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Review paper

Centella asiatica in cosmetology

Wiesława Bylka, Paulina Znajdek-Awiżeń, Elżbieta Studzińska-Sroka, Małgorzata Brzezińska

Department of Pharmacognosy, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland

Head: Prof. Irena Matławska

Postep Derm Alergol 2013; XXX, 1: 46-49

DOI: 10.5114/pdia.2013.33378

Centella asiatica known as Gotu Kola is a medicinal plant that has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years
as well as in scientifically oriented medicine. The active compounds include pentacyclic triterpenes, mainly asiatico-
side, madecassoside, asiatic and madecassic acids. Centella asiatica is effective in improving treatment of small wounds,
hypertrophic wounds as well as burns, psoriasis and scleroderma. The mechanism of action involves promoting fibrob-
last proliferation and increasing the synthesis of collagen and intracellular fibronectin content and also improvement
of the tensile strength of newly formed skin as well as inhibiting the inflammatory phase of hypertrophic scars and
keloids. Research results indicate that it can be used in the treatment of photoaging skin, cellulite and striae.
Key words: Centella asiatica, triterpenes, wound healing, cosmetic preparation.

gical conditions, to improve small wounds, scratches,

burns, hypertrophic wounds healing, and as an anti-inflam-
Centella asiatica (L.) Urban., synonym: Hydrocotyle asi- matory agent, particularly in eczema. It is also recommended
atica L. (Eng. Indian Pennywort, Fr. Hydrocotyle asiatique, as an antipyretic, diuretic, rheumatic, antibacterial, antivi-
Ger. Asiatischer Wassernabel), also known by common ral drug, in the treatment of vein insufficiency and for improv-
names as: Gotu kola or Tiger Grass, belongs to the Apiaceae ing cognition, relieving anxiety and as an anti-cancer agent
family. It grows in Asia, mainly in India, Pakistan, Mada- [1, 4, 5]. Formerly, C. asiatica was also used in epilepsy, hys-
gascar, equatorial Africa, central America and in the trop- teria, leprosy, and in minor itching and insect bites [5].
ical region of Oceania [1]. The C. asiatica herb was already This review presents the results of activity of C. asiatica
used as a “panacea” three thousand years ago in China, in facilitating the healing of wounds, compounds respon-
India, Africa, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. sible for activity and mechanism of action, also con-
In the 19th century, C. asiatica and C. asiatica extract were traindications and potential side effects. So far studies in
included in the Indian Pharmacopoeia. Due to the medi- the use of this plant as an ingredient in cosmetic prepa-
cinal properties of the plant it was gradually incorporat- rations applied on photoaging skin, in cellulite and striae
ed into other Pharmacopoeias: British Herbal Pharma- have also been presented.
copoeia, Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Dutch Pharmacopoeia,
German Pharmacopoeia, Homöopathisches Arzneibuch,
Martindale European Pharmacopoeia, Pharmacopee Chemical composition
française, La Farmacopea Italiana X, European Pharma- The most important constituents isolated from C. asi-
copoeia VI and into Polish Pharmacopoeia IX edition [1-3]. atica were triterpenoid saponins known as centelloids.
According to European and Polish Pharmacopoeias, Saponins may account for 1% to 8% of all C. asiatica con-
Centella (Centellae asiaticae herba) consists of dried, frag- stituents [6]. The variable quantity mainly depends on
mented aerial parts of Centella asiatica (L. Urban.), contains the origin of the plant and can be established using the
not less than 6.0 per cent of total triterpenoid derivatives HPLC-UV method [7].
expressed as asiaticoside [2, 3]. Centellosides are primarily ursane- and oleanane-type
In traditional Asian medicine, the herb of C. asiatica has pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins. The most important com-
been used for hundreds of years, especially in dermatolo- pounds, due to their pharmacological activity, are asiati-

Address for correspondence: Prof. Wiesława Bylka, Department of Pharmacognosy, Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
4 Swiecickiego Str., 60-781 Poznan, Poland, phone: +48 61 854 67 09, e-mail:
Received: 13.08.2012, accepted: 24.10.2012.

46 Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii XXX; 2013/1

Centella asiatica in cosmetology

coside, madecassoside, asiatic acid and madecassic acid. peptic hydroxyproline content. As a result, the increase of
Other centellosides occurring in C. asiatica include triter- fibroblast proliferation by stimulation of cell migration from
penic acids, for example: brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, the surrounding tissues and/or the expression or activa-
terminolic acid, centellic acid as well as their glycosides: tion of some growth factors in the wound was observed.
brahminoside, madasiaticoside and centelloside [6]. The triterpenoid components were also able to stimulate
Centella also contains other components, including volatile glycosaminoglycan, especially hyaluronic acid synthesis [17].
oils (0.1%), flavonoids, tannins, phytosterols, amino acids The saponins from C. asiatica administered orally or sub-
and sugars [1, 8]. cutaneously to the rats, during 3 weeks caused the reduc-
tion of the scar granuloma, whereas the rupture, tensile
Preparations strength and the collagen content in the scar tissue
increased [1].
Pharmacological, biochemical and clinical studies were The ethanolic extract of the C. asiatica facilitated the
related to undefined aqueous or alcohol extracts and defined wound-healing in both normal and dexamethasone sup-
extracts. Pharmacological research included the following pressed wound healing. The study was done in Wistar albi-
extracts: titrated extract of Centella asiatica (TECA), total no rats using incision, excision and dead space wounds
triterpenoid fraction of Centella asiatica (TTFCA), both con- models. The extract increased the wound breaking
taining asiatic acid (30%), madecassic acid (30%), asiati- strength in incision wound model, accelerated the epithe-
cosides (40%) and total triterpenic fraction (TTF) which com- lization and the rate of wound contraction. Granulation tis-
prises asiatic acid and madecassic acid (60%) as well as sue and hydroxyproline content in a dead space wound also
asiaticosides (40%) [1]. However, information coming increased. The extract attenuated dexamethasone heal-
from licensed medicinal products says that all of the above ing effect in all wound models [18].
mentioned TECA, TTFCA, TTF as well as CATTF and ETCA
Madecassol® was found to have a preventive effect on
are different acronyms to designate the same extract, com-
burn and postoperative hypertrophic scars [13].
mercially known as Madecassol®, Centellase® or Blas-
Madecassoside was active in burn wound healing,
toestimulina®, containing 40% of asiaticoside and a 60%
through increasing antioxidative activity and enhancing
mixture of asiatic and madecassic acids [1, 9].
collagen synthesis, and influencing angiogenesis. Oral
Clinical trials were performed using TECA and ETCA
administration of this compound at doses of 6 mg/kg,
(Estratto Titolato di Centella asiatica) or commercially pro-
12 mg/kg and 24 mg/kg to mice facilitated wound closure
duced extracts: Centella asiatica total triterpenic fraction
in a time-dependent manner and complete wound closure
(CATTF) and TTFCA as well as isolated triterpenoid saponins,
took place on the 20th day in the group receiving 24 mg/kg
mainly asiaticoside, madecassoside and asiatic acid [1, 9].
of madecassoside. The compound caused dermal pro-
The C. asiatica preparations used in conventional me-
liferation of fibroblasts and increased the level of hydrox-
dicine are applied in an oral form (tablets and drops), top-
yproline (used as an indicator of collagen synthesis in burned
ical medication (ointments and powder), in the form of
skin) which resulted in enhanced epithelization. These
injections (s.c., i.m.) and external or internal homeopath-
ic preparations [1]. results confirm a positive effect on fibroblast proliferation
and collagen synthesis during burn wound repair [11].
Asiaticoside also stimulated angiogenesis so that the
Biological activity increase in tension and elasticity of blood vessels was
Centella asiatica is effective in treatment of wounds, observed [19].
even in infected wounds, as well as burns and postoper- Studies on rats have shown that this compound
ative hypertrophic scars [10-13]. Triterpene compounds: asi- (0.2%) applied topically increases the levels of enzymat-
atic acid, madecassic acid, asiaticoside and madecasso- ic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in the newly created
side are the principal components of C. asiatica, responsible tissues [20].
for wound healing. The action has been demonstrated both Asiaticoside caused an increase in hydroxyproline
for the extracts as well as triterpene compounds in a large and also in tensile strength, a rise in collagen content and
number of scientific reports involving in vitro and in vivo better epithelization of punch/puncture wounds in guinea
experiments [14, 15]. pigs or on delayed-type wounds of guinea pigs with exper-
The terpenoids (TTF) cause a significant increase in the imentally induced diabetes [19].
percentage of collagen and cell layer fibronectin. The most The mechanism of action of asiaticoside is the induc-
beneficial effects are the stimulation of scar maturation tion of type I collagen synthesis in human dermal fibrob-
by the production of type I collagen, decrease in the inflam- last cells by phosphorylation of both Smad 2 and Smad 3,
matory reaction and myofibroblast production [16]. also binding Smad 3 and Smad 4. Studies show that asi-
According to Maquart et al., wounds treated with TECA aticoside can induce type I collagen by activation of tumor
and its separated components: asiatic acid, madecassic growth factor β (TGF-β) receptor I kinase – independent
acid and asiaticoside increased total protein, collagen, and Smad pathway [21].

Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii XXX; 2013/1 47

Wiesława Bylka, Paulina Znajdek-Awiżeń, Elżbieta Studzińska-Sroka, Małgorzata Brzezińska

The facilitation of burn wound healing, observed plant origin in the fight against cellulite. Methylxan-
after 20 days of local application of asiaticoside at a dose thines (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline) have a lipophilic
of 10 pg, 1 ng, or 100 ng/wound area on the backs of mice, effect, while the extract of C. asiatica normalizes the metab-
took place through influence on the level of various olism occurring in the cells of the connective tissue, shows
cytokines produced in the place of the burn wound. The anti-inflammatory and draining activity and regulates micro-
improvement in burn wound healing might be an outcome circulation.
of angiogenesis promotion during wound healing in the The study confirmed the influence of triterpenes of
injured area occurring as a result of the stimulation of vas- C. asiatica on increasing the metabolism of lysine and pro-
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production [22]. line, the amino acids building the collagen molecule. In addi-
Eventually, proliferation of epithelial cells and wound tion, these compounds increased the synthesis of tropocol-
contraction occur. In contraction, the wound is made small- lagen, and mucopolysaccharide in the connective tissues.
er by the activity of myofibroblasts [10-12]. The results obtained showed the impact of C. asiatica on
Centella asiatica herb water extracts also shows the improving nutrition of tissues and connective vascular stim-
anti-psoriatic activity [23], exerts a beneficial effect in treat- ulation [26].
ing systemic scleroderma and focal scleroderma [24]. The positive effects of the treatment of cellulite with
In cosmetology C. asiatica has been used as an effec- the C. asiatica extract were confirmed by a few clinical stud-
tive anti-photoaging agent, mainly due to enhancement of ies that used different methodologies. These experi-
type I collagen, which amount in skin decreases with age. ments, however, used non-standard criteria to evaluate the
The action was confirmed in a randomized, double blind progress of the treatment and most of them lacked
clinical trial conducted among 20 female participants a control group. The histopathological study performed in
(45-60 years old) with photoaged skin to examine the impact a double-blind trial, involving 35 patients evaluated the size
of topically applied 0.1% madecassoside in conjunction with of adipocytes in the gluteofemoral region and in the del-
5% vitamin C on their skin. Six-month treatment resulted toid region. Twenty people participating in the experiment
in a significant improvement in firmness, elasticity and skin were administered 60 mg of the dry extract of C. asiatica
hydration, which was confirmed by appropriate bio- orally once a day, for 90 days. Other participants of the
metrological tests. It is considered that the beneficial effect experiment group took a placebo. The results showed that
of C. asiatica on improving the condition of skin was due in the patients taking the Gotu Kola extract, the diameter
to madecassoside, a known inducer of collagen expression of fat cells (or adipocytes) decreased in both studied regions
by activating the SMAD signaling pathway. In the previous of the body with a predominance of positive changes in
study, the same investigators confirmed the beneficial effect the gluteofemoral region. In this study, a reduction in
of 5% vitamin C on photoaged skin, which resulted from interadipocyte fibrosis was also observed [27].
stimulation of collagen synthesis in fibroblasts and control In the experiment on a group of 60 people with cellulite,
of matrix metalloproteinase enzymes responsible for the influence of Madecassol® applied four times a day for
degradation of collagen, while in photoaged skin, the lev- 4 months was studied. The results clearly showed a ben-
el of vitamin C in tissues was significantly reduced. Thus, eficial effect of the Gotu Kola extract on inhibiting the pro-
it follows that the mixture of vitamin C and madecassoside gression of cellulite and a significant improvement in the
is an attractive combination of two active compounds char- skin condition in 85% of the experiment participants. The
acterized by different mechanisms of activity, which exert preparation was well tolerated [1].
an additive or synergistic effect “causing the remodeling Other experiments conducted on 65 patients with
of the superficial dermis” [25]. advanced cellulite showed that oral intake of the prepa-
Centella asiatica is a common ingredient of cosmetics ration Madecassol together with simultaneous reduction
used in cellulite and striae. Cellulite, known as liposclerosis, in diet for 3 months caused a significant decline in cellulite
is a non-inflammatory change within the subcutaneous adi- in 58% of the patients, whereas in 20% of the volunteers
pose tissue caused by an increase in the volume of fat cells the effects were only satisfactory [28].
or by increased division of the connective tissue, which A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of
causes constriction of small blood vessels. The result is a dis- the cream Trofolastin®, containing an extract of C. asiatica,
order of metabolism in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, α-tocopherol, hydrolyzed collagen and elastin, was carried
resulting in "distended" fat cells in this tissue, particularly out on 100 pregnant women. Half of the women, who qual-
around hips, buttocks, abdomen, thighs and arms. Cellulite ified for the study, received a placebo, the other half were
is an ailment that affects many people, most frequently applied a tested cosmetic preparation. The cream was
women, especially obese and leading stationary lifestyle, applied daily on breasts, abdomen, buttocks and hips,
but may even be encountered in children. starting from the third month of pregnancy. The test lasting
Preparations that affect the adipose tissue, connective 30 months was carried through by 80 of the women (39 in
tissue and improve microcirculation are applied in the treat- the placebo group and 41 in the group using the cream). The
ment of cellulite. They can be used topically, internally and results indicated that in the placebo group, striae occurred
transdermally. It is recommended to include medicines of in 56% of the women (22 patients), whereas in the group that

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Centella asiatica in cosmetology

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