic English Learning School

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