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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Scope


English is the most spoken language in the world and also it is the official

language in a large number of countries according to Hirsch (2011). It is now easier to

communicate with other people from other country. In school, it is the medium of

instruction used by the teachers even in books that is used by the students. It is not

used only by the Americans but also by the Asian countries.

In Germany, Jenniferc (2014) stated that developing language skills is an early

predictor of success in school. Mastery of language is one of the components to

achieve something bigger. Using the specific language may lead to success,

understanding, peace and harmony to everyone.

In Brazil, Torres (2011) mentioned that good communication creates a good

ambiance and relationship between everyone in every organization most especially if it

is inside a business while English is now required in every company. In order to be

successful you must have sufficient English proficiency and reading, writing, listening

and speaking comprehension. English is mostly used when you want to get a job for

your resume and application letters.

In the Philippines Suelto (2012) cite that learning English aims at helping

students used the language effectively for real life purposes. Students need to use

English to become functional in professional, academic and social setting. Learning the
language can be challenging and time consuming. It is not easy to learn the language

but in the end you feel that everything you learn from the language is worth it.

The society of honor, Philippines (2014) noted that English is the official

language of the Philippines. Thus, the number one reality is that the economy is based

on English, and successful workers and managers are fluent in English. The language

has become essential factor in strengthening trade and travel. It is also a factor of

business and looking for a job to hire fast and promotion. Besides from that is widely

used in communication through modern technology and media communication devices

such as mobile phones and the internet.

In HCDC, English is the easiest way to communicate other people. It is indeed a

universal language that is spoken by the people. Especially, when there is an exchange

student from the other country. It is easier for the students to communicate to them by

speaking the same language. It is now a way of making friends with the students.

Most of the local school in Davao, student must use English as an asset of their

performance not just in a school but also in their future career. English nowadays are

usual particularly in foreign jobs. Hence, there is a lot of advantage by using this

language since it is now a universal.

Theoretical Framework

Stephen krashen’s theory by Krashen (2014).” Acquisition requires meaningful

interaction in the target language - natural communication - in which speakers are

concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are

conveying and understanding’. By the use of language, a person may acquire the

aspect of being sociable among others. In a classroom, language plays an important

role to teacher/students. For teachers it is used as their medium of instructions and for

students it is used as their tool to communicate to their classmates and teachers.

Language helps students to deliver their ideas during class participation. It is the only

way that the students can express their ideas. They can also communicate easily to

those students from the other country by using the same language or the universal

language. Especially those exchange students who came here in the Philippines to

study our culture and tradition.

Another theory is the behaviorist theory by Skinner (1957), Children imitates

adults. Their correct utterances are reinforced when they get what they want or praised.

English language develop proficiency in an academic performance. Its importance has

only been heightened with the advent of the common core. When a child in a classroom

a teacher has the responsibility to boost the knowledge of a child. One of the specific

way of that teacher must praise the children when they participated in a class. The

teacher must aware the needs of the child in order for the child be motivated to

participate in a class. By that the children can acquire her/his skill in language by

participating in the class. Listening and speaking skills that students tend to acquire

quickly in a new-language. In order to communicate in social situations such as asking

someone direction. As the child grows their learning capacity expanded. They also learn

from the community that they stayed during childhood years. They capture their culture

and traditions especially the language that being used in a community.

Another theory is innate/mentalist theory by Chomsky (1957). A child’s brain

contains special language-learning mechanism at birth and a person was born with a

predisposition to learn language. It is said that the child’s learning is according to the

environment that they grow. Its language is learned by the place that they reside. If the

child grows in a well-productive site, it is expected that the child’s language is well

stated. English is the language that the well productive family uses especially the family

of business owners. Mostly the students who attend in the private school belong to the

elite family and uses English language as their medium of instruction.

Another theory is interactionist theory by Bruner (1957). Language changes

owing to its instability, because of random errors and events within the language

system, as a response of the ever changing context of language use and its users.

Language changing due to the events and the usage of its uses upon the language

system. The main reason of these occurring changing is that, the words uses/spoken is

not literally what it defines but it depends on the structures of the sentence or words that

has been used in a conversation. In our generation today there are a lot of languages

that being used in the community. It is said that Filipinos can easily adopt the tradition

and most especially the language from the other country. Example is the Korean

language; it is now being used by the students because of their movies that being

played in the Philippines.

The English proficiency is an important tool in learning not only for the tertiary

students but also for lower year that are learning the process of being proficient in the

said language. It is also useful in getting job because it is now used as the medium of

instruction. Learning English language is also useful for it can help use in creating our

reflections and other projects in the school. English proficiency affects the class

performance of the students for it is being practiced inside the premises the English

language more effective. Class participation can help the students in enhancing their

grades in school. It is said tha5t the child learns as they grow. So, as the student’s grow

they must learn the language step-by-step so that when they get into higher level it is

not difficult for them to understand the instructions that the teacher will give.
Conceptual Framework

English Proficiency

 Reading
 Writing Class Performance
 Speaking
 Listening

Figure 1. This diagram shows the relationship between English proficiency and

the class performance of PE students of HCDC

Statement of the Problem

Primarily, this study aims to evaluate the proficiency of the BPE students.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender; and

1.3 Year Level?

2. What is the level of English proficiency of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Reading

2.2 Listening

2.3 Writing; and

2.4 Speaking?

3. What is the level of class performance of the respondents in terms of: GWA?

4. Is there a significant relationship between English proficiency and class

performance among BPE students of Holy Cross of Davao College?

Null Hypothesis

Ho1: There is no relationship between English proficiency and class

Significance of the Study

Students have advantages when it comes to business and matters of trade; the

English language tends to be the common currency. By studying English, student

expect to be able to conduct business transactions, write and respond to documents

such as emails, memos, contracts, agreements and reports and possibly pursue a


Teachers become an expert to the subjects. Teacher qualified as good educator

if his/her student skills is useful or have a contribute of the school, like attaining

competition, national English theater etc.

Administrator will possibly promote as good organizational skills. This skill gets

developed during the course of work. As the person has to manage all the department

functions they need to be focused and know which project is important. Fast and

efficient as the administrator function requires one to gather information, organize them

and keep in orderly manner, they always see that their desks are clutter free. This helps

them indirectly to perform their work, fast and efficient.

Parents want their children to develop English language skills. Parents are

children first teachers and have responsibility for their child’s growth and development,

including their child’s overall education. Parents in both the public and private sector

have been behind the efforts to expand English language instruction into primary level

classrooms. This study will also benefit the parents through learning English proficiency

and later on teach them to their children.

Definition of Terms

English proficiency – is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an

acquired language.

Class performance – is an important aspect of student learning. When students

speak up in the class, they learn to express their ideas in a way that others can

understand specifically using English language. When they ask question they learn how

to obtain information to enhance their own understanding of a topic.

Fluency – a quality or condition of being fluent. The ability to speak or write, read

languages easily and accurately.

Reading – the action or skill of reading written or printed materials silently or


Writing – the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing


Speaking – to converse, or expressing one’s thoughts and feelings in spoken


Listening – is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the

communication process.

Communication – the act or process of using words sounds etc. to express or

exchange information to express your ideas, thoughts particularly in a classroom

Chapter 2

Review of the Related Literature

A review of related literature is an essential aspect of investigation. The term

“review” means revision or “glance over” or “refer back on”. It implies locating, studying

and evaluating the reports of relevant researches, study of published articles, research

abstracts as well as reports of casual observation and opinion that are related to the

individuals’ planned research project. (Atlas, 2001)

The survey of related studies serves multiple purposes. It helps the investigator

to acquaint with correct knowledge in the area of research. It furnishes the tried

methods, techniques, priorities and importance about the similar related past studies

and to help in the formation of hypotheses for the new study. By studying the works of

other investigators, one can avoid futile and irrelevant topics, vain efforts and ineffective

approaches already discarded by his/her predecessor. So the investigator has

attempted to collect relevant information related to the work from literature available in

the field.

Related Literature

Blount (2005), mentioned that there are four criteries used to mark the speaking

test are: Communicative ability and content this criterion refers to the candidate’s ability

to express opinions and information. It also refers to the candidate’s ability to initiate

and respond to questions appropriately and their ability to take an active part in the
interaction. Pronunciation and fluency this criterion refers to the candidate’s ability to

produce comprehensible language and includes aspects such as the production of

individual sounds, stress patterns, amount of hesitation and accent. Lexical accuracy

and range this criterion refers to the candidate’s accurately and appropriate use of

vocabulary to communicate in the speaking test. It also refers to the candidate’s ability

to cope with vocabulary problems encountered during the test and the ability to use

circumlocution. Grammatical accuracy and range this criterion refers to the range and

accuracy of the grammatical structures which the candidate uses during the speaking


Bernhardt (2015), believes that is important to recognize that second language

reading is a new and different literacy. As such it is a complex social and

psycholinguistic process that cannot be separated into reading components and

language components. Indeed, it can be hypothesized that second language reading is

in part dependent of first language literacy and other language operations.

Chan and Wu (2015), talk about the three perspectives from which research

studies on anxiety are conducted. These are trait anxiety, state anxiety, and situation-

specific anxiety. Trait anxiety, a motive or acquired behavioral disposition that

predisposes an individual to perceive a wide range of objectively non-dangerous

circumstances as threatening, and to respond to these circumstances with anxiety state

reactions disproportionate in intensity to the magnitude of the objective danger, is

relatively permanent and steady personality feature (Spielberger 10). State anxiety is

apprehension experienced at particular moment in time, for example, prior to taking

exams. This anxiety can be provoked in the confrontation of the perceived threat
(MacIntyre& Gardner 157 - 158). However, it is temporary and altered in time. In order

to attribute the experience to a particular source, researchers adopt situation specific

perspective to the study of anxiety. This perspective focuses on the situations in which

anxiety is aroused and this kind of anxiety is therefore termed as situation-specific

anxiety. Unlike trait and state perspective, situation-specific perspective requires the

respondents to attribute their anxiety to particular sources. Specific situations can offer

more understanding to particular anxiety in diverse situations.

Language anxiety, according to Zheng (2015), is a pervasive phenomenon,

especially among the foreign language learning population. Instead of assuming its

generic property as one type of anxiety, it is vital to approach this conceptually complex

psychological emotion from diverse angles. Language anxiety is not merely an

additional element that is negligible in second/foreign language learning. It is indeed a

central emotional construct that is essential in influencing second/foreign language

learning. He mentions that language anxiety threshold is a level of language anxiety

below which second or foreign language learners feel challenged, yet not

overwhelmingly anxious. It is therefore important to understand language anxiety

threshold in order to help learners and teachers to be aware of the comfort level of the


Nurdaya (2012), stated in her research that using recognizing scripts can help

the beginner speaking by make a classification about every communication situation

with predictable set of spoken exchanges such as greetings, apologies, compliments,

invitations, request and many other scripts, by using scripts the learner could be a

active speaker because they know and could prediction the answer from the question in
a conversation, the instructors or the teachers must give many example script in

different situation so that the learner can develop their speaking ability and give more

practice using the script.

Nurdaya (2012), pointed in her research, using language to talk language is a

method which the teachers or the instructors to resolve the problem when the learner

faced the problem such misunderstanding between the learner and the other in

communication so that can make the learner become shy or embarrassed, the learner

does not understand the speaker says, when they realize a conversation their partner

could not understand them so that the learner does not want to speak again, to

overcome this situation the teachers or the instructors have key position to clarify that

misunderstanding and clarification something can occur in any types of conversation

and in any level of language skill and give motivation so that the student will have

confidence in communication in various situation in anywhere.

Garza, Horwitz, and Saito (2015), developed the Foreign Language Classroom

Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and Foreaign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS).

FLCAS (Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope 129) was developed to assess the degree to which

a respondent feels anxious in a foreign language classroom based on the construct of

foreign language classroom anxiety being a composite of communication apprehension,

fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety. The scale is a 33-item 5-point Likert scale

which includes 24 positively worded and 9 negatively worded items. FLRAS on the

other hand elicits students' self-reports of anxiety over various aspects of reading, their

perceptions of reading difficulties in their target language, and their perceptions of the

relative difficulty of reading as compared to the difficulty of other language skills. It

contains 20 Likert scale items also scored on a 5-point scale. The theoretical ranges of

the FLCAS and FLRAS scales are from 33 to 165 and from 20 to 100, respectively.

Kirby, Winston et al. (2002), focused on student’s impatience (his time-discount

behavior) that influences his own academic performance.There are often different

results by gender, as in Hoxby’s K-12 results (2000);

The results of Zimmerman (2001), were somewhat contradictory to Goethe

results but again it proved that students performance depends on number of different

factors, it says that weak peers might reduce the grades of middling or strong students.

Sacerdote (2001), finds that grades are higher when students have unusual

academically strong roommates.

Villasanta (2012), mentioned in her research that we have to organized detailed

answer so as clear as we can so that listener could understand our question or our

statement, before beginning to answer the question, it is possible to comment on it by

saying, if you use this strategy, it will give you a little more time to prepare an organized

answer. In organizing answer, it may be useful as in writing to begin a sentence or

phase that gives a summary of the main points that we are going to talk about.

Shuanga (2012), in her research, the question needs answer clearly and

correctly so that we could transferring our aim our statement, with the clearly and the

correctly there is no misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener. We can

check the speaker’s understanding and we need to develop our confidence in forming

correct question.
Skemmy (2012), in her research playing role could helpful to increase speaking

skill because when you playing role you could be the listener and the speaker in the

same time, there is interaction between the other characters. To play our role well, we

have to understand some things are like.

Rustan (2004), in his research the teacher’s role in giving material is very

important. Their way using material can encourage student’s spirit to learn.

Nurdaya (2012), in her research, sometimes the teacher gives the wrong

teaching method to their students, they have to know the best method in teaching so

that the learners interest in studying the language.

Askar (2005), in his research the improving of the ability of listening

comprehension will indicate support to the improvement of the quality of speaking.

Listening a foreign conversation or foreign song makes the learner know the

pronunciation of the words.

Rizki (2011), Role play in the process of learning English will be fun and can

be effective. Technique of role play in the learning process is used to learn about the

introduction of feelings and issues facing students, and to develop problem solving

skills. Role play techniques aimed at solving problems concerning human relationships,

particularly those involving student life and to motivate students to pay more attention to

the content being taught. Role playing is a simulation of the behavior of people who

played, which aims to train students in real situations; train intensively oral language

practice, and provide the opportunity for students to develop communication skills.
Nining (2011), in her research “Stories engage the student’s imaginations and

hold their interest, especially if there are pictures to go with the story.Through picture

presentation, people are able to reach outside their minds”. Storytelling makes the

learner feel like playing, through listening to stories students develop their vocabulary

and grammar knowledge, which improves their fluency in verbal expression.

Kate Ross (2010), who stated that the use of cellular phones is affecting

student’s spelling and grammar proficiency negatively, as evidenced from their use of

abbreviated words. This resulted in extensive use of electronic chatting. The students

are producing worse assignments, creating incorrect subject-verb agreements, and

misspelling. Ross is an instructional coach for language arts teachers in her own district,

and she often see shortened words or sentences in text messaging dialogues on

students’ compositions. She said that this might have changed the attitude of the

students towards writing, and it seemed that they want everything done as fast as

possible. But before mobile phones became a problem to some, it used to be a

connector between people.

Bleakley and Chin (2008), estimate the causal effects of immigrants’ English

proficiency on various outcomes of their U.S.-born children, and allow the effects to vary

by Hispanic origin. We find that children with Limited-English-proficient parents have

worse English-language skills and are more likely to drop out of high school, be below

their age-appropriate grade, and not attend preschool.

Related Studies

Yaratan (2011), cited that as a result of this substantial change in language

teaching, teachers needed extra aids to provide learners with the desired environments

and foster exposition to authenticity. Therefore, this study would give a thorough and

deep knowledge to every language teacher that through the use of media, these give

abundant information and create continuous communicative competence among ESL

learners that a media can develop and enhance the learning of English language in

classrooms where they spend a lot of their time.

Mayora (2006), stressed that multimedia used in English classes result in

motivating, productive and advanced lessons. The use of instructional technologies in

the classroom has theotential to help the teacher explain new concepts clearly, resulting

in better student understanding of the concepts being taught. In a survey, to find factors

that facilitate teacher skill, teacher morale, and perceived student learning in

technology-using classrooms.

Lightbown (2010), assented on the viewing skill where students can learn very

much from looking at film or shorter video clips. Students can improve their receptive

skills by reading English subtitles. It also improves their communicative skills as they

talk about a common experience with their classmates.

Espada (2000), those learners preferred watching English shows, movies and

documentaries had a higher chance to improve their English performance. It was

denoted that majority of the student – respondents were “Intermediate” level in terms of

their writing skill which describe as able to use the language effectively in most formal
and informal in written exchanges. It was revealed that majority of the student –

respondents level in terms in listening skill were “Intermediate” level. In this level, the

listeners can understand information conveyed in simple, sentence-length speech on

familiar or everyday topics. For reading skill, majority of the student – respondents

interpreted as “Intermediate” level.

According to Marcelleti, et. al. (2013), educational settings have been significant

environments for language teaching. English language instruction focuses specifically

on helping English learners develop English language skills in reading, speaking,

writing, listening and viewing.

Brewster,et. al. (2000), there are some reasons why the textbook is used in

teaching learning; it is useful learning aid for the students, it can identify what should be

taught or learned, it can indicate what methodology should be used, it can provide

attractively and economically, all or most materials needed.11 The teachers not only

can use material from a book, but they also can use several books for supplementing

original material.

Kennedy (2014), textbook provide the majority of materials, teacher can also use

other materials in order to provide variety. The numbers of supplementary materials can

be chosen are storybook, songs, rhyme, chants, game, posters, flashcards, worksheet,

video, CDs, the internet and other CALL program, etc. Furthermore, Harmer has

defined method as the practical realization of an approach. The methods are arrived at

decisions about types of activities, roles of teachers and learners, the kinds of material

which will be helpful, and some model of syllabus organization.

Wolberg (2001), the procedure of teaching English is simply a combination of

activities of teaching grammar and translation. The teaching begins with English rules,

isolated vocabulary items, paradigm and translation. The teacher explains the rules in

students’ firs language and then simple words are put into slots of grammatical rules.

The grammatical rules are memorized as units.

Moore (2001), In learning English language, there is one important component

that is English vocabulary. As young learners, the students in elementary school was

taught the simples vocabularies, it is caused the students in elementary school is still

young, so they are still needs to acquire and understand just the simple vocabularies. It

is caused, with simple vocabularies the students can acquire and understand the

vocabularies easily.

Maxin (2007), writer can conclude that the process of acquisition between

children and adult is different. If adult can acquire their language when they were child,

and they can learn more than one language after they can get their first language in

their early life. And the children can acquire to additional languages at an early age he

or she will learn those languages. On the other hand, english vocabulary must be

mastered by the children in elementary school. It is caused the English vocabulary as

the basic components of learning English language. And the English materials consists

of the names of animals, daily activities, greetings, the names of food and drinks,

hobbies, introductions, weather, numbers, times, and another simple vocabulary.

Thornburry (2011), stated that there are also some kinds of English vocabulary

that is homonyms, homophone, and homographs. First, words that share the same form
but have unrelated meanings are called homonyms for ex, we have seen how like and

like can be two quite different words, i.e. I like looking TV and it look like new. Second,

there are many words that sound the same but the spelling is differently for ex, words

horse and hoarse, meet and meat, these are called homophones (literally same sound).

Third, there are also words that are pronounced differently but spelt the same for

example: a windy day but a long and windy road, a live concert but where do you live?

These are called homographs.24 From all statements above, the writer concluded that

English vocabularies have many benefit, as; first, with vocabulary people can learn

some language because without vocabulary they cannot learn language, they cannot

express their feeling, their attention to communicate with others. Second, in learning

English vocabulary, we can know some aspects of vocabulary, consists of, homonyms,

homophones, and homograph. With these aspects, we can know about words that

share the same form but have different sound, and any others.

Joshi (2000), conducted a study on neuroticism, extraversion and academic

achievement as related to gender and culture. The sample selected for the study was

400 students of eighth class belonging to urban and rural area of Punjab. School

records and Eysenck‟s personality inventory was used for data collection. Results

revealed a significant difference between boys and girls of rural areas on academic


According to Stun (2001), children is less interest with the materials that the

teachers taught in the classroom, it is because the materials was too difficult to

understand by the children, so that the children become less to enthusiastic and eager

to learn these materials. It means that, if the children have not the spirit or the
enthusiastic to learn, so they will also difficult to acquire and master the materials

especially in learning English vocabulary.

Kohl et al. (2000), conducted a study on family factors which potentially put

parental involvement at risk. The participants in the study were parents, teachers and

350 children of America. Family and social data were collected through interviews

conducted with parents. Parental involvement was rated by teachers and parentsn

separately using a purpose designed instrument. Highly educated parents encouraged

their children more to achieve. Findings also indicated positive relationship between

academic achievement and parental education

Sarkasm (2014), younger learners in informal language learning environments

usually have more time to devote to learning language. They often have more

opportunities to hear and use the language in environments where they do not

experience strong pressure to speak fluently and accurately from very beginning.

According to Krashen (2011), there are three generalizations of the effect of age

and second language, is as follows; first, adult proceed through the early stages of

second language development faster than children do. Second, older children acquire

faster than young children, time and exposure to second language proficiency than

those beginning as adults. It means that the second language development of older and

younger learners who are learning in similar circumstances have shown that at least in

the early stages of second language development, older learners are more efficient than

younger learners.
According to Pang (2003), reading is defined as understanding written texts. He

says that reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and

comprehension. Word recognition is defined as the process of getting how written

symbols correspond to one’s spoken language while comprehension is the process of

making the meaning of words, sentences and connected text. He adds his statement

that the reader who has background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge,

experience with text and other strategies can help them understand written texts.

Klingner (2007), reading comprehension is “the process of constructing meaning

by coordinating a number of complex processes that included word reading, word and

world knowledge, and fluency”. It refers to the ability in interpreting the words,

understanding the meaning and the relationships between ideas conveyed in a text. He

summarized reading comprehension instruction for the teacher as following a three-step

procedure: mentioning, practicing, and assessing. That is, teachers mention the skills

that the students want to use, then they give them opportunities to practice those skills

through workbooks or work sheets, and finally assess whether or not they use the skill


Pang (2003), comprehension is the process of making sense of words,

sentences and connected text. He says that comprehension is the processes of deriving

the meaning of one word to another in a text. Readers typically make use of background

knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with a text and other

strategies to help them understand the written texts.

Kimbly and Garmezy in Brown (2000), define that teaching is the activities to

show or help someone to learn how to do something, give instructions, guide in the

study of something, provide with the knowledge, cause to know, understand knowledge

and give new knowledge.

Readers can resume the long string of ideas or events by grouping the important

key of the word they get from the reading. The strategy of semantic mapping, or

grouping ideas into meaningful clusters, helps the reader to remember the contents of

the text. (Brown,2000).

Renandya (2002), In the classroom, students need some activities to decrease

their difficulties in studying English. The teacher can apply these activities, those are,

playing guess and communication games, doing role-replay and skits; sing a song,

using group work, laughing with the students, having them share fears in small groups.

According to Brown (2001), long-term goals may include the mastery of English,

the passing of an exam (at the end of the year), the possibility of a better job in the

future, etc. Short-term goals, on the other hand, might be the learning of a small amount

of new language, the successful writing of an essay, the ability to partake in a

discussion or the passing of the progress test at the end of the week.

Allen (cited in Brown, 2001), there are some 18 characteristics of good language

teachers. Firtsly, the teachers should love and comprehend English language such as

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Secondly, they understand and use a wide

variety of techniques. Next, they give optimal feedback to students, use appropriate

principles of classroom management, adapt textbook material and other audio

creatively, enjoy people, and show enthusiasm. In a classroom, teachers’ roles can

influence activities. It means that the teachers change from one activity to another. If

they are fluent at making these changes, the effectiveness as the teachers is greatly


Teachers should be good organizer. It means that the teachers should organize

the students to do various activities. This often involves giving the students information,

telling them how they are going to do the activity, putting them into pairs or groups, and

finally closing things down when it is time to stop (Harmer, 2001)

In a classroom, teacher does not only teach the students but also observe them.

It is aimed to give them useful feedback. In the classroom observation, the teachers

watch students’ learning process in order to judge the success of different materials and

activities. The teachers can make changes in the future if the activities are not

appropriate to the students’ needs (Harmer, 2001)

Feez (2002), she says that in the building the context, the students are

introduced to the social context of an authentic model of the text-type being studied and

the students explore features of the general cultural context in which the text-type is

used and the social purposes the texttype achieves. In this stage, the researcher tried to

brainstorm the students’ background knowledge by providing some questions related to

the material that they would learn. He encouraged the students to use the background

of the knowledge they had already known, such as knowledge that they got in daily life

related to the text studied by them.

According to Feez (2002), the students investigate what they have learnt in this

teaching and learning cycle can be related to other text in the same or similar contexts.

It is important to note that the genre approach does not advocate that students

mindlessly imitate the teacher. Instead, it gives students the opportunity to learn to

function at a level beyond that which they could learn to do on their own. The teacher

may continue the task to independent task when a group or pair construction has shown

that the students have gained control of the field and the mode. The teacher’s rule in

this stage is only to provide constructive comment to the students on what further

development may be necessary. The problem that may emerge in this stage is how to

support students to complete their task independently.

Bintari (2010), did action research in improving the students’ achievement in

speaking learning. This thesis tries to find out whether the jigsaw can improve the

student’s speaking ability especially in narrative texts in the learning process. The result

of this study shows that there is an indication that implementation of teaching speaking

by using jigsaw method ran well. By using this technique, the students can improve their

speaking ability. Additionally, most of the students agree that jigsaw method is effective,

appropriate, and not bored. Based on this research, it is clear that helping students to

improve their speaking skill by using jigsaw method is successful.

Devi and Kiran (2002), studied factors associated with scholastic backwardness

of secondary school children. 100 low achievers from secondary schools of Hyderabad

city were selected as sample for the study. Interview schedule was used to elicit factors

related to scholastic backwardness. The results reported that low educational status of

parents found to be detrimental to academic achievement of their children.

Tavani and Losh (2003), studied motivation, self-confidence and expectations as

predictors of academic performance. On a sample of 4012 high school students of

Florida the freshman survey instrument developed by cooperative institutional research

program was employed to collect the data. The findings indicated that parental

education was found to be significant predictors of educational achievement. Parental

education had also positive relationship with achievement motivation of the students.

The English proficiency is an important tool in learning not only for the tertiary

students but also for the lower year that are learning the process of being proficient in

the said language. It is also useful in getting a job because it is now used as the

medium of instruction. Learning the English language is also useful for it can help use in

creating our reflections and other projects in the school. English proficiency affects the

class performance of the students for it is being practiced inside the premises the

English language more effective. Class participation can help the students in enhancing

their grades in school. It is said that the child learn as they grow. So, as the students

grow they must learn the language step-by-step so that when they get into tertiary level

it not difficult for them to understand the instructions that the teacher will give. Reading

books can also help the students learn more word and it can also help them in

enhancing their vocabulary. Creating phrases is now easy for them.

Chapter 3


This part covers discussion on research design of the study. It also provides the

research environment, the respondents, the research instruments, the data gathering

procedure and data analysis.

Research Design

This study is quantitative in nature, considering the descriptive-correlation survey

approach in gathering data through a survey questionnaire. This design was utilized to

determine the relationship of English proficiency and class performance.

A descriptive correlation method refers to a type of study in which information is

collected without making any changes to the subject study. This means that the

experiment cannot directly interact with the environment in which she is studying in a

way that would cause any changes related to the experiment. These types of studies

are also sometimes known as observational studies.

All descriptive correlation method studies have the same basic property of

avoiding any direct changes in the environment of the study. However, there are a

number of different types of descriptive correlation method that each perform research

in a slightly different way. In these cases, behavior must remain unchanged, but the

subjects are often brought back in for further questions. Descriptive studies generally

use surveys or other methods of data collection that rely on existing records.
Research Environment

The research was conducted at Holy Cross of Davao College on the 2 nd

semester of S.Y 2016-2017. The institution is owned by the Archdiocese of Davao. Holy

Cross of Davao College is an Archdiocesan institution located at Sta. Ana Avenue,

Davao City. Holy Cross of Davao College is a catholic educational institution nurtured

by three religious institutions to answer the needs of the community for the quality

education rooted in the tradition of the Catholic faith. And the Archdiocese of Davao

from 1976 up to the present, building on the tradition of its predecessors, expanded

them to make the Holy Cross of Davao College a prime college in the city of Davao,

providing affordable quality Catholic education not only to the people of the city but also

to the neighboring provinces.

Respondents of the Study

Table1. Distribution of Respondents

Gender Age Age Frequency Percent (%)

16-20 21-25

Female 15 17 32 48%

Male 20 15 35 52%

TOTAL 35 32 67 100%
The researcher respondents equation, there are 15 female who have 16-20

number of age and 17 for 20-25 age. On the other hand, male have 20 population of 16-

20 of age and 15 for 20-25 number of age. The total of slovin’s equation is 67 out of 197

population of the respondents of BPE Students.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a self-made survey questionnaire verified by a tool of

expert in conducting the research to gather data from the respondents. The

questionnaire consists of two pairs: the profile of the respondent in terms of age,

gender, year level and the level of English background of the respondents in terms of

foundation and attitude towards English subject. The instrument is answerable by

checking the box of the choices found at the corner of the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedures

For data gathering, first, the researchers distributed the survey questionnaire to

the corresponding respondents chosen by the researchers. Second, respondents are

required to answer the necessary information needed in the research study. They are

given allocated time to answer the questionnaire and right after they answered the tool,

the researchers will collect the instrument. After the data gathered, the researchers will

consolidate the information gathered, and then create a tabular presentation that shows

the data to be needed for statistical treatment.

Data to be Respondent Tool to gather Techniques Output of the
gathered s data to analyze study

English Survey Percentage Enhancement

Proficiency Questionnaire of the school
services that is
67 BPE Mean being rendered
Profiling of students of Self-made to the BPE
the HCDC students in
respondent terms of
Pearson r
s in terms English
of their oral communication
communica skills.
tion skills

Data Analysis

For the statistical treatment of the data, the techniques to be used in analyzing

the data are the percentage, mean and Pearson R.

Percentage rate will be used to present the percentage of the overall profile of

the respondents in terms of age, gender and year level.

Mean will be used to analyze and interpret the data English proficiency in terms

of communication and academic performance of the respondents.

The Pearson R product-moment correlation coefficient is a measure of the

strength of the linear relationship between two variables.


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